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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1051691
Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.


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*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*


Just a little about me. I've been married for 32 years this past NOV and currently live in Southern California, but I grew up in New Hampshire.

I've got 2 boys who are young adults.

I work as a 911 dispatcher for LAPD. I enjoy my job a lot. Still. If you can believe that.

I love to write. Thankfully both of my boys achieved Eagle Scout. My Scouting days are over and I'm back to focusing on my writing.

I like to get out in nature, drink coffee and watch football.

Here's a little bio about my zodiac.

GEMINI: Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless.

Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts.

Geminians can be successful in many walks of life though their general characteristics tend to make them unreliable. They are often skilled manipulators of language, in speech and writing, and may be: debaters, diplomats (though in politics they are more interested in theory than practice), orators, preachers (brilliant rather than profound), teachers, authors, poets, journalists, or lawyers.

*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*

This is me. I am a Gemini. Pure, Raw, passionate.

The NEW focus of this blog is to share my adventures, travels, random thoughts, book reviews, thoughts, opinions, and writing adventures from actual writing, writing/editing tips, marketing, research. I'll get there.

Another Signature

Find me at:





Previous GRATITIOUS Warning, that I decided to keep in case I post about something that might offend.

*Exclaim* WARNING *Exclaim*

I intend to be open, honest, and forthright. No topic is off limits from religion to you name it, I'm going there. If you think you might be offended...back up now - this blog isn't for you. For those who "dare" *Wink* check out the "Gemini Rising..."

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July 26, 2009 at 7:10pm
July 26, 2009 at 7:10pm
Growing up as a little girl, one of my favorite things to do, and some of my happiest memories are going to Bear Brook State Park with my family.

This was in the 1970's - the mid 1970's to the late 1970's. The drive wasn't far, maybe about 30-50 minutes. We'd always go on a Sunday. Everyone had the day off back then. It would be me, my dad, my mom, and my younger sister, Christine; and we'd all coordinate to meet the rest of the family at the park at the same time. Who was the rest of the family?

My grandparents on my father's side would come - Granny and Grandpa. One of my favorite Aunties, Auntie Sue would be there with Uncle Gary and Emily and Matthew, their kids, my cousins. They were little like Christine. Sometimes my Uncle Rusty and my Uncle Mark would come too.

We'd get there early, about 10, when it opened, and even back then, we had to pay a small fee to get in. Then we'd unload the car with our towels and coolers and reclining chairs and walk from the parking lot into the park. We liked to get there early so we could get shade. One of our favorite spots was by a brook because my dad and grandfather and my uncles would fish.

After we got all set up, my dad might rent a boat and fish. The "women," my mom, Auntie Sue, and Granny would start the grill. After lunch, I remember going down to the swimming area in the lake. They had a floating platform in the deep end and I remember that I was very proud of myself when I learned to swim all the way out there. It was fun to jump off the platform. The picture above is the "gatehouse" in front of the swimming area where you could rent boats, rent umbrellas, and even get snacks.

After swimming, we'd go on a hike - the women and the kids. Sometimes my dad took me fishing, sometimes he wanted to be alone. What I loved about hiking in the afternoon is going on the paths, picking blueberries and finding the little swing, teeter totter and merry go around in the middle of the woods. We would have so much fun. I can't explain the fun, but I can tell you it's like the sun parting gray clouds in the middle of a deary day and smiling it's warmth down on you. Sigh...

After our hike, we'd go back, eat a dinner, usually our lunch dinner were hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and I remember some steaks. There was plenty to drink.

We took a lot of pictures. Sadly, I don't have access to them. My mom had a 8 mm camera and she took some great pictures of our family gatherings, but 8mm is soooo out these days. My Auntie Sue probably has pictures from the 1970's. I'll have to ask her. The picture on the left is a picture of one of the picnic areas. I remember the park would be packed with families on Sundays. We never used that area because our family wasn't usually that big.
After dinner, we might swim a little longer until the sun started to go down and then we'd go home. Good memories. Happy memories of a young girl.

Bear Brook is off NH Route 28 in Allentown. It's not far from Manchester where I grew up. This blurb is from http://www.nhstateparks.com/bearbrook.html:

Bear Brook, with over 10,000 acres is the largest developed state park in New Hampshire. Located in the southeast region of the state, there is plenty to do and see for everyone.

Hiking, biking, swimming and fishing are a few of the favorites. Forty miles of trails traverse the heavily forested park, leading to seldom visited marshes, bogs, summits and ponds and offer a variety of options for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. Canoe rentals are available at Catamount Ponds, while rowboat rentals are also available at Beaver Pond.
Fly-fishing enthusiasts will be pleased to know Archery Pond welcomes their specialty and is universally accessible. Across the road from Archery Pond is a special little pond just for children under twelve to fish. If archery is your sport you might already know that Bear Brook boasts the only two archery ranges in the state park system. One 15-target range is maintained by the N.H. Fish and Game Department, plus an additional 4-target practice range that is universally accessible. (Bring your own archery equipment.)

Worried about no workouts or aerobics while on vacation? You can stay in shape by using the park's 1 1/4 mile, twenty-station fitness course that is fun for the whole family. A charge for admission is collected at the toll booth near Catamount Pond. Pets: Leashed pets are permitted in the campground on the trails only, not in the day-use area. Service animals are exempt from this policy.
There's still a small fee for entry for day use $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for kids. Not bad, considering the memories you'll make there.

And that's my NH tidbit of the day. Bear Brook State Park. I hope someday soon, I'll be able to take my boys there. I know they'll have a blast.

That said, we have a woodsy type park near us, Castaic Lake Park. It costs $10 to get in, but there are plenty of places to BBQ and there are places to swim. It's not as wooded or as nice as Bear Brook with it's hiking and camping facilities, but does offer something similiar were I'm at now in California.

Brent and I took Andrew and Joseph there a couple years back, when Joe had just turned one. We had a nice time, but it was also anxious time since Joe had just started toddling. I think we'll go back when Joe's a mature 3 year old next year.

July 24, 2009 at 5:37pm
July 24, 2009 at 5:37pm
I'm a big fan of Jillian Hunter. Need I say more? *Smile*


Book Review for “Wicked as Sin”
Written by: Jillian Hunter
Ballantine Books
ISBN: 978-0-345-503930
327 pages
4.5 Stars

Hunter spins a tale of passion which has lasted seven long years with “Wicked as Sin.” As a young boy, Gabriel Boscastle was put in the local pillory to be disgraced. The only person who showed him an ounce of compassion was the graceful Lady Aletha Claridge. Her compassion remained with Gabriel after he left Helbourne and stayed buried in his heart for seven long years. When he finally returns to the place of his upbringing, he’s a celebrated cavalry officer and a rake. Aletha is still graceful and compassionate, awakening the love that Gabriel has harbored in his heart for her after seven long, hard years.

The novel opens with Gabriel’s return to Helbourne. He’s crossing a condemned bridge. Aletha spies him from her estate and goes to help. Gabriel makes it across, but seeing Aletha again has ignited his long dormant passion he had for her. To his surprise, Aletha is still single. Her fiancé was killed in the war. Unknown to Gabriel, her fiancé, Jeremy Hazlett, had raped her before he left. Aletha harbors no fondness for Jeremy’s memory. Jeremy’s brother, Guy, makes a proposal to Aletha to be her protector, but Gabriel shows up and kicks the married man of four out of the house. Aletha is grateful. Gabriel and Aletha share a kiss that reawakens the passion between them.

Gabriel initially intends to sell Helbourne Hall, but decides to hold onto it for a little longer. Over the course of five weeks, Aletha invites Gabriel over for Friday night dinner parties and the parties fan the flames of their desires. Finally, Gabriel returns after leaving late one night and the couple make love.

Gabriel proposes to Aletha. She accepts. He takes her to London to announce his engagement to the London Boscastles, but on the night of the engagement party, he learns that Aletha has met the acquaintance of Audrey Watson, a woman who runs a bordello. Gabriel thinks Aletha is a courtesan. He leaves without announcing his engagement, making Aletha look bad. Aletha is heartbroken.

While Gabriel is gone, he learns the truth about Aletha from Guy Hazlett – that his brother raped Aletha. Gabriel feels guilty for treating Aletha so poorly. He goes to the Claridge townhouse and the couple have a passionate argument before making up. The wedding is back on and the couple marry, but not before Gabriel has an encounter with his long, lost brother Sebastien.

This is the seventh of the Boscastle series and just as enjoyable as the others. The novel is fast paced. The plot is tight and consistent. It was nice to see how the other Boscastle women (Jane, Julia, Chloe, Emma) were doing, but I missed the presence of Eloise and Jocelyn in this book. I enjoyed Aletha’s character. She was very warm and compassionate – very earthy. I also liked how freely Gabriel and Aletha admitted and embraced their love.

Hunter’s love scenes are graphic, yet tasteful. The dialogue is sharp and witty between Aletha and Gabriel. The introduction of Sebastien seemed a little forced, and I think I’d like to see a novel taking a second look a few of the previous Boscastles romances instead of moving onto to a new romance. Overall, “Wicked as Sin,” is a sinful delight to read.
July 18, 2009 at 4:54pm
July 18, 2009 at 4:54pm
Literary Agents guard the door the traditional publishing world. They don't have an easy job. While most of us authors are kind hearted, some are miserable. What I find is that writers who are just starting out are more sensitive about their work and it's harder for them to take criticism, even well meaning. I can honestly say I was a bit like that.

It's not easy to take criticism about your "baby."

But I'm talking about querying and literary agents. Here's my tip for day.

TIP -- Don't query until you've edited the manuscript an inch from it's life.

Why? Because you don't want to send the agent a project that's full of mechanical mistakes. That doesn't impress. Make your project is FINISHED before you start to look for agents to represent you. And make sure it is polished and shined. Do an edit for mechanical issues before sending it off. Remember, you want to impress and the best way to do that is to have a FINISHED project that is SHINY and WELL EDITED.

July 14, 2009 at 3:45pm
July 14, 2009 at 3:45pm
Well, today I thought I'd share an excerpt from my upcoming Official Newsletter about romance and the romantic man. The article discusses how to craft the perfect romantic man for your story.

If you'd like to sign up for my Official Newsletter, I put it out monthly and this month the newsletter is due out in two days. (it was a little delayed this month because of my vacation)

To subscribe go to my Official website at:


and go to the bottom of my home page. There you will see a link to sign up for the newsletter.

The newsletter covers genre writing tips, offers excerpts of my stories, lists upcoming events and announcements, gives my writing credits, has book reviews, a look at the news in the publishing industry which effects writers and takes a peek a literary agent blogs. There's a lot of stuff in there for the aspiring writer.


Here's my excerpt:

The Picture of a Romantic Man

When we think of what a romantic man looks like, both alpha and beta heroes share traits. They’re strong, broad shouldered, well toned, with long legs and thin hips. The alpha usually takes on a few more “darker” characteristics, such as a feral gleam or a mercurial stare, as they tend to be more dominant. Imagery can include that of a majestic lion, or the king of his pride. Alpha heroes may tend to take on a more saturnine appearance as well. For alphas, mercurial eyes, feral smiles and saturnine cheeks all tend to show dominance.
May 8, 2009 at 7:21pm
May 8, 2009 at 7:21pm
It's been a busy week. Writing wise, I'm been working hard on my edits for my WIP, "The Hungarian," a paranormal romance and I'm about 1/2 done. I'm very pleased with the edits and as soon as I'm done I'll be ready to query. However, Jillian Hunter's Boscastle series has been a distraction. I've really become engrossed with it. It's a romance series, but I'm impressed with Hunter's writing. I picked up "The Wicked Games of a Gentleman" on a lark and I was hooked. Over the course of the next couple of blog entries, I'll share my Product Reviews on the series. Here's my 1st one to share:

ASIN: 0345487613
ID #109969
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: StephBee
Review Rated: 13+
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 8.94

I've also just finished putting together my next Angel Army Newsletter and my Official Newsletter. My official newsletter has some good stuff. If you get a chance, check out BookEnds Literary Agency & Blog online. The agents there are Jessica Faust, Jacky Sach, and Kim Lionetti and their blog is a great tool for aspiring writers who are looking to query. Just the other day Jessica lamented that one author sent her a query on a project over 20 times from 20 different emails, after she passed on it. Poor thing! What amazes me is how ignorant some people can be when they are querying. That ignorance, laced with a touch of arrogance will never get them an agent.

As usual, we've been busy at the house. I'm looking into gymnastics programs for Joe to help channel his enegry. I'm trying to listen to Breaking Dawn on Audio book on my way to work, but it's been hard because while I think the reader embodies, Bella, the tone tends to grate on my nerves and I can only listen in doses.

I'm also a little disappointed to hear Manny Ramierz was taking HcG, a female hormone that stimulates the natural production of testorone in the male body. You take after you come off steriods. Steriods STOPS the natural production of testosterone in the male body so when you come off, you have to take HcG to jumpstart your body into stimulating testosterone use. It's sad, really. It can also be taken for thyroid problems, and I'd like to think that was why Manny took it, being the optimist that I am, but I need to be real here. Steroids is a problem in baseball. Manny on steriods is not a stretch for me. I'm disappointed, but I am impressed with how Manny has handled it, taking responsibility and taking his suspension.

Just some miscellenous thoughts

LISTENING TO: Nothing really - Sirius XM Radio.
READING: Guilty as Sin by Jillian Hunter
DVD: Last one I saw was BOTTLE SHOCK
MOVIE: Brent and I are going to movies on Monday! I think we'll see Star Trek, but we'll have to go in shifts because of the kids. I also want to see Wolverine, but we'll have to see how that goes.
MOTHER'S DAY: I just want to hang out and BBQ, but we'll playing it by ear.

Smiles, Steph
April 25, 2009 at 5:58pm
April 25, 2009 at 5:58pm
This is a French form of poetry similiar to the Kyrielle.

There are 16 lines, 4 quatrains.
A refrain is in a different line each quatrain. In the 1st quatrian it is in line 1, in the 2nd quatrain, it is in line 2. in the 3rd quatrain, it is in line 3, in the 4th quatrain, it is in line 4.
There are 8 syllables per line.
It does not follow a set rythme scheme.

Shattered by the light of the Moon

Shattered by the light of the moon,
I dropped to the forest ground.
His words were icy and bitter.
Heartbreak's cold arrow would not come out.

I shivered, stung, pricked by ice,
shattered by the light of the moon.
Once done, my nocturnal lover
walked away, no compassion

splayed upon his face, no cold grace.
My brittle bones ached, my skin quaked,
shattered by the light of the moon.
Rejection, so cooly done rent.

Dark hours past, sunrise's twilight peeks
out over an obsidian cloud.
My doomed heart, beating still, was
shattered by the light of the moon.
April 21, 2009 at 5:20pm
April 21, 2009 at 5:20pm
I just saw an article written by Mary W. Walters, author of "Bitters" and "The Woman Upstairs," called "THE TALENT KILLERS" where she disparages literary agents. I thought the article, mechanically, was well written. She obviously thought about what she wanted to write and then composed it. However it does "slam" literary agents. Writers have to get an agent to get a publisher to publish their work to be successful. (In the traditional model) Well, there's a reason literary agents are "keepers" of the gate, so to speak. I hate to be frank, but there is a lot of written material out there that just isn't that good. Authors and Writers can take years to really develop their craft. "First time Wonders" are rare, but they are there. Honestly, I'm not a "first time wonder." I've been plugging away and learning how to write.

Mary also talks about literary vs. commerical fiction. Well, let's be honest, commerical fiction sells. Your product should be commerical. If it is literary, it needs to be outstanding. It needs to stand above the rest.

My thoughts on Mary: She's got an interesting spin on literary agents. I don't agree. I think they are needed.

You can find the article by Googling "The Talent Killers."
April 18, 2009 at 5:45pm
April 18, 2009 at 5:45pm
MUSIC: Currently enjoying the "Twilight" Soundtrack, but I'm looking for new stuff.

SATELITE RADIO: Fav channels: 80's on 8, The Pulse, Classic Rewind, and 1st Wave

BOOKS: Currently reading: "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer

MOVIES: Last one saw: Underworld III, The Rise of the Lycans

RENTALS: Sideways - which takes place in the backdrop of the Santa Barabara Wine Country in California. It's a GREAT character driven movie that was lots of fun to watch - especially for wine enthustists.

AUDIO BOOKS: Just finished THE BOLEYN INHERITENCE. I enjoyed it very much. I loved hearing the 3 narrations of Anne of Cleaves, Jane Boleyn, and Katherine Howard. The girl reading Katherine Howard was a lot of fun. The girl reading Anne of Cleaves was very authentic. The reader for Jane Boleyn really captured the "angst" of the character.

FAN OF: Philippa Gregory. Her historical fiction is great. It wrapes you up in history and never lets go. Here's a review:

Book Review for: “The Other Boleyn Girl”

Written by: Philippa Gregory

Touchstone Books

ISBN: 978-0-74322744-5

661 pages


5 Stars

Gregory crafts a masterful tale of ambition, lies, deceit, and heartbreak in “The Other Boleyn Girl.” As a young girl, Mary Boleyn becomes Henry VIII’s mistress. It’s a sweet relationship, but not without its price. Mary loses her innocence as the Boleyn family travels down a path which will force the members of it to lose their souls. Gregory’s characters are rich and vivid. Her account of Henry and Anne’s relationship will keep the reader riveted to the page. Gregory starts her story in 1521. Mary Boleyn, newly married to William Carey, is fourteen, but she soon captures the king’s eye. This does not escape the notice of her family, headed by the Duke of Norfolk who conspires with the Howard and Boleyn sides to have Mary become Henry’s mistress. William Carey takes the family decision well, and soon Mary becomes Henry’s lover. Henry is initially besotted with Mary, even naming one of the royal ships after her. Young Mary falls in love as a teenage girl would fall in love with an older man. During the period Mary is Henry’s mistress, she has two children which Gregory implies was sired by the king.

As Mary recovers from the birth of her son in 1525, the family conspires to have Anne hold his attention until Mary can resume her duties. Anne performs her task all too well, sparking Henry’s complete fascination with her. Soon, Anne takes over Mary’s role in Henry’s life and Mary is allowed to go back to her husband. Initially, Mary’s relationship is strained with William, but as the months go by they become reacquainted. Unfortunately, William dies of “the sweat” and Mary loses her chance at happiness. As Anne’s star ascends in Henry’s life, Mary is all too happy to watch. Soon, she falls in love with a commoner, William Stafford. Sadly, Mary has a ringside seat to her sister’s fall from grace. Mary, however, by bucking her family’s orders and marrying for love, manages to escape the devastation brought on her family by Anne’s fall.

Gregory tells the story in the first person from Mary’s perspective. She captures a rich voice which allows Mary to endear herself to the reader. The book is full of lush descriptions and gripping emotions proving Gregory’s done her homework. The dialogue is easy to read and doesn’t slow the reader down. “The Other Boleyn Girl” will leave the reader with a unique perspective of Anne Boleyn’s rise and fall in Tudor England.

April 17, 2009 at 9:21pm
April 17, 2009 at 9:21pm
Sometimes at work, usually around 3 in the morning, when I'm really dragging I pull out my romance novels and read to get me through. It's easy, light reading and I don't have to think that hard - just enjoy. Here's a romance book that's just "fun."

Book Review for “The Seduction of an English Scoundrel”
Written by: Jillian Hunter
Ballantine Books
ISBN 978-0-345-46121-6
371 pages
5 Stars

Hunter dives into regency England, weaving a delightful heart-warming romp of seduction and romance. Set in 1815 England, Hunter introduces the roguish Boscastle family – four men and one girl full of passion and a desire to live life to its fullest. “The Seduction of an English Scoundrel” tells the story of Grayson Boscastle, the fifth Marquess of Sedgecroft. Grayson has it all – charm, wit, and style, yet he wants to set an example for his roguish siblings and he’s not quite sure where to start.

The novel opens with Grayson hosting a wedding between his cousin, Nigel, and Lady Jane Belshire. Unfortunately, Nigel never shows up. As Jane waits at the bleak altar, Grayson notices her and is impressed by her ability to weather such a devasting event. He admires her fortitude and her physical attributes. His heart goes out to the jilted bride and he offers to save her reputation with the ton by being seen with her. Her parents agree. Jane, who had conspired with Nigel to be jilted at the altar so neither of them would be forced to enter into a loveless marriage, is stunned by Grayson’s offer. She has no recourse but to agree to his plan.

For Grayson, this offer is a bit out of character for him. He’s a scoundrel, not a knight on a white horse. He begins to escort Jane out on the town and quickly finds her alluring. The scoundrel in him can’t help himself – he boldly takes kisses from Jane – kisses that hint of a deeper hunger between them.

As Grayson “falsely” courts Jane for the ton, the courtship takes an unspoken deeper meaning for him. He aches to be with Jane, to show her how desirable she is, and Jane, despite herself, revels in his attention. The white-hot chemistry between the two leads Grayson to take indecent liberties with Jane who gives in with little protest. After all, she’s falling in love with him.

Grayson soon realizes his “false” courtship is real to him. He wants to make Jane his wife – even after discovering how she plotted with Nigel to bring about her wedding disaster. Jane wants to tell him or her duplicitous wedding plot, but fears Grayson will leave her if he does.

Grayson soon contracts with her parents to marry her. Then he takes her to his family’s villa near the sea. They consummate their relationship in a pleasure filled night of bliss. The next day, Jane realizes Grayson knows what she did to wreck her wedding to Nigel. She tries to disentangle herself from Grayson, but it proves a challenge. When Grayson finally admits to it, Jane says she wants him to court her for real or she won’t marry him.

Hunter’s writing is sharp. The plot moves at the right pace, keeping the reader turning the page. Grayson and Jane are perfectly matched and the supporting cast also have their own interesting stories to tell. The love scenes are tasteful and passionate.

Hunter writes in a point of view that shifts between characters within scenes. Known as a “Lonesome Dove” perspective, (after the same novel) this point of view can be confusing to readers, but the romance genre in general is forgiving of it.

“The Seduction of an English Scoundrel” is a wickedly sinful romance that the reader will enjoy.

A pic of me taken 2 years ago.
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#1209679 by iKïyå§ama

The Wolf's Torment   (Rated: 18+)
ASIN: 0595417337
ID #109870
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Stephanie Grace
Review Rated: 18+
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 77.10

April 16, 2009 at 10:15am
April 16, 2009 at 10:15am
With my son, Joe, having SID, I had to educate myself on what SID was. Here's a great book I highly recommend.

Book Review for “Raising a Sensory Smart Child”
Written by: Lindsey Biel and Nancy Peske
Penguin Books
ISBN: 014-303488
399 pages
5 Stars

Biel and Peske share their personal stories dealing with Sensory Integration Dysfunction in order to help other parents cope with sensory integration issues. SI Dysfunction is separate from autism, but often presents with autism and autistic spectrum disorders. In SI Dysfunction, a young child receives sensory input correctly, but misinterprets the information. The most likely cause is a neurological condition, but the authors spend a chapter discussing reasons why SI Dysfunction would present, including genetics, head trauma during birth, and fragile X syndrome.

Biel and Peske explain there are seven senses a young child uses: touch, taste, smell, hearing, vestibular, and proprioception. Vestibular involves one’s sense of balance and proprioception involves the compacting/expanding of joints. Without careful integration, a young child might seem a little off and in a child’s young development, they might present with speech and developmental delays. When SI Dysfunction presents by itself, a young child will usually make all their physical milestones on time, like sitting and walking, but when it comes time to start to use utensils and start talking, they’ll demonstrate delays.

Biel and Penske explain that children with SI Dysfunction have hypo or hyper sensitive symptoms. Hyper means they tend to avoid an activity and hypo means they seek out behaviors to calm themselves down. A hyperactive sensitivity to touch might have a child pulling the tags off his shirt because he can’t stand the way it feels against his skin. A hypoactive sensitivity to proprioception might have a child jumping up and down to feel the compression of her joints.

Biel and Penske’s explanations are easy to understand and help give the reader a sense of what the dysfunction is, how it’s caused, and what to look for in your child.

The book also discusses intervention options and how to best help those children with SI Dysfunction. An occupational therapist plays a crucial role in helping parents and children manage their sensory seeking or avoiding behaviors. Most children with SI Dysfunction can lead productive lives. There is also a list of resources and tips on how to create a sensory diet. A sensory diet is used to manage a child with sensory issues.

Biel and Penske write in a conversational style that’s easy to read and understand. The book is full of knowledge for parents who have children with sensory issues. The writing is crisp and sharp. The book is well organized. “Raising a Sensory Smart Child” is a good read to learn more about SI Dysfunction.


Easter was okay. We went to grandma's and had Easter dinner. I made an Italian Chopped Salad for the occasion. The highlight of my off days included watching Dancing with the Stars and watching the movie, "Sideways." Being a wine lover, and near the Santa Barbara wine area, I was so tickled to finally watch this movie! I loved seeing the familiar sights, as I've been to the area. "Sideways" itself is a very character driven movie, and I have to admit, I didn't care for Miles's friend. He was a big heel, to put it mildly. Two thumbs for a great movie.

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