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A collection of thoughts and ideas
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You have found my collection of ideas and thoughts.
Who knows there might even be an article or two hidden in here.
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June 15, 2020 at 11:59am
June 15, 2020 at 11:59am
What can I say? Its a monday; Though my son did decide to get up with me. it was a welcomed change to getting my day started. Normally in the summer the first hours before I leave for work I am alone. So, this was a welcomed change.

My weekend for the most part was quite though I did have one fight with my son to get him to go do something with me. The funny thing was it was his idea to start out with. Oh, we did find a nice spot go take picnics at. A quiet spot in one of the neighborhoods that is part of a park but all we saw was a few birds and a pretty little pond.

Other than that my dear son ended the weekend with a stomach ache that was do to needing to go to the bathroom. That flared up into a full fledged headache. it lasted for a while after he took care of things but was going away by the time bed time came.

So though it sounds like a lot we did not do much.
June 11, 2020 at 3:00am
June 11, 2020 at 3:00am
It all started with me wanting to curse out my tills at work. I had to find a way for me to curse but still have people giggle at how silly things sounded. I realized that if I called things a pickle for the way things where upsetting me that I could call them sour and mean without offending most that came through my line. Every now and then when it felt like my till was acting up I would grumble about my till being a pickle to me adults would giggle and kids would laugh not understanding that I was upset. They never knew that they where helping me each time that they came. My choices where right and that their giggling and laughing was building a bond and platform of trust that has helped keep my store going through the uncertain times we have been facing. I know that my co-workers have done a lot to show and develop our customers' trust and loyalty.

Needles to say I figured out ticks and habits of my tills and in doing so I figured out ho to keep people from getting upset at my systems for being slow when the data streams are peaking by saying that my tills are sleepy creatures or that they are trying to raid my coffee next to them. some days they are trying not to get memorized by the rain falling or watching the fluff fly. Some times I say the tills are trying to watch the flowers bloom.

Though with the frustration of what's going on I started saying that my old till and new card reader think that I am the pick in the middle to pick on. It is not uncommon to have customers laughing at my silliness as they leave the store. The best part of that is the number I have come beck in during my shifts just so they can see the helpful silly cashier that seems to be the center of customer service willing to make a fool of herself just to get them to smile.

What I never really understood is that my silliness and helpfulness combined with my co-workers built a web of trust that is city wide. That trust has ensured that not only my store but my customers as well came out of this able to face each day. I have had customers come in just to see if we where open and for a smile from one of the staff. They really don't care who they just want to know we are there for them. Though a few have made a point to just come in for odds and ends they don't need just to see me so they say.
June 10, 2020 at 11:26am
June 10, 2020 at 11:26am
Let's see what all I have done so far this week.
Well I have gotten to work on time so far all week. Grant it I make a point to try to catch the bus that is early so that I don't have to run across a large parking lot. That normally makes me about 15 minutes early when I get to work.

I got one out of three chairs built. I managed to clear up a lot of clutter at one of the work stations though today I get to do that again. Of course there is my daily dusting and sanitizing i do before i can work on any thing else. Through out the next 2 weeks i get to go through one aisle of top stock and do a scan delete put away. Not a lot ti it just time consuming and normally not something that goes fast.

But I keep going and prove not a lot can stop me. Not a lot will stop me once I get going.
June 9, 2020 at 3:18pm
June 9, 2020 at 3:18pm
Such a grey day outside. I know we need the rain and I see that the plants are just loving the fact they have water.

I just wish I could figure out how to meat new people in my area to be around. I know it is silly but it has been 4 plus years since I left my ex. I did so so that I did not have to deal with feeling abandoned by his drinking or the abuse I got to deal with when he was drinking.

Today I feel the need to be around people other than my customers at work. I want to drop the mask I wear emotionally to protect my customers from how I am really feeling.

It feels like most people I am around don't want to know the real my and all that I have been taught to do. At times I know it has scared people away from me.
June 8, 2020 at 3:56am
June 8, 2020 at 3:56am
What can I say about my son. He is a good kid and ever so lonely. I hate that I have to work and leave him at home. I know he is old enough to care for himself. I see how me being at work is affecting him. He grew up with me at his side. Something wrong he could turn to me and have me right there to deal with it instead of waiting for me to show up.

I sit here today hurting inside. My dear son came home while dinner was cooking Sat down in his chair and fell asleep. Because he was sleeping he did not see that I was doing some of the dishes sitting on the counter. I really did not think about it I had music playing a peaceful atmosphere and in the mood to get things done. In fact I was feeling good about myself enjoying just fiddling around in the kitchen.

Once dinner was done cooking I kept trying to get my son to wake up. I managed to revive him just to get him screaming that I was trying to starve him. The worst part was I was just trying to get him up so he could eat. I was even willing unknown to him to let him eat in his room because he had fallen asleep in the main room.

Ok, a bit of house lay out. We have a kitchen that is attached to the main room. Off that is the bedroom and then the bathroom. I sleep in the main room so my son can have the bedroom. I honestly don't mind being in the main room.

Most of the time my son is a sweetheart. Though he plays on his game systems a lot I know he cares just is unsure of how to show it. Though this morning he made a point to stay up so he could walk to the store with me just because he could. He even made sure that I had all I needed to catch the bus.

He has been the reason that through all the hell we have been through I have been able to keep going. I always have to remind myself to that my son has the right to go do things without me. Yet, I always want to shadow him considering our past. Instead, I let him go out and spend time with friends. I wait at home my phone at my side listening for the cry for help. There has been more than once he has surprised me by going to the store a good 2 miles away to go get things. He has even gone and gotten me gifts. I know that all the money he spends is what I make.

I know that he wants to be able to help support us. He sees how worn out I am most of the time and wants to be able to help out with little things like the phone bill and internet so we can do more together.
June 7, 2020 at 2:50pm
June 7, 2020 at 2:50pm
This morning my dear son surprised me. He decided to walk the two mile round trip to the store and back with me before i left for work. it is not much i know but even this little thing show light in our troubled world.
June 4, 2020 at 3:45am
June 4, 2020 at 3:45am
I find it funny how my great friends here have allowed me to know that I am not alone yet it is a series of tv shows that remind me we can pull through this no matter how alone we are always able to even in the deepest of space.

I have always enjoyed watching Star Trek and all the different story lines that are in the different series. I turned on my cable tv box at the start of the lock down in my state seeking the peace of memories the tv shows brought back just to find an other side affect of reassurance things can get better. I know it is not much but the simple fact is I have been watching a show about those wondering through space unable to really be in the same room with loved ones and having to face dangers of the unknown.

I dear friends here have shown me that even alone others care. Not many other sites had people that ignored the fact we live in different places; live different lives; enjoy different beliefs. Instead we come together sporting each other encouraging to be ourselves while celebrating our differences and similarities.

Thank you my friends.
June 1, 2020 at 11:56am
June 1, 2020 at 11:56am
It's funny, how just being able to ride a bus again can uplift spirits.

Yes, there is light in all the grey we are seeing. I know it is not easy to find but one place I have found it is here on writing.com it is not every day i find a place that dose not mind the bad you have been through yet reaches out to help support those around them just because they can. I wish more of our world could see how amazing this group really is.

Yes, I do share our great group as much as possible.
May 29, 2020 at 6:34pm
May 29, 2020 at 6:34pm
Its not every day that you sit there dreaming a dream that has simply became like a wisp of smoke. you can see it and feel it but when you try to touch it it just lets you pass through untouched yet knowing it is there.

it is like a sting of sun light in a dark room so bright and light that you know that if you could touch it it would fill you with joy yet every time you try it vanishes into the dim of the surroundings till.

Sincerely yours,
Dragon Minstrel

Keep writing the words of your heart
and one day your dreams will come true.
May 27, 2020 at 12:39pm
May 27, 2020 at 12:39pm
Time seams like such a trivial thing till one is faced with a decision or forced to do something so close together that it takes meaning.

Sincerely yours,
Dragon Minstrel

Keep writing the words of your heart
and one day your dreams will come true.

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