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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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January 6, 2022 at 6:58am
January 6, 2022 at 6:58am
If you're sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, "Did you bring the money?"

When you ask me what I am doing today, and I say "nothing," it does not mean I am free. It means I am doing nothing.

I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.

I run like the winded.

I hate when a couple argues in public, and I missed the beginning and don't know whose side I'm on.

When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I squint and ask, "Why, what did you hear?"

When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminum can stuffed with celery?

I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.

When I ask for directions, please don't use words like "east."

Don't bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That'll freak you right out.

Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We call those people cops.

. My luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb.
January 5, 2022 at 6:21am
January 5, 2022 at 6:21am

One is restless because one believes one is of the nature of the body. The body is
a doll made up of food. The mind has taken to the belief that one is of the nature of the body.
As a result, it has to suffer all kinds of miseries.

Really speaking, the mind has no individual existence. By taking yourself as the body, you are retrograding yourself day by day. Even that deterioration is not real. All this is called maya. The fact that you experience fear should make you find out who you are in all this. There is no person in the body, as such. There is prana in it, there is consciousness in it.

Your true nature is the Self, not the
The Guru is not an individual, he is the manifested all-pervading consciousness. Take up the identity as formless consciousness and carry on your activities. The reason why devotion to the Guru gives liberation is that one comes to know that he is free.

The mind can never cognize the Self. When the mind steadily attempts to find the Self, it disappears in the process. Maya has compounded the body with consciousness.
What is visible has form and color, but the seer has neither form nor color.

Why does memory fail in old age?
It is because consciousness, one’s quality of Sattva, starts dissolving. We must have the knowledge of what we were before we hear about how we are now. Our behavior is the result of characteristics of the essence of food. Please remember that the mind flows according to the quality of
food. You have a great attachment to your consciousness. Worldly activities are carried out in order to tolerate our beingness.

The one who has the conviction that he is the Atman will never feel anything, even if
a thousand miseries are heaped upon him.

January 4, 2022 at 1:02pm
January 4, 2022 at 1:02pm
Air Commodore Vishal was a Jet Pilot. In a combat mission his fighter plane was destroyed by a missile. He however ejected himself and parachuted safely. He won acclaims and appreciations from many.

After five years one day he was sitting with his wife in a restaurant. A man from another table came to him and said "You're Captain Vishal ! You flew jet fighters. You were shot down!"

"How in the world did you know that?" asked Vishal.

"I packed your parachute," the man smiled and replied.
Vishal gasped in surprise and gratitude and thought if parachute hadn't worked, I wouldn’t be here today.

Vishal couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man. He wondered how many times I might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning, how are you?' or anything because, he was a fighter pilot and that person was just a safety worker"
who is packing your parachute?
Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day.

We need many kinds of parachutes– we need the physical parachute, the mental parachute, the emotional parachute, and the spiritual parachute.
We call on all these supports before reaching safety.

Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important.

We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason.

As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize the people who pack your parachute.

😊 *I just want to thank everyone who packed my parachute this year one way or the other*- through your words, deeds, prayers etc!!
Don't want to take any of you for granted .
From the bottom of my heart with all my love ❤
Wishing you a pleasant and a memorable end to 2021and an awesome beginning to 2022

🎊🎉Happy New Year🎉🎊
January 3, 2022 at 2:11am
January 3, 2022 at 2:11am
*Colonel Praneet Goel, Sena Medal* belonged to an illustrious family of academicians. His parents ran a school in the quiet and calm town of Roorkee. Being an important Army Cantonment, Roorkee had many men in olive greens and these soldiers had an important impact on the young Praneet and at a very young life Praneet had decided that he only wanted to become an Army Officer when he grew up.

His parents fully supported the ambition of young Praneet though they had a flourishing business and intrinsically wanted Praneet to take over the family business. But being professional academicians they always gave wings to Praneet’s ambition so that he could soar high in life happily.

And soar Praneet did. On 02 January 1988, Praneet Goel joined the 79 NDA Course in the prestigious National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune after clearing the world’s eighth toughest exam. The tall and well built Praneet took easily to the tough training regime of NDA as fish takes to water. It was clear to his course mates right from day one, that Praneet would do very well in NDA and eventually as an Army Officer.

Praneet was allotted Charlie Squadron in NDA. In the three years in NDA, Praneet did very well in Cross Country and Basketball. In all the six terms in NDA, Praneet came in the second enclosure in Cross Country and was in the first string of the Basketball Team of his Squadron. The six terms in NDA have three outdoor Camps – Camp Greenhorn in the Second Term, Camp Rovers in the Fourth Term and Camp Torna in the Sixth Term. Camp Rovers is the toughest Camp in the entire world.

One of the strong indicators of the mettle of a cadet in NDA is the performance in these three Camps. Praneet in Hindi means “Leader”. And leader Praneet was in these camps. Always volunteering to pick up heavy loads during the tough exercises in these camps, or volunteering to do map reading, considered very tough under these trying circumstances, Praneet emerged as the undisputed leader in his Squadron and was aptly nicknamed “The Josh Box of Charlie Squadron”.

In the beginning of the sixth term in NDA, Praneet Goel was given the coveted appointment of Cadet Quarter Master Sergeant (CQMS) for his superlative performance in the last five terms. The appointment of CQMS is one of the top three appointments given to the best three Cadets in a Squadron, the other two being Squadron Cadet Captain (SCC) and Cadet Sergeant Major (CSM).

CQMS Praneet Goel passed out 32nd in the overall order of merit of 323 Cadets of 79 NDA Course who passed out on 01 December 1990.

On 08 January 1991, Praneet Goel reported to the internationally acclaimed Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun as part of the 89 Regular Course, for the last one year of pre-commission training. Gentlemen Cadet (GC) Praneet Goel was allotted Jessore Company. Continuing with his brilliant performance, GC Praneet Goel excelled in the training in IMA too and in the third and final term, Praneet Goel was given the important appointment of Junior Under Officer (JUO).

JUO Praneet Goel was commissioned as an Officer in the highly decorated and valiant Assam Regiment on 14 December 1991 after an impressive Passing Out Parade (POP). Praneet’s parents who came for the POP from Roorkee, pipped one star on his either shoulder. Second Lieutenant Praneet Goel smartly saluted his Parents after being pipped by them and then touched their feet. His Parents embraced Praneet and tears of happiness flowed in the eyes of all three. It was a sombre and poignant moment as Praneet had achieved his ambition at a young and tender age of just 21 years.

After three weeks of post commissioning leave 2/Lt Praneet Goel reported to the Assam Regimental Centre in Shillong for orientation training. Because of his being good in Drill and having a smart soldierly bearing, 2/Lt Praneet Goel was selected as one of the two Stick Orderlies for the Eastern Command Investiture Ceremony which was to be held in Shillong. Being selected as a Stick Orderly for a Command Investiture Ceremony is a matter of great pride and honour.

Soon after he reported to his Battalion and after a few months itself he was given the coveted appointment of Adjutant. Shortly orders came for the Battalion to move on a Foreign Mission to Cambodia. The Battalion did exceedingly well in the foreign land and after completing their assigned tenure they came back to India. After a couple of prestigious staff and instructional postings, Major Praneet Goel cleared the prestigious Staff College Exam and went for a year’s course in the famed Defence Services Staff College located in the salubrious Wellington, nestled in the majestic Nilgiris. Praneet did well in this Course too.

After the Staff College Course, Major Praneet Goel was selected as the Staff Officer to a Formation Commander, who was also the Colonel of the Assam Regiment, of an important Operational Formation in Srinagar. One evening after office hours, as Praneet was playing Lawn Tennis in the Sports Complex of the Formation Headquarters, three terrorists attacked the Formation Headquarters in a Fidayeen (suicidal) attack.

Major Praneet Goel, in his sports dress and unmindful of his personal security and safety, grabbed an AK-47 from a nearby sentry and rushed to the place of attack. He immediately took over the control of the situation and within 40 minutes killed all the three terrorists. For this brave act of a very high order Major Praneet Goel was awarded the Sena Medal (Gallantry), one of the Nation’s prestigious awards for bravery.

As a Lieutenant Colonel for his very good performance as an Officer till date, Lt Col Praneet Goel, Sena Medal was selected for the prestigious appointment of United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Officer (UNDPKO) in the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA. Praneet did very well as the UNDPKO and soon became an indispensable part of the team of the Secretary General, United Nations.

After the three year tenure in the United Nations Praneet was promoted to the coveted rank of Colonel and was assigned the command of his own Battalion, the very Battalion he was commissioned in as a 2/Lt. It is the dream of every Indian Army Officer to command the Battalion he is commissioned in.

*Colonel Praneet Goel, Sena Medal* assumed the command of his Battalion in the operational area of Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir. Praneet started leading his Battalion from the front, be it operationally or in training. The career of Praneet was on an upward trajectory and it was very certain now that Praneet would rise to the higher echelons of the Indian Army and would retire nothing less than a Lieutenant General.

But destiny had planned it otherwise.

On the evening of 02 January 2010, as one of the sub-units of Praneet was doing intensive training., Praneet reached their training location after darkness had set in and started monitoring their progress. After the training finished at around 1 am in the morning of 03 January 2010, Praneet headed back to his Battalion Headquarters which was at some distance away. At around 1.30 am as Praneet was on his way back in his official vehicle being driven by his trusted and well trained driver, a huge truck which had steel reinforcement bars protruding out of it was reversing and in that process the steel bars broke the windshield of the Maruti Gypsy vehicle that Praneet was being driven in and brutally entered his chest and Praneet started bleeding profusely. The security vehicle following Praneet’s vehicle immediately evacuated Praneet to the nearby Military Hospital. Despite the best efforts of the Army Doctors to save him, Praneet left for heavenly abode. *Colonel Praneet Goel, Sena Medal sacrificed his life in the duty of the Nation*.

A bright career of a promising soldier came to an abrupt and tragic end.

As Daniel Webster, a famous American politician remarked “Although there is no sculptured marble in their memory, nor engraved stone of their deeds, yet their remembrance will be as lasting as the land they honoured”.

We pay homage to *Colonel Praneet Goel, Sena Medal*, on this solemn day. You shall forever remain in our hearts and memories and will always be a source of inspiration to all of us. Our prayers for your eternal peace.

I request all of you to please observe two minutes silence in memory of *Colonel Praneet Goel, Sena Medal*.

January 2, 2022 at 6:42am
January 2, 2022 at 6:42am

1. " The most Beautiful people we have known are those who have KNOWN defeat, KNOWN suffering, KNOWN struggle, KNOWN loss, and have FOUND their way out of the depths. These persons have an APPRECIATION, a SENSITIVITY, and an UNDERSTANDING of Life that fills them with COMPASSION, GENTLENESS, and a Deep Loving CONCERN. Beautiful people DO NOT JUST HAPPEN......".

2. " To the people who Love you, YOU ARE Beautiful already. This IS NOT because they’re blind to your shortcomings BUT BECAUSE they so clearly see Your SOUL. Your shortcomings then, Dim by comparison. The people who CARE about you are willing to LET YOU BE Imperfect, and BEAUTIFUL too.......".

3. " There is NO ONE more Beautiful than someone WHO GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to make life Beautiful for OTHERS......".

4. " The Mirror - The WORST judge of TRUE BEAUTY.....".

5. " You can be Gorgeous at Thirty, Charming at Forty Five, and IRRESISTIBLE for the rest of your Life.......".


6. " When you start to really KNOW someone, all his/ her physical characteristics start to Disappear. You begin to dwell in his/ her Energy, RECOGNIZE the SCENT of His/ Her Skin. You see only the ESSENCE of the Person, NOT the Shell. That's why you CAN'T fall in Love with beauty. You can lust after it, be infatuated by it, want to own it. You may profess to lust for it with your eyes and body but not CANNOT LOVE it with your HEART. And that is why, when you really connect with a person's INNER SELF, any physical imperfections DISAPPEAR, become IRRELEVANT......".

January 1, 2022 at 5:23am
January 1, 2022 at 5:23am
An old story is told about the beginning of time. The universe was in the process of being created and not everything was yet in order or fully functioning. Before the universe could be totally engaged, the Creator had one final task to complete. To help him complete this task the Lord summoned an angel.

The angel came. The Creator told the angel that he, the Lord, had one last job to do in the making of the universe.

“I saved the best for last,” the Creator told the angel. “I have here the real meaning of human life, the treasure of life, the purpose and goal of all this that I have created.

“Because this treasure is valuable beyond description,” the Creator continued, “I want you to hide it. Hide this treasure so well that human beings will know its value to be immeasurable.”

“I will do so, Lord,” said the angel. “I will hide the treasure of life on the highest mountain top.”

“The treasure will be too easy to find there,” said the Creator.

“Then,” said the angel, “I will hide the treasure in the great desert wilderness. Surely, the treasure will not be easily found there.”

“No, too easy.”

“In the vast reaches of the universe?” asked the angel. “That would make a difficult search.”

“No,” the Creator said pondering. Then his face showed a flash of inspiration. “I know. I have the place. Hide the treasure of life within the human being. He will look there last and know how precious this treasure is. Yes, hide the treasure there.”

This treasure and the search for it are the subjects of the Upanishads. Given the nature of human beings, that treasure was indeed well hidden. As the Lord said in the story above, the last place human beings will look for the ultimate Reality is within themselves. They will look to all the diverse objects of the world for meaning, and each time, with each well-meant effort, come away with nothing worth having. In this way a perpetual cycle of births and deaths is created. They spend life running after things that are only temporal and when death comes they are empty handed, with just an invitation to do it over again.
December 31, 2021 at 4:15am
December 31, 2021 at 4:15am
Hi Dear All,
This is to Inform You All that Our Beloved and Well Known Friend Mr 2021 is Retiring on the 31st of this Month.
His 12 Wives, 52 Children and 365 Grand Children will be Attending the Grand Send Off on Friday, the 31st December at 23.59 Hrs.
However, His Family Members asked Me to Inform You that He is Retiring with ALL Your Problems, Sickness, Disappointments, Frustration, Untimely Death, Shame, Disgrace, Barrenness, Discouragement, Failure, and Rejection.
Yet, His Successor - Mr 2022 asked Me to Inform You that, He is Going to Compensate You with :- Long Life, Good Health, Wealth, Love, Abundant Blessings, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, Promotion, Prosperity

God's Blessings

December 30, 2021 at 5:33am
December 30, 2021 at 5:33am

The dialogue, one evening, was started by a young Canadian, wearing a Lungi and a thin
Kurta. He said he was twenty-three, but looked barely out of his teens. He wore around his neck an elegant little silver cross on a dainty chain. He said he had come across the book I Am That in a bookshop in Bombay a couple of days ago, A cursory glance at a few pages impelled in him a
desire to meet Maharaj personally. He had already gone through the book reading almost continuously, through the afternoon, evening and night, and had finished both the volumes only a few hours ago.

Maharaj: You are so young. I wonder since what age you have been interested in the spiritual quest.

Visitor: Sir, ever since I remember I have been deeply interested in Love and God. And I strongly felt that they are not different. When I sit in meditation, I often.......

M: Wait a moment. What exactly do you mean by meditation?

V: I don't really know. All I do is to sit cross-legged, close my eyes, and remain absolutely quiet. I find my body relaxing, almost melting away, and my mind, or being or whatever merging into space, and the thought-process getting gradually suspended.

M: That's good. Please proceed.

V: Quite often, during meditation, an overwhelming feeling of ecstatic love arises in my heart together with an effusion of well-being. I do not know what it is. It is during one such spell that I felt inspired to visit India — and here I am.

M: How long will you be in Bombay?

V: I really don't know. I rarely make any plans. I have sufficient money to live frugally for about fifteen days, and I have my return ticket.

M: Now tell me, what is it exactly that you want to know. Do you have any specific questions?

V: I was a very confused man when I landed in Bombay. I felt I was almost going out of my mind. I really don't know what took me to the bookshop because I don't do much reading. The moment I picked up the first volume of I Am That, I experienced the same overpowering feeling that I get during my meditation. As I went on reading the book a weight seemed to lift off from
within me, and, as I am sitting here before you, I feel as if I am talking to myself. And what I am saying to myself seems like blasphemy. I was convinced that love is God. But now I think that love is surely a concept and if love is a concept God also must be a concept.

M: So, what is wrong in it?

V: (Laughing) Now, if you put it like that I have no feeling of guilt in transforming God into a concept.

M: Actually, you said love is God.
What do you mean by the word 'love'.
Do you mean 'love' as the opposite of 'hate'? Or, do you mean something else, although, of course, no word can be adequate to describe 'God'.

V: No. No. By the word 'love' I certainly do not mean the opposite of 'hate'. What I mean is that love is abstaining from discrimination as 'me' and the 'other'.

M: In other words, unity of being?

V: Yes, indeed. What then is 'God' to whom l am expected to pray?

M: Let us talk about prayer later. Now then, what exactly is this 'God' you are talking about?

Is he not the very consciousness—the sense of 'being' that one has—because of which you are able to ask questions?

I am' itself is God.

What is it that you love most?
Is it not this 'I am', the conscious presence which you want to preserve at any cost?

The seeking itself is God.
In seeking you discover that 'you' are apart from this body-mind complex. If you were not conscious, would the world exist for you?
Would there be any idea of a God?
And, the consciousness in you and the consciousness in me — are they different? Are they not separate only as concepts, seeking unity unconceived, and is
that not love?

V: Now, I understand what is meant by 'God is nearer to me than I am to myself'.

M: Also remember, there can be no proof of Reality other than being it. Indeed you are it, and have always been. Consciousness leaves with the end of the body (and is therefore time-bound) and with it leaves the duality which is the basis of consciousness and manifestation.

V: What then is prayer, and what is its purpose?

M: Prayer, as it is generally understood, is nothing but begging for something. Actually, prayer means communion-uniting-Yoga.

V: Everything is so clear now, as if a great deal of rubbish has been suddenly thrown out of my system, blown out of existence.

M: Do you mean that you now seem to see everything clearly?

V: No. No! Not 'seems'. It is clear, so clear that I am now amazed that it was not clear at any time. Various statements that I had read in the Bible, which seemed important but vague before, are now crystal clear— statements like: Before Abraham was I am; I and my father are one; I am that I am.

M: Good. Now that you know what it is all about, what Sadhana will you do to obtain
liberation from your 'bondage'?

V: Ah! Maharaj. Now you are surely making fun of me. Or, are you testing me? Surely, now I know and have realized that I am that —I am, which I have always been and which I shall always be.
What is left to be done? Or, undone? And who is to do it? And for what purpose?

M: Excellent! Just be.

V: I shall, indeed.

Then, the young Canadian prostrated before Maharaj, his eyes brimming with tears of gratitude and joy.
Maharaj asked him if he would be coming again, and the lad said: "Honestly, I don't

When he left, Maharaj sat for a while with his eyes closed, the gentlest of smiles on his lips.
He then said very softly:
"A rare one"; I could barely catch the words.

December 29, 2021 at 4:59am
December 29, 2021 at 4:59am
An 81-year-old elderly woman, lying on the bed, said to her 83-year-old elderly husband:
"Listen.. I just looked out the window and thought the garage light was on. Will you go and turn off the garage light?"

The old man got up from the bed with great difficulty, opened the door and came out and saw five or six thieves trying to break into his garage door.
The elder called the nearest police station from there.
"Look... write my address. We're the only two elderly husband and wife at home. Right now five or six burglars have attacked my garage and are breaking into the garage door. Send a police team quickly"🥲
From the other side came the dispatcher's voice:
"We've written your address. Don't worry. We don't have any free teams right now. As soon as we get in touch with a team, I'll send them to your home."😀
Hearing this, the elders wished some serious bloodletting. on the other hand, thieves were still engaged in breaking the lock of his garage.
Two minutes later, the elder again called the police station:
"Listen... there's no need to send anyone now. I've shot all those five thieves..."😎😎
There was panic as soon as the old man's phone came to the police station again. Within five minutes, a police team, along with a helicopter, a paramedic, three doctors and two ambulances, reached the old man's house. Those thieves were soon overpowered and the five thieves were arrested. Later the in-charge of the police team reached the elder and said:
"You said that you shot those five thieves, but we caught them alive?"
The old man replied: "And you also said that none of your teams are free now."

Don't underestimate Sr. citizens............ ️
December 28, 2021 at 3:41am
December 28, 2021 at 3:41am
Always look for, " What is wrong? " Before looking for " Who is wrong" ? This keep ur relationship safe and Strong.

Every little smile touch somebody's heart. No one is born happily. But, all of us born with ability to create happiness.

Keep on going..... Everything come to u at perfect moment.

The size of ur problem is nothing when u compared with ur ability to find a solution. Don't over estimate ur problem, and under estimate your self to solve them.

A thousand disappointments in the past cannot be equal to the power of one sincere positive action at right now.

No matter or how deep ur pain,, no matter how many times ur failures are, they cannot defeat The GREATNESS of GOD who loves u at every moment and escort u always.

Fix ur goals with rewards. Visuaise ur goals. Compete with ur self not with others under any circumstances,. Enhancev ur power and capabilities. Use concept of NEURONS. Teach to others what lesson u learn.

Anger is the feeling that makes ur mouth to work faster than ur mind.

So be always to maintain Patience with silence to create two types of energies. Patience makes u mentally strong and Silence makes u emotionally to create peace in dark worst situation to face.

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