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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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December 27, 2021 at 7:25am
December 27, 2021 at 7:25am
Did you know, that as per Indian *Panchang* system, each year has a specific name? And that each name has a meaning? There are *60* names of years *(Samvatsars)*. Each name replays after 60 years. The year typically begins in *mid-April*.*

The year 2019-20 was named *‘Vikari’*, that lived up to its name by being a *‘illness’ year!*

The year 2020-21 was named *‘Sharvari’,* meaning *darkness*, and it did push the world into a dark phase!

Now the *‘Plava’* year (2021-22) is beginning. ‘Plava’ means, *"that - which ferries us across".* The *Varaha Samhita* says: this will ferry the world across unbearable difficulties and reach us to a state of glory. And take us from *darkness to light!*

The year 2022-23 is named *‘Shubhkrut’,* meaning that which *creates auspiciousness.*

*We can now look forward and expect to have a better tomorrow* 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

Believe it or not *Sanatan Dharma* is thus far the most *scientific, practical and inclusive* of all systems in existence today.
Our *Rishis* and *Munis* could accurately predict when modern day gadgets and equipments were non existent.
*Proud to belong to the land of diversity and brotherhood*🙏
December 26, 2021 at 5:16pm
December 26, 2021 at 5:16pm
Merry Christmas to
my family and friends here and all over the world .
May the Christ consciousness unite us all and lift the darkness of division fallen upon us. Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
Nativity Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (AD 306-373)
The feast day of your birth resembles You, Lord
Because it brings joy to all humanity.
Old people and infants alike enjoy your day.
Your day is celebrated from generation to generation.
Kings and emperors may pass away,
And the festivals to commemorate them soon lapse.
But your festival
will be remembered until the end of time.
Your day is a means and a pledge of peace.
At Your birth heaven and earth were reconciled,
Since you came from heaven to earth on that day
You forgave our sins and wiped away our guilt.
You gave us so many gifts on the day of your birth:
A treasure chest of spiritual medicines for the sick;
Spiritual light for the blind;
The cup of salvation for the thirsty;
The bread of life for the hungry.
In the winter when trees are bare,
You give us the most succulent spiritual fruit.
In the frost when the earth is barren,
You bring new hope to our souls.
In December when seeds are hidden in the soil,
The staff of life springs forth from the virgin womb.
December 25, 2021 at 10:58pm
December 25, 2021 at 10:58pm
Sit for 10 mins before a *drunkard* - you will feel life is very easy.

Sit for 10 mins before *sadhus & sanyasis* - you will feel like gifting away everything in charity.

Sit for 10 mins before a *Leader* - you will feel all your studies are useless.

Sit for 10 mins before a *Life insurance agent* - you will feel that it is better to die.

Sit for 10 mins before *Traders* - you will feel your earnings are too meager.

Sit for 10 mins before *Scientists* - you will feel the enormity of your own ignorance.

Sit for 10 mins before *Good teachers* - you will feel like wanting to become a student again.

Sit for 10 mins before a *Farmer or a worker* - you will feel you are not working hard enough.

Sit for 10 mins before a *Soldier* - you will feel your own services & sacrifices are insignificant.

*Last but best one 👍*

Sit for 10 mins before a *Good friend* - you will feel your life is heaven!

*From a friend:*

Sit for 10 mins before *Your Wife* - U WILL FEEL U R THE MOST USELESS PERSON ON EARTH …!! 😂

*Company Matters!!!!*🤓🤓🤓
December 24, 2021 at 11:11pm
December 24, 2021 at 11:11pm

1. " Coincidence is GOD's way of remaining Anonymous.........".

2. " If you want to make God Laugh, tell him about your Plans......'.

3. " Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the Doctor who MENDS it, but also the FATHER who Wipes away the Tears......".

4. " When God is going to do something Wonderful, He or She always starts with a hardship; when God is going to do something AMAZING, He or She starts with an Impossibility.......".

5. " A Lonely Day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some Quality Time with YOU........"

6. " GOD - Answers ALL Prayers. But sometimes - His Answer is "NO"......."


7. " Never forget that God is your FRIEND. And like all Friends, He Longs to hear what's been happening in your Life. Good or bad, whether it's been full of sorrow or anger, or even when you're questioning why terrible things have to happen. Be In Conversation with HIM - ALWAYS......".

December 23, 2021 at 1:16pm
December 23, 2021 at 1:16pm
A young English sadhaka who had studied philosophy at the Benares Hindu University had a talk with Mataji before returning to his country.
Amongst other things, Mataji said to him:

"Meditate on God all the time,
whatever you may do,
wherever you may be.

whatever you see,
whatever you hear,
is his manifestation.

Pain exists because
you believe yourself to be separate.
Don't consider anyone as separate from yourself. Regard everyone as your friend.

Consider yourself to be God's tool (yantra) and think that He is moving you.
Dedicate yourself entirely to Him, feel all the time that He is doing everything. Even when you walk, feel that He is moving your legs.

Whatever work you do,
offer it to Him,
then you will be incapable of any baseness, for how can you offer anything ugly to your Beloved.
The little knowledge you possess, you have to give up to Him and in return,
because there is nothing left,
He will give you all.

December 22, 2021 at 10:19am
December 22, 2021 at 10:19am

1. " The best way to FIND yourself is to LOSE yourself in the Service of OTHERS..." - Mahatma Gandhi

2. " At the End of life we Will NOT be JUDGED by how many diplomas we have Received, how much Money we have made, how many Great things we have done. We WILL BE JUDGED BY "I was Hungry, and you GAVE me something to EAT, I was NAKED and you CLOTHED me. I was HOMELESS, and you TOOK ME IN....." Mother Teresa

3. " Remember that yours is NOT THE ONLY HEART that may be WISHING for LOVE......"

4. " If you can't do GREAT THING, DO LITTLE THINGS with GREAT LOVE. If you can't do them with GREAT LOVE, DO THEM with a LITTLE LOVE. If you can't do them with a LITTLE LOVE, DO THEM ANYWAY. Love GROWS when people SERVE..."


" In the END, the number of PRAYERS WE SAY may CONTRIBUTE to our HAPPINESS, BUT the number of PRAYERS WE ANSWER may be OF EVEN GREATER IMPORTANCE........"

SO VERY TRUE........
December 21, 2021 at 10:35am
December 21, 2021 at 10:35am
Very interesting dialogue between two village girls who were to appear for 12th standard exam shortly.

*Shyamli-* Chameli, you have not been studying at all, why?

*Chameli-* I do not want to pass the exam, so why study?

*Shyamli-* I am shocked! Why do you want to fail?

*Chameli-* If I pass, I shall have to study further and then get married to some educated boy having service in a city.

*Shyamli-* So that is good no? What is wrong with that?

*Chameli-* What the hell is right about it? *Listen carefully:*
# Why stay in a big polluted city.
# Have husband having 12 working hours a day.
# His pay just Rs. 18000/month.
# Half of his salary gets spent on house rent.
# Or take loan and buy your own dingy like house and keep paying loan till you get old!
# Get sick and spend lots of money on Doctors, Hospitals and Medicines.
# Keep paying income tax.
# To stay healthy join gym and spend heavily for organic food grains, fruits and vegetables.

*Shyamli-* Okay, but why plan for failing?

*Chameli-* Listen, if I fail:
# No further studies!
# Marry some farmer in the village only.
# Stay in pollution free atmosphere.
# Eat organic food.
# Stay healthy so no Doctors & Medicine expenses.
# No problem of income tax.
# Work in the field so all the time with husband.
# Whatever loans taken, get waived off during elections!

* Shyamli-* Then who pays for the loans?

* Chameli-* Loans are waived off based on tax collected from those idiots who leave village and go to the city to work and pay tax!

*Shyamli-* Oh wah! Then I too am going to fail!
December 20, 2021 at 12:11pm
December 20, 2021 at 12:11pm

A cruel hunter marauded the jungles of Bengal, India, ruthlessly killing birds just for the fun of killing. Since there were no hunting restrictions in those days as to how many birds one might kill, this hunter, Mr. Nishada, littered the forest with dying and dead birds.

Due to his unscrupulous wholesale murder of the birds, those that were left, having eluded the gorgon gaze of his evil-eyed guns, became so intuitively wise that they flew away at even the faintest noisy approach of the stealthy hunter seeking to kill them. The hunter became beside himself with wrath. When he found that he had so scared the birds that he could not even approach them, he began shooting at random through the thick foliage of the dark jungle.

At last, with his wrath spent, and completely dejected, and after the loss of many cartridges,he walked for a long time and finally emerged from the jungle. He was stupefied at the spectacle which greeted his vision, which stirred fresh hope in his breast. To his amazement he saw an orange-robed Saint standing knee-deep in the nearby lake on the outskirts of the jungle, with all kinds of game birds trustingly perching on his head, shoulders, and hands, and peacefully floating in a circle around him.

A sudden idea flashed across the mind of the hunter: “If I put on an orange robe every day and pose as a harmless Saint, then I can create enough trust in the birds so that they will perch on me and swarm all around me. And then, at my convenience, I can club to death quite a few. In that way I can get even with the birds for flying away at sight of me.”

The hunter watched motionless from behind a tree to see how the Saint, like St. Francis of Assisi of yore, fed and sang a sermon to the birds, and then, after finishing his bath in the lake, with difficulty he got away from the birds, who kept flying after him as he retired.

The next day the hunter concealed several clubs, knives, and daggers on his body, and dressing in an orange robe, as is customary among the Saints of India, he calmly walked into the selfsame lake. To his great glee, scarcely believing his eyes, the very same game birds who used to fly away at sight of him, now trustingly, like little children, perched all over his body and swarmed around him.

He was happy beyond dreams, but as often as he made up his mind to suddenly pounce upon the birds and choke them to death, he found his hands frozen upon him. He could not do it. He did not have the heart to betray the innocent eyes of the birds who so trustingly found shelter with him.

Then he began to sermonize within himself: “I have been a hateful hunter, whose very sight is shunned by the birds, but behold, the magic of even an outward orange robe of a Saint, though it covers a wolf in sheep’s clothing, still has led the birds to trust even my very hateful self.” “I wonder,” the hunter thought, “if simply the outward garb of a Saint can create so much trust and confidence in even dumb animals, how much wholesome influence and trust a real Saint, plus the orange robe, could exert and create in all people.” Thinking this, the hunter, threw his clubs, knives, and guns into the water, and walked away, determined to become a real, full-fledged Saint, amidst the clamor of the trusting birds, who followed him as long as they could, and finally reluctantly parted from him.

This hunter-Saint was known to wade daily into the lake and feed the birds and sing to them, and he made so many bird friends that all the watery seats of the lake used to be occupied by all kinds of feathery folks for an audience.

After delivering his sermons of peace, he was happy to see the difference between the life of a hunter and that of a Saint. As a hunter, he repulsed all the peace-loving birds, but as a Saint he gathered together all the love of the birds. After making friends with the birds, he became a great teacher, who attracted all kinds of human friends, whom he served with the song of Truth from the core of his heart.

Now we find that the hunter, even by imitating the garb of goodness, ultimately became good. Do not forget that even though you cannot overcome your inner weakness all at once, it is all right for you to wear the garb of goodness if you really are sincerely trying to be good. It is better even to imitate goodness than to imitate wickedness. One who imitates good actions, even outwardly, gets a chance to smell the alluring fragrance of goodness, whereas, one who even hypocritically imitates evil, contacts the odor of the polecat of evil.

Of course, to deliberately use goodness to deceive people is the greatest blasphemy against God and yourself, but do not care if people call you a hypocrite on account of a few of your discovered failings if you are sincerely trying to be really good.

We should not expect too much goodness from anyone who is trying to be good, nor should we expect nothing but goodness from one who has done his best to be good. Even if one falls down from the grace of goodness, he is safe if he tries his utmost to become good again. Such people are far better than those who use goodness outwardly to deceive people. Why should those who are trying to be good, once they are discovered doing wrong, be labeled as hypocrites?

“Judge not, that ye be not judged”, because, to label anybody as bad or as a hypocrite, when he is really trying to be good, in spite of his failings, is the greatest blasphemy against God and all His children. Naughty or good – all are equally loved by God. God not only rejoices when His good children come back to His home of wisdom, but it gladdens Him most when He finds His naughty, prodigal children returning home from their truant wanderings.

December 19, 2021 at 6:20am
December 19, 2021 at 6:20am
I was born in 1933 and I don't remember when I became aware of Ma. Ma said. "Those who are unable to do anything, who have nothing dependable in life, for them I have special concern". I hope and pray to Mother that Her devotees may find some glimpses in this

play of Her which I have tried to recollect from my memory. I pray "Ma's" wish be accomplished through this unworthy child of Her's I pray "Ma, grant me some of your patience and composure" O Ma. Let my

doubts be set at rest. May Ma bless us with her bounty and grace 1. Jai Ma. Doonga is a small village situated at the bottom of Bhadraj Hill in Mussoorie range of the Himalayas. It is about 25 km from Dehra Dun. Doonga was a Zamindari Estate during British rule India.

The ruler of this Zamindari Rai Bahadur Choudhuri Sher Singh was a Kshatriya by caste. Parasar Gotra. Doonga "Kothi" was the residence of Ch. Sher Singh, which actually was a Haveli with modern guest house for the British Governor's stay.

There were stables and garages for pheatons and cars and encloser for cows. Godown big enough for storing grains for years, servant quarters, offices etc. Orchards with different varieties of fruits spread out on north, west and southern side in almost seven eight acres, but the main house was called "Kothi". Two temples were also built by him, one of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmiji and the other of Lord Shiva and Dharam Raj. There was also a Shiva linga under the peepal tree which was very ancient. Some 30 feet below the Shiva linga is the source of a stream which is still there. Sher Singhji built an ashram for Ma on top of the hillock over looking the temples on one side and Badhraj hill on the other side.

Ma used to send devotees to Doonga and my grand father and grand mother used to look after them. They stayed for long periods. I remember a Sanyasani. Ruma Devi (Deviji) of Tibet, old but very fit. She was the disciple of Sharada Ma w/o Bhagawan Rama Krishna Paramhansa. She was always busy working. At that time two boys also came from Bengal, Sanku and Rajen. Deviji used to look after them. We used to play together. A Muslim gentleman who had a carpet shop on Chakrata Road, Dehradun was a regular devotee of Shri Ma. Whenever he visited Ma he would stand far behind other devotees, and would keep on crying looking at Mother. I was too young to understand all this, but I saw this happen, Elders used to say that he had mentioned to them that whenever he performed namaz he used to see Mother standing in front of him.

In 1949 we were in Solan as guest of Raja of Solan, now in Himachal. Haribaba was also there with his Rasa Mandali. It was great with Harababa participating in the Rasa Lila in the evening. Haribaba with his "ghanta". Ma was always present. We went by cars from Dehradun to Solan, one belonged to my Nanaji and the other was my father's Pontaic, one driven by my elder brother and the other driven by driver.

Our stay there was for about ten days. From there we drove back to Delhi,
Haribaba was also with us. In the front seat with my elder brother driving and I
sitting next to Haribaba. Haribaba sang Kirtan, right from Solan upto Kalka, We all participated in the Kirtan.

Reached Delhi, stayed in Delhi for a couple of days. My result of Matriculation exam. came out. I had passed, so it was decided that I should leave and reach Dehradun and get admission in the D.A. V. College. So I was sent by train, the rest of the party stayed as Ma was there. As told to me by my mother. Nanaji and the party went to Ma to obtain. permission to leave. Ma enquired, who is driving and who all are in which car"?

Ma was informed about the seating arrangement and the drivers of the different cars. Ma said, "Kabhi Kabhi aisa hota hai do gaadi ki savari ek gaadi me Hai"

"Sometimes it so happens that passengers of two cars have to sit in one". They left in the evening. My father and mother shifted to my elder brother's car as my father was feeling feverish. In the other car was my "Buaji", cousin sister of my father and a servant and the driver.

At Meerut it became dark, lights were switched on. My brother told the other car driver to keep in view the tail lights of the front car. And my elder brother was keeping an eye. the mirror of the head lights of the following car. Near Muzaffar Nagar the head lights of the following car were not to be seen so my brother. stopped the car and waited for a few minutes, but there was no sign of the car that followed. So he turned his car and drove back for about five-six kilometers. His light fell upon the upturned car with wheels still running in the ploughed fields. On focusing the beams of his car and taking it nearer he stopped his car and got out to see the passengers of the other car. Buaji sitting on the side of a ploughed field, shivering, the driver totally shaken and dazed, the boy servant still inside the car.
They were all taken out to the road near the side of the other car. By Ma's grace, believe it, there wasn't even a scratch on anyone. Even the surahi (water bottle of mud clay) was intact.

The turned car's tyrod was broken. It had gone into the ploughed field, hit the stump of a tree and took three somersaults with wheels up and roof down. All the passengers of the two cars were adjusted into one car, as Ma had announced earlier before their departure. By Ma's Kripa everyone was saved.

The girls of the Ma Anandamayee Kanyapeeth used to stay those days in the area of Doonga. Many Bengali sadhus and devotees of Ma also used to come there. The temple is at a very scenic location surrounded by jungles full of wildlife.. Tigers, leopards roamed the jungle, sometimes roaring in the late evening and night. Other wildlife also abounded, many varieties of antelopes, birds and pheasants used to be seen in great numbers. Doonga jungle was the private preserve

of the zamindar. Some one from the Kanyapeeth told Ma that they could hear 'tiger' roaring in the night. As my nanaji and naniji always used to visit the ashram with all of us, Ma asked nana ji, "Pitaji Doonga me Bagh hai Keya ?" (Father, are there tigers in Doonga ?) My Nanaji joked and with a hand on his whiskers replied, "There cannot be two tigers in one jungle." Nanaji's neme was Sher Singh, meaning "Tiger", Everything was forgotten.

Ma left Dehradun. After a few days a messenger came from Doonga to Dehradun reporting to my grandfather that a cow had been killed by a tiger and was lying in a "nala" (dry stream bed) on the slope of a hillock.

Nanaji instructed the messenger to go back to Doonga and tell the head Shikari "Monha" of Doonga Estate to build a "machan", finding a suitable spot on the cow's kill location and also to bring his DBBL Rifle 500 with other accessories like torch etc. and to wait at the road side for his car.

Nanaji, his driver and orderly "Bhotu" reached the spot at about four in the evening, where Mona Shikari with other servants was waiting for him. Car was parked on the road side. Nanaji and his orderly walked to the site with Mona leading. Sher Singhji on examining the spot, the dead cow & the built machan, noticed that it was built wrongly. It was on the slope hardly three feet high from the ground and facing the kill lying in the "Nala" about 16 feet down. Sher SinghJi asked the shikuri that if the tiger approaches the kill from the top side of the hill my machan will be in the way and hardly 3 feet from the back side. Shikari replied, 'No sir, it will come to the kill by the dry stream Nálä)". Sher Singhji said, "Fool", had the tiger asked permission to approach as you say ?" Anyhow, Sher Singhji settled facing the kill on the machan with his 12 DBBL Gun laid on his right & DBBL 500 Rifle on the left side. He sat folding his legs on the blanket with other accessories kept at the right spot.

Sher Singhji's silence "mauna" time was approaching, with hands in his lap he sat there in dhyana. After sometime he heard the sound of twig breaking in the rear. On hearing the sound he turned his head over his right shoulder and there he saw a huge tiger, his face hardly 3 feet from his face, snarling, with whiskers moving forward & backwards looking directly into the eyes of Sher Singhji. He could see the rough tongue & large teeth in the tiger's mouth and even feel hot breath of the tiger.

Sher Singhji thought-"This is the end". After a few minutes the tiger moved to the rear of Sher Singhji. Sher Singhji's second thought was that the tiger would now give one blow with his paw and all would be over. Collecting his courage and with Ma in his mind he took the last chance. He snatched up the right side gun and turning left, half reclining, pointed the gun to the rear with his finger on the trigger. "Oh Ma/" no tiger: the tiger was gone. It vanished into the air. Clutter of wild fowls was heard in the distance. He whistled to the servants. They came and picked up the guns and other items and walked back to the car. On reaching Doonga he himself narrated the incident to all of us. After a few days Ma was at Kishenpur ashram. Sher Singhji went with naniji and others. Ma, on seeing Sher Singhji, asked with a smile, "Pitaji, you said that two tigers do not live in one jungle, how is this ?" Nana ji, with wet eyes and chocked throat bowed at her feat and uttered, "APKI LILA HAI" ALL IS YOUR PLAY

December 18, 2021 at 11:40am
December 18, 2021 at 11:40am
" 'Diksa' means initiation. Initiation by a Guru or Master. By 'diksa' the Guru touches the ray of the supernal light and awakens the mystical knowledge and consciousness in the mind of the disciple, who then marches on his pilgrimage - the great quest for Reality. According to the scriptures, 'diksa' is considered to be essential to the seekers of truth for their spiritual progress towards the attainment of the goal which is nothing else but the perfect unity with the One. Then he gets that beatific vision which suffuses him with light, knowledge and consciousness. To orientals, Guru is the great alchemist who turns the salt, sulphur and mercury of his disciple's mind into spiritual gold. It is the Empyrion of Dante; the Jerusalem of the Christian mystics.
The mystic sage Ma Anandamayi outlines the different modes of 'diksa' as below:
'(l) 'Mantra Diksa' - Uttering of the mantra or mystic syllable or seed symbol by the Guru to the disciple. The latter practices in deep and concentrated meditation and gains perfection.
(2) 'Sparsa Diksa" - Initiation by touch. The Guru initiates by touching some vital part of the body of the disciple, just like birds being hatched from eggs by touching it with their wings.
(3) 'Drsti Diksa' - Initiation by look; like fish rearing its egg by look and nourishing it also by look.
(4) 'Manasi Diksa' or 'Bheda Diksa' - By this method the Guru neither utters any mantra, nor touches, nor looks, but passes the spiritual force through 'dhyana' (contemplation) from a distance, just as the tortoise hatches its egg which lies embedded in earth, only thinking of it, remaining under water quite at a distance from the egg.
(5) 'Upadesa Diksa' - This is initiation through instruction by the Guru.'
Broadly these are the different modes of initiation spoken of by Ma Anandamayi and the Scriptures as well.
To the average layman she explains the significance of spiritual initiation in these simple words: 'You want to call somebody you see, but you don't know his name; so somehow or other you try to attract his attention by beckoning or calling out, using any words which occur to you. He comes over and says,
'Were you calling me?
My name is such and such.' Similarly, God Himself in the role of the spiritual preceptor (Guru) discloses His Name to the pilgrim wandering in search of a guide. After initiation, random efforts are over for the pupil ('sisya'). He has touched the lifeline which will lead him to the goal. In the ultimate analysis, the disciple realizes that he is One with the Name and the Guru. How can it be otherwise? He alone can impart the gift of this Name and none but He Himself can sustain the knowledge of His Name' ."

**There are those who still receive Her touch of light in dreams, or in the subtle body, and some before She left the earth, did receive Her touch in subtle spiritual form in visitations, about which they are unable to speak at this time. One should never underestimate the Guru's infinite ability to communicate whatever is needed, when the disciple is ready, no matter time, place, or distance, or even world. Jai Ma! 💛

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