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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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November 3, 2009 at 3:36pm
November 3, 2009 at 3:36pm

You look tired
Oh nothing much
Same old same old at work
Something like that

Maybe next time
Yeah maybe next time

Kept you late again
New boss is a ball-breaker
So not this weekend either
I’ll make it up to you

Too drunk to drive home
So call a cab

I forgot no big deal
It is a big deal
There’ll be another one
She only turns five once

You’re never around
I’m home all the time
In the den or on the phone
Someone has to provide

I don't want to hear your excuse
I don’t want to do this now

It relaxes me after work
Other men go home
Maybe their wives nag less

Why is this my fault now
Not what I meant to say
I think it’s exactly what you meant

You think I’m stupid
What the fuck are you on about

The weekend trips
The late night phone calls

I want a divorce
What about the kids
Now you care
What does that mean


October 30, 2009 at 11:22am
October 30, 2009 at 11:22am

Demarcating that which
         belongs to me

a certain quirk of the lip
human warmth under a cold blanket
regret at the umpteenth-and-one time

barrelfuls of angry accusations
fitful sparks of mirth suppressed
bushels of old disappointments

From that which
         I cannot claim

a veneer of politeness
a formal system of quid-pro-quo
an unalloyed pleasure in your company

sunshine, rainbows and lollipops
faith you mean what you say
when you say it to me

October 27, 2009 at 11:35am
October 27, 2009 at 11:35am

I watched.

With blithe spirits
                   carefree steps
the crowd moved.

They were

I ached
         with the wanting.

I joined in
         not knowing the steps.

I waltzed.

The music picked up
a tempo shift –

I tripped
and was
         left behind.

only by weariness

I accepted defeat
relinquishing the floor
          to others more graceful.

Facing failure
I did not dare
         try again.

I cursed
the wall
my will
from my desire.
October 23, 2009 at 4:21pm
October 23, 2009 at 4:21pm

still warm
to the touch

your skin
having transmitted
to the cambric

an overwhelming heat

it is
your best dress shirt

blinding white
your sun-bronzed hands

that you use
to wipe away

the dampness
the blood

between my legs

October 19, 2009 at 12:38pm
October 19, 2009 at 12:38pm
At the end of day, everyone agreed:
         she was only as good as she ought to be.

Certainly she danced on the edge of propriety. But honestly,
         she could have turned out no differently. Blood will tell,

as everyone knows. She could hold her own fairly well
         in high society. Her interests, however, were most remarkably

low. The wonder was, everyone said, not that she frequently
         put on such a poor showing but that she could be

good at all, respectable even, if you could bring yourself to forget
         the tree from whence the apple fell.

October 6, 2009 at 12:02pm
October 6, 2009 at 12:02pm

I held in you in my arms all the while tears of salt and anguish
         splashed the hollow of my neck
the sniffled snuffling of your rending misery caused by her defection

almost – but not quite – an insupportable obligation that I bore by
         offering comfort and platitudes in equal measure
to soothe the sting of your heartbreak, murmuring soft words of lavish praise
to banish the memory of that rejection –

and how much more final does moving across the country get,
         even if it was not solely
(or mostly) you that prompted the decision –

with my wholehearted acceptance, which made you laugh wryly
         in between the tears, profusely apologizing for the quirk of fate
that brought us to the point whereby

your inadequacies and my insecurities
         as I worked myself to the depressive quick with the minutiae of wifely duties
without the benefit of a ring

had driven you straight into her arms
         on my couch, on my floor, on my bed even,
though that you deny –

and fairly spoken can I even complain when it is your money
         that pays the rent, your family heirlooms and college castoffs
that decorate the apartment, and the only things truly mine fit in two suitcases:
         some odds and ends, pots and pans, clothes and bedding –

and now her leaving,
         first abroad to an uncertain reception and then back home
to lick the wounds inflicted by
our rediscovered happiness
and the cruel mistress that is our city,

had left you once again only with me
         so you tell me that you love me,
the quaver in your voice probably sincere, although perhaps you think

I miss the way your eyes now track another one of my friends
         (and yours too, now, I suppose)
whenever she leaves and enters a room or
your unnecessary, overly solicitous concern for her well-being

I am not so big a person as all that
         I was unable to resist a dig or five
at your expense which you stomached
with ill-concealed discomfiture and poor grace –

but you were smart enough to take them
         knowing that anything I inflict on you is payment
for what you have done to me continuously, deliberately, many times over,
for the last six or seven years –

I held you in my arms, all the while biting back
         tears of salt and anguish
not foolish or desperate enough to gift you with them.
August 19, 2009 at 12:15pm
August 19, 2009 at 12:15pm

Fracturing your soul
Poisoning it with my flesh

Beat the carefree devilry
Out of your swagger

Grinding away until you are
Pride bloodied and heart bruised
The arrogance
Bled from your smile

Cleaving you in twain
Leaving you
Wide open, naked, for the
Hungry world to feast on

Shattering your world
Smashing the pieces into dust

I am dreaming of vengeance
Needing you to suffer
That which I have suffered

I want you hemorrhaging
The self-respect
You once stole from me

Drawn into your orbit
Against every rational inclination

Every rotation a prayer
Every revolution a song

I know I should pay you back in kind
For sleepless nights and barren days

But I forget
How I hate you

When your grip turns solid

Shoving me into the wall
Against the stairs

Pushing me down on the table
Onto the bed

Pulling me out of the chair
Into your lap

Thus you slip past my defenses
To rest inside me
July 29, 2009 at 5:00pm
July 29, 2009 at 5:00pm

I will not do the obliging thing
And go gently into that good night

I am bursting with too much rage
To fade quietly out of sight

I will not slink myself away
Nor hang my head with blame
I will not fill my eyes with tears
Nor gamely die of shame

I will not die beneath the shadow’s blight
No matter that they wish me gone

In their eyes the shame will always be
Mine and mine alone

I will claim it so
And wear it proudly

Let it and I serve as the reminder
Of things they desire undone

I will not do the obliging thing
And go gently into that good night

July 21, 2009 at 4:26pm
July 21, 2009 at 4:26pm

Your skin tastes like strawberries
         the tart stickiness of fruit
         straight off the vine
Slathered and dipped in
         the fluffy sugary buttery goodness
         of homemade whipped cream

Your eyes are alive with devilry
         when you speak such fantastic lies
The sweat gushing from my pores
         more like over-salted broth than anything else
The words a transparent ploy to distract me
         from the hitch in your breath old man

Using what is handy I call you out
         the challenge issued: boxing glove to the face
A light love-tap because we are no longer sparring
         but nevertheless deadly serious in intention
Sir you have impugned my honor for the last time
         the choice of location and weapons is yours

How about a battle axe you ask smirking
         I struggle to keep my face impassive
         this being one round I am determined to win
Even if I have to resort to low blows
         like bending over and fiddling
         with a shoelace that requires no tying

On second thought you say stalking me across the ring
         the amusement still in your voice
         but subsumed by the hunger
I choose lances you growl and when I hit the ropes
         unable to back up any further
         you throw me down onto the mat

Oh so the gloves are coming off are they
         I taunt cheeky as ever and fairly thrumming in anticipation
Thirty strokes whoever comes first loses
         you count aloud while I parry each of your slow thrusts
By the time you hit sixteen I am ready to explode
         twenty-one has me begging you to go faster

At twenty-six we call it a draw.

July 13, 2009 at 3:26pm
July 13, 2009 at 3:26pm

“You remind me of myself,”

hard luck and harder living
worn into her face
each wrinkle with a tale to tell
that would make rogues blush,

“when I was young as you.
Not too long ago neither,
no matter what you think.”

This, then,
was the face of my future,
the price of pleasure for a lifetime
spent whoring for
cruel men and crueler drink –

To believe that would be intolerable.

I have to pretend
that she does not know
ignore what she foretells
ignore the small tremors
ignore what brought me
to her door
pathetically grateful that, yes,
she has something on hand.

Even if it is something
I would otherwise
never touch because let us face facts,
there are degrees of madness,
lines drawn in sand with wind,
and tonight of all nights,
to come home to find
an empty closet –

well, anyone could be excused for thinking
this called for something a little more serious
than what I normally dabble in.

I am secure in the knowledge:
I passed the point of stopping
when I wanted to
a very long time ago; but
that being said

I am nowhere near the far reaches
of dissipation
the folds of her face seem to imply
simply because
one-for-one turned into one-for-five
then one-for-ten and twenty.

“Give it to you half-price,”
half-price after jacking it up
thrice that amount and me the loser
many times over.

“Word of advice, a pretty girl like you,
find yourself
a man ‘fore you end up alone.”

I thank her effusively as much for the
unwelcome advice as anything else.

I touch my face with cold fingers
the skin there brittle,
too old for someone as young as me,
and make my way home anxiously.

The promise of oblivion is
a stronger lure than fear of the future
ever could be.

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