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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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October 13, 2023 at 11:55am
October 13, 2023 at 11:55am
Friday, the 13th and a Solar Eclipse on Saturday. Are you superstitious? If you think Friday the 13th is scary, try hanging out with me when I've been without coffee.
Did you know Friday the 13th combines two taboos that come from the bible, accord to Stevens. Based on the story of the Last Supper of Jesus, 13 people were seated at the table and it happened on a Thursday. He was arrested that evening, and crucified the next day, on a Friday. "So 13 is associated with that terrible event.
How do you feel about the number 13? Or is it just another day to you?


Nope, I don't believe in the "unlucky" anything. After all, I now have an old finicky black cat I love so much.

The idea of the "unlucky" happens because if anything seems to be unlucky, it is because our minds have made it so. What we think we make happen because, as the creatures of this universe, we do have certain powers, some unbeknownst to ourselves, and I think quantum physics is on the way to discovering this very fact.

Many bad things may take place on any other day in life, regardless of the number attached to the day. Come to think of it, numbering the days and the months is a human thing and it isn't there in nature, even if nature may work on a set schedule.

As to the fear of Friday the 13th, this fear is not based on any scientific evidence. In reality, the chances of experiencing misfortune on this particular day are no greater than on any other day of the year. It's a superstition, perpetuated by badly interpreted religious traditions and cultural beliefs.

I certainly believe that, while it's essential to respect people's beliefs, it's equally crucial to remember that such superstitions are not rooted in concrete evidence and should not govern our decisions or actions. After all, luck, or the lack of it, often depends on one's perspective and attitude rather than specific dates on the calendar.

By the way, Lyn's a Witchy Woman , your "If you think Friday the 13th is scary, try hanging out with me when I've been without coffee," made me spurt out my own coffee. *Wink* *Rolling*

October 12, 2023 at 11:00am
October 12, 2023 at 11:00am
Prompt: Do you believe in good luck charms?


No, not really, although I think they're a lot of fun. In essence, nothing increases one's own luck like one's own thinking, attitude, and work.

The thing with good luck charms is that they bring a bit of hope and sunshine to the chaotic and unpredictable world we live in. Plus, they may have some sentimental or cultural meaning to some of us.

My mother, so unlike me, did believe in such things going as far as to pinning amulets on her bra straps. I don't think they did her any good, but maybe they made her feel better and well-protected, and she might have felt she was at least doing something about the oft-wrongly-perceived ills of the world and the darker side of living.

She might have a point in that new studies conducted by therapists and scientists have come up with the idea that having special items that people associate with good fortune may actually increase their chances of succeeding at whatever it is that they wish to succeed at. This isn't really science but a tactic to make one's mind believe in the positive so it steers a person toward some success. In its essence, a lucky charm usually may work to improve people's luck and bring happiness and positivity into their life, if only it can bring to the surface the locked part of them deep inside their subconscious.

Then, as I mentioned earlier, such things as charms, amulets, etc. are not for me, but I can see how they can boost someone else's confidence and improve their performance in several areas of living. Still, even this little success of any lucky charm must depend on one's own abilities and inner potential.

October 11, 2023 at 12:24pm
October 11, 2023 at 12:24pm
Prompt: I am always having dreams that I lose my purse, my car gets stolen and my cat who is an indoor cat, is outside with me and runs off. I would like to hear about your dreams like this. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


This prompt by Megan made me smile. Yes, I think, at one time or another, we all have recurring dreams. Recurring dreams are fascinating, enigmatic, and sometimes problematic to the degree that even the seasoned therapists can't solve them.

Here is a page that addresses the issue of recurring dreams as far as Americans are concerned:

In my case, I've had recurring dreams at certain points in my life. For example during my early 20s and 30s I used to lose my shoes or my clothes in public. Lol! I don't know what brought those dreams on! The thing was, they repeated only in certain stages of my life, and eventually, they faded away.

Then, later on, when my sons were young, I kept dreaming I was chasing some wild animals in our backyard. If this wasn't symbolism, I don't know what is! *Rolling*

I've also had very strong flying dreams for a very long time. In them, I went everywhere, and once, even to the end regions of the universe, which was very dangerous and someone warned me to get away from there. Now, what was that about?

Interpreting the meaning of recurring dreams can be complex as they are highly individualized. They could be about unresolved issues, facing tough decisions, conflicts, or exams, or just plain stress and anxiety. Whatever they are in their essence, I bet for us dreamers, they are symbols of something or other.

Luckily, nowadays, I don't dream as much and the only dream that recurred a few times during this last year, to the best of my memory, is the one in which I keep cleaning after somebody else's mess. One of them was a huge hill of unneeded stuff. Does that stuff belong to me or to the others around me is up for speculation, but I am known among my friends and family to clean up after others' emotional messes. Probably, in that dream, some of that messy stuff belonged to me, too.

October 10, 2023 at 10:15am
October 10, 2023 at 10:15am
Prompt: People and happiness
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust
Which kinds of people make you happy? And/or does your happiness depend on other people?


Happiness is a difficult subject to write about because to be constantly, deliriously happy seems to be an over-the-top idea to me, especially in this world of ours where there is always something disturbing and someone who is miserable. On the other hand, external influences should not determine anyone's overall well-being, as real contentment can live inside a person and does not/should not come from the outside.

Yet, it is also true that some people have the knack to make others happier, be it for a short while. Such people are usually empathetic and have the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. Having the presence of such a person may bring comfort to any distressed human being.

Also, optimists and positive thinkers tend to see the bright side of things even in challenging situations, making their positive outlook infectious. In addition, kinder people who are generous with their time and resources can create positivity in others. Some people are also good listeners, especially when they listen to others' troubles without judgment or unwanted advice. Most of the time, supportive friends and family can be reliable sources of emotional assistance when one really needs someone else to hold his or her hand.

In my case, when it involves my own happier feelings, having a sense of control over my own emotions and my own well-being should be my own business. Expecting others to hold my hand when I am down is unrealistic, and it can put undue pressure on my loved ones. If only for that reason, self-reliance is the way to go. Personal growth, positive thoughts, and true awareness of the status quo can always help anyone toward internal happiness. In short, the way I see it, true and sustainable happiness always comes from within.

October 9, 2023 at 12:26pm
October 9, 2023 at 12:26pm
Prompt: Wasting Time
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married
What is "wasted time" in your opinion?


Although this quote, in its essence, is attributed to Bertrand Russell, the writer in the prompt, Marthe Troly-Curtin, has used it in her story. Whoever the idea belongs in reality, it is about how we see and value our time.

As such, "wasted time" is a subjective idea. Even if it seems straightforward at first glance, it has to do with productivity and enjoyment. Without any enjoyment, how can we be productive and well-adjusted at the same time?

Some might argue that time spent on hobbies, interests, or self-care activities that do not directly contribute to professional or personal development is wasted. On the other hand, personal growth is not limited to achieving goals and gaining new skills all the time. What about, I ask, self-discovery or self-awareness or emotional development?

Rest and mental and spiritual renewal can come as the result of leisure time. As such, these seemingly idle moments are investments in future creativity and productivity, as enjoyment itself has great value and becomes a balancing act during our busy lives. Maybe we should evaluate what "wasted time" really is, and then, reevaluate it in the context of personal satisfaction, happiness, and a balanced life.

After all, here in WdC, we writers know this and use this "wasted time" a.k.a "rejuvenation" so very well.

October 7, 2023 at 10:22am
October 7, 2023 at 10:22am
Anger: Make a list from 1-10 of things that make you angry. When you are finished look through your list and use it as fuel for writing your entry today! Can you also use the energy of anger for character development in your writing?


As far as anger goes, most of us may have different triggers, as one situation does not affect one person in the same way as it affects another. As to my coping mechanisms, it depends on the situations; however, it is very difficult to overlook something unjust that has made me angry.

For example, it makes me very angry all the scam e-mails and phone calls I'm getting. Not because of the scammers, but because our useless congress does nothing about protecting the elderly from the scammers. Several of my friends have fallen for such scams. So far, I've been on the alert but you'll never know. Most old people are very vulnerable.

As to the list of ten, here it is:

1. Unnecessary conflicts: This could be within a family or a work situation.
2. Betrayal: When a trust is broken, especially in a big way.
3. Unnecessary personal attacks on one person, such as criticism, insults, and derogatory comments due to the attacker's internal conflict.
4. Injustice: unfairness, discrimination, or inequality.
5. The answering robots that refuse to connect me to a live agent when I'm calling a company for a very legitimate reason.
6. Frustration: when I can't achieve a goal for some dumb thing I did in the process.
7. People who are cruel to animals.
8. People who harm their neighbors or friends just because of their own ends.
9. Extreme pain or illness
10. People who are really bad and totally incompetent in their professions: bad doctors, politicians, lawyers, sales people, policemen etc.

As anger is a complex emotion with many faces, it can be used very effectively to explore character depths and complexity, in writing. Anger in writing can be used as a motivator to seek revenge or achieve a particular goal, for example.

Moreover, it can create interpersonal conflict in between two characters, leading to strained relationships. Thus, it can encourage change and growth in a character. While some characters can learn from their traumas, usually depicted in their backstories, others may become more vulnerable and end up with character flaws.


October 6, 2023 at 10:59am
October 6, 2023 at 10:59am
“In October, a maple tree before your window lights up your room like a great lamp. Even on cloudy days, its presence helps to dispel the gloom.” ~
What's your favorite tree? Is it because of the leaf colors? Is it because of the smell? Is it connected to a childhood memory?


I love the oaks, but not because they are connected to my childhood but to my sons' childhood memories, and to the memory of my young married life when we had oaks in the yard and I put a hammock in between two oaks and read and rested there, which in the long run, caused me to develop allergies and asthma every autumn against ragweed. *Laugh*

Here is something for OAK trees.

The mighty oaks with branches so high,
In a garden deep, where nostalgia sighs
Do they still stand as sentinels of time
With roots embedded in memories sublime?

Beneath their boughs a haven grand
Where chipmunks played on shaded land
And squirrels nibbled acorns to boot
In a garden so vibrant and life so good

Oak leaves in autumn turned ablaze
A fiery sight, a vivid maze
My sons jumped in piles, laughed with glee
Unaware of time which soon would flee.

Oaks taught us of resilience strong
In their presence, we all belonged
For an oak's a tree as a symbol bright
Promising rebirth resolute with light

Those mighty oaks, branches so high,
In a garden deep, where nostalgia sighs
Do they still stand as sentinels of time
Their roots embedded in memories sublime?

October 5, 2023 at 3:26pm
October 5, 2023 at 3:26pm
Prompt:" We didn't realize we were making memories, we were just having fun."
Winnie The Pooh.
Write about this in your Blog entries today.


Sometimes life happens on its own without us realizing it and each moment has the capacity to become a cherished memory when we look back. Some of those moments are ordinary, some extraordinary. Yet, often, it's the simplest, unscripted moments that leave the deepest impact on our hearts.

I sometimes see my long-ago self immersed in laughter with friends, basking in the warmth of family gatherings, or exploring new places. Would you believe that the other day, I suddenly recalled changing my over-active son's diaper when my mother-in-law, who was visiting us at the time, was scolding him and feeling sorry for me for I had to deal with such unruly children? Now, isn't this nostalgia? My son now is 54 years old and my beloved mother-in-law is long gone. Still, this sudden pop-up of a memory reminded me of the beauty of the generations and of life itself in its totality.

It's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, constantly striving for the next goal or milestone. However, in our pursuit of the future, we sometimes forget to savor the present and those precious moments of the past.

Truth is there is joy and much happiness when we cherish the memories that arise naturally from the simple act of enjoying life. It reminds us that some of the most meaningful experiences cannot be planned or orchestrated.

October 4, 2023 at 11:00am
October 4, 2023 at 11:00am
"Rivers know this. There is no hurry. We will get there someday." Winnie The Pooh
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


If I were to put it in a nutshell, I would say, the quote means "embrace patience." Yet, it is not so simple. Patience is hard to come by, especially for people like me. My patience erodes in no time, and leisurely pace doesn't work with my personality.

Yet, I love the hopeful note at the ending of the quote that says, "We will get there, someday." This means, even if progress is slow and the destination seems to be distant, we can eventually reach our goals. It gives hope and confidence in doing our deeds to reach our goals.

Then, "Rivers know this" implies the wisdom of nature, which understands the value of perseverance. Rivers take their time to erode their beds and banks by flowing constantly through them.

This is because rushing can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities. Perseverance, on the other hand, just like what rivers do, is the most profound message in reaching any goal. This is because it is a call to appreciate the journey itself and find contentment in the process rather than constantly striving for a quick result.

October 3, 2023 at 1:56pm
October 3, 2023 at 1:56pm
Prompt: Fear
“Fear is the lengthened shadow of ignorance.”
Arnold Glasow
In what ways do you think fear and ignorance are related and how can we overcome our fears especially when a fear is only imagined?


Fear and ignorance may be related but there is that strong and sudden impulsive emotion "fear" that embraces us abruptly whether we are ignorant or not. This is probably because, at its core, fear is a primal, innate reaction that has evolved over millennia to protect us from danger.

The basic nature of fear, however, does have the implication of ignorance and lack of knowledge and understanding. When we do not have enough information about or a grasp of a situation, person, or thing, we are left with a void or a darkness in our minds. That darkness becomes the hotbed of our sudden fears.

Fear's relationship with ignorance, however, extends beyond the totally unknown. As examples, there may be other cultures, religions, beliefs or life styles that we do not know much about and because of our mistrust and prejudices, we may be fearful of them.

By learning about things we don't know about and not becoming so afraid of every new situation, we can diminish the power of fear and ultimately conquer it. This allows us to embrace the unknown and face the challenges of life with courage and resilience.

Having said all that, would I be afraid if I suddenly noticed a dinosaur in my backyard? Yes, I surely would. For one thing, I don't know how to distinguish between plant-eating and carnivorous dinosaurs if I ever saw any one of them. Even if I did know a lot about dinosaurs, running away and saving myself would be the sane thing to do, wouldn't it! *Wink* *Laugh*

October 2, 2023 at 10:40am
October 2, 2023 at 10:40am
“The trees are in their autumn beauty, The woodland paths are dry, Under the October twilight the water Mirrors a still sky.”
William Butler Yeats
What do you think of October in general and what do you expect from October 2023?


To me, October means relief from the scorching heat of summer and the beauty of nature at its most colorful best. It is the month that means transitional beauty. October is when the beauty of autumn with a rich array of colors and textures, cooler temperatures, and the sense of anticipation for what is to come takes hold.

October is also a month of harvest, of festivals, apple picking and pumpkin patches. Then, of course, the most iconic symbol for October is Halloween, here in the USA. With Halloween comes trick or treating, a lot of candy, parties, and horror movie marathons. In the sports world various competitions take place such as the Major League Baseball's World Series. In Canada, I believe, Thanksgiving is celebrated in October.

I don't know what we can expect from a month, any month that is. Life does what life wants, no matter what we expect from it.

September 30, 2023 at 10:38am
September 30, 2023 at 10:38am
Prompt: Most of the happy people I know do one thing really well. Think about the people in your life do you agree or disagree? What do you think inspires their happiness? What do you do to inspire your own?


Happiness is elusive; there one day, gone the next. For example, I had an uncle who was joyful, fun-loving, and usually saw the best in everyone, and he was a clown who made us laugh with his jokes. Then, one day, he lost a teenage son to an accident, and all that happiness was erased in one day. It took him more than a decade to find his footing again.

Mostly though, the seemingly happy people I have met are multifaceted, even though every one of them are unique individuals. If I were to think of some common traits among them probably their positive thinking would become the top item in such a list.

Seeing the good in challenging situations or at least seeing the positive outcome out of them can significantly influence one's overall sense of well-being. Because of their positivity and adaptability to life's ups and downs, such people also have healthy relationships in their lives. They communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and offer support to others if or when it is needed.

Still, no matter how one tries, some human beings may not react nicely to such positivity. Then, happier people are better off staying away from negative people and negative situations. Thus, staying away from the negatives is an essential part of one's happiness.

Happier people also live in the present moment more, rather than dwelling in the wrongs of the past while they take good care of their physical and mental health. This makes them become emotionally intelligent, which means seeing themselves as is and understanding and forgiving past mistakes. This helps them grow as individuals, and lets them align their values and beliefs in an authentic way.

Then, helping others when they can and practicing gratitude in some way for all that they have, no matter how small what they have may be, helps them to bounce back from adversity and become resilient. In addition, continuous learning, new languages, being curious of all aspects of life, knowledge, and hobbies can enrich their lives.

As for me, I believe in keeping busy and in continuous learning and in practicing some of the habits I mentioned above. Not that I expect to be happy all the time, but at least I can stop myself from falling into desperation and panic in any one negative situation.

While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for happiness--and I doubt that any one person can be happy all the time--, some good habits can be helpful for enhancing one's overall satisfaction with life.

September 29, 2023 at 10:43am
September 29, 2023 at 10:43am

September 29 is Confucius Day one his sayings is "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius
Prompt: Write a story, poem, or something about either this saying or Confucius. Have fun.


In ancient days when foresight did gleam,
Confucius shared an astute, ageless dream
Three methods, he used, to seek the wise,
Through reflection, imitation, and worldly ties.

First, reflection, like a calm, still pond,
Where wisdom's seeds find rich soil to bond
In solitude, we ponder, deep and wide,
And our past lessons, in discretion, hide.

With contemplation, we unveil the truth,
Discerning right from wrong in intellect's booth
In stillness, life and virtue intertwine,
And through reflection, logic in stars align.

Yet, not only in isolation do we grow,
For imitation, too, has seeds to sow,
We learn from others, we echo the best,
In kindly acts, we find us blessed.

As saplings mimic giants of the wood,
We act like the wise, and that is good
We mirror their acts, thoughts, and grace,
We find in others' paths a well-worn place.

Yet, wisdom's depth also forms in life,
In battles, trials, joys, and strife
We experience, and our selves grow strong,
In learning's caldron, we all belong.

This school of life, with lessons harsh or kind,
Bestows upon us humility and mind
In sorrows, we learn empathy's decree
In joys, we taste fruit from virtue's tree.

So, here we walk on ancient roads,
Where wisdom's treasure as bounty glows
In reflection, imitation, life's embrace,
We find our way to that merciful grace.

September 28, 2023 at 12:30pm
September 28, 2023 at 12:30pm
Prompt: Do you like cooking meals that take time or do you keep them short and simple?


Would you laugh at me if I said both? In fact, my cooking depends on my mood. But I do like cooking and I'd rather eat what I cook rather than eat ready-meals or eat at a restaurant or eat something someone I don't know has cooked.

As to short and simple, that kind of cooking has its benefits because, for those, I'd need minimal but fresh ingredients, and I can make the meals healthy and versatile from day to day. There is also that factor of spending less time in the kitchen, which comes in handy on busy days.

Yet, the other more elaborate type of cooking is a culinary adventure, and in my book, an art form. This type of cooking, when I dare, allows me to experiment with different and diverse flavors, cooking techniques and skills, and a deeper understanding of all culinary methods.

With either way of cooking, be it elaborate or simple, I like to try new things and use what I have in my cupboards and fridge in new ways to explore their wide range of possibilities. What I do most that good cooks don't is use measurements. I rather use ratios than be specific. Yet, I think, most things I come up with are edible and tasty (to me!).

On the other hand, due to my negligence (or incapacity) of using exact measurements, any good and experienced chef's hairs would stand on end if he/she ever watched me cook. *Rolling*


September 26, 2023 at 3:04pm
September 26, 2023 at 3:04pm
Prompt: Neighbors
How do you like your neighbors where you live? In your opinion, what makes a good neighbor and how important it is to be a good neighbor?


My neighbors are fine, I think. I don't know them very well but I know they are decent people. The reason I don't know them all that well is the age difference. When we moved into our house more than thirty years ago, we were the youngest couple. Now, I think I'm the oldest one and everyone else is much younger. Earlier, I was really friendly with several neighbors until Covid struck and took some of them away. Then, the others moved to other states and to nursing homes, or they moved in with their children.

The reasons my now-neighbors are good begin with their respect and privacy for me and for one another, and they all maintain their properties well, ensuring a clean and tidy environment for everyone. For example, all my neighbors have dogs but they are always on a leash when outside and they are never a disturbance. Also, my neighbors are not noisy or culturally insensitive as just about every house on our street has a family member from a different culture and those family members have gained a sense of belonging here.

As far as I can see it, being a good neighbor is not only a matter of personal ethics but also a commitment that contributes to the overall well-being of a community. When neighbors treat each other with kindness, respect, and consideration, it creates a positive atmosphere that enhances everyone's quality of life.

September 25, 2023 at 12:42pm
September 25, 2023 at 12:42pm
What do you like about an ocean and what types of things mankind still has to discover about the oceans?


Although I don't live on the ocean but only at a short driving distance, sitting at the beach and watching it fascinates me. The ocean, to me, is like some people I love and admire; calm on the outside but with unreachable depths inside or, when irked, all their rage coming out in huge waves and tsunamis.

Thus, the ocean may mean action, serenity, and rhythms of the tides, just like life itself with and its ebbs and flows. It, therefore, offers adventures for us such as sailing, surfing, scuba diving, and snorkeling.

Under the surface of the ocean, a multitude of ecosystems exist. Those we so far know are coral reefs, kelp forests, and underwater caves and whatever lurks in them.

The ocean also harbors from the tiniest to the largest of all creation that we are aware of. The very depths of the ocean still remain unexplored where there are creatures adapted to the extreme pressure of the water and darkness, such as giant squids and bizarre deep-sea fish, as well as marine microbes with unknown functions that may be beneficial to us for our medical needs.

Then, the ocean's currents do regulate our earth's climate, but we haven't yet discovered all those intricacies fully, yet. Although much exploration has been done in our time, we still have to discover what's beneath the ocean and what the oceans mean to our planet's life in terms of climate changes, pollution, recycling, and nutrients. Just maybe, understanding the oceans better could save us and our planet from further destruction.

September 23, 2023 at 11:34am
September 23, 2023 at 11:34am
Prompt: Words
Let's use these words in our entry today: twenty-three, candles, allocation, seed, explain, meet, and descent. Have fun!


On a warm summer evening, Megan sat in her cozy living room with twenty-three candles illuminating the space. It was a special night, her birthday, and she had chosen to celebrate it quietly with just a few close friends.

As the soft glow of the candles flickered, she couldn't help but reflect on her life. She had spent the past few years working diligently on her career and personal growth. It was a time of self-discovery and planting the seeds of her dreams for the future.

As her friends began to arrive, Megan greeted them with hugs and smiles. Among them was Lyn, a close friend who had always been there for her. She pulled her aside and asked, "Lyn, can you explain something to me, just for a moment?"

"Of course," Lyn replied, looking concerned.

They found a quiet corner of the room, away from the laughter and chatter of the party. Megan took a deep breath and began, "You know, I've been thinking a lot about my life lately. I've worked hard, achieved some of my goals, and I'm grateful for that. But I wonder if I'm on the right path. Am I doing what truly makes me happy, or am I just following an allocation of my time and energy based on what society expects of me?"

Lyn listened intently, her gaze fixed on Megan. This moment had to be important for her.

Megan continued, "I've been so focused on my descent into adulthood, trying to meet all these expectations, that I haven't taken the time to really understand what I want and why I want it. It's like I've been following a script without questioning it."

Lyn nodded in understanding. "It's never too late to pause and reflect on your journey. It's a brave step to question the path you're on and seek clarity. What do you want to do differently?"

Megan said, "I want to explore, to take some risks, and to chase my passions without worrying about what others might think. I want to be true to myself and explain my choices to myself before anyone else."

Lyn placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That's a beautiful goal, Megan. And you have the potential to achieve it. We're all here to support you on your journey of self-discovery."

Thus, with renewed determination, Megan blew out the twenty-three candles, symbolizing the start of a new chapter. Then, when she looked around at her friends, she felt a sense of gratitude for the people who were there for her, plus a newfound excitement for her life ahead.

Sometimes, it just helps to listen to what our friends say about what's on their minds. We don't have to offer any solutions.

September 22, 2023 at 10:19am
September 22, 2023 at 10:19am
Prompt: Feedback
Lyn's a Witchy Woman asked: "I was reading about feedback plans. And it made me wonder what's the best feedback one can receive. The worst? Then I wondered does feedback serve us better early in the process or when we have a finished draft? So I'm curious about your thoughts."


I am not sure what is the best or the worst kind of feedback, for this may depend on the receiver and the sender of the feedback. I guess the worst one, here in WdC, is the kind some send to add to their review count. Those feedbacks usually end up being the same lines to everyone. On the other hand, getting any kind of feedback is a positive. It means the work was seen and read by someone.

In general, feedback is most helpful when it is timely and specific. Since each piece of writing is different, its use of the feedback as to when could also be different.

In early drafts, feedback could be beneficial to me as it may change the direction of concept, which could help me refine the piece. Then, after a break, that is when I have taken time off, it can make me more receptive to suggestions. Also, before the final revision, corrections on the minor issues can help me refine the piece.

The feedback received while trying a new genre or style is also useful, especially when it comes from a writer who is experienced in that area.

Writers can also ask for feedback on certain issues from other writers they trust. This type of focusing can be especially useful if the writer of the piece doesn't know where to go or has developed a writer's block.

Then, feedback from a professional editor can be transformative, helping writers not only improve their current work but also develop their skills for future projects. Yet, here is a user beware issue. Some editors are so set in their ways and ideas that they don't recognize a gem when they see one. Quite a number of award winning pieces are the ones where the writers didn't listen to those editors but found a different publisher instead.

Still, having said that, I sincerely believe that almost all feedbacks are good for validation and encouragement as they may provide the tools we writers need for growth and improvement.

September 21, 2023 at 11:53am
September 21, 2023 at 11:53am
Prompt: National Teddy Bear Day. Write about Teddy Bears for your Blog entry today.


Since I had sons, their main toys were cars and Teddy Bears. We even had a life size Teddy Bear for them, which on its two sides, they snuggled and slept. This is the nostalgia part for me about Teddy Bears.

Teddy bears provide a sense of comfort and companionship to children, but they also become collector's items as they have a timeless and universal appeal, even becoming sentimental gifts not only for children but also for adults.

The birth of the Teddy Bear popularity had something to do with Theodore Roosevelt who was an avid hunter. Once, other hunters found a black bear and tied it to a tree and asked Roosevelt to shoot it, but the president refused to do that. This incident became big news at the time, and a candy shop owner created the toy plush bear in Roosevelt's honor. That stuffed toy became a worldwide prototype for all the plush bears. To this day, Teddy Bears appeal to children and adults alike.


Here is a gift Teddy Bear given to me by a young lady who I like very much. My cat also shares the joy of this Teddy Bear with me.

September 20, 2023 at 11:10am
September 20, 2023 at 11:10am
Prompt: National One Hit Wonder Day. Write about one hit wonder songs you like for your Blog entry today.


So funny, I didn't even know what "One-Hit wonder songs" was. Since I am an oldie, once upon a time, I kind of liked the oldies, some of those the younger set won't even know about. Still, no song ever plays inside my head over and over, as some people claim they experience.

During my high school years, "Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu," also known simply as "Volare," became a sudden hit. It is an Italian song heard worldwide since its release in 1958. It was written by Domenico Modugno and and Franco Migliacci, and sung by Modugno.

"Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu," translates to "In the Blue Painted Blue" in English, and it's commonly referred to as "Volare," which means "to fly." The essence of the song is a celebration of the joy and freedom of flying. Where I flew inside my mind or where anyone else flew inside their minds is highly personal. *Wink* This may be because the melody is catchy and uplifting and the lyrics point at a sense of freedom and exhilaration.

An internet search brought this info about the song: "The song was initially written as an entry for the 1958 Sanremo Music Festival and it won first place, which afterwards, became a worldwide wonder. Domenico Modugno's rendition reached the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States, making him the first Italian artist to achieve such a feat. It also won two Grammy Awards in 1959 for Record of the Year and Song of the Year."

Then, I am even suspecting it may have influenced the moon landings and space exploration, later on. Am I being too presumptious? Maybe, but the song still deserves applause for its worldwide fame.


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