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by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1801169
Or just a mind that thinks too much.
A place to practice my writing. Also where I will put my random thoughts, ideas, rants, and whatever else I have to say.
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September 7, 2011 at 8:30pm
September 7, 2011 at 8:30pm
Tomorrow is my first assignment from Karen. I'm pretty nervous about that. I got the whole butterfly in the stomach thing going on. Had the worst day yesterday and still feeling the aftermath of it all. This is the first chance I've had to write all day. I'm feeling better now. Writing is my escape. I think I write more when I have too much drama around me or aimed at me. My goal is to get something written once a day, anything really. Hoping to get some reviews in too. I owe some people a review and I hate making them wait. Sorry about that guys!
September 6, 2011 at 10:03pm
September 6, 2011 at 10:03pm
I have five words for you...


Ugh! Worst shopping experience of my life!
September 3, 2011 at 2:53am
September 3, 2011 at 2:53am
You are a new student at New Horizons Academy taking one course. You are a bit nervous and want to impress your instructor. It’s one week before your class begins. How do you go about impressing your instructor with your writing talent and wonderful personality?

I wish I knew. I know bribing won't work. Not that I have anything of value.Gift points maybe? I don't know if my personality will help either. I have been driven to the brink of insanity by my crazy family, and I am in the "healing" stages. Nowadays that can be considered normal and even entertaining. I might even qualify for one of those reality shows. Fame and fortune here I come! *Dollar*

Hey I could have them make a cameo appearance... How about it Karen, Rix?

All joking aside, I am truly nervous.*Confused* I haven't been in school in twelve years. Jeez! I am taking these classes to improve my writing skills.

So I say to my teachers...

Please don't kick me out of your class. I will do my best and work hard. *Reading* I am ready for your wisdom to rain down on me. I look forward to all of your challenging assignments that will help me grow and develop. You will be proud! *BigSmile*

Are you sure a bribe or two won't help??? I could feed your dogs, water your flowers, buy you a lifetime supply of coffee,...fill in the blanks here...

No one has to know. *Smirk*

I am excited to be part of your class this semester and I hope you don't go mental trying to teach me. It will soak in eventually. *Wink*
Love, Lana
September 1, 2011 at 2:47pm
September 1, 2011 at 2:47pm
I received a package from Iraq today. I have a family member who has been stationed there for a year and a half. It's funny,how they are fighting a war and still have the time to think of someone they love. Have you forgotten your solider friend or relative? Send them a letter or email. Let them know you care, and they are true heroes!

August 31, 2011 at 12:33pm
August 31, 2011 at 12:33pm
*NoteB*Imagine that you could travel back through time. Where would you go and why? Write all about it.*NoteB*

It was a bleak and dreary day. I watched the rain bear down on the already wet grounds and the procession of black umbrellas hurry back to their cars. Typical funeral behavior, no one wanted to be there and the rain was his or her excuse to leave. One by one, I watched each vehicle leave the cemetery until there was nothing left but the sound of the rain and her weeping.

My gaze wandered back to her and watched with curiosity. She knelt down beside the fresh grave and smoothed out the wet earth before placing a rose in the center. Her eyes overflowed with liquid pain and her quivering lips whispered a broken wish between her heartbreaking sobs.

I drifted closer, unnoticed. Her solemn and melancholy demeanor only emphasized her inner beauty.

“I now see what he meant.” I spoke in a low tone. She stiffened realizing she was no longer alone. I heard her sniffle.

“He said you would remain behind because you loved him the most.” I glided next to her and held out my hand. Her brown eyes grew wide with disbelief, then evident fascination. She slid her hand in mine and stood up to face me.

“Is he here?” she said while her dark brown eyes once again filled up with tears. Hope flashed across her plain face and she searched my eyes for an answer.

“No. He is gone. I am sorry for your loss.” I pressed my hand against her wet face, it was the color of ivory and her tears were gleaming pearls swimming down and stopping at her chin before dribbling onto her soaked clothing. Underneath the dark material, a silver chain hung low showing only the top of a crucifix.

“He knew you would wear that chain. He was confident and proud.”

It was almost time another minute or two.

“Are you alright Maria? Do you understand what I am? I waited for her to comprehend.

“Yes. I know. She said. “He told me you were real, and that I would see you one day.”
Her lips trembled and her eyes cast down as she wept once again. Her body collapsed into my arms and I held her tightly, whispering that everything would be all right and she could close her eyes if she chose to do so. I kissed her gently and she fell into a sleep.

* * * * * *

Another minute and I can open the door. He thought anxiously fidgeting with the doorknob. He heard the door to the apartment above him creak open and the pitter-patter of her little bare feet scuttle to the edge of the stairs. The sound of her sweet yawn filled the air while her outstretched fingers slid against the paneled walls.
She extended her foot feeling for the edge of the step and walked down the first three with a slow and careful manner. Blinking her eyes to adjust to the dark, she felt for the second set of steps that led to her destination. Misjudging her next step, she missed the rail and tumbled head first down the stairs with outstretched hands in hopes to break the fall. When there was no impact, she opened her eyes and to her amazement, she was floating in mid air. She was in the arms of the most beautiful person she had ever seen. He spoke to her in a voice that sounded distant and magical.
An Angel. She thought. It has to be.

He told her not to be afraid, she was safe and he loved her very much. He was smiling and she could not help but smile too. She noticed for a split second, as they descended slowly toward the ground, that they were on the other side of the banister away from the wall and stairs. She felt safe and happy in his embrace. She realized he saved her life and she was grateful. He smiled again and kissed her forehead.

The next thing she knew, she was standing in front of a door, confused. Then it swung open and she heard a familiar voice.
“Who is this beautiful creature at my door?

“Grandpa! It’s me Maria, your favorite.” She squealed as she stretched out her arms and danced around so her purple nightgown swung around her knees.

“Well then. Won’t you please come in? He bowed down and swung his arms around her, picking her up and above his head. Her laugh was pure joy and her embrace filled him with pure happiness. He pulled a silver chain with a miniature cross dangling from it and placed it in her hand. Her eyes lit up and she giggled with delight when she saw what it was. Her arms swung around his neck and she squeezed as hard as she could.

“I love you so much Grandpa. All the way up and past the moon you know.” she hugged him tighter and kissed his neck.

He looked up into the dark hallway and saw the incandescent Angel hovering and smiling.

“Thank you” He said to the Angel. The angel nodded and the door closed.

They were no longer in his doorway, but in Marias bedroom. She was a young successful woman now. He was so proud of her. He held her for the last time and kissed her gently on the cheek, then slowly lowered her on the bed and covered her up. She would wake up wearing the soaked clothes from his funeral. Perhaps she would be confused as to how she came home. Maybe she would have no recollection at all. He was sure now, that she would always know how much he loved her.

His last wish was to relive that one moment with her. It was the happiest moment of his life.

“Are you ready? It is time to go.” The angel said.

With one last glance at his beloved granddaughter, he turned around and walked into the Angel’s arms.
August 28, 2011 at 2:36pm
August 28, 2011 at 2:36pm
It seems every time I read a story on this site, it is great! I rarely come across a piece that needs a lot of work or plain sucks.
I feel sorry for the people who stumble onto my port and are subjected to my crap. I can imagine them shaking their heads side to side, hitting their delete button numerous times, then shaking their fists in the air at the futile attempt. *Worry*

Family reunion was yesterday. No one was seriously injured or maimed this year. Hooray!
yesterday was an observational feast for me. I was having the time of my life watching the craziest and mentally unstable characters for six hours straight.

I did not get a word in. Everyone had a story to tell and I was all ears. I know most people love to talk about themselves, but I seriously think that my family tops them all. I heard stories of regrets, tales of anger and hate, stories of success, gossip like you wouldn't believe, all wrapped up with a positive thought at the end. It was great.

Later, Lana
August 26, 2011 at 1:00am
August 26, 2011 at 1:00am
I can be very dramatic with most things in my life. I don't think that I am realizing this just now, I think I am finally coming to terms with it.
I see things different from those around me. Not a bad thing. I think it's cool to have a fresh perspective on things most would view as mundane and humdrum. For instance, politics. It's not my thing, although I know what's going on, I find it unapealing. My male friend on the other hand, lives, breathes, and would eat it if he could. He said my comments in politics are random. I quote: "who really cares about how Mr. President is feeling now that he is faced with an insurmountable burden that he probably had no clue was this bad." " Lana in politics... Blah blah blah. That's where I get a 20 minute lecture on how my view of the world is askew from the normal people. Again with the blah blah blah.

Life would be very boring if there wasn't a story attached to everything around me.

I'm just saying...

August 24, 2011 at 11:36pm
August 24, 2011 at 11:36pm
Describe your ideal life including as much detail as you can think of.

Where do I start. I think my ideal life is pretty simple. I don't really want much. Material things, although nice, aren't that important to me. I would like a decent size house so there would be plenty room for my family and friends. A large property to build on, preferably a place away from the city but not too far from the malls. I love shopping, but I also want to see the stars illuminate the sky every night. Watching a meteor shower or eclipse is amazing. Having a balance between nature and urban life can't be that bad. Good neighbors is a must. The ones who don't complain about my loud music, but bring their tunes to my house to jam with me would be preferable. But, I will be happy with nice and easygoing types. I don't have a specific area, although if the weather was great all year round, it would be fine with me. My home would be nice, but I wouldn't spend that much time in it. Instead, I would like to travel and visit places that I have never been. I would start with the States and then other countries. If I could, I would love to stay with the natives and see life as they live it. Finally, when I am finished with traveling, and settle down in the place of choice or chance, for who knows where I will end up. I plan on building a massive Go Kart track going through my house and all over my property. Fun!

Until we meet again, Lana
August 22, 2011 at 3:07pm
August 22, 2011 at 3:07pm
I recently decided to flip through my writing notebook for old stories and ideas, to see if anything was worth using.
There were a couple of beginnings and a few endings I thought I could use. Not so bad pieces that had potential. To my surprise, I realized that I had written quite a bit.

And here I was, chiding myself for not writing on a daily basis.

There is this one completed story I absolutely loved. I wrote it for my daughter when she lost one of her teeth. It's a really cool story. I read it to a few kids and they loved it. I am often asked about it when they see me.

That's the good news.

What is not so great? I re read it. It is terrible. For a first draft anyway. It needs tons of work and editing like you wouldn't believe. The story is great, it's the grammar and overuse of words that need a total makeover.

My usual reaction, would be to verbally beat myself up and sulk all day because I am a crappy writer and there is no hope for me. I am so over that!

Although it can be grueling, rewriting is the way to go. ( This is me speaking to my self. I am sure you know this already.)

Anxiously anticipating the upcoming classes in a few weeks time, not knowing what to expect. I hope they don't kick me out for being too bad.

Tons of rewriting to do.

Breathing, breathing, inhaling, exhaling... oh man.

Lol. They are only words. It can't be that bad. Right?

A few positive mantras and I will be OK.

(Disregard the panic attack. I don't know what that was about.)

Have a great day! Lana
August 21, 2011 at 12:31pm
August 21, 2011 at 12:31pm
Sometimes, it takes only a few words to change someones perspective on life. A kind gesture or smile can do that too.
A few days ago I came across this essay on forgiveness. "I know all about it." I thought to myself. "I've done it before."

As I read on, I came to realize that I, Mrs. Smarty Pants, had only an inkling of understanding of the subject. Sure I've forgiven before, I have asked for it myself. What I didn't comprehend, was the true reason one must forgive.

She writes: "And it is to avoid the torment of unforgiveness that I forgive." "It is my own path to inner peace. "

Here is the link:
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#1674658 by Not Available.

Check it out. It might change your perspective. If not, know that you have read a beautifully written piece.

Till we meet again, Lana

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