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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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July 15, 2022 at 6:20am
July 15, 2022 at 6:20am

1. " Whenever you Feel a negative emotion - BE ALONE - In a room and just sit down with it and FEEL. Don't Judge it, Criticize it, Intellectualize it or Explain it away. ALLOW yourself to Feel the pain. It's OKAY. Accompany it - Breathe into it - and after a while, you'll feel the anger or fear or sadness Lose it's urgency and power. Allow GOD to tenderly EMBRACE you in your pain. And then, At the Right Time, You Can LET GO.................".

2. " Hug and kiss Whoever helped Get You - financially, mentally, morally, emotionally - TO THIS DAY. Parents, Mentors, Friends, Teachers. If you're too uptight to do that, at least do the old Handshake thing, but I Recommend a HUG. DO NOT let the sun go down without saying " THANK YOU " to Someone, and without Admitting to YOURSELF that Absolutely NO ONE Gets This Far ALONE..."

3. " Before you can Inspire with Emotion, you MUST be Swamped with it yourself. Before you can Move Their Tears, YOUR OWN MUST FLOW. To Convince Them, You Must Yourself, BELIEVE...........".

4. " I am NOT a believer in Love at First Sight. For Love, in its TRUEST FORM, is NOT the thing of Starry-Eyed or Star-Crossed Lovers, IT IS far more Organic, Requiring NURTURING and TIME to Fully BLOOM and, as such, Seen BEST NOT in its Callow Youth BUT in its Wrinkled MATURITY........

Like all Living things, LOVE TOO, Struggles against Hardship, and in the process SHEDS its Fatuous skin to expose one composed of more than just a storm of EMOTION – one of LOYALTY and DIVINE FRIENDSHIP. And though it may be TEMPORARILY Blinded by Adversity, it NEVER GIVES IN or GIVES UP, Holding TIGHT to Lofty Ideals that Transcend this EARTH and TIME–while Love's Counterfeit simply concludes it was mistaken and quickly runs off to find the next real thing......." - Richard Paul Evans.

SO VERY TRUE........
July 13, 2022 at 9:04am
July 13, 2022 at 9:04am

Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee has so often taught us that vasanas (desires, want) is the root cause of rebirth. She has in various interactions explained the interactions between desire, avidya(ignorance), karma (actions) and results. A couple of poignant vanis of Ma are presented blow, which in many ways summarize the teachings of our Vedic scriptures.

Ma emphasized, “One's actions themselves create a sense of want. Again one's actions only will destroy this feeling of want. One has to strive for one's own fulfilment. By enjoying sense objects ,one gradually advances towards death. Father, become the one to drink nectar. Enjoy immortality. On that path, there is neither death nor disease.”

Elsewhere, She advised, “The more time spent in remembering God the greater is the advantage gained. Where there is the world,there is want. That is His nature. One can only hope for peace by keeping the mind at His feet, willingly or otherwise.”

Ma says,”Human being is manifested in the form of want. He thinks of want only. And ends up in want. That is why he should contemplate on his real nature. Otherwise: want–inactivity–
inertness–misfortune–death (continue).


The transmigratory cycle of birth and death has been aptly brought out in much of our treasured scriptures.

In the immortal classic, ‘ Upadesa Sahasri’, Sri Adi Shankaracharya says, “ Actions ( both enjoined and prohibited) bring about one’s connection with the body ( as it is through this that we perform actions). When the connection with the body has taken place, pleasure and pain must surely follow. Thence comes attraction and repulsion ( from our actions and results of the same). From attraction and repulsion, actions follow again as results of which merit and demerit appertain ( as appropriate and applicable) to the ignorant man ( jiva, who is shrouded with the layer of ignorance veiling his real Self). These ( merit or demerit) in turn again lead to a connection with the body. This transmigratory existence is thus going on continually for ever like a (revolving) wheel).” ( Part 2, Chapter 1, Verses 3 and 4).


Ma says, “You attempt to appease want by want; hence want does not disappear and neither does the sense of want. When man awakens to the acute consciousness of this sense of want, then only does spiritual inquiry become genuine.”

And for us to introspect Ma said, “You must bear in mind that only when the sense of want becomes the sense of the want of Self-knowledge does the real Quest begin.”

July 12, 2022 at 2:48pm
July 12, 2022 at 2:48pm

●I'm a nobody,
nobody is perfect,
and therefore I'm perfect.

●I've got to sit down and
work out where I stand.

●If I save time,
when do I get it back..???

●I am free .... of all
prejudices. I hate
everyone equally.

●Take my advice,
I don't use it anyway.

●Statement below is true.
Statement above is false.

●As I said before,
I never repeat myself.

●Sometimes I need what
only you can provide:
your absence.

●A conscience does not
prevent sin. It only
prevents you from
enjoying it!

●Best way to prevent
hangover is to stay drunk.

●Doesn't expecting the
unexpected make the
unexpected become
the expected?

●A bus station is where a
bus stops. A train station
is where train stops. On my
desk, I have a work station.
What more can I say!

●If it's true that we are
here to help others,
then, what exactly are
the others here for?

●How come _abbreviated_
is such a long word?

●Living on Earth may be
expensive but it includes
an annual free trip
around the Sun.

●Your future depends
on your dreams.
So go to sleep !!

●Alcohol kills slowly. So
what? who’s in a hurry?

●Can you do anything that
other people can't? Sure..
I can read my handwriting.

July 11, 2022 at 10:49am
July 11, 2022 at 10:49am
A little boy goes to his father and asks, “Daddy, how was I born?”
The father answers,
“Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.

We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: 'You've got male!'”
July 10, 2022 at 10:57am
July 10, 2022 at 10:57am

The experiences of my life have intensified my conviction that human pride is the greatest barrier to wisdom. Egotistical pride must go. It is a blind that prevents our seeing God as the sole Doer, the Director of the Cosmic Drama. You are playing different parts in this cosmic movie-house, and you may not foresee what part will be assigned to you tomorrow. You should be prepared for anything. Such is the law of life. Why sorrow, then, over life's experiences? If you take every happening
as you would if you were seeing someone else playing it in a motion picture, you will not grieve. Play your 365 roles each year with an inward smile and with the remembrance that you are only dreaming. Then you will never again be hurt by life.

You have played many roles through many incarnations. But they were all given to entertain you-not to frighten you. Your immortal soul cannot be touched. In the motion picture of life you may cry, you may laugh, you may play many parts; but inwardly you should ever say, "I am Spirit." Great consolation comes from realization of that wisdom.

You cannot expect to wake up from the delusion that earth life is real merely by running away into the forest. You have to play out to the end the part that is given you. Each human being is contributing to the enactment of the motion picture of the cosmos. If you want to be happy you should play out your part with dignity, assurance, and happiness. When you are awake in God He will show you that you are unchanged, even though you have played countless parts in His earth drama.

July 9, 2022 at 2:51pm
July 9, 2022 at 2:51pm

*What happened in the United States, when cooking at Home stopped ?*
*Famous American Sociologists of the 1980s, had warned the American people of the consequences.*

*The kitchen has gradually been handed over to the Corporates. Earlier if the elderly people at Home, took care of the small children, it is now left to daycare Centres. Family responsibilities and it's relevance, have been gradually destroyed. ”*

*But very few people listened to their advice and gradually cooking at Home, has completely stopped.*

*The habit of ordering Food from outside, had led to the extinction of American families as the experts had warned earlier..*

*Cooking with love, means connecting all the members of the family with bonding and affection.*

*Culinary Art is not just cooking alone. The focal point, is the culture of bonding of the Family.*

*If there is no kitchen, but the house has only bedrooms, it's not a family at all. it's a Hostel.*

*What about American families, which closed down the Kitchen and thought that the bedrooms alone, were enough ?*

*In 1971, almost 70% of U.S. households had a Husband and Wife, living together with children.*

*By 2020, it has fallen to 24%.*

*Elderly members of Family who had lived together, are now living in Old-Age Homes.*

*In the United States, women make up 18% of single-parent households.*

*Men make up 12% of single-parent households.*

*28% of Homes in America, are owned by dads and moms.*

*16% of households in America, consist of Male-Female live-in relationships.*

*35% of all babies born today in America, are born out of Wedlock, to unmarried women.*

*Half of them, are Girls going to school, with a single parent*

*About 45% of first marriages in the United States, end in a Divorce.*

*74% of Second marriages, are also highly problematic.*

*The bedroom is not the Home.*

*Now a days, we notice that the Kitchen is not being put to use, and only the bedrooms are being used.*

*The United States is a typical example of the breakdown of the institution of marriage.*

*Our Feminine Activists will buy Chocolates & Cakes, to celebrate their liberation from the daily chores of Cooking.*

*Mental and physical health gradually deteriorate, when families are broken.*

*Eating Junk Food from outside, leads to gaining Body Fat and other lifestyle diseases like Diabetes and Hypertension, besides unnecessary spending*

*So cooking in the kitchen, is not the only reason for the well-being of the family.*

*Physical health and mental health, are equally essential to the country's Economy.*

*That's why Elders in our house, advised us to reduce / avoid eating outside food*

*But today, we eat with our families in Restaurants.*

*Ordering and eating Food Online from Swiggy, Zomato, Uber eats, is now becoming fashionable amongst the highly-educated, Middle-class people.*

*This habit will be a long-term disaster.*

*Now-a-days, these Online companies decide what we should eat ...*

*Our Ancestors, before going on any long-distance Travel (or) a pilgrimage, used to cook & carry Food from the Home*

*So cook at Home, eat together and live together as a Family. Apart from food, it has love and affection embedded.*
July 8, 2022 at 5:00pm
July 8, 2022 at 5:00pm

A famous book writer sat in his study. He took out his pen and began to write:

“Last year, I had surgery to remove gallstones. I was bedridden for a long time.

In the same year, I turned 60 and was retired … quitting a company that I loved so much. I had to leave the job I've been doing for 35 years.

That same year I was abandoned by my beloved mother who passed away.

Then, still in the same year, my son failed his final medical exam because of a car accident. Repair costs from the car damage marked the peak of bad luck last year.”

At the end he wrote:
“What, what a bad year!"

The writer's wife entered the room and found her husband who was sad and pensive. From behind, the wife saw the husband's writing. Slowly she backed away and left the room.

15 minutes later she came back in and put down a piece of paper with the following words:

“Last year, my husband finally managed to get rid of his gallbladder which had been making his stomach hurt for years.

That same year, I am grateful that my husband was able to retire in a healthy and happy state of mind & body. I thank God he was given the opportunity to work and earn for 35 years to support our family.

Now, my husband can spend more of his time writing, which has always been his hobby.

In the same year, my 95 year old mother-in-law, without any pain, returned to God in peace.

And still in the same year, God protected our son from harm in a terrible car accident. Our car was seriously damaged by the accident, but my son survived without any serious injuries.”

In the last sentence his wife wrote:
“Last year was a year full of extraordinary blessings from God, and we spent it full of wonder and gratitude.”

The writer smiled with emotion, and warm tears flowed down his cheeks. He was grateful for a different point of view for every event he had gone through the past year. A different perspective of the same events now made him joyful.

Friends, in this life we ​​must understand that it is not happiness or joy that makes us grateful. It is *gratitude that makes us happy/joyful*!

Let’s practise seeing events from a positive point of view and keep envy away from our hearts.

_”We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”_
*Abraham Lincoln*

July 7, 2022 at 3:12pm
July 7, 2022 at 3:12pm
2022 staying sharp :grab some cha-sha ☕ and
Identify a fruit from each statement:-
(There is a fruit in every line)
E.g. : Did you see a man go by? (Mango)
1.​He found his home lonely after his dog’s death.
2.​One dare not rob an anaconda of its prey.
3.​The crook made his escape armed with a gem.
4.​She told her uncle money was what she needed more.
5.​If I go out now, I shall miss my cousin.
6.​Either courage or anger made him move swiftly.
7.​The beggar held out his cap pleading for money.
8.​Matters regarding rape should be dealt differently.
9.​The English teacher Ryan teaches French too.
10.​He saw his papa yawning at work.
11.​He had kept on his lap lumpsum of money
12.​Are classes for Telugu available in this city?
13.​It is easy to shape a child rather than a man.
14.​He is an extremely cheesy guy.
15.​Can I wear a khaki with a black shirt?
July 6, 2022 at 3:49pm
July 6, 2022 at 3:49pm

A famous yogi came to visit Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Kartarpur. He was impressed with such a lovely community and he said to the Guru “Wow, this is heavenly! what a beautiful community!” Guru Nanak said “You will see just how beautiful.”

The next day Guru Ji announced to the whole village, “We will all go on a walk together!” Everyone got ready for the walk, but something strange began to happen in the air. Dark clouds began to fill the sky and the wind started blowing very harshly.

When Guru Nanak came out of his house, he had a very wild look in his eyes. He had some ferocious dogs with him that were barking madly. He was wearing heavy clothes and had a sharp knife in his hand. Without saying anything Guru Nanak Ji started walking with great speed. The people thought, “What is going on? Guru Ji is not acting normal.” Some of them got spooked and didn’t want to follow him on this strange walk. Something didn’t seem quite right to them.

But many people felt that Guru ji had given them an order to follow him for the walk. So they listened to the master and tried to catch up to his fast pace. The walk was longer than normal. They didn’t take the usual paths so it was difficult to go along. But wait! What was this!? They started to notice there were copper coins laying on the ground! Guru ji must have put them there. They thought, “He must be rewarding us for our obedience in following on this strange journey.” So they took their share of copper coins and went back to the safety of their homes.

Those who were left kept going for quite a while longer. This was starting to become a much, much longer walk then they had expected. The Guru was walking on, and on, and they kept up. But it was starting to be too much. Just then they saw something completely unexpected. There were silver coins laying on the ground! They thought, “Guru Nanak is great! We’re very lucky that we waited longer and went through the extra effort. Now we have silver coins! They picked up the coins and left.

Not many people were left at this point. Those who stayed surely had a lot of devotion to keep walking this far and not stop to pick up the copper and silver coins. Then guess what happened next? Gold coins appeared on the ground! The people who picked up loads of gold coins were very happy. “It was well worth it to follow the Guru today,” they thought.

Guru Ji kept madly walking on and by this time the only ones left were two Sikhs, Bhai Lehna, the Yogi and the Guru. They kept on walking. They came to a corpse lying in the road. It was covered with a sheet and it smelled really bad. “Okay!” said the Guru. “Stop here. I want you to eat this corpse.” The two Sikhs didn’t know what to do with such a weird command, they simply turned and ran away. Bhai Lehna Ji only knew to obey his Guru out of love, he said “Where shall I start? At the head or the toes?” Guru Nanak yelled, “Start in the middle!!” Bhai Lehna devotedly went to the corpse to do as he was told, and when he lifted the sheet off the body something had changed. The awful smell of the dead body had turned sweet. Under the sheet all he saw was Prashad!

He took a handful of the Prashad and he offered it to the Guru. Now Guru Nanak looked at the Yogi and said “See, I have many followers but only one true student.” The Yogi said “This man is like your ‘ang’, a limb of your own body, he is a part of you.” Guru Nanak named Lehna ‘Angad’. The Sikh who was so devoted he was the same as the Guru. Angad’s humility and devotion completely ate up his ego. That is why he became worthy of sitting on the throne of Guruship and carrying on the light of Guru Nanak. Through his devotion Lehna became Guru Angad Dev Ji.
July 5, 2022 at 4:59pm
July 5, 2022 at 4:59pm
The battlefield of Kurukshetra was being prepared to facilitate the movement of mammoth armies with large cavelries. They used elephants to uproot trees and clear the ground. On one such tree lived a sparrow, a mother of four young ones. As the tree was being knocked down, her nest landed on the ground alongwith her offspring - too young to fly - miraculously unharmed.

The vulnerable and frightened sparrow looked around for help. Just then she saw Krishna scanning the field with Arjuna. They were there to physically examine the battleground and devise a winning strategy before the onset of the war.

She flapped her tiny wings with all her might to reach Krishna's chariot.

"Please save my children, O Krishna, " the sparrow pleaded."They will be crushed tomorrow when this battle starts.

" I hear you," said He, the Omnicient One, but I can't interfere with the laws of nature."

"All I know is that you are my saviour, O Lord. I rest my children's fate in your hands. You can kill them or you can save them, it's upto you now"

"The wheel of Time moves indiscriminately, " Krishna spoke like an ordinary man implying that there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"I don't know your philosophy," the sparrow said with faith and reverence. "You are the wheel of time. That's all I know. I surrender to thee."

"Stock food for three weeks in your nest then."

Unaware of the on going coversation, Arjuna was trying to shoo away the sparrow when Krishna smiled at the bird. She fluttered her wings a few minutes in obeisance and flew back to her nest.

Two days later, just before the boom of conchs announced the commencement of the battle, Krishna asked Arjuna for his bow and arrow. Arjuna was startled because Krishna vowed to not lift any weapon in the war. Besides, Arjuna believed that he was the best archer out there.

"Order me, Lord," he said with conviction, nothing is impenetrable for my arrows."

Quietly taking the bow from Arjuna, Krishna took aim at an elephant. But, instead of bringing the animal down, the arrow hit the bell around its neck and sparks flew.

Arjuna couldn't contain his chuckle seeing that Krishna missed an easy mark.

"Should I?" He offered.

Again ignoring his reaction, Krishna gave him back the bow and said that no further action was necessary.

"But why did you shoot the elephant Keshav? Arjun asked.

"Because this elephant had knocked down the tree sheltering that sparrow's nest."

"Which sparrow?" Arjun exclaimed. "Plus, the elephant is unhurt and alive. Only the bell is gone!"

Dismissing Arjuna's questions, Krishna instructed him to blow his conch.

The war began, numerous lives were lost over the next eighteen days. The Pandavas won in the end. Once again, Krishna took Arjuna with him to navigate through the ruddy field. Many corpses still lay there awaiting their funeral. The battleground was littered with severed limbs and heads, lifeless steed and elephants.

Krishna stopped at a certain spot and looked down thoughtfully at an elephant-bell.

"Arjuna," he said, "will you lift this bell for me and put it aside?"

The instruction, though simple, made little sense to Arjuna. Afterall, in the vast field where plenty of other things needed clearing , why would Krishna ask him to move an insignificant piece of metal out of the way? He looked at him questioningly.

"Yes, this bell," Krishna reiterated. "It's the same bell that had come off the elephant's neck I had shot at."

Arjuna bent down to lift the heavy bell without another question. As soon as he lifted it, his world changed forever.

One, two, three, four and five. Four young birds flew out one after another followed by a sparrow. The mother bird swirled in circle around Krishna, circumambulating him in great joy. The one bell cleaved eighteen days ago had protected the entire family.

"Forgive me O Krishna, said Arjuna, "Seeing you in human body and behaving like ordinary mortals, I had forgotten who you really are."


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