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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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December 29, 2009 at 11:38am
December 29, 2009 at 11:38am

this rattling cough
punches through my tired chest
I reach for water
but my hand shakes, my skin aches
feverish with love and loss
December 16, 2009 at 11:40pm
December 16, 2009 at 11:40pm
He said to her, you are the thing I was waiting for my whole life. I wouldn’t want to live in a universe you weren’t in.

She didn’t know if she should believe him. It was the kind of line designed to make her heart kick up a beat – which it was; like most of her kin she was unreasonably sentimental – without necessarily meaning anything. Yet this was the most serious she’d ever seen him, a rare furrow marring his brow. From what she could tell he was sincere. At any rate, she’d already made up her mind. She threw herself into his arms, her spastic arms clobbering him across the chin in her haste to embrace him. It would take time to learn her limbs, awkward and pubescent. He didn't seem to mind.

Up close she could see her true image – a small dark fairy with green hair and sharp teeth – smiling back at her from his pupils. Ouch, he complained, that hurt. Still he enfolded her, making a nest of his jacket for her to burrow in. She was safe for the time being, wrapped in pixie magic and lover’s words.

I want to eat you up. Then I will always have you with me, she murmured into his chest. The words were too soft for him to hear, she imagined, because he jumped when she bit him. Her teeth were sharp enough to draw blood, even through the layers of clothing. Licking her lips she snuggled deeper, satisfied. The bindings would hold true now, whether he had meant the words or not.

December 14, 2009 at 2:52pm
December 14, 2009 at 2:52pm
desperate pleading
but before I can wake her
a kiss is required
just as in the fairy tales
so I kissed her lips both sets

December 11, 2009 at 12:14pm
December 11, 2009 at 12:14pm

Inspired by theoldwolf's similarly titled poem "Invalid Item

Learning to love unconditionally, swallowing the
Overwhelming fear of his leaving, of
Never knowing, of always hoping, never
Giving voice to the mirroring despair you see
In his eyes sometimes as he turns to you
Nuzzling your neck, kissing your lips before
Going places he might never come back from.

December 11, 2009 at 11:47am
December 11, 2009 at 11:47am

Craving, yearning, burning all those words that mean hunger, nasty brutish hunger for the forearms of one, coated with coarse black hairs, for the vulnerable spot where the nape of the neck peeks out from the collar of a dress shirt of another, men on the bus, the train, walking their dogs, their children, their wives, men queued on the crowded line of a deli counter, short, fat, beautiful, tall, ugly old men, I quake with the hunger of a swooning romance novel ingénue’s mousy best friend, willing and trembling, quietly desperate with this insatiable need for that one’s hands, fingers blunt and blackened with construction dirt, the jeans clinging like my hands, nails cut short and sharp, ought to be, for another one’s lips, full and well-formed, as he worries his bottom lip with Chiclet teeth in concentration before taking a drag from a water bottle I feel the need to replace with my breasts because I imagine those hands, those lips stabbing into me, biting down on my ass until sitting at my desk thinking filthy thoughts my hand works its way down into my pants to touch the pussy I had left bare since it is lunchtime and nobody is in the office to see me squirm at my desk with my eyes closed, head thrown back against the ergonomic chair while I fuck myself to those strangers, to the blue-eyed man on the train who said, 'excuse me' as he brushed past me smelling of winter and leather, to the memory of the silver-haired black man sitting across from me in the café who I would not in real life ask to bend me over the table and paddle me raw though I furtively pleasure myself all the same to the idea of it, that he will look up again, catching my eye because he knows what I am doing, what I am imagining, urging me on with a sly smile because he likes what he sees, this being, with a clitoris engorged with fantasies, enough to tumble me through, though I have the presence of mind to turn the triumphant scream into a muffled cough as he goes back to reading his paper, smile still in place, and I take a bite of a sandwich that has gone cold.
December 9, 2009 at 3:16pm
December 9, 2009 at 3:16pm

You only write
sad love songs.

why not try writing
a poem
about a tree

a story about
the ghost
in the machine?

It’s the same thing
you’ve nothing original
to say about it

if you ever really did.

The kiss of death –
dear god
I even think in cliché –
is that you are right.

When I try to write
something else
something beautiful
something false

the words mutate
into cracked reflections
of deep-set insecurities.

What I actually say

I write love songs
to trick you
into staying.

You’ve already left.

It cannot hurt
to try to keep you
this time

by exorcising
the demon
of the first leaving

with my pen.

That’s seriously strange
and besides
no one these days
uses pen and paper;
you need new metaphors.

Everybody knows
the only way to cast
a proper love spell
is on paper
with heart's blood,

your comment being
cleverly designed
to free you
from my incantations.

Too bad I am
in the pursuit

of my desires
and cannot
take into account

What I say is:

You left
and those songs
brought you back.

Then you lay your head
upon my shoulder
saying nothing at all.
December 7, 2009 at 5:16pm
December 7, 2009 at 5:16pm
smashing atoms together
at lightning speeds

turning something into
something else

a man-made machine
to lay bare the stars

an unparalleled attempt
to solve
the fundamental mysteries
of the universe


how to make something
out of nothing

various real or imaginary

countless other
quantum questions

will we one day discover
that envy is the missing matter
that lust dances with gravitons

the problem of symmetry
is merely you
looking at my world

reflected through
the upside-down prism
of someone else’s eyes?
November 19, 2009 at 10:14am
November 19, 2009 at 10:14am

Hauling the nothingness from
whence the world was made
over mountaintops across
the expanse of an unforgiving sea

I am one of the many words
that sunder the pull of gravity feeble
chains streaking across the world I am
lightning I am the thunder

In my sack I carry songs
of the earth which sound like
freedom I walk to their rhythm
and it lightens the load
November 19, 2009 at 9:51am
November 19, 2009 at 9:51am

Splotchy dark
mosquito bites
badges of childhood
marks of summer
proof of sweet blood

Thick ridged
surgical flesh
a dead man
gave me back my legs
and thus my life

Thin clean line
adorning a
partially severed thumb
which cooked, cleaned,
while weeping

Hollow indentation
of cracked bone
crooked dealings
crooked healing
the skull warped
but not broken

Fading ones
upon the wrists
designs of sorrow
etched in blades
and blood

What could I want
with smooth skin?
November 9, 2009 at 4:15pm
November 9, 2009 at 4:15pm
This cannot be
all there is to life

Riding in the shadows
of unspoken hurts

This must not be
all there is to life

Cowering in the darkness
of dreams deferred

A lie perhaps
but necessary

This could not
all that there is

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