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Birthday Bash Relay. Excited on Second Place! Now for various WDC contests and activities
Team Ahimsa

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The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay  [E]
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by iKïyå§ama

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Congratulations to  'Team Ahimsa'  for your excellent entries earning you the 1st-Runner-Up prize in  [Link To Item #1803384] !
"Note: They came, they ran the race, they conquered! ..."

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Congratulations on winning second place in the November 2021 30DBC!

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness - Paused
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Muffy's Mischievous Challenges  (18+)
Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
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January 23, 2023 at 7:46am
January 23, 2023 at 7:46am

You know what?

It's good to have both - knowledge and wisdom.

In case you're wondering what each one of them is, the best explanation I've found came from a quote on Facebook.

What's knowledge? Knowledge is knowing the tomato is a fruit.

What's wisdom? Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

(End of quote).

So, kids need both.

They need the knowledge of what happened in history and the wisdom to vote for the correct candidate. They need the IQ to do well in Math, and later on double their money on the stock exchange, and the EQ to cherish a friendship, value a relationship and be grateful for their blessings.

They need to be able to write a job application and they need to do their taxes, and they need to gasp in awe at a work of art and wipe away the tears a poem brought on.

They need it all.

So - there's no either-or.

Education needs to be well rounded, holistic and child-friendly. We need to find the balance between academics and co-curricular activities.

Who chooses? Who decides the syllabus?

I'd say the teacher. She's the one who is on the ground with a deep understanding of children and their needs at various ages. As they grow, children themselves can be asked to choose what they'd like to learn.

But it's never either - or.
It has to be both.

Prompt - Extra - Category 1
January 23, 2023 at 6:52am
January 23, 2023 at 6:52am
Words: 428 incl. note.

(Note - I, personally, am a privileged urban woman and I have it good, with the best educational and professional opportunities and a lot of personal freedom. I'm speaking of the majority of the women in my country, in the cities and the villages.)

The status of woman.


The woman has no status.

And that is the problem.

It starts in the womb. Indian doctors are not allowed to reveal the gender of the expected baby because chances are the parents want to know if they're getting a female.

They probably don't want a female.

And they'll abort.

Before she is born, the Indian girl is at a disadvantage.

Throughout life, she is seen as a burden. Often she is given less food than her brother, whom she waits on day and night. If she is sent to school at all, it's to an inferior school.

The inferior schools don't have proper bathrooms. So when she starts getting her periods, she is taken out of school. Which means she has studied only up to Grade 5 or thereabouts.

There are laws about marriageable age, but these are often ignored. As soon as she comes of age, she is married off to the man who demands the least dowry. Sometimes, he's old enough to be her father. It follows that when he dies, she's still quite young, and as a widow, she has to shave her head and live in isolation.

Crimes against women happen often and are often covered up - not reported.

In India, the biggest social problem is how badly most women are treated.

The problem is deep rooted. Generations of brain washing mean that women themselves often perpetuate the notions of the inferiority of their gender. There's no easy solution.

It's got to start at the beginning. In the family. The way Dad treats Mom has got to change. Brother should not be entitled to sister's servitude.

Then, school. Text books should promote women's rights (human rights, but often denied to women). Gender equality should be the norm in the stories, songs and rhymes that children learn by heart.

The media. Movies, commercials. Portray women as important citizens, not slaves to men.

Lawmakers and law enforcers. Have more women among them and let them be truly just.

Men. Get out of your mental cages. Let yourself get liberated. Accept your Mom, sister, sister-in-law, grandma, wife, niece, daughter, daughter-in-law as an equal member of your family as their male counterparts. (Heck, they're probably way better, but I'll settle for equal to begin with.)

Society, wake up. Now.

January 23, 2023 at 6:21am
January 23, 2023 at 6:21am
No man is an island.

Humankind is a social species. By nature, we're geared to bond with each other (yes, even the introverts). We need our family, friends, community, tribe.

And we need our rules.

To live together in harmony, to survive, to grow, to prosper, we need shared values, shared visions and the balance of individual and group priorities. These occur in various ways, some more tangible and out there than others.

The most tangible and out there are the political and the religious.

Can the two be separated?

Long answer - yes and no.

Short answer - no.

It is the same brain that is thinking, the same heart that is beating, the same soul that is making its choices. Somewhere, somehow, these will connect no matter how hard you try.

Is there a solution?

Long answer - yes and no.

Short answer - yes.

The first step is to accept. Accept that all aspects of human life are inter-related. That there will be areas which overlap. Then, try to ensure that the overlap doesn't lead to conflict. Have a committee that chalks out which gets priority should there be a conflict, and have recognised 'arbiters' who decide individual occurrences when necessary.

It's a matter of spelling out priorities.

For example:
If the priority is HEALTH
and the State (politics) allows free health care
while certain sects (religion) does not allow intervention
and parents belonging to that sect have to decide what to do about a sick toddler

... the committee gets to decide which of the two is the better promoter of the priority HEALTH and the individual has to abide by that.
Thus, if the committee says the parents have to avail the free health care, the parents have to do that.

The committee is the Sole Soul, making the choice between one and the other.

It's not a perfect solution. The long answer to the question 'is there a solution' was yes and no.

But then, the reason we are human is that there aren't perfect solutions to all our problems. We'd be robots otherwise!

345 words

January 23, 2023 at 5:11am
January 23, 2023 at 5:11am
When I write, as you can see
I try to show the best of me
What you see is what I choose
Whole picture? Nah! You lose!

I cut, I prune, and I refine
To ensure that you define
Me according to my terms
Just the glow and not the germs.

Okay, it's a start to read
Blog entries, because you need
To know how I wanna be perceived
But after that, you must judge by deed.

Judge me not by what I write
But how I live, day and night.
My ideas of wrong and right
My choice of battles to fight.

Judge me not by blog entries
But by my behaviour, if you please.
Am i loving? Am I kind?
Do I leave good vibes behind?

So basically, as you can see
I'm not in favoure of a blog entry
As a mirror of my personality
'Cause of its 'partial'-ity!

You need a lot more than that
To reveal what I'm keeping under my hat!
So get to know me deep inside
And then, my worth decide!


January 23, 2023 at 4:40am
January 23, 2023 at 4:40am
Words: 195

Well, both outer space and the oceans are important, but if you make me pick one to explore, it'll be the SEA. Underwater.


1. The sea is more immediate to life on earth. The sea covers more than half our planet. We need to know what's at home before we figure out what's out there.

2. We're destroying the sea and the creatures found there at a faster rate than we're destroying space (not for lack of trying, I might add). Maybe if we know what it is we're destroying, we'd think twice before we ruined it.

3. Just sentiment - Sea creatures are FASCINATING. The varieties, the colours, the defence mechanisms, the movements ...
Out of pure enchantment, just to gasp with admiration, it would be the sea.

4. Just sentiment - My childhood memories of picnics on the beach, swimming in the ocean, are vivid and joyful. I'd like to explore more, to re-live and 'deepen' (pun intended) these memories.

5. Just sentiment - Dad is a diver and has narrated stories of what he has seen in the sea. If Dad can, I can. So there.

And if that ain't enough for you - here -

January 16, 2023 at 7:19am
January 16, 2023 at 7:19am
Words: 271


You probably haven't heard his name.

That's because he isn't out to make a name for himself. He's out to do what he does best - eye surgeries.

My surgeon, Dr. Mahesh Shanmugham, is a miracle worker. He performs dozens of eye surgeries (specialising in retina) in a day, and over the weekend, the hospital he works at does 300 charity surgeries for those who can't afford to pay.

He is very good at what he does - and is one of the kindest human beings I know. Through all the data he has to keep in his head about his patients, he never forgets that they are human beings. He knows that my Dad has bad knees, and when Dad accompanies me for a check up, Dr. Mahesh makes sure he gets good chairs. If I have to be admitted, he makes sure the room has good facilities for the attender, too!

Dr. Mahesh goes abroad on lecture tours to many countries and has students from different countries come and intern with him. I've met many interesting medical interns at his hospital. He teaches them not only the work, but his kindness, too. Everyone in his department is wonderful with nervous patients and anxious attenders. They are gentle and caring, no matter how many other cases they have to get through that day.

I think that's a true role model. He's excellent at his work, he doesn't go for fame but only for letting the work speak for itself, he creates an atmosphere that is best for those who need it, within his environs. I'm blessed to have him as my Doctor.
January 16, 2023 at 3:42am
January 16, 2023 at 3:42am
Locking up is not the answer.

I know, crime should not happen.

Crime hurts the victim, it hurts society, it hurts the perpetrator and her / his family.

The answer lies in eliminating (or, at least, minimising) crime - not in putting individual criminals away.

To do that, we must first understand why crime happens.

Emotional instability? Financial stress? Greed? Keeping-up-with-the-Joneses? Economic injustice?

Once the reasons are pinpointed, steps must be taken to remedy the situation. We need to have an atmosphere in which crime cannot take root. If people don't need or want to commit crime, they won't. Individuals who feel loved, secure and worthwhile don't commit crime. Let every individual feel loved, secure and worthwhile. With careful planning, with everyone on board, it can be done.

A note about punishments and deterrents: Let's work for a world in which these are not needed. Criminals, in any case, feel confident of not being caught at the time of planning the crime. The punishment will not put them off then - they're not going to face it anyway.

So let's create homes, schools, colleges and work-spaces where people feel they bleong, where they feel secure, and let's render the jails redundant!

Words: 199


Image created by Gervic, gifted to me by Maryann

Logo for Writing.Com Moderators - small.


January 16, 2023 at 3:08am
January 16, 2023 at 3:08am
If I could change the taste of regret
Its new flavour would be endeavour
from the bitter to the sweet
peace and healing forever.

If I could change the taste of defeat
Its new flavour would be learning
from the raw to the seasoned
with passion always burning.

If I could change the taste of anger
Its new flavour would be understanding
empathy taking each circumstance
from indigestible to appetizing

If I could change the taste of fear
Its new flavour would be security
Working through the nausea
To a state of bon apetit.

Taste is not just on the plate or palate
It's not just in tongue or lips
Its weight is in the heart and mind
Not just the tummy or hips!

Taste the food, taste the air
Taste everything around you
So many tastes to share
So much flavour surrounds you.

Taste with the senses
With the emotions
Taste with body and soul

Taste every morsel
Life has to offer
To make this experience whole.

Enjoy what is given at the table
Enjoy what is for all humankind
Enjoy things, enjoy intangibles
Be grateful for the joy you find!

Words: 192

January 9, 2023 at 2:00am
January 9, 2023 at 2:00am
Yeah, don't ban me.

I was happy eating bananas. A Banana Bar would've been the ideal place for me. Don't ban me.

If you like, ban Nanna.

Yes, ban Nanna.

After all, it was all Nanna's fault I got tipsy.

Don't believe me? Ask my Dad, he was there. Ask him, I tell you. Nanna got me drunk when I was three years old.


Yeah, enough of the teaser, you want the story.

So I had a cold and my parents were at their wits' end because I was sneezing so much. They'd tried everything everyone told them, from next-door-granny to the postman's wife, and even the Doctor, but my cold wouldn't go and I wouldn't stop sneezing.

Finally, they tried Nanna's remedy.

Not banana. So, ban Nanna.

Nanna suggested a teaspoonful of brandy in a tablespoonful of honey in a glass of warm water.

It was duly administered to my sneezy lips.

For a few seconds it looked like it had worked. I smiled. I stopped sneezing.

My parents were about to look up hopefully, when ...

I hiccupped.



Then I tilted a bit, sideways, and walked - or rather, glided - into the table. Or I would've if Mom hadn't caught me.

I was well and truly drunk.

"It was just one teaspoon in a tablespoonful in a glassful," Nanna sobbed. "NOBODY gets drunk on that much!"

"My daughter does," said Mom, through gritted teeth.

I was giggling and swaying by then, and bumping into random furniture and tripping over my own feet.

Mom was frantic.

She was yelling at Nanna.

Till Dad did something worse than what Nanna had done.

He left the room.

"Are you going to get help?" Mom yelled after him.

"No, I'm going to get the camera," he called back. "She looks so damn cute when she's tipsy."

(They didn't get divorced.)


January 9, 2023 at 1:45am
January 9, 2023 at 1:45am



Unwilling to compromise.

Not a team player.

I've been called all this and more, because I am pigheaded, stubborn, unwilling to compromise and not on board with a team that conducts any sort of classes for kids which compromise on the kids' benefitting.

I will not tolerate any other consideration being prioritized over the participants getting short term and long term value.

Therefore, my workshops for kids are workshops. They are not babysitting sessions during which the older child supposedly does Shakespeare while the younger one supposedly looks on. What winds up happening is it's a cover up to babysit the younger one for the benefit of the parents' social life.

I'm not against parents having a social life, but not at this cost. Don't dump an eight year old into a Shakespeare session meant for age 12 and above. She'll feel intimidated and it might put her off literature forever. Even if I lose you as a customer, I won't let you dump that kid on me.

Same goes for event organizers. Don't try to gain numbers by having five year olds in the same batch as 13 year olds. I won't buy your argument that they'll be good for each other. Everyone's pants will be bored off.

Yes, I've walked out of meetings for these reasons and I've lost a lot of work over the years. I will not compromise on age group. This has got me into a lot of trouble with adults who have their own agendas.

But it's heartwarming when those I have taught tell me how - decades later - they remember my sessions with fondness. By being strict, I created something real and memorable for the age groups I did manage to get through to and I'm so glad about that.


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