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Rated: 18+ · Book · Community · #2257034
Birthday Bash Relay. Excited on Second Place! Now for various WDC contests and activities
Team Ahimsa

My Turn

The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay  [E]
Form teams, take the baton, and for 9 days share stories for chances at fantastic prizes!
by iKïyå§ama

Thanks! "*Trophyg*2021 Blog Relay Winners!"  
Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations to  'Team Ahimsa'  for your excellent entries earning you the 1st-Runner-Up prize in  [Link To Item #1803384] !
"Note: They came, they ran the race, they conquered! ..."

"Congratulations November 2021 Winners!"  

Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning second place in the November 2021 30DBC!

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness - Paused
#2133562 by Jayne

Muffy's Mischievous Challenges  (18+)
Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
#2319692 by Maryann

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January 9, 2023 at 1:14am
January 9, 2023 at 1:14am
When writing, I like to rhyme
It just feels so sublime
And when the thought ought
to be caught, (is that rot?)
with a sound to be found
to make it resound
well, I'll be bound
to fly with feet on the ground!
(am I being a dog hound?)

So yeah, rhyming's my style
I'll go the extra mile
I'll heap the words on in a pile
I'll make a folder of a file
Without guilt, without guile
(Don't lock me up in jaile!)
I'll even let my spelling start smelling
Cause I'm not dwelling on gelling
With those who are quelling my telling
of my feelings, dealings, reelings
or floors.

Free verse? Yes, it's good, if you could
do it well, then you should.

But it's
broken up
it's got to
something poetic
to make it stick

An interpretation,
a metaphor
a thought half stated
at its core

it's just prose
that goes
up your nose
and tickles
to make you sneeze
causing a breeze
this is getting silly
You've reached the word count
We beg!

Words: 188

January 2, 2023 at 8:01am
January 2, 2023 at 8:01am
Words: 233

Creating chaos? Being the Master Monkey, the Mother of all Monkeys, the Most Mayhem Monkey? That's ME!

That's me ...

in my role as school librarian.



Wake up. Are you okay?

Yes, yes, I said I was the Main Monkey when I was school librarian. I was monkier than the students. I was the monkiest of them all. I know monkier and monkiest weren't words till this moment, but they are now.

So yeah.

I was librarian in a school.

Let's say the library was my barrel? Roll out the barrel!

I wanted the kids to have fun in the library. They had to have fun if they were to grow up loving books. Books had to be associated with friendship, joy, sharing and excitement. And that needs some amount of noise. Some amount of chaos.

The rule in the library was 'Noise Please'.

If you like a book, talk about it. Entice others to read it. Let the library be a den where you discuss your favourite authors, your most heroic characters. Let the love of books, the love of language, the love of a hobby grow here. Let there be people waiting to borrow the latest acquisitions, let there be the suspense of 'no spoilers', let there be chatter, let there be chaos!

Let the library be a marvellous, magical, mystical, mysterious menagerie of monkeys! Monkeys who love to read!

January 2, 2023 at 7:21am
January 2, 2023 at 7:21am
Words: 263

Everyone was happy. Me? I was the happiest of them all.

He was handsome, kind, with a sense of humour. He worked in advertising, too. In fact, he had his own advertising agency. What more could any girl want? Once married, I could join him and take over the copywriting duties.

This sounds like it was a 'heart' decision, getting engaged to the guy. But you know, it was purely 'head' at the time. It was an arranged match. Yup. We'd met through a mutual aunt, my parents had done a background check on him before he and I set eyes on each other. Only when the criteria that counted in the community coincided did the couple converse.

We got officially engaged within 10 days of our first meeting. There were some romantic days. There were some realistic days, getting to know each other. And the happily ever after was within sight.

The hall for the wedding had been booked. The honeymoon had been booked. The outfit I was to be married in had arrived ... and then, one phone call ended it. His mother had changed her mind about me as a prospective daughter-in-law. I no longer fitted her criteria. Maybe it was because I fitted her son's criteria too well? We'll never know.

So a decision taken with the head had left me heartbroken.

And that is what I think.

Decisions taken only with the head may be injurious to the heart.

You have to find the head-heart balance.

And when in doubt, remember, it's heartfelt and heartwarming, not headfelt and headwarming.

January 2, 2023 at 6:51am
January 2, 2023 at 6:51am
Words: 219

I like lots of fruits, but since the prompt asked me to pick ONE, I'd say the Mango.

Mmmmmmmmango. The fruit which can be eaten raw - so tangy with a hint of sweetness, so good made into a salted pickle or a sweet one. So refreshing as a juice.

Mmmmmmmmango. The king of fruits when ripe. Luxuriously, seductively soft. Soft on the fingers, soft on the lips, soft on the tongue. So sweet. Enjoy it plain, peeled and diced. Lose yourself in the juice. Add milk and shake it up. Bake a cake. Whatever you do, keep your mango safe, lest other mortals get tempted and steal it from you.

I started the entry wanting to make the (rather obvious) pun of eating this fruit without any male companions (Man-go) but as I wrote, my reverence for this fruit took over and I thought it unworthy of mere wordplay. The admonishing of the rougher sex shall therefore not happen. Man may go, man may stay, the mango remains the order of the day.

PS - Recipe? There is a reason 'recipe' and 'pierce' are anagrams of each other! My grandma's mango recipes pierced the soul of anyone who dined with her ... pierced as only the soft and luscious can pierce, so smoothly and gracefully. Share those recipes? Ah. Family secret. *Smirk2*

December 7, 2022 at 10:05pm
December 7, 2022 at 10:05pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."


No 'white Christmas' in India, but that's fine. We have the lights of Diwali, the bonds of Raksha Bandhan, the colours of Holi ....

We have the festivals of the Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Parsis, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists ...

But that's not all. We celebrate more than religious festivals. We celebrate national events and sporting events. Independence Day, Republic Day, cricket matches ...

We celebrate so much there is something to smile about all year round.

So the song would go

I'm dreaming of bright vistas
Just see all those that are aglow
Where you can always hear
The people cheer
Celebrating - not snow, but ho ho ho!
November 2, 2022 at 7:35pm
November 2, 2022 at 7:35pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

For me
'Wake Me Up'

Here's someone
from this generation
using the title.

But wait -
see the difference.
That was
wake me up Before

this is
Wake me up After.

Does it mean
Anything, really?

So many aspects
of being woken up

So many choices to make

Wake before
or wake after?

I'm awake now
It's not 5 AM yet
My Dad's helper
has an exam
So I've woken early
to ensure
everything is smooth.

I don't have to do anything
But I just choose
to be awake.

Awake in case I'm needed.

Not for anyone else,
for me.

To prove to myself
that I'm a responsible adult.

Being awake.
Being woken up.

Asking someone to wake you up

Setting the 'alarm'.

Why is it called an 'alarm'?
Is it alarming, to wake up?
Is it more alarming, to slumber on?

Waking up
it means everything, really.

October 6, 2022 at 5:00pm
October 6, 2022 at 5:00pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

Some songs you can relate to
You seem to get the vibe

Some songs need to grow on you
They're not of 'your tribe'.

This one for me is the latter
It didn't make me feel a thing

And it didn't seem to matter
The lyrics didn't sting

I guess I'm old and rather stuck
In what I like to hear

And it's my bad luck
That this song didn't make me cheer.

If I looked up the lyrics and sang
Along, maybe I'd empathise

But I don't feel a pang
Or want to harmonise.

So I'll just hope that others
Enjoy it more than I did

All, my sisters and brothers
Every man, woman and kid!

September 13, 2022 at 10:41pm
September 13, 2022 at 10:41pm
Words: 234

Savita took down the curtain and wore it as a cape. It was important to feel the part, after all, while rehearsing. She had to get into the mood. She pinned the curtain on carefully and then positioned herself in front of the full-length mirror.

She looked fine, she thought. She checked her front, then her side profile, then the other side. Standing at a bit of an angle, she began declaiming:

"To be or not to be, that is the question."

"Wuff, wuff, wuff," her poodle, named Poodlemere United, agreed.

"Shhh, Poodlemere United. Don't be scared now, there's going to be a ghost."

"Wuff, wuff."

"You know the ghost is going to be my classmate, dressed up? You're clever."

Savita faced the mirror again. "To be or not to ..."


She turned quickly, to find the floor full of flowers and water. The vase was broken. Poodlemere United had yanked at the table cloth and the contents of the table were on the floor.

"What was that crash?" Savita's mother entered the room to find a bundle in a table cloth wriggling on the floor, and a girl wearing a cape guffawing on the bed.

"Poodlemere United wants to be the ghost, and was trying to dress the part!" Savita managed to utter. "He's going to be a great actor, Mom!"

"Oh dear, don't make me laugh now. Let's clean up this mess!"
September 8, 2022 at 3:09pm
September 8, 2022 at 3:09pm
Words: 300

Sujata picked up the remote and turned the TV off.

She stared at the blank screen for a while before she sighed, shook herself, shoved her feet into her flip-flops and heaved herself off the sofa. No matter where her thoughts were, there was vacuuming to be done, the dinner to be seen to and the laundry to be sorted ...

Yes, she was a wife and mother now, with typical wifely and motherly chores to do. She was quite happy doing them, and her husband, Bobby, did help whenever he could. The children were children - they made messes sometimes, but they weren't badly behaved or unruly. On the whole, Sujata was happy with her chosen lot.

It was just that seeing Bharati on TV suddenly like that had jolted her. She couldn't even remember what their original quarrel had been about, but it had ruined their high-school best-friendship ages ago. Somehow, they hadn't been able to get the comradery back. They'd lost touch, and she hadn't thought of Bharati in years.

And suddenly, there she was, participating in 'Win A Million' - wearing the ring Sujata had gifted her when they'd been in Grade 9. “This will bring you good luck.” Bharati had won the inter-school quiz for the overall trophy. Now, she was wearing it while participating on Win A Million, and was poised at 50k, to resume tomorrow ...

Bharati had touched the ring each time she had answered a question correctly.

Was that the mobile? Unknown number. But she'd answer.


"Sujata? Bharati here. Years ago, you'd given me a ring. Now, I'm giving you a ring - but on the telephone - to tell you your ring is bringing me luck again."

"It has brought me luck, too. You got my number and called me. I have your friendship back ..."
September 7, 2022 at 11:19pm
September 7, 2022 at 11:19pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

I enjoy WDC's birthday bash every year.

People from all over the world come together and celebrate. It's a huge party. And working behind the scenes, we have two people - SM and SMs.

What does it take, to mae a party successful?

1. Imagination. To think up, conceive the whole thing with a mix of old and new activities.
2. Preparation. Our leaders have been planning for weeks, months, for this.
3. Orchestration. Bringing all the different elements together in harmony.
4. Information. Getting people to know what's going on.
5. Participation. Getting people to log on and participate. That involves understanding what makes them participate and highlighting those aspects.
6. Perspiration. Hard work maintaining all the activities, keeping them going.
7. NO procrastination - all work done on time!

Yes, it takes a lot to make a good party.
We're blessed we have people who give a lot to we can have fun - and do a lot of learning, too! *Smile*

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