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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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March 7, 2024 at 10:42am
March 7, 2024 at 10:42am
Reasons why the US (South Korea, Japan) Yellow Sea exercise suddenly came to an end:
This is a "feat" that not even the former Soviet Union has accomplished. China's "super" task force is approaching the United States, shocking the world!
The United States' so-called largest-scale naval exercise in history was held as scheduled on China's doorstep. The United States' move is to deter China by threatening China's important political and economic centers!
It’s only 24 nautical miles away, so dangerous! This also made many Chinese people smell the "smell" of war, which indeed caused concern among the Chinese people!
Just when the Americans thought that China would mobilize all its forces to defend the capital, they did not expect that China would not fall into the trap at all!
China insists on “you hit yours, I’ll hit mine!”
On the eve of the US-Yellow Navy exercise, China actually assembled the largest and most powerful task force in history in the Western Pacific, including the Shandong aircraft carrier, 20 advanced warships, and 4 nuclear submarines! The total tonnage exceeds 200,000 tons!
It can be said that China's "super" fleet is unprecedentedly powerful, and some military fans say it is definitely a "nation-destroying" fleet!
What is surprising is that the Chinese fleet did not return to defend the Yellow Sea. Instead, after gathering in the Western Pacific, it suddenly broke through the first island chain and headed for the west coast of the United States!
This is the rudeness of not reciprocating. Since the United States is blocking the door of China's home, then we should also go to the United States to visit!
This move by China has greatly touched the United States. This may be the first time in history that a fleet of this size has approached the U.S. mainland. This also "shatters" the Americans' argument that their homeland is absolutely safe!
It really has a huge impact!
The current strategy of the United States is actually to copy the World War II model, stay away from the war at home and make a lot of war fortune on the rear!
You see, during World War II, the whole world was bombed to pieces, but because the United States was far away from the battlefield, it became the center of world reconstruction. The United States used this to solve the serious economic crisis and surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world's hegemon!
As for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States is still copying this model. Europe has been brought to collapse, but the United States has no impact at all. It has made a lot of money from the war and made a lot of money!
Therefore, the bottom line for the United States to trigger a war is that the U.S. mainland is not attacked, otherwise it would be meaningless!
The Chinese Shandong aircraft carrier formation leads a "super" fleet composed of more than 20 advanced fleets + 4 nuclear submarines to advance towards the west coast of the United States! It is to tell Americans that if a war breaks out, the United States will not be "safe". China has the ability and strength to cause a blow to the United States!
China's move will definitely put tremendous pressure on the US military, and it will also make the world soberly aware that China really has the strength to maintain world peace!
This is the reason why the US "Yellow Sea" military exercise suddenly ceased, because China really did it
February 7, 2024 at 3:24am
February 7, 2024 at 3:24am
A non-medical student attends a medical exam.

See his answers ...

1. Antibody - One who hates his body.

2. Artery - Study of Fine Paintings or military, not sure.

3. Bacteria - Back door of a Cafeteria.

4. Coma - Punctuation Mark.

5. Gall Bladder - Bladder of a Girl.

6. Genes - Blue Denim.

7. Labour Pain - Hurt at Workplace.

8. Liposuction - A French Kiss.

9. Ultrasound - Radical Sound that is above human hearing capacity, such as wife's talk.

10. Cardiology - Advanced Study of Playing Cards .....

11. Dyspepsia - difficulty in drinking pepsi.

12. Chicken Pox - A Non-veg, continental dish.

13. CT Scan: Test for identifying person's city.

14. Radiology - the study of how Radio works.

15. Parotitis: information about the parrots.

16. Urology: the study of European people.

February 6, 2024 at 8:53am
February 6, 2024 at 8:53am
Sign on a Bulletin Board

Success is Relative

More the Success.

More the Relatives.
January 21, 2024 at 3:23am
January 21, 2024 at 3:23am
Here are the two prompts for Week Three

Prompt # One: I hereby resolve to get a job.

Andre say's "Not Likely".

Well this is one resolution my family and well wishers have always prayed for me. I hail from a family wherein all family members are fast track jobs and are doing extremely well. I did hold a steady job 15 years ago, and trust me l gave justice to the job for 5 long years. My wife expired and did leave a ten month old daughter and l lost all interest. I left it MIA(missing in action). Now my daughter is 15 years old and expects her father to have a regular source of income. Father say's "Not Likely"...

I want to grow old with the passion l have inculcated in the last 15 years. I always believe that “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing". Taking a job will do just that.

There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.

Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.

Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”

I correlate a job with same parameter like GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL.

We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give. I strive every day to help street animals to get a secured shelter, though it doesn't give me much financial gains. It gives me a lot of inner satisfaction.

I pray to all of you to have a great life ahead..Amen

300 words
January 18, 2024 at 1:37pm
January 18, 2024 at 1:37pm

Documentary, or Docupoetry poems combine primary source material with poetry writing. A number of sources may be accessed to inspire documentary poetry. Sources include:

news articles
diaries, journals
court transcripts
medical records
public records
non-fiction texts
January 15, 2024 at 4:15am
January 15, 2024 at 4:15am
Here are Week Twos Prompts;

I hereby resolve NOT to make any New Year's Resolutions at all.

I think Andre blew that one already.

This New year l decided to Love Myself, and immediately I wonder... what if this universe was devoid of all reflective surfaces! What if there were no mirrors or Andre blew all? What if we didn't know what we look like?

What new year resolution, then, would our towers of vain be built on?

Would we even bother to doll up and blow vanity bubbles... or seek reciprocity in vanity-fueled romantic quests?
Be passionate?

Be alive?

Going about our morning ablutions, we look at the mirror and strike a spontaneous connect with our alter-ego. We smile. We grimace. We explore random expressions…seeking perhaps a subconscious validation of our existence in this world... reassuring ourselves that we are still alive.

So when we look into the mirror, we have already decided what WE want to see.

No wonder they say that a monkey is superior to a man. When he looks into the mirror, he sees a monkey!

Each one of us has our own private affair with the mirror.

But of late, this affiliation seems to be on the wane. Our mutual trust is giving way to mounting trepidation.

Show me a guy who says that he keeps his New year vow, and I'll show you two liars.

It's clear that I'm no longer the extraordinary vision that used to set my mirror’s pulse racing.

Once I shared a karmic connect with my alter-ego camping on the other side of the mirror.

My empathy meter is better calibrated now. I react less, understand more.

The rough outer layers of my personality are peeling off. A serene sweetness is being unraveled gradually.

My mind is still agile but the innards feel a bit fragile. Drinking binges have dried to a trickle.

I am more disciplined about my workouts, my eating habits, about popping my garden-variety pills —those potent arrows in my quiver of rejuvenation.

My efforts are less a byproduct of the vagaries of vanity, and more an attempt to establish a deeper connect with the inner me. When I look good, I feel good. When I feel good, I feel healthy. And if health is wealth, I feel like a million bucks.

And here's how I'd like to sum up my half -a-century-plus on this planet with bold resolutions ….Amen

300 words
January 9, 2024 at 9:52am
January 9, 2024 at 9:52am
I resolve to restore my writing habit of at least 300 words/day. What does Andre or your Muse think about that?

Well writing and all, makes no sense. We have artificial intelligence to go the extra mile and complete the task. Meet our exposure to writing habits midway. The challenging part is to define midway.
My take is just read read and read or listen to all available content with mind so much saturated, and gets blank.

Allow the AI (artificial intelligence) like chat GP or other such evolving applications to catch all the imagination and reach some level of consciousness.I start with watching different series like Ancient Aliens in Discovery. Trust me all 23 series.
Watching these episodes gave me a goal.
My goal is to reach the lost Kingdom of Sambhala. To reach the very heart of this unknown world.

With all these plethora of ideas l decided to write 300 words with alien craft, traditions reflection on spirituality and lo, what l get.

The possibility of Aliens, superior Aryan race, Mount Makallu in Nepal, yeti the guardians of shambala, stuff of legends. All the more baffling to my imagination and some level of doubts to Al. So a new chapter on parallel space, extra dimensions,inter dimensional, cosmic paradise or ancient technic of mind, or concept of rainbow light body, or bio photons and enhancement of the same through mediation, all this sacred process and more gives me goose pimples.

All this process to expand my consciousness and understand the human consciousness and enhance my mind, woof.
All these gibberish thoughts once settled l will start this habit of writing 300 words a day.

270 words
July 28, 2022 at 4:39pm
July 28, 2022 at 4:39pm

Practice detachment. The greatest Sadhana for the householder is to remain in the world as a lotus leaf in water.
Insure yourself against worldly attachments by first getting firmly grounded in mental renunciation and detachment.

Train the mind to stay unshaken by worldly afflictions and troubles. Use common sense and discrimination. Work efficiently, whole­heartedly and with devotion. Be unaffected by the results of your actions, by success and failure. Keep your mind always steady. Exert and persevere. Plod on steadily. Aspire zealously...
July 27, 2022 at 4:47pm
July 27, 2022 at 4:47pm
A beautiful story is told about a great mystic, beggar:

A queen was also deeply in love with begger. She asked him one day to come to the palace, to be a guest in the palace, beggar went. The queen asked him a favour.

Beggar said, "What do you want?"

The queen said, "I want your begging bowl."

The Beggar gave it -- that was the only thing he had -- his begging bowl. And the queen brought a golden yellow begging bowl, studded with diamonds and gave it to the begger.

She said, "Now you keep this. I will worship the begging bowl that you have carried for years -- it has some of your vibe. It will become my temple. And a man like you should not carry an ordinary wooden begging bowl -- keep this yellow one. I have had it made specially for you."

Beggar eagerly accepted the Bowl.

When he left the palace, a thief saw him. He could not believe his eyes: "A naked man with such a precious thing! How long can he protect it?" So the thief followed....

The Beggar was staying outside the town in a ruined ancient temple -- no doors, no windows. It was just a ruin.
The thief was very happy: "Soon beggar will have to go to sleep and there will be no difficulty -- I will get the bowl."

The thief was hiding behind a wall just outside the door -- beggar threw the bowl outside the door. The beggar threw it because he had watched the thief coming behind him, and he knew perfectly well that he was not coming for him -- he was coming for the yellow golden bowl, "So why unnecessarily let him wait? Be finished with it so he can go, and I can also rest."

"Such a precious thing! And beggar has thrown it so easily." The thief could not go without thanking him. He knew perfectly well that it had been thrown for him. He peeked in and he said, "Sir, accept my thanks. But you are a rare being -- I cannot believe my eyes. And a great desire has arisen in me. I am wasting my life by being a thief -- and there are people like you too?
Can I come in and touch your feet?"

The beggar laughed and he said, "Yes, that's why I threw the bowl outside -- so that you could come inside."

The thief was trapped. The thief came in, touched the feet... and at that moment the thief was very open because he had seen that this man was no ordinary man. He was very vulnerable, open, receptive, grateful, mystified, stunned. When he touched the feet, for the first time in his life he felt the presence of the divine.

He asked the beggar, "How many lives will it take for me to become like you?"

The beggar said, "How many lives? -- it can happen today, it can happen now!"

The thief said, " How can it happen now?
I am a thief, a well-known thief. The whole town knows me, although they have not yet been able to catch hold of me.
I am a master thief -- you may not know about me because you are a stranger in these parts. How can I be transformed right now?"

And the beggar said, "If in an old house for centuries there has been darkness and you bring a candle, can the darkness say, 'For centuries and centuries I have been here -- I cannot go out just because you have brought a candle in.
I have lived so long'?
Can the darkness give resistance?
Will it make any difference whether the darkness is one day old or millions of years old.

The thief could see the point: darkness cannot resist light; when light comes, darkness disappears.
The beggar said, You may have been in darkness for millions of lives -- that doesn't matter -- but I can give you a secret, you can light a candle in your being."

And the thief said, "What about my profession? Have I to leave it?"

The beggar said, "That is for you to decide. I am not concerned with you and your profession. I can only give you the secret of how to kindle a light within your being, and then it is up to you."

The thief said, "But whenever I have gone to any saints, they always say, 'First stop stealing -- then only can you be initiated.'"

It is said that the beggar laughed and said, "They know nothing. You just watch your breath -- the ancient method of Buddha -- just watch your breath coming in, going out. Whenever you remember, watch your breath. Even when you go to steal, when you enter into somebody's house in the night, go on watching your breath. When you have opened the treasure and the diamonds are there, go on watching your breath, and do whatsoever you want to do -- but don't forget watching the breath."

The thief said, "This seems to be simple. No morality? No character needed? No other requirement?"

The beggar said, "Absolutely none -- just watch your breath."

And after fifteen days the thief was back, and he said, "You so beautifully that I was not even able to suspect. I tried for these fifteen days -- it is impossible. If I watch my breath, I cannot steal. If I steal, I cannot watch my breath. Now what am I supposed to do?"

The Beggar said, "Do; whatsoever you want to do. If you want that silence, that peace, that bliss, that arises in you when you watch your breath, then choose that. If you think all those diamonds and gold and silver is more valuable, then choose that. That is for you to choose! Who am I to interfere in your life?"

The man said, "I cannot choose to be unconscious again. I have never known such moments. Accept me as one of your disciples, initiate me."

The beggar said, "I have initiated you already!

1000 words

July 26, 2022 at 4:23pm
July 26, 2022 at 4:23pm

Stay single until you find someone who can match your loyalty.
Stay single until you find someone who can reciprocate your effort.
Stay single until you find someone who can give back the same amount of attention you put out.
Stay single until you find someone who can make the same amount of time you share. Stay single until you find someone who provides the same level of honesty you exploit.
Stay single until you find someone who meets all of your expectations as clearly as you've set them. If you're single right now, it's not because you're not good enough. It's not because nobody feels the same way about you. It's not because you're bad at relationships. It's because no one is ready for you just yet. It's because they are the ones who don't deserve someone like you. It's because you aren't settling for just anybody who tells you that they care. Yes, it does get lonely. Seeing other couples being happy together doesn't make it easier. Even seeing other couples argue may make you miss being in a relationship because the thought of having someone who cares deeply enough to fight with you and fight for you is what hits you. But hey, what's the hurry? You're still young, and it's just not your time yet. Loving yourself and empowering yourself is what you need because otherwise you're always gonna feel that emptiness that you think only having someone can fill, but that's wrong. You've always been everything you needed.❤️

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