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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1554334
a journal in short bursts that might occasionally even rhyme
I am not much for journal keeping. So consider this less a recitation of daily life and more of an attempt to capture a mood, or moment, as it strikes my fancy. For the easily offended, I should add the disclaimer that there is a fair amount of profanity, sex and/or politics.

The words are stuck, lodged uncomfortably between
hands that don't touch and the rush of cold air
ghosting between lips that won't kiss

A stuttering cough to dislodge them, wet and shiny
with the mucous secretion of heartache,
and they tumble forth, end over end, before you
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June 12, 2012 at 12:47pm
June 12, 2012 at 12:47pm
non-union members
have eight-hour work weeks
overtime hazard pay
job safety requirements
legal protections
from harassment
and discrimination

because union members
have unions

the public sector
is the police officer
the firefighter
the paramedic
even the DMV

government spending
is why we have roads
K-12 guaranteed
clean water air food

taxes equal national security
as well as earmarks

cuts to the public sector
are additions
to the unemployment rolls

which we all pay for
in the end
one way or the other
June 8, 2012 at 12:09pm
June 8, 2012 at 12:09pm
An after-party
how lovely
at a local restaurant you say
oh what a shame!
we will not be able to make it
the children you see
a babysitter?
do you remember honey
what happened the last time
we tried that
if it were not so alarming
it would be funny
thank you for the invitation
we could not possibly
the children you see
oh nothing like that
we would give them away
I am sure
but who would take them?
they cannot be left unsupervised
more than twenty three minutes
at a time
or they get into serious trouble
oddly specific is it not?
please believe that is not
a number we came up with
it sounds like our older son
who is a prodigy you know
a real whiz
with the math
he claims they get bored
very easily
because it is hard being
too smart
for their own good
that they are scientists
upending the world in order to
understand it
we have tried explaining
that exploring and exploding are
two different words
then he got so mad
I know honey
I am rattling on about things
no one needs to hear
it is just
so nice sometimes to talk
to another adult you know one that might
understand even a little bit but
yes you are right
we should get going
at any rate thank you again
this was lovely
we should do this again sometime
oh excuse me please
put that down sweetie
you will hurt some-
May 3, 2012 at 10:52am
May 3, 2012 at 10:52am
The present
we already met
sparked flamed burned to cinders
despite desperate firefighting
warm water
wormed into the foundation

Your eyes in mine
hands at our sides
awkwardness creating
almost a half-foot of room

Your eyes on mine
what is was we already knew
of the day you or I left

What would be
we could not know
silence boding well and ill
at one time or another

The present
the heat of complicated lust
the heat of everyone else
soaked through your shirt
melted the ice in my gin

My eyes in yours
a push from behind
sweat that tastes of tears
gathered in the corner
of my mouth

My eyes on yours
we groped in corridors
a graduation a wedding
a birth a death

today we master
the art of artfully careless hellos

April 16, 2012 at 11:32am
April 16, 2012 at 11:32am

Not meant as a command
but a request a little tenderness
on your behalf a simple behest
a scintilla of kind any part you can spare
a bit of poetry if you wouldn’t mind
the sorts of words that never make
any sense
unless they’re lies

Not meant as a demand
(I haven’t any left)
it's an appeal to better natures
better angels it
need not be forever
see I don’t expect fidelity
only definite gestures
a pretense to civility a bandage
to seal the skin worn raw
January 20, 2012 at 12:36pm
January 20, 2012 at 12:36pm

When you wake feeling blue
remind yourself
of me lapping gently
at the secret parts of you
under drunken stars
and an orange moon.

We laughed the first time
I asked if I could kiss you
“down there,”
best friends suddenly navigating
the unexpected shores
of sexual attraction.
Two bumbling adolescents
secure in nothing
but our mutual admiration
and a determination to get laid.

When you wake feeling blue
remember how perfect you looked
splayed across the guest room rug
covered in nothing but diamonds
and me.

You wrinkled your nose,
squinting adorably
without your glasses,
trying to gauge my seriousness
by asking if I thought I’d be
any good at it.
You knew that any red-blooded man
and quite a few yellow ones
would feel compelled
to take up that gauntlet.

When you wake feeling blue
remember the muffled squeaks
of a bed hastily covered in towels,
not wanting blood-stained sheets
to give us away.

I nodded almost assertively
inordinately proud of my scratchy stubble
and newly deepened voice
– for a whole year now –
but stalled for time by posturing.
"What are you waiting for?" you asked,
and I screwed up the courage
to unbutton your jeans
with shaking hands

When you wake feeling blue
roaming empty rooms in a house
his money paid for
remember that I have never not
found my way back to you.

Supremely self-confident,
even then unafraid
to grab my head and shift it
to where it needed to be,
you were a wet dream in pinks and reds
moaning harder, faster, please
and finally, incoherently,
in exactly the way I had always imagined,
my name.
After I came you laughed softly
while kissing my cheek
and squeezing my ass.

When you feel blue
you have forgotten
that the moments you spend alone
I too am alone
with arms that flail strangely
without the heft of your body
to guide them.

Years later, at a gallery opening
for a mutual friend,
you told me how hard it was
not to laugh that first time
and spoil it all.
And that despite our inexperience
we acquitted ourselves marvelously,
using the right amount
of touch and tongue and teeth.

Instead of tears for distance
give thanks for crisp hotel sheets
for the infinite possibilities
inherent in a cyan thong
for a DYI stripper pole
for a thirty dollar camera
for the worldwide web
for the freedom his indifference brings
for having someone who loves you
in all the shades of blue.

I had to confess
it was hours of lonely masturbation
to lesbian porn no less
that had taught me my technique –
when to move left
when to press harder
when to introduce fingers into the equation.
I had to laugh when you confessed
to the same.

If you remember
how can you still despair?
January 3, 2012 at 11:17am
January 3, 2012 at 11:17am

Danger beckoned. A bonfire gave off heat.
Traveler beware. Heat singes; meat burns.

The night was riddled with ghouls and littered with stars.
Her skin, opalescent. It rippled with the possibility of violence.

Fear of one could not obscure the charms of the other.
What warnings there were he ignored.

He gave himself up. In return, she swallowed him piecemeal.
A parting gift of pain, and the words to wield it.

She said the heart often forgives. The mind forgets.
The gauze of distance softens.

It was not true that time blunted the sharpness of grief.
Thus he learned they could lie.

He had loved her. Loved her still. A lifetime of nights to come
and one question loomed.

What was he brave enough to wager?
December 19, 2011 at 2:37pm
December 19, 2011 at 2:37pm

Sauce a demi-glace of undiluted espagnole

The herbs
annatto, dried sage,
medicinal bergamot
crumbled with age into dust

Vegetables, of course
wilted kale
russet-tipped asparagus
buttered browned spinach


Bred true on simmered sorrow,
what did we not know of bitter?

The sum of this meal,
this meat, bitterer still.
An answer resides in the braised innards.

Our hearts we ate, limned in cruelty;
Our tongues we ate, biting and bestial.

They were bitter.
They were good,
much as the poet had said.
December 19, 2011 at 2:08pm
December 19, 2011 at 2:08pm

Helplessness is what we learned in the corridors
of be anything you want to be, follow your dreams, find your passion.
The path we followed was graveled with boundless ambitions,
limitless enthusiasm, unworkable talents, limited aptitude.
Introspective, navel-gazing, foundations aquiver with praise,
we failed to notice the path ahead was paved of playwrights and profiteers,
painters and politicians alike, of the once and future leaders
who, undivided, trod confidently into the future.
We failed to notice that only the earth endures. Failures all,
and flailing. Were we not the cream of our generation,
the educated children of liberated parents? Failures all,
and flailing. We marched onwards, voices quiet, anthems dampened,
loosed onto the world in search of victories long since vanquished.
We marched onwards, bludgeoned bloody, heads bowed,
having squandered those yesterday hopes and tomorrow promises
on a series of not-for-me, not-todays.
October 19, 2011 at 10:00am
October 19, 2011 at 10:00am

Rain, enough to crowd the sidewalk with umbrellas. Wind and wretchedness slide in between a turned up collar and subway-flushed skin. This is the weather of missed connections, of exhausted discontent. No puddle waders. No upturned faces. Water aplenty, but a gloom insufficient for atmosphere. Heathcliff, alone on his moor, would not have ventured forth. The storm spins discarded cadet greys and blues dispassionately, observing the forms. And thus, autumn, keeping company with melancholy, sulks.
July 18, 2011 at 12:22pm
July 18, 2011 at 12:22pm

Words fail us,
only you, to be honest,
more often than not are for naught,

our indoor voices decibels above
the freight trucks
I never got used to
zooming underneath the window;

a poor trade, trees for cement.

We wound with sex
you lay there
dry, unappealing,
gouging rings
tucked into your palm

as we come together or apart
ferocious, furious
couplings that never satisfy
(neither of us come anymore)

the urge to break you.

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