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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2207307
You are a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14
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#2035077 by Vanishing Vapor

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April 1, 2020 at 11:01pm
April 1, 2020 at 11:01pm
All who're sensitive are not weak,
It takes courage to tread quietly,
To live in but separate from the world.
To record honest observations,
While in fear of responsibility.

March 28, 2020 at 12:02pm
March 28, 2020 at 12:02pm
Dread! I turned the tap to pour water for my morning coffee and NO WATER! Why does disaster always fall on a weekend? Suddenly the loss of my jack-of-all-trades brother-in-law to liver cancer hit me on a purely material level. What mistake was made? The list is never-ending. Poking the water pump's relay I discovered it was frozen shut. I opened it. I checked the water and it flowed! I don't know why. I don't know why it didn't before. There're too many things I just don't know except I need to make an appointment with a professional.

No water for my coffee.
A death in the family.
Mistakes born of ignorance.
The fear of failure, again.

March 28, 2020 at 3:51am
March 28, 2020 at 3:51am
Aye, here's the dab of brilliance I fool myself into believing. (And now to live up to the spot I've put myself into.) There's a cat in my mind that wants to be shown affection but it annoys all that attempt to provide it. There's a moose in my belly that is fattening itself for a winter hardship that never comes. If I were to steal some bread would it be a sin? No, it wouldn't because that'd only happen if I were starving or crazy... and I've rarely skipped a meal.

Creativity is a cat,
That prowls inside my mind,
It desperately seeks affection,
But it's extremely annoying,
And doesn't get along with the moose in my belly.
March 28, 2020 at 12:00am
March 28, 2020 at 12:00am
A shadow shades its way,
As obvious menace,
Reposed on stained carpet,
Slight crack to black crevice.
March 27, 2020 at 11:01am
March 27, 2020 at 11:01am
I tried to write a poem,
That had no words or rhyme.
I sat there for hours,
'Til I ran out of time.

I tried to sing a song,
That didn't have a tune.
My mother said, "How nice,"
But others left the room.

I tried to drive a car,
That didn't have a wheel.
All I could do was sit,
And listen to it squeal.
March 26, 2020 at 12:58am
March 26, 2020 at 12:58am
On my simple bed I sit,
And wonder in my mind's eye,
Where my ashen corpse will fit,
When time comes for me to die.
Do my thoughts bring you woe?
I ask because I want to know.

Whose fingers shall my dust pass?
Where shall my gray cloud drift?
My questions matter as a glass,
Concerned by sunlight through a rift.
When my time on earth is through,
My true death will die with you.

For none shall be a rock nor stone,
Nor disturbance in the earth,
Nothing to tell of my flesh and bone,
Without suggestion of my birth.
I will leave this world behind,
Let soul, spirit, and life unwind.

When all the stars and rocks fade,
When energy levels dissipate,
The universe but timeless shade,
And nothingness the final state,
Memory will be the world of man,
When God is left alone again.

March 15, 2020 at 10:25pm
March 15, 2020 at 10:25pm
Okay! I know it's been awhile... but don't expect anything special. Most loud things make great alarms, not because you can hear them from far away, but because they are so obnoxious they kick you into action. My mom's call to me to wake up and get ready for school was heard quite plainly but easy to ignore until she turned up the grate o'meter which curdled my backbone like fingernails on a chalkboard. That's all I have to say about that.
February 21, 2020 at 7:42pm
February 21, 2020 at 7:42pm
After my brother's death two month's ago, I've become the father figure in my 14 year old grand-niece's world. I've never had children or responsibility for them, excluding a few very young sailors under my command in the Navy. Many of them were, how should I put this nicely, idiots. My grand-niece is not an idiot because you must have a brain to be an idiot. She is more like an empty ball mason jar. You can tell it to clean it's room, stay off the computer, wash the dishes but it isn't going to happen. My fiance is having a very good laugh at my attempts to educate this young girl who likes talking to boys over her computer more than eating. When I try to give her a chore to do I have to answer every excuse and think of every situation that could possibly interfere with her completing said assignment. Her room needed cleaning. Her excuse was that she couldn't find the trash can. I presumed it was buried under a pile of clothes and blankets she'd kick off her bed. I restricted her from her computer until she cleaned her room. I told her to come to me and I would be the judge if the room was clean. After two hours I wondered why she hadn't come to me. I found that she was busy cleaning her rock collection in the bathroom... I understand she hadn't been on the computer but, c'mon.... My fiance says, with a snicker, that her rock collection is kept in her room so it's technically part of her room cleaning. This is a conspiracy!
February 21, 2020 at 3:10am
February 21, 2020 at 3:10am
Like exposing candy from inside it's metallic wrapper, I return to my sweet calorie-laden blog. However this meeting is not so much like candy as it is like fruit juice.... a little healthy vitamin drowning in natural, yet still deadly, sugar. Yes, the recent death of my brother has afforded me the gift of negativity that feeds my process of finding the joys in life. It's been about 2 months now and although I'm not there yet, I can feel the yeast of creativity fermenting in the swirling gruel of grain. Get your personal straws out people... Soon there's going to be bittersweet beverage in your chug-a-lug mug..
January 11, 2020 at 1:37am
January 11, 2020 at 1:37am
The Most Chivalrous Knight  (E)
He loved them all, without slight or spite.
#2209785 by Vanishing Vapor

Had to take a little time off... My brother in Law died of liver cancer last Sunday and my fiance went into the hospital for a heart attack on Monday... Hell of a start for the new year... I tried to write a poem either for my brother in law or my fiance but could only find words for Jesus.

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