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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
Making sure everything goes down with a yank
before someone has to sit where I've been at.

I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. - me

This poet’s words collect, arrange on a kaleidoscope spectrum. The experience of discovery through writing is the truest reward that has allowed me to grow and learn who/what I am — what other people get naturally, immediately, while I stomp around in it.

Been blessed, but pushing it — envelope, world and all inhabitants away. Push buttons, find boundaries to trip traps. No clue why cat curiosity, living in your dark. (Bored, perhaps?)

Now and then, push dirt out of this hole; someone/thing/entity might envision me how I need to be viewed (if I knew what that was). Cryptic, yes. Try living in my dark, find comfort amid strange, virtual, wonderful walls that tower above, tempt me to scale.

Been more than I could imagine or expect here. But, achievements aren’t going on a LinkedIn wall *Think*. I dig deeper than I should, often without forethought. Aimless words, brave or veiled cowardice, flinchingly flung, inadvertently hit targets? Get a ‘back off’ shoulder shot when asking your motivations here. Not fair?

No prize to eye; not incentivized. Dealt the worst two cards before the flop, do best with what’s in hand.

My Pluggers:
You are an icon here.*BigSmile*
You suffer, but you suffer brilliantly. Wow, what a great writer.*Heart*

It’s like plugging myself, but using other people’s (reviewers) words…Review of "Poetic Referendum(s) On Life"
Your poetic muse is on fire! *Fire* Some great emotion, well-balance(d), lovely lyrical qualities -- even the ones that were written out of sadness or anger came through in a clever cadence…It's obvious you've put a lot of work into each entry and the totality of the blog has eye appeal. *Cool*

Published four times with one a literary journal, including… *PointRight*   "The Tender Core (Sedona)
I don’t submit because it’s too much work. Truly alone, know no one cares to show they believe/support me. Lip service feeds delusion. I’ve seen a lot of smoldering and snow. Try not be cynical, work hard at openness and consideration — work, sooo…gut thing.

*Toilet* *RibbonW* Merit Badge in Taboo Words
[Click For More Info]


Congratulations! You won 1st Place in Taboo Words with your fantastic poem, [Link to Book Entry #1027659]. 

I absolutely loved this! *^*Heart*^*

Rachel Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

    Thanks you for supporting the  [Link To Item #power]  with an order to the  [Link To Item #powergifts] ! We appreciate it. *^*Heartv*^* Keep writing the beautiful poetry. [Link to Book Entry #1027659] is an awesome poem! *^*Starv*^* ~Lornda

Love my process constructing and sharing visions in words collected (no small task considering personal and physical limitations, see below).

August 28, 2006 this blog opened

SuperNova Afterglow: End Of Days  (18+)
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#1300042 by Brian K Compton

No specific aim going forward (2014)

What I used to say: 'Maybe, I just don't get it. Watch me fumble with my version of reality, expose ignorance as truth. You don't have to get me, either. But, wish someone would explain me to myself.' Now I say: *Cool* *FacePalm* Now: I was such a whore.

*Laugh*This is old….
What? Oh, this? A rhetorical, self-motivational speech I'm working on.
Don't just read the parts to construct your theory, as if to confirm (construed out of context) your opinion, mentally-stunted Neanderthal. Therapist wants me to be less negative toward myself. I see it as attacking, rather than being defensive. Fear I will chomp too many bullets unintentionally sent toward the unsuspecting.
If you can be triggered for stupid reasons, then I?
…just looked like me rolling around on the floor with myself.*RollEyes*

What Was NEW

Who am I, you ask? My mirror knows that question, repeated daily.

Just trying to create a little buzz, not boost my ego.

#amwriting #poetry #blog #contest #freeverse #award #bestpoetry #freyaridings #lyrics #music #video #YouTube

Can you believe it took this long for someone to put a quarter in me and push the button GET ANGRY?

Mud 4 My Eye: Is that you, Poo? 💩 Secret Back Door

The Best Poetry Collection on Writing.Com
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July 21, 2021 at 6:07am
July 21, 2021 at 6:07am

While we're being handled,
spun on our chairs
with fancy words whirling 'round,
better strap yourself in.
It's a nauseous ride, if
you're going to get to the other side.


a date that is twice divisible by itself. what I call an 'inanity', or one of my inanities.

Lumped In:


I cut my heart out and hand it toward them.
Stupid boy.
Put it back in.
We only need your blood.
The eels slither, smile,
caress my flesh, soundless,
suck, suck. Leaches.
I’m supposed to enjoy this.
We like your taste.
We’d like more.
I’m learning this is my giving,
wither and pale,
grow scales defenseless
against the swarm.

Decompressing thoughts to phone on road trip today.

about me, mostly

one day
i will knock upon your door
where you reside
to say hi
looking for answers
to complete one mission in life
a journey for answers
and why
i had to come all this way
to understand
and you
July 18, 2021 at 1:57pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:57pm

Words circle a drain to drown.
In your bath, I sink,
Perfection washed clean
From hands that toil
For you,
You consume in this bath.

I watch the tap open
A deluge upon
My head.
Unable to consume what you call
Your love,
I spill down the channel
To a dark dimension,
Space afforded
Fools like me seeking
True divinity
Only to discover
A sewer runs through
My sentences forming words
Of grief.

I am flushed
In your stainless drain, again.

It is what it is 7.18.21

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item
July 18, 2021 at 1:56pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:56pm
Consumed, Hopeless

Each retelling better than the next?
You know the feeling but not the words,
as you’re consumed to relate to
a tender mind like yours
who says, I know.

The one you’re with, not on the same page,
shames you like the ignorant,
tells you how to think and not question why
you are trapped in this lovelessness.

Looking for the one, holding on to hope,
straining out the windows of life,
you see scenery so still speed pass,
wondering, is she there under the apple,
beside the dappled mare, riding
the smoker tractor beside an idle farm,
seemingly calling you to breakfast,
but it’s late.

The moon rises. The sun has no time
for this meandering, wandering
that doesn’t visualize purpose,
while your soul, consumed,
settles for zombies
taking the last of your pale flesh.
Don't lay down! Run!

Daydreamers consumed, hopeless.

7.18.21 not worth improving this

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item
July 18, 2021 at 1:55pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:55pm

Leave her alone, boy. Let her rest.
She's had a long day of cleaning up your mess.
This life she couldn't put straight.
Your brain probably can't contemplate what
she's gone through since she
first laid eyes upon you, a bastard produced
from a loveless marriage. The fights,
her wails echo still inside your walls.
You're too ignorant to notice.

My anguish not yours to inhale.
Leave it alone. Go back to bed.
She's badly bruised, but not bleeding,


Written during Long Hall, purely conceptual about the different parts of a schizophrenic brain negotiating with itself not to panic after self-abuse. And, I'm fine, too, if you're wondering (narrator speaking).
July 18, 2021 at 1:52pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:52pm
Speaking To The Lonely Strippers

Why unburden your soul
To the damaged stripper
Holding the pole in thong,
Bedazzled by sweaty glitter,
Nipples bared, blush-red,
When you don't see her broken heart,
Masked in its agony of sweet grinding
In the room,
On the chair,
Over your pressed pants
To rhythms thick with bass,
Produced by empty minds
Earning their own bottom dollars, while
Masturbating regurgitated words
To a lonely, uglier audience deprived
Of sex, of love, just
Like you, lifelong?
You could at least tip more
than the recommended gratuity.

7.18.21 final edits
19 lines, freeverse

I used to lust. Now, I want to hug them all. Speaking to myself as the party of the first part. Just think inner dialogue.
July 18, 2021 at 1:51pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:51pm
The Bath Again

Another day with back pain,
no medication
But sweet Rum that/which
Can temporarily touch/reach
Up to my neck in this
Boiling bath --
An organic mix bubbling with stale
Flesh and a mind's persistence, nurture
These aimless words, a blend
Of grief and bliss, while
An ever vigilant brain, vexed
Tries remedy but can only reminisce
When we were whole.

This was my universe.
My planets aligned around
A holy, loving, warming,
Fiery body gleaming
In the morning, fading, tagging off
With a white moon rising,
Checking in on me,
I could feel luminescence
On my face, soul --
Permeated, adjusted as
We all rotated together

I'm in my bath again.
It's welcoming,
Not reassuring enough,
Just yet.

7.18.21 edit more or abandon?
July 18, 2021 at 1:44pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:44pm
Until Then, For Your Love

You held all the love, all
The offerings of
A lonely boy,
Eyes fixed on
Your every movement until
You could feel the weight
Of my gifts
In your accepting arms
Weakening like your smile that
I see falter
Like the light in your eyes that
I see dim
A gaze tightens, forms lines
Around your mouth, below
I see form upon
Your exposed hairline

I speak
But your mute button pressed
view you scan the channels
In the sky
For another
For forgiveness
For tempting a young boy, needy
For your acceptance,
For your commitment
For your unconditional love

I can wear out a welcome quick
I can wear on a soul
I can wear you down
I can wear this heart on my sleeve
Until then.


More edits coming. Stalker-y.
July 18, 2021 at 1:23pm
July 18, 2021 at 1:23pm
We listen to him personify whiskers on his face,
narrating how they escaped the razor.

Wily, spry, gray rebels sprung free, sproing!
from the shadowed, pale patches
in unchartered regions 'neath
his chin and cheek that mock
a groggy, wrinkled face, before
black brows muscle up on his forehead,

when he's stopped, reminded
again, that it’s Sunday and
he is not yet dressed for church,
if he's going. And so,

his shadow darkens the hall
back to the bedroom
to start the morning over
again. He
rolls open the top dresser drawer.
Two black socks peer back at him.
Are we going to play?

19 lines, freeverse

Something I made up today from the poem open about my personifying and narrating that can both amuse and annoy, though mostly the latter, if you ask them.
July 16, 2021 at 10:15pm
July 16, 2021 at 10:15pm
you say, finger waggling,
begging me to walk your way.
If I hesitate to follow a temptress,
what about my worthiness?
Give up,
you tell me, lying on dewed grass,
tempting me to roll your way.
I could lay a blanket for this vixen,
but what about my worth?
If I give up,
If I compromise,
If I forsake my art for someone who
really doesn't want me, wants to know
they control my soul's offerings, be my guide,
will I get lost?
I only see steep cliffs
where I'll be a lamb lead
like all the rest.
It would be sweet death
to be done with you, but
I have worth.
I have pride.
I'm stubborn enough to walk you over,
kiss you full on tender mouth
with a spray from waves,
lashing and licking an eroding shore, then
push you to your death,
because you deserve it
for weakening my resolve.
But I won't, and I stay,
and this game continues this way until
someone's dying day.
May I see you in hell, dear.

random write after listenign to boygenius in previous post.
July 11, 2021 at 8:32pm
July 11, 2021 at 8:32pm

Breathless Start --

Throbbing heart,
ruby-throated romance
hovers above the hummingbird feeder.

From a bay window viewed,

amid evaporating dew,
a field of daisies tremble
when summer breeze stirs.

Will you depart?

How we're apart;
my heart near yours,
separated by clear pane.

Hum, flutter --

I hear myself mutter,
don flip flops,
gather a picnic lunch.

Chase a dream?

I'm trapped in a scene
inside a foggy head
by this vision of you.

Hum, thrust --

How you must
notice me, too, arriving,
vibrant, green angel?

I'm not whole.

Muse, heal a poet's soul,
given flight as morning yields
to a white sun burning.

A sky so blue,

I must join you
in the pleasant shade
of evergreen to write.

Hum, flutter --

Wings melt like butter,
fade to the backdrop --
a steadfast soul inspired by summer.

36 lines
you name it, rhyming verse

Writer's Cramp prompt 6.24.21

with thoughts of poetic inspiration from a rare sighting.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2133185 by Not Available.

Also, Another failed poem from Stormy Poetry Newsletter contest of yore.
July 11, 2021 at 8:25pm
July 11, 2021 at 8:25pm
The whole world filled with suckers
looking for something to follow.
Here I am at your doorstep,
a basket-baby reject by those
who would not raise a demon.

Will you rear me, let me stray
onto your carpet of philosophy?
Pleading, tell me how and
what's right. Why do I bear
such shame in helpless plight?

You take me in, your odd duckling
who blindly follows you deep into night,
sure to belong, never wrong
to carry on your purposed fight.

A world full of suckers live by rules,
sometimes recanted philosophy.
You say they fit as a round peg
in a square hole
, just like me, who
dares nibble fare at your set table.

Questions aim, looking into gray eyes,
sequestered long in a dimming room,
divided by maddening walls of doom,
and what you believe best for me,
from what I know is right.

I'm a sucker, your bastard child, alone
divided. A square peg in this round hole.
You never knew I could be so bold,
as I'm to learn now beg forgiveness
for this acquired, unfit obsession.

29 lines,
your may hear rhyme, but mostly assonance in this free verse piece.
You didn't think I'd conform, did you?

Writer's Cramp prompt in bold, though as to the actual idiom, as a quote:

Kenelm Chillingly asks, "Does it not prove that no man, however wise, is a good judge of his own case? Now, your son's case is really your case —- you see it through the medium of your likings and dislikings, and insist upon forcing a square peg into a round hole, because in a round hole you, being a round peg, feel tight and comfortable. Now I call that irrational."

The farmer responded, "I don't see why my son has any right to fancy himself a square peg ... when his father, and his grandfather, and his great-grandfather, have been round pegs; and it is agin' nature for any creature not to take after its own kind."

— Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Kenelm Chillingly, His Adventures and Opinions[

from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_peg_in_a_round_hole

On any day you can learn something, unlearn it, learn correctly and move on. But, who's going to correct us? - Brian K. Compton
July 11, 2021 at 8:20pm
July 11, 2021 at 8:20pm
little bird who took shelter in your welcoming tree,
the innocent one drawn
into the open wood
in a chill at dawn, spied by me.

speckled plumage, fresh feathers multiply,
she squawks an awkward tune,
found your seed meant for prettier prey,
colors illumed in your yellow space,
warmed by currents in a soft bed.

ugly, it crows from shadows
of judging branches unyielding,
hops limb to limb to seek your love
afforded to inhabitants preening in view.
not meant for you, little bird.

Hope ruffled by cold.
Hope shrill in winter.
Hope soils the ground,
as little bird spent too long
refining an awkward song.

Hope can't fly
as a thing of joy should,
with a heart planted by your seed scattered,
follows the wrong dream,
confined now in a dry, dark wood.

24 lines
free verse

Wriiter's Cramp entry 6.15.21 unedited with this blog entry
prompt: use the title 'a chill in the air'. Hmm.
July 11, 2021 at 4:02pm
July 11, 2021 at 4:02pm
Water Symphony

A lake symphony set to begin,
my ears cleared by green bassos,
single notes gulp an opening silence.

Brown minstrels grasp surface air,
whoosh water, vacuum twilight wings
skittering a surface.

Pinholes in ultraviolet horizons
gasp, as last rays angle, strike
the silvery surface.

in my yard, lawn chair erect,
violinists in the green pit harmonize
instruments in unison, lay
undiscovered, build a sound-bed
consuming ears harvesting
a cacophony of familiar notes.

Eyes trust a rising moon clear-cutting
a path to the dock, stretching
across dimpled water.

A water symphony punctuates
from glistening, dark cellos snapping
a delicacy of movement repeatedly.

Metal creak of my woven seat, reality.
I ease back to wonder if this calm
allows a mind to dream, forget
mosquitos masqueraded arrival is
an unexpected banquet I prepare to pay
with my flesh.

27 lines, free verse/vers libre

WC Loser 7.21-final version
July 11, 2021 at 7:58am
July 11, 2021 at 7:58am
Tears burned his eyes
when he realized
in earnest he had learned,
despite the repression,
how to use his voice,

when he finally could memorize lyrics
to his favorite song,
part his lips to loose
a song upon
a stunned family gathering.

Silent, carefully listening,
he had them, knew it, and
like a cork it bottled him
lifelong, unable
to sing again before anyone.

Tens of years pass,
earning his stripes,
multiple, menial jobs that buy his bread,
he tires of being alone. Quiet,
he vocalizes feelings again.

Sung with headphones strapped,
silences a crowd all around.
He parts those still tender lips,
having relearned the lyrics,
sings his favorite song,

Only this time, he doesn't look,
imagines the sweetest melody
plays through his soul
to mountain tops his remaining years,
wherever he goes

and gently whispers thank you
to his brave heart.


How I imagine it might feel one day when ready to share love of singing to a broader audience.

It takes a lot of courage to be a part of a social community where one is only willing to share so much of them self, fearing reception, fearing rejection. Moreover, tied to self worth, it stings when people don't get him, or want get him, because he doesn't bring to the table what they think he should. Though, he does lay bare his soul of it's gifts. And when that's deemed only partially good, it might as well be all bad.

He's honest. Maybe, that scares you. He knows the difference between people who speak real words or use them as a mask. But using real words as a mask will take much longer to discern.
July 9, 2021 at 7:25am
July 9, 2021 at 7:25am
life flashing: low battery
         like a love fool,
when it was a new cardigans song,
         warm, pulsing rhythms
         by a vexing songstress, a vision,
my heart boils over for:
a stew that warms your soul.

but the lyrics scatter in my mind,
         chasing words and musical notations,
         inscribed on long forgotten sheets,
stains on an empty heart.
too much wind in the street
to chase them down, find
I lack skill to revitalize melody.

low battery.
how I wish for
a new cardigans song
like a love fool running out
into that storm to retrieve her, but
too much wind in the street.

20 lines, free verse

"Typing in lowercase signals familiarity. It says: “We know each other and don’t need to be fancy.” Lowercase text can read as honest, unedited, and approaching something like a stream of consciousness — more like actual speech."


from deleted static
July 7, 2021 at 1:52pm
July 7, 2021 at 1:52pm
Shooting Arrows In The Dark

I spend all day collecting targets --
prey for my instinctive arrows,
honed but hollow.
I toil, spy from the backdrop --
camouflage and build a dream of capture
before sunset.
When distracted, too late,
dark shrouds cloak my head.

In my little hide away,
ears keen, nose clean, I think --
check traps, wind my way
through this scene, and soon after go
clumsily through thick woods --
pitched dark, black
before I'm lost.

Shooting arrows in the dark,
in this theater,
purposed, resilient,
adds no kill -- maims a toe or two,
blisters the adjoining fingers to a savage construct,
weaponized mind -- aiming to become
more practiced when real game comes.

7.8.21 edit
July 7, 2021 at 1:49pm
July 7, 2021 at 1:49pm
the daze of recirculation

a dusty box fan
in wood-wrapped, single pane window
set my mind numb.
humid air churned
amid an uneven hummm-hummmm.
a hideous, green-paneled,
eight by eight dungeon hid
spackled, dull-yellow walls.
cracks and chipped paint lingered
like me, unexposed.
an ancient brotherhood scaled, explored
deep within four corners
before i took residence.

in my metal bunk, the eldest
of the remaining brood, i surfed
from on top. the warmest, stale air inhaled
under thin, musty, attic-retrieved blankets,
freed of mildew by bony hands
that operated her wringer-washer.

summers seemed viewed in a shaded cave
with a mono turntable crustily spinning
hand-me-down vinyl,
45s by Beach Boys, Doo Woppers
and the man who repeatedly wailed 'Dang Me'.

i'm awake in a new, ivory tower
with King-size bed. lofty pine peer in
at me in all this luxury.
she removed the down comforter, as
a/c hums tighter, quieter,
in a sleek, double-pane window,
clinging to frame,
setting sixty-four.

this body readies for a misty, post-
thunderstorm, july afternoon.
nuzzled, less like the coiled,
breathing fur piles, on a hypo-allergenic
down pillow -- nap away an idle life,
as yet to sync as harmonious as
a sturdy, steel-framed box fan
pulverizing intrusive childhood air.

can’t sleep.
i miss my old cell.

7.8.21 edit

can't decide on titles, as usual.

"Typing in lowercase signals familiarity. It says: “We know each other and don’t need to be fancy.” Lowercase text can read as honest, unedited, and approaching something like a stream of consciousness — more like actual speech."

July 6, 2021 at 7:18am
July 6, 2021 at 7:18am
While she’s in the dungeon below,
torturing her foolish body,
streams her half hour daily workout
from trainer to phone through Roku
to tv,
I slip
into the refrigerator freezer,
the double fudge 'Moose Tracks',
her faux 'Mackinaw Island', ice cream
and sit at the kitchen table,
pull that lid off
and let humidity
that she helps produce
soften the blend.

I roll open the silverware drawer,
select a spoon, sit and listen.
Weights with sleeves slide
on lifted bars, collide with iron,
mid grunts,
as her trainer yells instructions.

I use my instrument to ply within tender
cardboard, draw down even
the level of the sweet, churned fare.
My son slinks past and I knowingly wink,
as he removes
one of her peanut butter, chocolate chunk cookies
from the big box store container.
I cringe because he is not as stealth.
But, her ears must be consumed
with a body's regret from neglect.

We consume a timely dessert together,
clean up with time to spare.
She’ll know something is missing,
but not just yet.
She earns her guilt after
she arrives back from her work.
I'll have a devilish grin to share, then.

7.6.21 edit
July 5, 2021 at 6:46am
July 5, 2021 at 6:46am
Examination of my life has come down to
the large metatarsal bone on my right foot --
the fungal toenail I show her
that she previously noted
I would lose.

While it lay exposed one night,
elevated on the pillow amid
a king-size bed, she pried.
And like a jarred, package delivery chute,
it yielded its dry core.

Clipping wild, wayward shards
from petrified infusion,
tender bed of black and blue,
in my delicate disillusion
its impending departure left me wonder:
when it leaves,
what will become of me?

My other quandary:
what will protect but a shoe?

And yet, another reality:
imagining an investigating camera
panning away, silent,
with its backward, crab-walking crew,
unobtrusive, not wanting to be seen
documenting this life.

Journalists flee down our hallway
every night, shouting wrong house!
Wrong life.


Took me awhile to see if editing this was even worth the time.
July 5, 2021 at 12:27am
July 5, 2021 at 12:27am
Nestled in pants pockets,
heavenly-blue arrival pack to the brim.
Clutter of jilted ore pellets —
brilliant wonder matching a child's eyes.
The rough gems restrict a proud stride.

Grasshoppers flit, buzz like heat,
cutting humid silence. Pale-black,
yellow-tipped wings sail down smooth-worm,
rusted rail. Blistered feet, brown and nimble,
warm — navigate rail on fixed horizon.

No ticket needed for an adventure sought.
Distance from the platform protects him
from a lonely wail. Iron trail constructed
in a roaring era before grandpa died —
a timely train that no longer whistles.

Tracks quiver, Horns blares around the bend.
Red crossing signals flare, bells clang,
before the striped gate secures the path.
This locomotive will swiftly pass. Soon,
crickets darken scene that means home.


For July — Stormy Poetry Newsletter

still trying

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© Copyright 2024 Brian K Compton (UN: ripglaedr3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Brian K Compton has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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