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Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.


Banner for my blog, "Gemini Rising"

*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*


Just a little about me. I've been married for 32 years this past NOV and currently live in Southern California, but I grew up in New Hampshire.

I've got 2 boys who are young adults.

I work as a 911 dispatcher for LAPD. I enjoy my job a lot. Still. If you can believe that.

I love to write. Thankfully both of my boys achieved Eagle Scout. My Scouting days are over and I'm back to focusing on my writing.

I like to get out in nature, drink coffee and watch football.

Here's a little bio about my zodiac.

GEMINI: Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless.

Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts.

Geminians can be successful in many walks of life though their general characteristics tend to make them unreliable. They are often skilled manipulators of language, in speech and writing, and may be: debaters, diplomats (though in politics they are more interested in theory than practice), orators, preachers (brilliant rather than profound), teachers, authors, poets, journalists, or lawyers.

*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*

This is me. I am a Gemini. Pure, Raw, passionate.

The NEW focus of this blog is to share my adventures, travels, random thoughts, book reviews, thoughts, opinions, and writing adventures from actual writing, writing/editing tips, marketing, research. I'll get there.

Another Signature

Find me at:





Previous GRATITIOUS Warning, that I decided to keep in case I post about something that might offend.

*Exclaim* WARNING *Exclaim*

I intend to be open, honest, and forthright. No topic is off limits from religion to you name it, I'm going there. If you think you might be offended...back up now - this blog isn't for you. For those who "dare" *Wink* check out the "Gemini Rising..."

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December 20, 2008 at 11:28am
December 20, 2008 at 11:28am

Well, as usual, I'm a busy little bee. Today, I have to work, but I want to make sugar cookies with my son, Andrew and we have some shopping to do. Which, of course, doesn't leave me much time on the Internet, as usual. The baking will be fun. Andrew likes to bake and I got us matching Christmas aprons from a girl at work who likes to sew.


I got the "Honest Scrap" award from fellow WDC member Vivian . I'll be posting my "Honest Scrap" awards on Monday. (I have Monday off and I'll have time to post the award on Monday) The Honest Scrap award: (from Viv's blog)

Scrap means left overs, fragments, discarded material, and many times truth and honesty is discarded material, considered fragments and left over. So, we need to tell it like it is, and let the scraps fall where they will.

The guidelines for winning this award include the following:

1. List 10 honest things about yourself (make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep)
2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers

I'm looking forward to posting on Monday. *Smile*

My writing thought of the day comes from a WDC newsletter I saw and in it, the editor tackled verbs. She had a paragraph up and listed a lot of "was" verbs along with some passive voice. It was a great example of how NOT to write. That said, look for me to tackle "passive voice" in an upcoming blog entry.

December 16, 2008 at 4:13pm
December 16, 2008 at 4:13pm
Here are the elements for a "Gothic" tale...

To have a novel known as "Gothic," its got to follow a set of rules. First, the setting takes place in a castle, or if the story is set in America, an old family estate. That's what makes Southern Gothic appealing, because an old plantation can be used. The estate, be it a castle, mansion, or plantation, can sometimes be abandoned, or sometimes occupied. It can be near caves to augment a mystery and may often contain secret passages, trap doors, any mysterious rooms.

Next the novel has to carry an atmosphere of mystery and suspense. In "The 13th Tale," there's an atmosphere of mystery built up around the parentage of the twins, Emmeline and Adelaine. Also, there's usually an ancient prophecy involved along with omens and visions.

There are usually supernatural events which occur. It doesn't matter if they are given a natural explanation or not, the event is what's important.

Other elements include high emotion, women in distress, a powerful or tyrannical male figure and metonymies - metaphors like rain which is used to represent something else, like sorrow.

If you're thinking of exploring this genre, read a couple of books or short stories first. The plot and pacing must be "tight" for your story to be successful.

On different note:
Has anyone read "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer? Any thoughts? I read the first two chapters so far - Bella has been Edward but his reaction to her has been frigid to say the least.
December 15, 2008 at 2:11pm
December 15, 2008 at 2:11pm
Just a few more thoughts on Gothic Lit...

Another influential author in the Gothic tradition was Edgar Allen Poe. In "The Fall of the House of Usher," he explored such classic gothic themes of decay, death, and madness, but he added his own twist - and looked into the terrors of the soul.

Also writing along with Poe, was Emily Bronte. "Wuthering Heights," explored gothic elements on the Yorkshire Moors through the brooding Heathcliff character.

With Bram Stroker's "Dracula," the most famous gothic villian ever was created - Dracula. Stoker also established Easter Europe as a favorite locale for the genre. More recently, in the 1930's HP Lovecrft has been connected with the genre, blending gothic elements with horror, setting a new bar for writers.

Romance has also been blended with the gothic genre. During the 1950's, 60's, 70's, such authors as Victoria Holt, and Dorothy Fletcher focused on the female and her connection to a "gloomy" castle.

Another sub-genre is known as "southern" gothic. This sub-genre takes traditional gothic elements and plants them in the Southern United States.

Next final thoughts on Gothic - what are the elements?

Also - you can find this article on Gothic Lit in my official monthly newsletter. You can sign up by visiting my website at sgcardin.tripod.com and going to the bottom of the page.


If you get a chance, visit my Best of the Rest Raffle this week. It's a great raffle that helps support my Best of the Rest Contest:

Steph Bee's Honey Pit   (E)
JUNE 2024 - hang out with fellow Bees and enjoy the Honey. NEW challenge is OUT!
#1474097 by StephBee

End date is 20 DEC or when the first 250 tickets get sold, whichever is sooner.


As usual, life is keeping me busy. I had the usual slew of appointments for Joe. He did better at his group last week. He sat down in the chair longer and attended to tasks longer which was nice. The ladies at group say it will take him 3 weeks to settle in so we've got another week.

I've been working on my novel, "The Wolf's Kiss." I'm officially half-way down now. I'll be starting the "Hungary" section of it now. I've also developed it's official title - The Hungarian. It's a very different story from the Short Story I wrote in 2006, but I believe it's a lot more developed.

Later on today, I'll be working on my official newsletter and I hope to have that out within a day or two.

I'm currently reading: Alison Weir, "The Wars of the Roses." If you love history, esp. British history, you'll find her look at this complex time fascinating. She writes in a very engaging way that, for me at least, brings history to life.

It rained last night, but it looks to be clearing a bit now. I need to mail my sister's Christmas gift off today so I'll probably tackle that once I pick Andrew up from school if it doesn't start to rain again.

Anyone else have any thoughts on Gothic Lit? Love to hear them. Does anyone have any good gothic short stories or novels they can recommend?


December 9, 2008 at 5:14pm
December 9, 2008 at 5:14pm

I know it's been a while since I've written - the Christmas rush is on! Not only that, Joseph started his "group" on Thurs and Fri and it's from 1030 to 1230 which makes those days very hectic for me. As for Christmas, I did a bulk of my shopping yesterday. I took Joseph to the mall with me and he was great for being 2! He waved "hi" to everyone and every so often even said "hewlo" in the soft little voice of his. He was smiling and happy. I kept him occupied with popcorn and milk which seemed to work. Mind you, I had to know where I was going and what I wanted. Joseph is not for "browsing," but considering he's two, I thought he did great. I was able to get the ornaments for our ornament exchange and some and ends stuff. I went to the "Candleman" with Andrew (he loves to go there) and we sorted through Yankee Candle scents until we settled on "Red Berry and Cider" for our home Christmas scent. I thought at one point they had bayberry but the lady they hadn't carried bayberry in at least 3 years. After that, we went to Costco to grind the coffee beans I forgot to do last week and when we got home, Andrew and I decorated our Christmas tree. He had a blast. Joseph was a little impatient with us... *Smile*


Now onto the writing thought of the day. I thought I'd tackle the different genres in couple of my upcoming posts and today I thought I'd look at Gothic Lit. A GREAT book that really captures the flavor of Gothic writing that's very recent is "THE 13TH TALE."

ASIN: 0743298039
ID #109556
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: StephBee
Review Rated: 13+
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 11.60

Gothic Lit got it's start in 1764 when Horace Walpole wrote "The Castle of Otranto." Walpole's story contained all the elements to define the gothic genre. Throughout the years, many authors have taken their stab at writing gothic lit, putting their own unique spin on it.

Ann Radcliffe, writing in 1794 gave the genre a sense of legitamcy when she questioned the supernatural elements, explaining them away as natural causes. She also introduced the brooding villain, who by the end of the story, is revealed to be the hero.

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, was definitely influenced by Gothic elements, but her novel is considered one of the first science fiction novels to be written.

I'll have more thoughts on Gothic Lit tomorrow.

December 2, 2008 at 4:25pm
December 2, 2008 at 4:25pm
I just want to give a shout to kiyasama and the Angel Army for my Leadership Award. It really means a lot to me. My Internet time is limited because of so many real life commitments and my own writing projects, but I do my best to remain active. Some of the things I do:

I try to hang out in the Angel Army Product Review forum once a month and encourage more members to give product reviews.

I write a Drama newsletter on a monthly basis.

I run 3 contests, The Bard's Hall, Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox, and The Best of the Rest.

I'm off to review Best of the Rest now, but here's my little plaque. *Kiss* Thank you Kiya & The Angel Army.

From the Angel Army

I also want to let you all know I'm giving out autographed copies of my book, "All That Remains. Send $15.95 to my PayPal email, "BotrinaRocks@hotmail.com" and you'll receive a free autograph, bookmark, magnets, and a set of pens to go with that book purchase.

"All That Remains" is a contemporary romance written in 2002 and set in Manchester, NH. Darrin Banning is a widower who is being sued by his in-laws for custody of his little girl. He hired a lawyer, Kristina Rivera, and the sparks fly. Will a romance between Darrin and Kristina ruin his chances of keeping his little girl? Check it out!

All the best
November 30, 2008 at 3:22pm
November 30, 2008 at 3:22pm
Just wanted to drop a quick line. Every genre has it's "rules" and in order to be successful in that genre it's best to follow the rules. Now, sometimes you can break the rules and it works out great, but the best way to break the rules is to know them well. Here are a couple rules for the romance genre:

Thinking of writing a romance novel? There are a couple of rules and guidelines that writers should keep in mind when they start out.

The traditional structure of a romance novel starts with the introduction of the characters and the problem. The writer can then begin to expand the characterization and intimacy of the story. At the mid-point of the novel there's a culmination of physical intimacy. The characters are then introduced to a new problem and the story should end with the resolution of the relationship.

Once the structure of the story has been plotted out, there are several plot points to consider, one being "happy ever after." A romance isn't a romance unless there's a happy ever after. This is a pretty set rule. If you keep to the traditional structure of a romance, but don't allow for a happy ever after, you have a relationship novel, not a romance.

Another pretty firm rule is known as "I've only got eyes for you." When the heroine and the hero meet, the story is about how they come together as a couple. There's no room for a third party love interest because then someone doesn't get happy ever after.

A third rule of romance writing involves point of view. The main point of view should be written using the heroine's perspective. Readers enjoy the hero, but he's not the one who is going to give the emotional content the story needs to reach the reader.

The romance genre, however, is very forgiving when it comes to multiple character points of view in a scene. This is commonly known as the "Lonesome Dove" point of view. This perspective switches between characters within a scene. Most professional editors/readers tend to shy away from it because it's also "head hopping" and that can be confusing.

Once the writer has established a plot that follows the above rules, then they incorporate the other rules which allow for a little leeway in the story. These rules encompass readers coming to care about the characters, identifying with the heroine and falling in love with the hero.

And now... another review.
Enjoy *Bigsmile*


Book Review for: “A Woman in Berlin”
Written by: Anonymous
259 pages
ISBN: 0-312-42611-9-51400
5 Stars

“A Woman in Berlin” tells the amazing story of the fall of Berlin in 1944 and the subsequent Russian invasion before the allies arrived. The Anonymous author paints a riveting picture of the war’s aftermath and chronicles in brutal detail what she had to do to stay alive.

The novel is told in a journal format and starts on Friday, April 20, 1945. The story is by an anonymous woman who describes herself only as a thin, pale blond who wears the same overcoat. Her first entry presents a graphic scene. Berlin is under siege by the Russians. The author knows the Russians are about to liberate the city and she’s dreading it. They don’t have a good reputation as liberators. She lives in an apartment building with several other residents. The rations are poor, there’s no radio, and there’s no electricity. Gas stoves, central heating, and hot plates are all “gifts of the modern age,” but ineffectual if there’s no power.

The bombs intensify around Berlin. The fighting heats up and then nothing. An eerie lull settles over he city. The author writes with unflinching honesty noting how the German society was built around the strength of their men, but now shattered, their men are miserable and powerless, leaving the German women at the mercy of their conquerors.

On April 27, the author notes that the Russians have entered Berlin. They’ve quickly earned the nickname of “Ivan.” She realizes that in order to be safe, she had better find a Russian officer to watch over her. She knows that in order to earn his favor she’ll have to be intimate with him, but it’s a risk she’s willing to take.

The author is candid. Having worked as a reporter previously, she can speak Russian. The initial Russians she meets are surprised by her. She seeks out a Russian lieutenant, Anatol, and becomes involved with him. He’s good to her and she gets used to him. Their relationship is short-lived. He’s soon transferred and a man known at the Major comes into the author’s life as her new lover and protector. The Major is tender and respectful of her, something that is stunning to her.

Slowly, but surely, Berlin starts to come alive. Basic services are beginning to be restored. By the end of the novel, which ends on June 16, with her own announcement that she intends to stop writing, the author meets with her fiancé, Gerd, who after discovering how she’s slept with several Russian men after the city’s fall, leaves her a final time. The novel concludes with the announcement of American and British forces taking over the southern part of Berlin, giving the author a sense of hope after the Russian misery she’s endured.

One of the main themes throughout the novel is the rape of Berlin after the city falls – not only of it’s possessions, but of it’s women. The author chooses to give her body to Russian officers, (the officers have a reputation of keeping a woman relatively safe, whereas an enlisted man was known to rape a woman) but she still feels no better than a whore. After a pregnancy scare, she wonders how many other women have done what she has only to end up pregnant by a Russian soldier.

The author humanizes a slice of history that is slowly fading from our view. The book is raw and honest, discussing uncomfortable truths that today are still uncomfortable. Rich in history, “A Woman in Berlin,” is a stirring and poignant read.
November 29, 2008 at 2:02pm
November 29, 2008 at 2:02pm
It's been a couple of days and I just wanted to touch bases with you all. We celebrated Thanksgiving last Thursday. My son, who is in first grade, came home about two weeks ago and told me Thanksgiving was "lame." Well, I couldn't have that. I got him involved. First we planned a menu and compromised a little. We had "White Castles" on it and Turkey of course. I also whipped some banana smoothies for him which he enjoyed. We baked cookies, cake, and a blueberry pie. And I got us some matching Turkey Day aprons. Soon, Thanksgiving wasn't lame anymore, but cool. I had him help decorate the dining room and we went to the candle store and sniffed candles, picking "spiced pumpkins" from Yankee Candle. It was a little extra effort on my part to get him involved but it was well worth it. He had a great time on Thanksgiving but it was because of the prep work.

The moral of my story: A little effort and quality time w/your kids go along way.

Yesterday, we took advantage of Knott's Berry Farm's Police/Fire salute and took the family. All Fire/Police got in free and brought in a guest for free. Andrew, my 6 year old, rode the log flume and liked it. He's a bit conservative in what kind of rides he picks so I was glad he was a little daring with the Log Flume. Joseph traveled, rarely any fuss until he passed out toward the end of the day. We saw the Knott's Berry Farm parade. It was kind of busy yesterday - heck, I thought more people would be at the stores shopping for sales.

That said, my husband Brent was actually at Target when it opened at 6 am! I couldn't believe he was game to go, but he was. He didn't get anything we talked about though. He didn't want to wait in line for the Wii accessories, he couldn't find the Wii pajamas we wanted to get Andrew and play tent we wanted to get Joseph was sold out. He sent me a text message from Target "It's a zoo." No kidding, Sweetie. You had to expect that. We'll look for that stuff a little later on in the week. It just might be work paying the few extra bucks for our shopping sanity.

Anyone have any good Black Friday tales they want to share?
And now...a review. Enjoy.


Book Review for: “Fangs for the Memories”
Written by: Kathy Love
285 pages
Kensington Publishing Corp.
ISBN: 0-7582-1131-7
4.5 Stars

Kathy Love enters the realm of paranormal romance with her first book in the Young series, “Fangs for the Memories.” Love paints wonderfully romantic yet surreal scenes in this juicy offering which fans of the genre are sure to enjoy.

Rhys Young is a brooding, moody vampire trapped in a human world. Filled with compassion, he rarely feeds from humans, preferring to get his blood in other ways. It’s not as satisfying, but it serves his conscious. He owns part of a nightclub with his brothers, Christian and Sebastian, and has chosen to seclude himself from the world due to his nocturnal nature. Part of his decision is due to his personality, and part of it is due to his background, having been an English viscount over 200 years ago.

The story opens with Rhys coming to the aid of a young woman, Jane, who is being assaulted in an alley. Jane’s attacker gets away, but not after pistol whipping Rhys. Jane stays by his side and helps Rhys to his apartment with the assistance of his brothers. When Rhys comes to, he’s suffering from a bout of amnesia. Rhys mistakes Jane for his “intended,” and wraps her in an intimate embrace. Jane guilty enjoys Rhys’s advances, but assures him they aren’t engaged. It’s Sebastian who realizes that for the first time in his brother’s life, Rhys has unlocked the gate around his cool heart. Sebastian encourages Rhys to win Jane’s affections. Jane, who has lived a lonely life and was looking for a little direction is vulnerable to Rhys’s charms.

Jane finds Rhys’s accent and old style mannerisms enchanting, but she has concerns over his habits. She notes how he only goes out at night and doesn’t care for mirrors. The chemistry between them is undeniable and Rhys’s hot kisses soon lead to nights of sinful passion.

Jane and Christian soon notice the puncture wounds Rhys has left on her body. Christian, who has always harbored a deep seated resentment against his brother, conspires to keep Rhys and Jane apart. It soon comes down to the fact that Jane is dying from Rhys’s bites, bites he’s been unaware of because of his amnesia. The only way to save Jane is to make her a vampire. After Christian’s deception is revealed, and Rhys regains his memory, both he and Jane have tough choices to make. To save her life, will Jane allow Rhys to take the ultimate bite? The ending will satisfy those enjoy the paranormal romance genre.

Love’s storytelling easily engages her readers. Her characters are interesting and dynamic. Love does write in a “Lonesome Dove” perspective, which switches point of view with no clear divisions or line breaks. This might be disconcerting to the reader. There’s a good blend of dialogue and narration. Her love scenes are erotic and tender. “Fangs for the Memories,” is a story that allows the reader to deliciously escape in its romantic fantasy.
November 25, 2008 at 4:45pm
November 25, 2008 at 4:45pm
I just wanted to spiff up my house before Thanksgiving hit and I'd be off line for a bit. I have a couple of announcements:

My Official Online Newsletter is back up! After a time demanding summer, I finally budgeted it my time to put together my first newsletter in six months. Now that it's back, it's back for good. My newsletter covers a variety of topics. I usually touch upon:

A main writing topic
Any holiday that the newsletter fall into
A character study and how to put together character bios
Weight Watcher recipes
Thoughts on the Writing World,
& Upcoming Events

I also list the organizations I belong to, my writing credits and how to get copies of my books.



I'm hosting an Internet book signing for my book, "All That Remains." The book was released in 2002 and is a contemporary romance that takes place in Manchester, NH. Visit my official site's messageboard on MONDAY, DEC 1 and order my book. I'll be giving out a discount. The book will cost $15.75 including shipping and handling and will include my autograph, a bookmark, magnets, and a set of pens.


Visit my official messageboard on my site and enter your poetry in this month's contest. Prizes include Amazon gift cards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Here's a link to my Official Messageboard: http://therogerhowarthphotogallerycommunity.yuku.com/forum/view/id/3

You have to have a user account for Yuku, and the accounts are free. If you need any help signing up for one, send me an email and let me know.

If you'd like to subscribe to my official online newsletter visit my website at:


and scroll down to the bottom of the page. It's got the sign up for the newsletter there. Come on over and check it out. I'd love to add you to the list.

A little more about THEME

I just wanted to touch a little more on theme, something I mentioned yesterday. Theme was the concept that held the story together. It was the journey the main character took to change and grow. Some common themes are:

finding ourselves,
fulfilling our calling,
justice vs injustice

I'd love hear your thoughts on theme. Also, if you've just read a great book or heard some great music - share. I'm always looking for new stuff.

November 24, 2008 at 5:35pm
November 24, 2008 at 5:35pm
It's been a busy morning. I was putting together my Official Online Newsletter and my two year old wants me to play with him. Sigh... I've been meaning to get here sooner, so forgive. My writing thought of the day is: THEME.

What is theme? Well, it's like the glue that holds your story together. It's the story arc that your main character takes. Some examples of theme are:

Greed is not good
Coming of Age
Love wins out in the end.

Can you think of any stories which highlight those themes?

In my novel, "The Wolf's Torment," the main theme is a coming of age story. Prince Mihai is 18 years old and must soon learn how to govern a kingdom, but as the prologue, and his father, King Stelian, implies, Mihai is still a boy chasing a girl's skirts. As the book continues, Mihai realizes he has to "grow up," because so many people depend on him. Since he's the main character of the novel, he takes on that journey with him. Without a strong or steady theme to keep your plot steady, all you have are scenes, really. Unless you know where you want to take your main character (that's what the theme gives you) he'll just go from scene to scene and the growth or development of him will be lacking.

Anyone want to share some themes they're tackling in their writing?

And now... another book review. Enjoy

Book Review for “John”

Written by: Cynthia Lennon
Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 0-340-89511-X
404 Pages
20 pounds
5 Stars

Cynthia Lennon starts her autobiographical tale reflecting on the death of her famous ex-husband, John Lennon and within the first chapter reveals two insights into John’s personality that haven’t really been discussed before in books about the Beatles. It’s a catchy start to a heartwarming, sweet, yet tragedic tale.

As the book starts, Cynthia is a teenager beginning art college. Shortly thereafter she encounters John Lennon. The two make an unlikely couple. She was raised in a nice neighborhood to be a “good” girl and John Lennon is a teenager rebel with only one cause – rock and roll.

Cynthia points out they had several things in common in the book – they were both short sighted and bonded over losing their parents when they were seventeen. (Cynthia lost her father when she was seventeen and John lost his mother.) Soon, Cynthia and John embark on a relationship. Her love is what John needs. She’s a steady constant in his life which is filled with uncertainty.

Cynthia is there before John and the Beatles make it famous. She talks of their humble beginnings and John’s family. We learn John’s Aunt Mimi, the woman who raised him, is a very totalitarian matriarch who very rarely showed John small, simple, loving gestures. John also has two younger sisters who adore him, Jacqui and Julia. There are so many sides to John. He’s in love, yet has a ferocious jealous side to him. He can be kind and tender, yet John dislikes confrontation. An example of this is how Pete Best is told to leave the band. Brian Epstein breaks the news to Pete and John never sees him again.

Cynthia and John had been with each other four years before their son Julian is conceived. John marries her right before the Beatles begin to take off. As the Beatles ride the wave of fame, Cynthia is by John’s side. It isn’t easy for the couple, but their love gets them through.

The book shifts when Cynthia begins to talk of John’s drug use. It’s his use of drugs that drives a wedge between them. John’s decline and destruction is sad to read about in such a personal way. The way he cuts Cynthia and Julian out of his life is quick, deliberate, precise, and very hurtful. Cynthia must find her own way with little financial support from John.

It’s hard to put this book down. The beginning draws you in and the reader barely has a chance to catch their breath. Happiness quickly turns to misery, pain, and despair much in the same manner as the Beatles overwhelming success turns sour at the end of the sixties.

Cynthia offers fresh insights on a musical history that has been practically hashed to death by the number of books written by the Beatles. Her thoughts and impression on Yoko are not put out there in a mean-spirited way – instead Cynthia presents the facts as is and lets the reader come to their conclusions. This is a wonderful read for those who are true fans of the Beatles and John Lennon.

November 22, 2008 at 3:17pm
November 22, 2008 at 3:17pm
I don't have much time, but I thought I'd pop on in and leave you with this food for thought:


What about you ask? It's a valuable tool for you, the writer. Research gives your writing authenticity. But I don't have the ability to research, you argue. YOU DO. Trust me. If you're on the Internet right now, you can Google anything. Research has helped bring authenticity to may writing. I've written several stories that have been researched. THE MUSIC BOX, THE WATCH TOWER, and RED PAINT, CRIMSON BLOOD are all stories that I researched. They all received Honorable Mentions in Writer's Digest Competition and I believe they did goo because I researched them.

Of course you can always go to a library. You can read several books on the topic you want to write about. You can watch a movie, you can go VISIT the place you want to write about. Say you're writing a Gothic tale that takes place in colonial New England. You can go visit Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. You can't there? Google it. Use Google maps to give you a reference where it is.

That said, anyone else want to share their research tips?

That said, it's time for my daily book review...

Book Review for: “Wanting What You Get”
Written By: Kathy Love
Kensington Publishing Corp.
ISBN: 0-8217-7613-4
320 pages
5 Stars

Kathy Love weaves a masterful tale of contemporary romance in “Wanting What You Get.” Set in Millbrook, Maine, this is the second installment of the “Stepp Sisters” series. Ellie Stepp works as the town’s librarian. Just when she thinks she’ll never find love, she’s in for a surprise. Love’s writing is crisp. “Wanting What You Get” is a satisfying romantic escape to New England.

Ellie’s sisters, Abby and Marty, left Millbrook to find adventure outside of Maine, but Ellie stayed behind finding a job as the town’s librarian. At Abby’s wedding, Ellie, as the maid of honor, is paired with Mason Sweet, Chase’s longtime friend and best man. Mason is also the town’s mayor and someone Ellie has secretly harbored a torch for since high school.

Mason is a hard edged character. His wife left him and he feels as if he’s going through the motions in his life. He shares a dance with Ellie and comes to see her for the sweet, honest person she is.

Mason does his best to fight his attraction to Ellie. She’s a kind girl and he’s a downright scoundrel. On occasion, he also drinks too much. Ellie, however, doesn’t want to fight the attraction between them. She wants to embrace it. Her steadfast nature gets through to Mason, but he falls asleep before he can make love to her. The next morning, a sober Mason apologizes and Ellie forgives him. They make love and begin a heated, yet secret affair.

Mason adores Ellie. He finds her honest and down-to-earth, unlike his wife who was materialistic. However, he believes it’s better to keep the affair a secret so as to keep Ellie’s reputation safe since he’s such a scoundrel.

Ellie loves spending time with Mason. She accepts him as he is. Their lovemaking is torrid and untamed, awakening Ellie’s passion. Soon, the couple grow emotionally close. Mason admits to Abby and Chase that he’s seeing Ellie, but when his haughty parents show up, he gets drunk and breaks up with Ellie.

Ellie doesn’t have time to be sorry for herself. She’s pregnant with Mason’s baby. When he finds out, he goes to Ellie and proposes. Ellie says no to him – he’s a drunk and needs to get his act together. Mason starts going to AA. The ending is a rich reward for the reader.

Love’s follow up to “Getting What You Want,” is emotionally more complex which makes it that much more enjoyable. Her love scenes are vivid and full of emotional passion. Love’s dialogue engages the reader. The names of her character have symbolic meaning. She does write in a “Lonesome Dove” perspective without any clear divisions or line breaks which can be disconcerting to some. Her plot and pacing are right on point, allowing the reader to slow down and take a breath before the action starts again. “Wanting What You Get,” is a great book to curl up with for some late night reading.

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