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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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April 15, 2022 at 9:06am
April 15, 2022 at 9:06am
“Why did you say that genocide doesn’t happen without your neighbors’ participation?” It was a young girl, catching up after my talk. I had just finished giving a talk at a university followed by a long question and answer session.
I was at the end of a book tour of ‘The Infidel Next Door’ a work of fiction based on how the Kashmiri way of life was brought to an end through a systematic pogrom. In talk after talk, the Kashmiri pandits had shared a platform with me talking about their exodus. Their feelings had emerged raw, flowed like a stream through the mountain crevices. Their emotions bottled up for decades and hidden from the world, sometimes from each other had burst forth due to abrogation of Article 370 tearing apart the carefully constructed wall of an aggrieved community living through a self imposed alienation for their survival.
“I am a second generation Kashmiri pandit brought up here,” she continued, “I was too young when my parents ran away from the valley in 1990. How we ran away from Kashmir remains a silent topic in our family,” she said.
“I have one question that has always bothered me. How did our neighbors behave when we ran away? I have asked my parents many times but they don’t tell me. Sometimes they say we were too busy running away to notice but I believe the answer is different.”
“I will write an answer for you.” I promised her and walked away knowing that the answer might be long and couldn’t be contained in a single sentence. My host had joined us telling me it was time for me to go and catch my flight. Also, some answers are better read in private spaces rather than be discussed in public.
As I came to the airport and sat in the comfort of my plane, an image from long ago began to emerge. I was sitting in Tihar jail, India’s infamous prison and taking a group with militants. They were laughing, and their words seemed to mock.
They were from Kashmir, were militants and the talk had turned to the exodus of the Kashmiri pandits from the valley on 19th January 1990. One of them spoke up.
“It was a complete spectacle, a total entertainment, the running away. There was nothing like it in the Kashmir valley for a long time. It was as if a circus was going on. Not even when Pakistan won a cricket match had there been such a celebration and you think we will ever welcome them back? Till today it must be the most widely watched spectacle in the valley. We all knew they would be running away and didn’t miss it. It was a celebration and no one wanted to be excluded.”
“Do you know my mother gave me new clothes to wear to watch them run away? She even cooked some delicious dishes on that day. Every family we know did so. It was a ‘davat’ (party) like atmosphere. My friend’s father gave him a pair of binoculars to go and watch it from the rooftop.”
“So, it wasn’t a sudden event that took everyone by surprise?” I had asked.
“Not at all. We all knew they would run away on that particular day,” he had replied. “You know the funniest thing about it is that no one has yet talked about it. Second the most important aspect was it happened in broad daylight, not in the darkness of the night. It had to be seen, watched like a circus, a full public spectacle, so that all of us could describe it to our future generations, preserved for posterity.”
“So, do you talk to the younger people, the future generations?”
“Yes, not only me but every family I know does so.”
“Why did it have to be that way?” I had asked.
“We wanted to see the fear, the terror in their eyes as they ran away,” he continued.
In movies on ancient Rome, the cameras would often zoom-in on the eyes of the survivors in the coliseum and stay there showing his terror, the victim waiting for his death at the hands of either a lion or gladiator. The death was not fun, watching the terror in his eyes was. That is what the audience would pay for. They would watch fascinated, as they reveled wanting the scene to go on. It was an excitement, unequalled, the adrenalin flowing in.
“Was the exodus of the Kashmiri Hindus any different in the eyes of their neighbors from that spectacle?” I had wondered.
“We had decided to use slogans to terrorize them. They were raised from every mosque in the valley, by all the Imams who announced that ‘kafirs must leave the valley leaving their women behind’.”
“Do you know why we did it? Because we felt it would be too much stress for us to pull the trigger four hundred thousand times.” He had continued, “We would have done that as a last resort only if it became necessary. We realized it would be much simpler if we could make them run away mentioning that we are eyeing their women. Once gone, they would die of the heat, diseases and illnesses they were not used to. There would be no culpability on us, no guilt to carry. Who would say it was a genocide in Kashmir?”
His words seem prophetic and visionary seen thirty years later. No one in the world today accuses the Kashmiri Muslims of committing a genocide on their neighbors. On the contrary the Kashmiri Muslims are crying ‘victim’ for their disconnected phone connections and the democrats, the liberals and the labor parties of the world are not only listening but shedding tears at the gross violation of human rights.
Wasn’t it the biggest mass delusion of all times when four hundred thousand, many times more outside Kashmir believed that it is only a matter of time, a few months at the most when the Kashmiri pandits will come back amongst the same people who had threatened to lynch them?
I had listened to the details with a sense of déjà vu, an unreality that pores down to my bones even today. The precision, the planning, the execution had been flawless to the last detail. The atmosphere in the group had turned unreal, surreal and a bit nauseating. Every sequence in it had been given attention to and worked out with perfection. From calculating the number of pandits in each village and hamlet, the corresponding number of people assigned to threaten them to leave and the policemen who were relied upon to look the other way, everything was precise to put even Adolf Eichmann to shame.
When the meeting had ended, I had walked away feeling emotionless. His narration rang in my ears. The murders of pandits had followed a template, a script down to the last detail. Even the date of 19th January 1990 was worked out keeping in mind logistical issues across the border. The militants and the local population had formed a team to become collaborators. Pandits were killed execution style in broad daylight so that it served as a warning for everyone to never imagine coming back to their homes. Kashmiri Muslims in this were not bystanders but active participants. The plan shrouded in secrecy and silence was kept away from the pandits, from the world at large under the umbrella of ‘Kashmiriyat’ otherwise known as mass denial.
For too long, the majority in India has been at the receiving end of violence and persecution. In Kashmir, in Bengal, in Punjab, in many other nondescript places, no one asks why certain neighbors turn on certain days saying convert or leave and ‘my God is the only God’. Why they threaten to kill, maim and intimidate those with whom they have supposed to have lived for generations in harmony? No one ever asks who started it first, least of all journalists who swear by freedom of speech. The reaction, the response becomes more important than the trigger that caused it.
There is a magical thinking that runs deep, in communities who have lived under slavery that somehow this time, things will work out if we stay silent and don’t ask hard questions. That all questions as to the motive of perpetrators be never raised. That things come back to normal if one looks at the other way, don’t look at perpetrator in the eye and demand to know why he did it. As a result no one asks why and who started the direct action day in Bengal, who set fire and murdered the women and children in Godhra train massacre?
Today, it is we who have become the new neighbors. The boundary has shrunk and is coming to our doorsteps. We didn’t speak up when they needed us. In Kashmir, in Bengal, in Punjab. We stayed silent thinking it will never be us.
As I write this, the faces of an entire Hindu family butchered to death in West Bengal stares at us asking for justice. Their murderers enjoy an impunity like every other murderer of mass violence has enjoyed in India for ages.
Only if we decide today collectively to stop that impunity that binds us and ask for accountability from our perpetrators, I believe there is hope and justice for the future generations to practice their faith without fear.
Millions have been slaughtered for their religious belief throughout our nation’s history. We as a people owe a redemption to our ancestors that their sacrifice for us did not go in vain.
April 14, 2022 at 8:29am
April 14, 2022 at 8:29am
*Doctors in India changing the way they practice*

From a Mumbai doctor. 👨🏼‍⚕️

"My surgeon friend can perform excellent cancer surgeries, but he only does appendix, Gallbladder and hernias.

My physician friend is a jack of all from stomach to heart to brain....but he is content doing opds for fever bp sugar.

My ENT friend can do intricate endoscopic sinus,skullbase surgeries, throat cancer surgeries...but he does only polyps and foreign body removals.

My dentist friend specialized in Head and neck cancer surgeries, but he is happy doing tooth extraction and RCTs.

My anaesthetist friend is a wizard in the ICU with life saving skills up his sleeves, but he is content giving spinal for appendix surgeries.

My OBGy friend excels in handling complicated pregnancies and obstetric emergencies...but she rather practices in IVF and gynaecology.

My Orthopaedic friend is a master of Joint replacements, but he does only external fixations and a few nailings.

My Pediatrician friend is an expert in managing preterm babies, but he closed his NICU and does only OPD consulations.

My Cardiologist friend is a master of intervention and does stenting in minutes, but he happily does only 10-5 OPD consulations.

*The reason is simple, they dont want to take risk and get killed by an irate mob.*

*They all prefer refering even the slightest complicated case to a HIGHER CENTRE, having its own armed Guards, expensive security system & links with local police headquarters.*

*No point risking your life for a thankless society.*

Do your 10 to 5 and chill 😎😄

*This is going to be the India of tomorrow"*
April 13, 2022 at 10:31am
April 13, 2022 at 10:31am
In two independent houses, separeted by a compound wall...
Two people were staying,
in one a retired person and in the other a techie.

They had planted identical saplings on either sides of the compound.

The techie used to give lot of water and manure to the plants.

The retired, just small quantity of water and little manure.

The techies plant grew into lush green, leafy robust plant.

The retired person's plant was a near normal but much luxuriant than his neighbor's.

One night there was a heavy rain with gusty wind.

Next morning both came out to see the fate of the plants.

To techie's surprise his plant had got uprooted where as his neighbor's was unharmed!

Techie asks the retired as why his plant was uprooted despite such a good care where as the neighbor had hardly cared.

*The retired person's answer should be a lesson for all of us:*

Look young man, you had supplied every thing a plant would need, in abundance... and the plant did not have to go in search of it... Your roots did not have to go down.

I was supplying just enough to keep it alive. For the rest roots had to go down into the ground to fulfil it's needs.

Since your roots were superficial, the rain and wind could easily fell it...

Since my roots were pretty deeply grounded, they could withstand the onslaught of the nature.
April 12, 2022 at 8:12am
April 12, 2022 at 8:12am

My wife, Judy, had been after me for several weeks to varnish the wooden seat on our toilet.

Finally, I got around to doing it while Judy was out.

After finishing, I left to take care of another matter before she returned.

She came in and undressed to take a shower. Before getting in the shower, she sat on the toilet.

As she tried to stand up, she realized that the not-quite-dry epoxy paint had glued her to the toilet seat.

About that time, I got home and realized her predicament.

We both pushed and pulled without any success whatsoever.

Finally, in desperation, I undid the toilet seat bolts.

Judy wrapped a sheet around herself and I drove her to the hospital emergency room.

The ER Doctor got her into a position where he could study how to free her (Try to get a mental picture of her bottom the doctor was looking at.)

Judy tried to lighten the embarrassment of it all by saying, "Well, Doctor, I'll bet you've never seen anything like this before."

The Doctor replied,
“Actually, I've seen lots of them- I just never saw one mounted and framed."
April 11, 2022 at 5:06am
April 11, 2022 at 5:06am
Whenever you have to accept anything from others, take only just as little as you actually need; but when you are the giver, try your utmost to satisfy fully the person who receives.

Widening your shriveled heart, make the interests of others your own and serve them as much as you can by sympathy, kindness, gifts and so forth.

Whenever you have the opportunity, give to the poor, feed the hungry, nurse the sick. But if you are incapable of doing anything else, you can at least cultivate goodwill and benevolence towards all and pray for their welfare.

April 10, 2022 at 2:15am
April 10, 2022 at 2:15am
Be thankful for the difficult times, you grow. Be thankful to each new challenges, because it will build you strength and character.

Be thankful to your mistakes, they will teach you valuable lesson.

Honestly I feel jealous whenever you give someone the kind of attention I want from you.

Not everyone thinks the way you think know the things you know, believe the things u believe, nor acts the way you could acts.

Remember this you will go long way in getting along with people.

Relax and refuse to let worry and stress in life, there is always a solution will workout for you when you refresh, restore and recharge your own soul.

What ever life gives you even if it huts, just be strong and act like you are okay, strong winds shake but never collapse.

April 9, 2022 at 3:20am
April 9, 2022 at 3:20am
Life is never made unbearable by circumstances but only lack of purpose and meaning of life.

Don't bother about what others say or think, than half of the problem will be automatically solved.
Mistakes catches the attention, but forgiveness catches the hearts of others and live in their heart permanently.

Be calm and be in patience and strong now, because things will get better.
It might be strong today but it can't be rainy for ever.

If you are struggling today remember this you have survived everything through upto this point the best day in your life yet to come.

There are some peoples you have not met and things you have not experienced you can do them and put in their heart your legacy.

The best things about the worst time of your life is that you get to see and understand the attitudes of each and everyone.

If someone stick by your side through your worst time they're the one's who deserve to be with you in your best times.

Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice all the end of the day saying I will try tomorrow.
April 8, 2022 at 9:19am
April 8, 2022 at 9:19am
For a person of utmost confidence all roads leads to success for a person of hardwork success follows him on his rosd.

God siting inside every heart asked two question to soul.
( 1) Do you got happiness on this earth? 1marks.
Second one is due to your presence any one in this universe got Happiness? ( 99 marks.)

Never get tired to do little things for others. Sometimes those little things take a big place in other heart.

Speaking with out ego, Loving to others without any intentions.

Taking care to others without any expectation and Praying to God in Temple without selfishness to ask benefits are excellent and true relation.

If you could also erase your own mistakes of ur past,, you should also erase all the wisdom not disappointment.

If you can't change the Ocean of weather no matter how hard you try,, so it is better and best to learn how to sail in all circumstances.

You will be the most successful person in your life, if you follow all the advice which you give to others.
April 7, 2022 at 10:30am
April 7, 2022 at 10:30am
Road hypnosis is a physical condition that most drivers are unaware of.
ROAD HYPNOSIS starts *2.5 hours* after getting on the road, the eyes of the hypnosis driver is open, but the brain does not record and analyze what the eye sees.

ROAD HYPNOSIS is the number one cause of *rear-end crashes* to parked vehicle or TRUCK in front of you.

The driver with ROAD HYPNOSIS *remembers nothing* of the last 15 minutes until the moment of collision. He cannot analyze how many km speed he is going, or the speed of the car in front of him, usually the collision is above 140 km.

In order to protect yourself from ROAD HYPNOSIS, it is necessary to stop, take a walk, drink tea or coffee every 2.5 hours.

- It is important to note and remember certain places and vehicles while driving.
- If you don't remember anything from the last 15 minutes, it means you are driving yourself and the passengers to death.

ROAD HYPNOSIS happens *more often at night* and if the passengers are also sleeping, the situation is very severe.
The driver should stop, rest, *walk 5-6 minutes* every 2.5 hours and keep his mind open.

Accident is inevitable if the eyes are open but the *mind is closed* ..
April 6, 2022 at 12:29pm
April 6, 2022 at 12:29pm

One day Lord Krishna & Arjuna were taking their usual walk, when they came across an old Brahmin begging, taking pity on his condition, Arjuna gave him a bag of gold coins.

The man was overjoyed. On his way to home, he was robbed by a thief in the forest. He cursed his fate and the next day set off to beg again.

Arjuna & Lord Krishna saw him again & got to know his story. Arjuna once again took pity and gave him a large diamond.

The man took it home and kept it in an old pot which had been unused for many years in order to keep it safe and went to sleep.

The next morning before he could wake up, his wife went to fetch water from the river & on her way back, she slipped and her pot broke. She immediately remembered the pot at home which lay unused and brought it to fill it with water. Just as she dipped the pot in to the river the diamond escaped the pot and went into the river.

When she returned home the Brahmin was desperately searching the house for the pot & when he saw it in his wife’s hands, he got to know what had happened. Dejected with what had happened, he once again left to go begging.

Once again Arjuna and Lord Krishna saw him and when Arjuna heard of the unfortunate incident that had happened, he told Lord Krishna ,

” I don’t think this man is destined to be blessed at all, I don’t think I can help him anymore”.

Lord Krishna then gave the man two pennies and the man took them and walked away.

Arjuna then asked Krishna,” My Lord, if gold coins and diamond could not change his condition, what good can two pennies do to him?”.

Lord Krishna smiled and replied, Let us see”.

As the man walked home he was cursing his fate when he saw a fish that had just been caught by a fisherman and was struggling for its life, he took pity on it and thought to himself, ” These two pennies cannot fetch me food anyway, let me at least save the life of this creature” and he purchased the fish and was about to throw it in the river when he saw that the breathlessness of the fish was caused due to some large obstruction in its mouth and when he removed it, it was the very diamond he had lost in the river. He was overjoyed and started shouting “Look what I found! Look what I found!!”.

At this very time the thief that had robbed him in the forest was passing by and heard his shouts, he recognized the man and thought that man too recognized him and was thus shouting. Fearing that the Brahmin may take him to be executed, he rushed to him and begged for his forgiveness and returned all the gold coins he had stolen from him. The Brahmin was happy and walked away joyfully with all his wealth.

He went straight to Arjuna to narrate the turn of events and thanked him for all his help and went away.

Arjuna then asked Lord Krishna,

“My Lord, how is it that my gold and diamond could not help him but your meager two pennies did?.

Krishna replied,” When he had the gold and diamonds he was only thinking of himself and his needs, but when he had the two pennies he put the needs of another creature before his and so I took care of his needs.

The truth is O Arjuna when you think of the pain and needs of others and work to help them, you are doing God’s work and hence God Himself takes care of you”.

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