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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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September 16, 2010 at 10:01pm
September 16, 2010 at 10:01pm

Skin suffused with happiness, a smile that mirrors hers, tongue touching lips in gleeful mimicry. Heartburn tightness caused by skin unweathered with worry and hands reaching, grasping hungrily, annihilating time and space in logic-defying, laugh-in-face-of-worlds denying madness, collides with the slide of a finger over well-traveled planes. Her face alight with delight, something screams “mine”, womb clutching in all eager anticipation, suppressing a sigh for the unfamiliar weight now gone. "She’s adorable," the time bomb of biological imperatives felling previously impregnable towers, one last look - does she love me - before walking away.
September 2, 2010 at 4:14pm
September 2, 2010 at 4:14pm


round domes
straight lines
spires curves
relics of faith
competing against
of sacred space

mass hysteria
wreckage draped
like wisteria
on the flaming skeleton
bodies fall
plunge lunge

blasted craters
the innocent
the game
sacrificed to
the same end
by horror
and honor


when they are
holes in the ground
ground to a halt
full-bore stop
before the start

an unredeemed
an unfinished
an appropriate
by the inertia
of inaction

a bulwark
against a host
of believers
who usurp
the covenants
of their
kith and kin

by reverence
through word
to a god
in whom we all trust
July 6, 2010 at 10:28am
July 6, 2010 at 10:28am

when it was
you and I
your breath
taste smell
were perfect

when it was
us and them
cracks appeared
we never learned
being together
around other people

whether it was
you and I
us and them
you owned me
an objet d'art
one that spoke well
of your taste

when it was
you and I
gifts stemmed
from affection
decorative gems
testified to adoration
complements to vows
sworn before
man and God

when it was
us and them
you made of me a whore
a mercenary
willing to sell
her youth her sex
to the first
competitive bidder

whether it was
you and I
us and them
you loved me
much like
your Fabergé eggs
or vintage war posters
the pride
of a collector

when it was
you and I
we equated
eros with freedom
it did not matter who
dealt the lashes
knelt in ropes

when it was
us and them
I was as securely fastened
as the money
that dwelt in your wallet
chained to your side

when it was
us and them
I often forgot
the myriad transactions
blinded by romance
I gave away my love
for cheap

when it was
you and I
you never failed
to remind me
of my idiocy
or make me pay
for such folly
June 30, 2010 at 9:40am
June 30, 2010 at 9:40am

if i were pensive introspective
owner of a fully furnished interior
then i wouldn't feel the need
to deconstruct
the bathtub bleach dye job
thrashing against the tanning bed
radioactive glow peeking from
mounds of concealer which fail to hide
the pockmarked pimple landscape
of cheeks that long ago lost their bone
and melted into the jaw -
or so you say.

you have a beautiful mouth -
see who says i can't
accentuate the positive -
at least until you use it to speak
with those liver lips drawn back
into a snarl of frustration no amount of
smile practice can overcome
i see in your tonsils another
of the reasons i could never love you.

shallow silly one-dimensional are
resentful synonyms for
more beautiful than thou
i cannot help that this caramel skin
contrasts pleasingly with
the black-haired black-eyed
of exotic sands surfs and skies
cannot be blamed for being plump
in enough of the right places
to force people to wonder why i
waste myself since nothing about you
screams of money.
June 11, 2010 at 10:56am
June 11, 2010 at 10:56am
Also published in slightly different form in Colin Back on the Ghost Roads 's Spectacular Speculations July 2010 edition.

Tea leaves swirl a bitter pattern only the crone
can read, so the sign says. Shifty red eyes, the kind you can buy
at any mom-and-pop genetics shop, fill with premonitions or greed.
Reduced to begging a fortune from the cup,
I listen intently as her flesh flashes
– pop pop green, pop yellow, pop orange, repeating –
with bargain basement prophecies.

“Out there is your destiny my son.
Beyond the moons and the stars you’ll find
hardship and heartache, sin and redemption.
You will love and lose many women,
thin-skinned fairies, winged beasties, large cats, small reptiles,
until you reach your journey’s end.” One final pop
– orange – and she stills.

Too late to recall the credits I paid her with,
I shake her hand without malice. It’s a caveat-emptor universe
anyhow. Except

I move to leave and can’t, my limbs unresponsive
the way they say happened before, during
the wars, when skinjackers and pool hackers would crawl inside
and make a home in your nets. Somehow I’ve found
the real deal, an old school latin-beatnik prophet.

“Be wary, void-walker, what you bring
out of the warp,” she whispers behind my eyeballs,
etching something underneath the lids.

Too much to hope for that it’s protection.

“Deliver this onto the Far Ones. Bring a reply,
should you survive.” Her eyes blacken beneath the cheap
synth-red, pulsing – an off-world, off-beat syncopation –
voodoo injun style in synch with her skin.

I wake in my cot, colossal headache in tow, feeling
well and truly jazzed. The itch beneath my skin is the hex.
Thankfully, if the colonials vivisect me, they’ll see
I never read it. Being an unwitting unwilling accomplice
might gain me a faster disassembly. Probably not. I throw on
some old-fashioned alligator spacewaders,
and suit up for another long day’s journey into the fright.

There’s nothing else I can do really, with the compulsion in place
and the hex burning in hole in my mental pocket,
but deliver her message.
June 2, 2010 at 4:42pm
June 2, 2010 at 4:42pm

Published in the September 2010 negative suck  
May 26, 2010 at 5:17pm
May 26, 2010 at 5:17pm

the penultimate act of creation
is a negation an emphatic no
to procrastination a salvo in the war
against punctuation
self-doubt lost anew each time
a little death the ultimate is
the wisdom of forgetfulness
since who would continue if one
remembered the everything
that came before perfection
May 17, 2010 at 8:49pm
May 17, 2010 at 8:49pm

Also published in Oysters & Chocolate  

(Note that the link is definitively NSFW.)

It was here on the dashboard there on the table where
on the bed the sum of twenty fingers four legs two mouths
one dirty mind adding up to monumental creativity
the essence of other people’s sex – sex with
other people – I wrap around you a story of intertwined
figures dancing naked on public beaches
sharing an acid high lust masquerading as psychosis
the living breathing sugar sand creeping into my cunt
as you licked away the embarrassment of a long-suffered
virginity knowing this fucking could have been
– or probably was – meant for some other body
is what contorts your face into the silent scream you spilled
inside me you cannot resist competing with the sheer
volume of new – repeat – traffic
the Johns Janes Dicks and Annes Scheherazade
drawing forth almost orgasms from cliffhangers
riding the razor edge of anticipation one for each
day and night you missed of my sexual awakening there were
endless beginnings until you mastered the art of letting
go stroking with the current of my wetness
instead of against my inclinations middles in which
I wooed you with tales of toys that vibrated plugged tied
pinched stretched the limits of your imaginings
to begging boys flogging you for my pleasure endings
that fetishized your innate jealousy into voyeurism foreplay
three four five my-ways with you the titillated spectator
outside the circle of cocks and come raining upon
my face breasts ass with jerks and slaps my story
ended with twenty toes four arms two hearts adding up
to one filthy love bounding between us exhausted
we crash from squeezing pushing thrusting
biting scratching beating sleep away the fucking
tomorrow's twilight your tale to tell.

May 3, 2010 at 11:46am
May 3, 2010 at 11:46am

Redolent with sweat,
it blankets the streets
with an extra pungent layer
called suffering.
Commuter bodies
bump to a soundtrack
of unseasonable heat,
the lilt gone from even
the most delicious
tourist accents;
an existential crisis
rolls into the harbor.

Along with it comes rain
that moistens without quenching,
drenching mini skirts
business trousers and purse dogs
alike, absorbing the acid spewed
by the millions of imprecations
to damnably distant gods.
Hundred dollar haircuts,
twelve dollar knockoff purses,
all soaked beyond recognition.

Steaming water droplets
on contact,
the musk of egg-frying
sidewalks for once
overpowers the stench
of scented human meat.
The fog creeps in behind
the low pressure system
setting pressures to boiling,
dishwater grey tendrils
strangling what joy remained
from weekend revels.
March 25, 2010 at 11:06am
March 25, 2010 at 11:06am

What happened to the girl who studied
at the intersection of science and religion,
who dreamed of building mass transit
highways and byways, who lusted
after gorgeous signage and the heady
mysticism of the scientific revolution?

Probably for the best
I cannot seem to find her –
I doubt she could forgive
how swiftly her principles
gave way to a fear of
unemployment and the demands
of Sallie Mae.

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