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Rated: 18+ · Book · Community · #2257034
Birthday Bash Relay. Excited on Second Place! Now for various WDC contests and activities
Team Ahimsa

My Turn

The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay  [E]
Form teams, take the baton, and for 9 days share stories for chances at fantastic prizes!
by iKïyå§ama

Thanks! "*Trophyg*2021 Blog Relay Winners!"  
Merit Badge in Blogging
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Congratulations to  'Team Ahimsa'  for your excellent entries earning you the 1st-Runner-Up prize in  [Link To Item #1803384] !
"Note: They came, they ran the race, they conquered! ..."

"Congratulations November 2021 Winners!"  

Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning second place in the November 2021 30DBC!

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness - Paused
#2133562 by Jayne

Muffy's Mischievous Challenges  (18+)
Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
#2319692 by Maryann- summer travel

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November 23, 2021 at 2:59am
November 23, 2021 at 2:59am
PROMPT November 23rd

In your blog today, tell us your favorite joke. It can be long, short, it does not matter. What makes this particular joke your favorite one? C'mon, show us your sense of humor!

They (don't ask who 'they' are, just 'they') say a pun is the lowest form of humour, but my favourite joke happens to be a pun I read in the Reader's Digest years ago. Here it is:

Sticks float. They wood.

I think it's brilliant. I love the tone of it, I love the brevity and I love the play on words, the punniness. It's brilliant. That's all.

Now on to other funny stuff.
Can't pass up a chance to talk about HARRY POTTER.
(Note to self: Ask StoryMistress for a Harry Potter emoticon)
I love the bit where the Weasleys are coming to pick Harry up and get stuck in the fireplace, and Ron, who is the last to know this, asks, "What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?"
And Fred says, "Oh, no, Ron, no, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."
To which George adds, "Yeah, we're having the time of our lives, here!"

This bit always makes me laugh out loud. It's so ridiculous, the whole situation, and the typical reaction of the twins to Ron's question!

There are many favourite jokes, but you said one and I've already talked of two!


November 22, 2021 at 2:16am
November 22, 2021 at 2:16am
PROMPT November 22nd

You have found that you can do something no one else can do. What is this special talent you have? Would it be considered a 'Super Power'? If you could have chosen this special ability, what would it be?

I would love to have greater communication with animals.
Something like Dr. Dolittle, but even a fragment of his abilities would make me happy!
What if I could live in the forest, in a cave, surrounded by all the animals? What if I could speak to all of them? When my human friends wanted to visit me, they'd come to the road at the edge of the forest and the chimps would lead them in to my little hut (which nobody else can find). If one of my friends had been smoking lately, the elephant would smell the cigarette smoke and give a warning signal and not let that friend come near. So smoker-friends would need to detox for 24 hours before the rendezvous.
Kids of my human friends would play with cubs of the animal friends and learn the rules of nature.

PS: The concession I'd make to being a hardcore city girl in reality would be - modern plumbing! *Blush* A bathroom in my hut.
November 21, 2021 at 2:26am
November 21, 2021 at 2:26am
PROMPT November 21st{/size

Tonight/today, listen to this beautiful song.


Where does your mind go when listening to this? What emotions surface as you experience the music? If you've seen the movie (Return To Me), tell us how this affected you. Has it changed you at all?

It's very beautiful. The tune, the lyrics and the picturization combine to make it heartwarming.
A close friend just lost his wife, and I'm thinking that he'd probably sing this for her if I shared it with him.

I haven't seen the movie.
November 19, 2021 at 11:10pm
November 19, 2021 at 11:10pm
PROMPT November 20th

In your blog tonight/today, write about a story you've been told, or use a newscast story and CREATE a conspiracy theory. Tell us why you chose this subject, and of course, provide 'evidence' that your theory could be rooted in truth.

I must've been about six or seven years old. We were having dinner with Dad's colleague and her family. At one point, she mentioned her son, (let's call him 'J'). She said "So J and his step-mother ..."

I froze.


But step-mothers weren't REAL, were they? They existed only in fairy tales like Cinderella, solely to starve, overwork and conspire to get rid of their children. J, someone I knew personally, had a STEP-MOTHER? *Shock2*

But there's more. This colleague's ex-husband, with his new wife and J all lived in the same apartment house that Mom, Dad and I lived in. Which meant ... which meant ... (shudder) I had shared the elevator with a step-mother at times!

In the car on the way back, I questioned my parents. Yes, step-mothers were real. No, J wasn't going to be starved, overworked or poisoned. Hadn't I met the lady, wasn't she nice and kind?

But that was the point, wasn't it? They LOOK nice and kind to lull you in to a false sense of security and then - WHAM they pounce. J's step-mother wasn't going to pounce.

The next time I was in the elevator with the lady, I studied her closely. I thought I was being discreet, but apparently she noticed. She smiled at me. "I have a new pet macaw," she told me. "Would you like to come over and see him?"

I got off the elevator on the 4th floor with her (I lived on the 8th floor) and went to her apartment. I was in the house of a step-mother. It looked normal. Nothing appeared to lurk anywhere. The macaw was lovely and she presented me with a beautiful big feather he had shed. She gave me biscuits, and I wasn't even afraid to eat them. I had realized by then that she was friendly.

Why do fairy-tales make villains of step-mothers? Is it because the first marriage is supposed to be sacred and shouldn't be broken, so that a step mother was necessary at all? Is it because step-mothers are convenient scapegoats? I'm not sure. I'm just glad I made a new friend in my apartment building.
November 18, 2021 at 2:25am
November 18, 2021 at 2:25am
PROMPT November 18th

An easy prompt for tonight. I'm tired, don't want to think much, so an easy one. What did you do during the 'Great Shutdown For The Upgrade' of WDC today? Tell us all the 'gory' details!

As I said on the Newsfeed:
Time zones!
I'm the kid who Napped on the Back Seat.
I didn't even have time to say 'are we there yet?'
Moomy and Daddy got us there while I slept! *Delight*
November 17, 2021 at 4:57am
November 17, 2021 at 4:57am
PROMPT November 17th

You have been invited to a posh dinner party hosted by one of the wealthiest people in your small town. When you arrive, your host is does not greet you, and the butler informs you they have been missing last night. A quick search by all the party goers finds him/her dead. Their body is in a small clearing in the woods bvehind the mansion. Being a modern day Nancy Drew/Joe Hardy type of person, you begin your own investigation. What do you find that leads you to the murderer. Who is the murderer? How was the host killed?

So not my genre. I'm gonna go beyond bloggers' license and digress totally.
This reminded me of the game CLUEDO, which I used to enjoy playing as a child. I believe there is now a Harry Potter version of Cludedo.
There was also a board game called Scotland Yard. Has anyone played this I found it very complicated when I tried.

November 15, 2021 at 11:23pm
November 15, 2021 at 11:23pm
PROMPT November 16th

This one will cover one of my favorite subjects, Food.
Do you follow a certain regimen/diet when it comes to eating?
Other than something you might be allergic to, are there any foods you avoid or limit yourself to? What's your favorite meal to prepare. Share your recipe if you like. (I have a 'killer' chocolate recipe!)

Ha ha ha ha fooooood!

A lot of my favourite foods begin with 'ch'.

Cheese (Thanks Sumojo

And a lot more I am not putting down on the list!

So let me talk about CHAAT.
Chaat is one type of Indian street food.
Every region thinks they're the best at making chaat and thinks their recipe is the ultimate. When I shifted from Bombay to Bangalore, the most MAJOR culture shock was that they pot TOMATOES in CHAAT *Shock2*. How can you DO that? Don't get me wrong. I love tomatoes. Some of my best friends are tomatoes. I love them in salad, sandwich, soup, curry. BUT IN CHAAT?

It's bigger than the pineapple on pizza debate.
It's the biggest debate ever.

BUT - if you want to talk to me about food, don't put tomatoes in chaat!

November 14, 2021 at 11:44pm
November 14, 2021 at 11:44pm
PROMPT November 15th

You and your two best friends are going on a month-long road trip. Where are you going? What three items must be in your luggage for this trip to make a great experience for you.

My first instinct was to make this about POST MARKS again, because that would be the truth.

But then I decided that I've written a lot about Marcophily, so I'll change the subject.

So, given the trio, it would be about nature, and about worship. Also, we're all crazy about handicrafts - clothes, costume jewelery.

We'd go birdwatching and we'd go to all the temples around. We'd buy any hand-made item we could.

We'd need our binoculars, camera and sketch books. (AND MONEY!)

For a picture prompt contest
November 14, 2021 at 12:09am
November 14, 2021 at 12:09am
PROMPT November 14th

A Mystery Genre prompt tonight. You are researching your genealogy and find that ancestors from a different generations and different countries made visits to the same remote place. Tell us about this remote place. Why were your ancestors going there?

"Birbal!" King Akbar sounded a bit impatient as he called his favourite courtier.

" Huzoor ?" Birbal stepped forward, bowing low.

"Birbal, we must do something special. Something intriguing. Something unique."

"Yes, Huzoor." Birbal's mind worked furiously. What did his monarch want now? Would he, Birbal, be able to satisfy the need, as he had always done before?

"Something to make people come here, to Delhi, from far and wide. Something to make Sonali's ancestors visit."

Quickly, Birbal logged on to facebook and searched 'Sonali'. He found several posts on both FB and WdC. Some related to Marcophily, others to the street food, 'CHAAT'.

"We must invent those here, to attract Sonali's ancestors," he thought.

And he did.

Akbar's court had the first 'Emperor's seal' on all mail in 1556. Mail was carried by horses, and your mail bore a picture of a horse and uniformed mailman.
It was the Moguls who brought CHAAT to India. The sev-puri, pani-puri, golgappa and puchka that Sonali's ancestors grew addicted to. They passed on the addiction to her. The current debate on the Bhatia family whatsapp is whether pani-puri is tastier or puchka.

PS: Fiction, though the Moghuls did bring chaat to India. From what I've heard (not verified) there was a lot of sickness at the time and the water for pani-puri had to be heated, killing the germs. Not realizing that it was the heating that was curbing the infection, people thought pani-puri was good for health. Hey, who is to argue?
November 13, 2021 at 1:03am
November 13, 2021 at 1:03am
PROMPT November 13th

A Science-Fiction type prompt tonight. In your world, all citizens are temporarily neutered at birth. When you want to become a parent, you must prove to the government that you’ll be suitable caretakers and providers before you are allowed to procreate. How do you 'prove to the government' that you'll be a good caretaker/parent.

Science Fiction? Jim, this is something I wished EVERY DAY when I was working regularly in a school. "Who let you be parents?" "Why weren't you neutered at birth?" is something I often thought while trying to smile politely and tell someone that no, four boiled sweets weren't sufficient for a kid's lunch box, or that schoolwork meant having books and pencils – every day, not rarely.

Parenting isn't easy. It's a very intense lifelong commitment.

It is not to be gone into for selfish reasons - to feel complete as a man / woman. It is not to be gone into to save a failing marriage (he'll stay for the baby). It is not to be gone into because society expects it. It is not to be gone into because in your old age, the kid'll look after you.

Parenting is to be gone into because you want to bring a being into the world who will take humanity into the future, and you'll give that little being the roots to grow and the wings to fly, and then let her / him grow and fly.

Those roots are made of day to day mundane tasks. Milk bottles. Diapers. Laundry. Visits to the dentist. Those wings are made of a lot of thought, concern and care. Bedtime stories. Shared walks. values imparted by deed and word. Basically it means constantly making parenting the priority, keeping the child's interests at heart and balancing one's own interests with these.

Parenting is not easy.

I am not a parent. I don't think I'd make a good one. In this sci-fi world, I'd choose to stay neutered (as I've chosen to stay single in the real world). I respect those with the courage to take it on. Maybe I'll have your kid in my class. Maybe I'll be your kid's favourite teacher. But I won't choose to be a parent.

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