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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland

Modern Day Alice

Welcome to the place were I chronicle my own falls down dark holes and adventures chasing white rabbits! Come on In, Take a Bite, You Never Know What You May Find...

"Curiouser and curiouser." Alice in Wonderland

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

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January 24, 2019 at 9:51am
January 24, 2019 at 9:51am
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 1865 January 24, 2019
If you could only use music to describe yourself to someone, what song would it be and why? If you can add the youtube link so we can hear it too.

If I had to pick one song to describe myself, the choice would be clear. The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony, is haunted and complex, much like I believe I am. It has a waning melody that rolls and peaks moodily but there is also hope to be found in the rising crescendo of the bridge and refrain of, "change, I can change...". I love this song. It makes me feel centered somehow, gives credence to feeling like we are "a million different people from one day to the next", as we go through this life...trying to make it a life worth living. It is a life that takes all the bitter and the sweet to make a beautiful soundtrack.


January 24, 2019 at 9:24am
January 24, 2019 at 9:24am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 24th
How did you start writing? Did someone urge you to write, or did it come naturally?

I'm not sure if anyone urged me to write. My grandmother was an artist and poet. She always encouraged me to express myself creatively. I spent a great deal of time with her when I was growing up. I remember reading stories to her, she was always willing to listen to those early, awkward stories when I was finding my "voice". I wrote really terrible songs too, the corny and anxiety-riddled tween variety, in multi-colored spiral notebooks I hid under my bed. I seemed to be always writing something from very early on. It felt natural for me. I felt that whatever drew my grandmother to canvas and oil paint, also drew me to words.

I wrote all through high school, fell in love with the ability to express myself with words. I took a creative writing course in high school that was taught by the writer Wally Lamb. Wally Lamb ran the Creative Writing program at my high school, that was until Oprah selected his freshman novel, "She's Come Undone" for her book club. He told us the incredible story about getting the phone call that changed his life and started his career as a novelist. We had a first row seat to his transformation into famous, best selling author. I learned so much from him in that class and watching his success happen in real time was so fascinating. I still remember the day he collected our assignments and paged through them slowly until he selected mine to read aloud from. It was such a moment of validation for me, that someone with his talent thought my work was worthy of the attention.

It wasn't until college that writing truly became more than a passion. I discovered that I didn't just love to write but that I needed to write. It became my way of dealing with life, with trauma and pain and loss. My grandfather committed suicide while I was away at school. The tragedy left me guilt-stricken and started the domino effect of seismic charges that would devastate my family. I wrote through that time, finding a remarkable peace from releasing my pain onto paper. It was cathartic, it was agonizing, but it was also healing. I began to write more compulsively. It was my therapy. It was what kept me anchored. My writing took a darker turn, reflective of things I kept inside, the demons and impulses I battled with. I found I could no longer let my grandmother read my work...in fact, I became very much a closeted writer.

There have been difficult times in my life. I have remained a loyal writer throughout and I credit the craft with having saved me at several points when it could have gone another way. Writing has seemed to always pull me back from the brink. When I became a mother, I found a new muse. For the first time in my life, my muse was about light and promise not pain, or rage or loss. My daughter, growing inside me, awakened a new voice and it changed everything. It inspired me to really open the doors and start pursuing writing more seriously. I've been free of the closet ever since.
January 23, 2019 at 8:23am
January 23, 2019 at 8:23am
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 23rd
How different was your life one year ago? How different do you imagine your life will be one year from today?

Maybe it is just me, but a span of twelve months just passes so quickly that changes, unless they are hugely significant, are hard to register for me. Other than moving to a new home, not much else is different about my life one year ago...likewise, I can't imagine any big difference in my life in another year's time either. Unless of course something were to happen and in which case, it would not be a welcome change because I like the way my life is right now in this moment. We are settling into our new home and getting used to a more rural neighborhood. I love our new home, the first one we have bought together as a family. It has been an adjustment but for all the right reasons. We took a risk though, and sometimes I worry that we've over extended ourselves. The stress of that worry can get to me sometimes but I try to stay positive.

More than anything I crave stability. For many years I was with someone who I believed I was building a life with. It turned out to be a house a cards and it came crashing down around me. Fortunately, years later I have a healthy, beautiful daughter, a good husband and a beautiful new home to make our own. All of it took years, which sometimes felt like decades so for me, a mere year is like a blink of an eye.
January 22, 2019 at 10:05am
January 22, 2019 at 10:05am
"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 2256: January 22, 2019
Prompt: Night Flowers.

When I was in college I did a brief stint at the University of Hawaii in Hilo on the big island. It was my first time in Hawaii and the strongest first impression I had was the smell of the night flowers. I'm not sure what blooms were responsible for the intoxicating scent that would hang everywhere once dusk settled. It was the most enticing perfume, rich and it infused everything around it. I would walk around campus at night just breathing it in. To this day, that scent stays with me...indelible in my core memories and forever linked to Hawaii and my time there.

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 1863--January 22, 2019
Prompt:“The image in the mind’s eye. For me, it’s where the obsession began. It’s what keeps me going, it never fails to excite me.” -Martin Scorsese. What do you think of obsessions? As a creative writer, are you as happy as Martin Scorsese about your own obsessions?

I am careful with the word "obsession". I spent too years of my life with an addict, and for me, there is a fine like between obsession and addiction. I make a conscious habit of not being too obsessed with anything as a result. I have passions that I pursue, things I feel very strongly about. I am excited by my passions, I devote energy to them but I do not believe I am obsessed by them. Obsession rings to closely to madness as well, and madness is something I have always feared. Madness runs in my family, it has claimed to big a tax on us. For me, obsession has far too many negative connotations for me to consider.
January 22, 2019 at 9:12am
January 22, 2019 at 9:12am
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 18th
How much do you know about food waste in your country? Spend some time researching this issue and share a fact you learned. How conscious of your access to food are you and in what ways can you be more responsible for reducing your own food waste?

I would like to say I am more aware of my own food waste but as a mother of a picky child, that would be stretching the truth. Sometimes I turn a blind eye to the plates of dinner that go unfinished into the bin. This country in particular suffers from over-consuming and that translates into more food waste than most other countries in the world. Just a simple google search revealed how serious this issue is globally, and it left me feeling embarrassed and depressed.

"All the world’s nearly one billion hungry people could be fed on less than a quarter of the food that is wasted in the US, UK and Europe."

So really, shame on us. We have a billion people starving on our planet and yet "1/3 of all food produced ends up going to waste!" What is wrong with us? Why are we not funneling more of our intellectual resources at trying to find a solution to the humanitarian hunger?
The facts are pretty sobering.

Source: https://olioex.com/food-waste/food-waste-facts/
January 22, 2019 at 8:46am
January 22, 2019 at 8:46am
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 22nd
What is your preferred book reading medium? Kindle, computer screen, audiobook, or good old fashioned paper? How come?

I have deftly avoided the e-book craze. I have never owned a kindle, have never used my mobile device to peruse an e-book either. I have such little free time to read than when I do manage to snag those precious moments, I want to spend them with a real, honest-to-god, made-of-paper and bindings book. I want the tactile experience of cracking open a book, thumbing through its crisp pages and smelling that "book smell". I totally get that e-readers are convenient. I get that they are easier to travel with than a bag full of hardcovers. I am just not willing to sacrifice the things I love about books for convenience. One of my favorite places to wander about is this place called the book barn. It is an old barn and various other outbuildings that are brimming with books...to the roof line. There lots of buildings on the property settled throughout acres of meandering gardens that house specific genres and rooms that are stocked, floor to ceiling with thousands upon thousands of books. Actual books. It is a place you can get lost in for hours, just browsing covers and book jackets for your next treasure. There is something richly satisfying about books that doesn't translate to an electronic device. You loose too much of a book's character I think when you can hold it your hands.

I do enjoy listening to audiobooks though. It is a good compromise for me to still enjoy my favorite authors and discover new ones during my commute or as company on a long walk. I've discovered the narrator can make or break a story for me though, and on at least one occasion, I have gone and gotten the book from the library when I've been unable to finish the audiobook. I think its only fair to give the story another chance in its true medium before I deem it, "no good".

There is one thing that can be said for e-books and I feel it only fair that I mention it. E-books have opened the door for publishers and writers alike. I have discovered it can sometimes be easier to get your pieces picked up by a e-book publisher, especially if you write shorter fiction that normally would have a more limited market. I think e-books have paved the way for more unrepresented writers to gain some publishing credits which is an all around great thing. So, at least in that respect, I have to give the e-book industry a bit of credit.

For me though, its still actual books. Always and forever.
January 21, 2019 at 12:10pm
January 21, 2019 at 12:10pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 21st
Today in the US is Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday celebrating the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience. In August of 1953, King delivered his famous speech “I Have a Dream” calling for civil and economic equality for all Americans and the end of racism. On this Motivational Monday, write a speech advocating for something you’re passionate about and use the phrase “I have a dream” in your entry.

"I have a dream" that one day human beings will collectively come together to acknowledge the toll we have taken on the planet's resources. I hope that one day the reality of climate change is no longer a political pawn but a passionate crusade for all of humanity to consider. I hope that it will only take only take one more mass extinction, one more dying coral reef, one more catastrophic environmental event to open our eyes to the need to conserve and protect our Earth. I have a dream that we will work, all the nations of the world, to make sure there are still magnificent creatures our children can be lucky enough to observe in their natural habitats. I hope there are millions of acres of protected lands that are preserved for the future generations. I hope we find ways to radically reduce harmful toxins and pollutants, limit the devastating effects of our agricultural/livestock industries and explore effective sources of renewable energies.
January 21, 2019 at 11:58am
January 21, 2019 at 11:58am
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 20th
What event from history do you wish you could have witnessed?

There are so many things I would have liked to witness. If I had to pick, I'd say it would be one of the defining events of the birth of my nation...like the Boston Tea Party or the signing of the Declaration of Independence for example. The problem is that so many of the defining historical moments take place during battles or wars...and I can't imagine going really wanting to be present for that kind of death and destruction, even if it did give rise to a nation. It is difficult to put myself into another time like that, especially as a women - unless maybe to go back to that first time women were allowed to cast their votes? That would have been epic. I think I would have also liked to witness the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, that would have been tremendous as well. I'm interested to see what my fellow bloggers have chosen on this one.
January 17, 2019 at 9:24am
January 17, 2019 at 9:24am
"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 2251 January 17, 2019
Use these words in your entry: redundant, serviceable, nonsense, fantastic, repulsive and hello.

Each day I make the fifteen minute jaunt over the bridge to my daughter's school. In her early years, she would be dismissed into the gym and I would park and patiently wait for the doors to open so I could sign her out and take her home. When she hit the third grade the dismissal procedure changed, dramatically. Now, at approximately 3:46, they 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are discharged from the side of the building in a loud, chaotic herd and utter nonsense ensues. Some parents believe this new system gives them license to no longer follow the rules. Several of them are prone to the repulsive habit of double parking - or simply idling in the middle of the street until they see their child emerge. They sit there, engines running, spewing exhaust over the parents who actually parked and stand in the cold properly waiting for their own children. In the winter, when the snow makes street parking that much more elusive, this behavior becomes even more redundant. It isn't very safe, children are often running into the road to climb into vehicles while others are trying to maneuver and jockey into position. The other afternoon, several of us called out in alarm when a 4th grader nearly collided with an SUV that was passing a double-parked and waiting car. We have repeated asked the school to review this procedure or at least issue a more serviceable set of rules and guidelines that can be easily enforced. For now, I dread the school pickup hassle even though I look forward to seeing my daughter's fantastic smile and hear her happy "Hello" at the end of each day.
January 17, 2019 at 8:56am
January 17, 2019 at 8:56am
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 17th
Do a bit of research on your Zodiac Sign. What are the associated characteristics of people with your sign and how do you exhibit those characteristics?

Leo is a fire sign and while I whole-hardheartedly embrace a lot of what characterizes Leo's, its not something I place a lot of stock in...ya know, scientifically and all. It is fun though, to imagine we are put together with more than our genes and our ancestral DNA.

In keeping with my Big cat sun sign, I tend to be more outgoing and I certainly have a fiery temper. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family and naturally protective of those I love but in almost all cases, my roar is worse than my bite. I tend to take the lead on projects for work and for the most part, really good at my job. But in true Leo fashion, I'm not always the best listener, especially when the voice isn't as strong or confident as my own. I often suspect I may steamroll my coworkers in the pursuit of results. I am also my harshest critic. I don't ever let myself off lightly. I love bold colors, all things vibrant red and shiny gold. I am a very passionate person in my pursuits. I love with lioness veracity. These Leo-esque qualities, I would admit are pretty much spot on. However, after taking a few minutes read through the link...I can also see how I am a direct departure from the typical Leo in other ways.

"Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn't fit with their agenda or idea of fun."
No way this is me. I can't tell you the amount of time I find myself doing something for someone else or because I failed to say "no". If I were a true Leo I would never have been guilted into a second year the dreaded PTO board. I would have never seen half the bad movies I have. I wouldn't have taken the road trips I've been stuck on. I never would have ended up on the infamously endless river rafting trip with a zodiac full of intoxicated idiots on the slowest, lamest river in the western hemisphere.

"You never run out of energy. As a Lion, a 20-minute catnap will fully recharge you so that you can dance all night long." Hells No. I run out of energy...often. I'm not a great sleeper, even though I may rise with the sun...I also could go to be with it most days. The last time I "danced all night long", I was prob 21 - decades ago! A 20-minute catnap would be more of a tease than a refresher. I'm prone to bursts of energy, especially when the pressure is on but this is not a limitless supply. I will hit the wall and I will hit it hard, with the force of a crash of rhinos. Fun bit o'trivia...a group of Rhinos is called a crash. What do you think a group of ducks is called? A group of crows? But, I digress...

Overall, I think I'm probably a pretty decent match to the Leo sign. There are definitely most positive traits than negative ones associated with the sign which is a good thing. I know there are lots of things I need to work on though, one can only blame the stars so much after all.

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