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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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July 7, 2011 at 11:27am
July 7, 2011 at 11:27am

The sea inveigled, yellow-black and frantic,
its horns honking her name;
would that machinery fit her insides,
with the engines emanating such angry animation?

Perched beside her, sweeping in its chicanery,
the wind trumpeted heroic songs
of tragic heroes and stoppered prophets
in the corridors of steel monstrosities.

There was fire, all charming surface and deadly purpose.

Polluted smoke gutted her senses,
narrowed her vision to a pinprick:
the gap between Charybdis and Scylla.

A handkerchief of Thorazine
meant to block her eyes and stop her ears,
a rope of Haldol meant to bind her hands,
and bring her through to safety,
she had left those accoutrements behind,
could only now lament their lack.

Winged maidens lured her towards the rocks below,
their sirens blaring with adulation and deception.

Nothing ominous here, they promised,
where cars drifted, purposeful and aimless,
where towers bent and shifted at the sky’s whim,
where streets crawled with bodies
two-legged and four.

Crowds came out to greet her
with upstretched hands and worried faces.
Arduous for being god-touched,
her odyssey neared its end;
the shores of home beckoned.

A long fall but a quick landing, the earth cajoled.
Finally, something concrete;
was that not what life had previously denied her?

Shouts of joy followed her down.
May 18, 2011 at 1:10pm
May 18, 2011 at 1:10pm

she sings of home
that he may share her despair
at bygone sea-mink luxuries

enormities of jealousies contained in brown hues
unburnt umber, her eyes, widened with wanton expectation
dark sienna, her hair, wild mane decorated in kelp
chamois, her skin, flecked with copper and rust

carefully sought, carelessly discarded
the hidden sea-slick pelt keeps her present
senses engaged, a voluptuary of surf and earth,
she stays, strays, possibly content

she eschews truths, avoids honesty
sweetens with splendorous anticipation
(burnished caramel, her bright eager lips parted)
the blossoms of a bitter almond

citrine nails, talon-honed, betray her intentions
having already traded the known world for curiosity
it is not a hand that would hesitate to reach for the knife
and trade blood for freedom

May 12, 2011 at 12:00pm
May 12, 2011 at 12:00pm

To survive living another day like this one,
and the one that came before,
a seamless sameness of past and yet to come
in the endless cycle of old news – wars, fires, floods,
rapes, murders, cute children
doing cute things – flickering on flat screens,
requires more fortitude than he possessed.
May 6, 2011 at 12:26pm
May 6, 2011 at 12:26pm

She was ordinary in the way of her generation
the vigor of refugees with aspirations
mingled with a quasi-hatred of the adopted land

on the wrong side of the cusp
internalizing from women’s liberation
an uneasy mix of desire and despair

a few years later she would have burned bras
linked arms against the war taken back the night
turned her nose up at the patriarchy

instead she channeled into hearth and home
the dearth of options prescribed
by vaginal circumstances, cultural expectations.

She was ordinary in all respects
the right amount of mourning an aspect
I failed to consider

kind compassionate generous
the world was a richer place for her in it
a loss to us all irreplaceable

the eulogy pitched to the exact middle
the priest had known her face (perhaps)
but not her name or essence

the fleshy physicality of her presence
continually at odds with her ascetic remoteness
contradictory in consummate Catholic fashion.

She was ordinary even in death
old age exhaustion and cancer co-conspirators
but which stole her breath, her will to live

it was blatant cowardice I was loathe to forgive
her kindness keen, honed to exactitude
an attitude of selflessness designed to indebt

generosity overflowing conspicuously bountiful
I grew ever more cynical and knowing
beneath the shadow of her niceness

the second prong of the benevolence offensive
compassion for humanity in all its frailty:
but for men, not man.

She was ordinary even (except) to me
I cycled through love hatred the in-between
there were no wails left for the funeral

a surfeit of unpleasant memories
battling a thimbleful of good ones
I wrung myself dry long ago

whispers followed in procession
with the hearse and the mourners
gossip made the rounds couched in concern

it might not have been an accident
how sad for the family given…
she’s been shriven (a final fiction)

at least she’s no longer in pain
as if cessation of sensation were
the main objective and death the corrective.

May 5, 2011 at 10:27am
May 5, 2011 at 10:27am

the weight of the world
come to rest atop his shoulders,
the seed of fat long ago
having bloomed,
her father, an unremarkable man.

His absence loomed,
a ghoulish shade trying them
in absentia through the empty bottles
“my good friends: Mark, Jim and Jack”
clanging underfoot,
spilling from places obvious and not
closets of clothes left to molder
dishwasher of tumbler glasses
one lone, recriminating spoon
above the guestroom door
inside the kitchen nook
behind the childhood treasure chest
cradled by Goodnight Moon
and Mr. Squashy.

compensatory boisterous man,
gregarious of deed if not of soul,
poor with expensive tastes,
her father, the quintessential barfly.

Sorry for your loss.
He was a good man
(before the drink, the corollary).
He would have loved this.
It was so sudden.
What a horrible accident!
How are you?

Nod and smile her mother said;
his second ex-wife
and the only one of five
to show.

What does it matter that vultures came
picking at the living
rather than mourning?
It makes him no less dead,
your father.
And he wouldn’t have cared.

The funeral was a sham,
ended, appropriately enough,
in shambles.

Same slope
same vat figure
same voice
same eyes but clear from sober-living
not a haunt
but the same lurch
at once confident and deferential
packed with insolence
the same at double-speed.

Her uncle his brother,
the elder by six crucial minutes
rambled interminably
a bitter rant of frustrated love
a one-sided argument he could never
win or lose again;
the mourners gorged on the buffet,
looked on indifferently,
his words battening against
the spittle and mouth breathing
and making no impression.
March 29, 2011 at 4:20pm
March 29, 2011 at 4:20pm
I. Mornings

She too could be recycled,
made useful past her first incarnation.
What were her veins but tape,
keeping her insides from spilling?
Fingering the box-cutter,
mind clear for the first time in weeks,
she grimaced.

II. Afternoons


Blurred thoughts
sluggishly struggling for supremacy
eyeballs encrusted

the entire trajectory of the day
spent atop an edifice of dreams denied

the three-legged desk
creaking wheeled chair
underscoring her failed ambitions.

The open-air windowless cubicle
the whole of the real world
dawning to twilight

actual open air a pathogen
spreading ideas of leisure
an enemy of the efficient
of the productive
of the good.

III. Evenings

Viscous, that was the word,
the thick, pumping glue
accompanied by
a touch of light-headedness.

Back and forth,
the droplets pooled,
tickling her elbows.

This would take longer
than anticipated
despite the aspirin.
March 25, 2011 at 3:56pm
March 25, 2011 at 3:56pm

“I but speak small truths bright eyes,”
and what she always surmised: being cherished
was not being beloved, adoration perished
at the hint of rough times ahead,
full steam seduction cancelled for a new production.
“Calumny, slander and lies,” asking his wife
to deny what she knew of life
and the evidence of her own eyes.
“Think of the children before you end this.”
He mounted a passionate play: the repentant husband
enticed into playing a risky hand,
a man in the throes of a harlot's sway.
That was where she came in:
a temptress dressed in educational innocence
a siren in the guise of a student
a necessary pit-stop on the road to a rake’s progress.
March 24, 2011 at 12:59pm
March 24, 2011 at 12:59pm

Rejection does not equate with failure yet
intellect cannot negate the disappointments:
persistent, pernicious hope allowed
to exist betwixt, between, the otherwise
knowing better
March 14, 2011 at 1:17pm
March 14, 2011 at 1:17pm

Planted firmly
immune to time and the slow burn
the acre of sycamores remained unyielding
in exactly the way of her fists small hands
ground into the fleshy part of ample hips
embodiments of unmoving anger


a lover unbound
unwound the fabric of demonstrably
false remonstrations
one last tug bare branches signaling
a false footpath to freedom
deeply rooted the foundation unraveling
gravel pavement
devolved into the primal state
fear of the hunter

of the hunted

saw leaping in hand excitement out of hand
buzz through wood aged into saline barriers
white pickets of muddy blue eyes
higher than he had previously dared climb
falling deaths best left to leaves

no guarantees

those helpful hurtful hands stay clenched
always at the ready
a small push up over
cracked him in spirit also
the tree tumbled in a flurry of anguish
reverberating crack of silence
logged by no one but himself
an acre of sycamores minus one;

her tree fell.
March 1, 2011 at 10:48am
March 1, 2011 at 10:48am

hairy thatch a redundancy he doubted enough people
knew to care about and there was the rhyming factor
thatch over snatch something taken quickly stolen even
without consideration for the wellbeing of its owner
he would probably advise his sisters
to stay away from any man that called it that

she threatened to shave in retaliation when
having fallen prey to the machinations of Abercrombie & Fitch
he contemplated aloud waxing his chest hair
the thought of the denuded lips hairless like a plucked chicken
or a pre-pubescent girl shocked him
into impotence for an entire week the shame of which he had not
quite lived down

she angled the mirror slightly
tossed her other glorious mane over a shoulder naked except for
a loosened bra strap
in a calculated coquettish move
asked him what do you suggest we call it then
quim to match his manly vim and vigor
conjuring quivering maidens and Victorian bondage
the creaminess of the words slid like honey from her
cunny a softer sibilant version without the hard “t” that brought to mind
fucking but not making love
circle jerks over pilfered grainy VHS pixels of rounded pelted women

she shifted her hips
she glistened
a cat having licked herself clean
what else could it be but a pretty pussy he said as he
swapped positions
with the mirror.

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