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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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February 22, 2011 at 4:57pm
February 22, 2011 at 4:57pm

Tinny groaning
approximating rapture
seeped through
the divider wall,
a greatest hits compilation looping
from one
implausible gyration
to another
her neighbor,
having fallen into fulfilling dreams
of filled
and filling
buxom babes pleading
for harder for faster for deeper never
for softer or slower or shallower
as though
those options
to exist the minute the aperture
of the camera lenses
forgot to switch off
the iTunes repeat,
leaving behind feigned cries
of a wet spot
in the wadded tissues
from the trash can he
guilty shunted to the floor chute
and backroom
bartered ecstasy
to lull her to sleep.
February 14, 2011 at 3:21pm
February 14, 2011 at 3:21pm

front teeth
slightly crooked
jaw limned in
red-gold stubble
lucky leprechauns
and treacherous djinn
guard the windows
with a hypnotic
gold-green gleam
angry snaking scars
down the valley
of both forearms
another on
the underside
of the wrist
a cigarette burn
in the shape
of a star
the shape
of better things
to come.

February 7, 2011 at 12:47pm
February 7, 2011 at 12:47pm
Some days, he wished
she tasted of her first self
before the reinvention
a heady sweaty mead

or even her former self
sweetmeats slow-basted
proteins breaking down
from the edges.

Strawberries -
fucking strawberries
a more useless fruit he'd
be hard-pressed to find -

recall summers
in the countryside
Uncle Stuart’s wandering mind
Aunt Janice’s wandering hands.

The damned dental dam
warming lubricants
a hindrance to the risk
he's willing to take

supplant the tacky earthiness
of a bitch in heat
with the cold chemical stink
of "natural flavors."

But safety first;
there are contingency plans
to memorize and a new field
of conquest

to suit up for.

January 14, 2011 at 5:26pm
January 14, 2011 at 5:26pm

1. You sat me astride your lap
despite a room of empty chairs;
in full view of the scandalized class,
you nonchalantly licked my earlobe
as if it were a lollipop and you
a rambunctious five,
prompting the professor to stop
lecturing on the lives of amoeba
to glare impotently in your direction.
“Carry on,” you said,
having no such problem with distraction,
only discretion.

2. "For you," you mumbled gracelessly,
brandishing a bouquet
of flowering cotton thistles. With that
thoughtful gift you subverted
my mockery of your bristly Highlands pride.
The exuberant purple flowers, bracketed
by spiny-winged stems, were an apology
for your dour countenance;
the twinkling amethyst platinum necklace,
draped like twine around the bouquet,
was meant to hold us
all together.

3. You kissed
the inside flesh of my knee
with lime.
"We're having body shots,
and I get to pick the part,"
wielding that impish grin unerringly,
a dagger thrust into
previously unknown erogenous zones.
Would it have mattered
had I guessed what lay behind
that sloppy citric caress?
After you knelt on the floor,
rubbed salt onto my sweaty skin,
I was open to anything and everything
you could throw my way.

4. You never promised
what couldn’t be delivered or spoke
sweetly of forever. A thief in the night,
a wandering minstrel, you wove
in and out of me with pleasure and ease.
And I, a fool, was drawn to the
striking irregularity, unpredictability
the lure used to tease and trick
a jaded palette into otherwise
unpalatable sentimentality.
And I, a fool, was occupied thus:
you, by paying attention,
won me one ridiculous feat
at time.

January 10, 2011 at 3:16pm
January 10, 2011 at 3:16pm

On this side the reverse
pushed headfirst into walls
when you lift up your skirts
display shapely hairy thighs

A man alone an island
where rich ones alight
for mimosas and massages
and the requisite happy ending

Spy with our little eyes
cunt-hungry fame whores
big boys dream of sugar daddies
checkbooks and cock-rings

All the best mommy can buy

On that side the obverse
kept alive in battlefield triage
blood loss no longer a death sentence
in an age of artificial aids

Biological imperative
as coping mechanism
and misery below the suicide line
a survival strategy

Where else could
giving up giving in
selling out moving on

January 10, 2011 at 1:11pm
January 10, 2011 at 1:11pm

she looks forward to snow days
blizzards being the one time
there is no need to excuse the cold
the outside matches her insides
January 6, 2011 at 2:44pm
January 6, 2011 at 2:44pm

nothing so showy as a sea or an ocean
there were two inches of common worries

deep enough to drown in
December 29, 2010 at 5:17pm
December 29, 2010 at 5:17pm

But the interesting stories are in the falling out. Why do you think fairy tales end when they get to happily ever after?

That’s a cynical notion of romance. Most people don’t want to live a life worth telling stories about. They’d rather live in the boring happy ending.

Where’s the romance in slowly grinding down each other’s hopes and dreams? I’ll take near-starvation under desert skies over suffocating with a house and children.

It’s not always like that you know. I think it’s really wonderful, finding someone, making a life. Realizing that there are new dreams, new hopes, on that path.

For you, and people like you. Not me. Not now, anyways. Hopefully not ever.

How did it come to this? Doesn’t it matter to you, not even a little, compromising to make this work?

Why ask me that? No one wins if I answer.

But I’m serious.

Fine. You changed. You’re unhappy because I haven’t.
December 23, 2010 at 11:37am
December 23, 2010 at 11:37am

Longevity -
the greatest guarantee of victory
There's no disputing facts
once they pass into history
November 16, 2010 at 5:10pm
November 16, 2010 at 5:10pm

What he's going to say
is that the township needs him
costs to the community
are spiraling out of control
and he's the man with a finger
on the pulse
on the trigger

Concerned citizenry, sure,
but those other people
(like you)
look for leaders

When seasoned operatives exist
there aren't enough daylight hours
to grade on a curve

What use in the reminder
our nine-to-five counts as forty
only if one doesn't count
the six-to-midnight
a veritable plan of nights and weekends
with no help for the overages
you work every week

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