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My meandering thoughts

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July 23, 2013 at 11:44am
July 23, 2013 at 11:44am
Wow what a month. The first two weeks flew by with our church campmeeting. We were up every morning at 4:50 and out of the house by 5:20 or so.
Paul, I and a crew started breakfast every morning for 16 days. We serve about 12-15,000 meals in those 16 days. On sundays we feed about 550 in 1.5 hours. Know any restaurants that can do it that fast? The biggest hold up is choosing a salad, dessert or paying. This year we purchased credit card machines. It did make things go a little faster but not by much. Putting through that many that fast sometimes made it take longer.
When it was over, Paul headed east to Mississippi. This last weekend I took my sister with me to visit the parents at the beach. Sunday was her birthday so I bought her a book.
Now its just normal busy stuff. I need to get more unpacked and put away. The house is still looking like we just moved in. I hate it but I have no where to put things and the garage is full still. I need to get to my other sister's garage and get mu stuff out of there. That's all for now.

June 24, 2013 at 10:38am
June 24, 2013 at 10:38am
What can I say, Paul left for the South on a business trip and I have to stay home. At the end of last month we got a notice from one of the VP's that Paul and I are put on salary and we have to make a certain amount of $(sales) per month. I don't get it. lets just lay this out. Last year I made $10,000 in comission (before taxes, medical) that is 2% of what the company would make from my procurement over 5 years. If my math is correct take 10,000 and multiply it by 98 and divide by 5. That should come out to, yep $196,000. I made for them last year. That is about $150,000 that they wouldn't have made if I wasn't there. I am giving them then benefit that I was given a few purchases from people who regularly send product in anyway. However, My phone calls and monthly reminders got the sale sooner than if they might have left them to rust on the shelves.
Now I get no commission and a the $10,000 more a year in salary. I have no option to Make more than the $10K and I have to produce a stipulation that gives them more money or I will have no job. I just don't get it.
I see that last year I went to a number of trade shows that did cost a lot of money. This was to feel out whether this might be a viable way of getting business. It wasn't for that year. Of course not. You don't get profit from the first year you do that. But no more shows. Its okay with me.
I am frustrated since we just moved in May and signed a 3 yr lease on the new place that was according to our projected pay. Paul is also on salary and he has to get a min sales per month.
This isn't from customers we have, this is new people we have to find! Its like telemarketing in reverse and I have no list of customers. I have a job for the rest of this year.
I document every sale no matter what it is or who its from. If I talk to them I count it! If we don't buy from them, I still count it as a + in the bid but refused column. I don't care if they didn't buy it. That's not what I was hired for. It was to FIND them.
Ok I guess I have vented enough for one day about my job.

Here we are coming up to another Camp Meeting. Last week and this week is full of choir rehersals. Almost every night! I have a C&C meeting on Tues so I won't be there for that practice but I will be there the rest of the week. We have a new choir director and he brought in a number of teachers. One to work with the ladies and one for the men to perfect our singing technique. We do know what to do but we have become lazy over the years. We love singing So Gospel so don't need the "opera" style of diction. This concert we are singing "There is a balm in Gilihad", "Every Time I Feel the Spirit", O Clap your hands" then " America the Beautiful. The last one is one I can't remember the name of at this moment.
At camp meeting we sing every night service and on the 4th we have a little program that we sing the songs from each branch of the service and the people from that branch stand. Always very moving.
That's it for now.
June 4, 2013 at 11:28pm
June 4, 2013 at 11:28pm

Here it is a month later and I am late again. We got moved and things looked good and then at the end of the month everything in our lives has moved the edge of the world ready to drop off. In six months Both Paul and I have been given goal to meet. There is no reason or rational to the demand. The rules have changes AGAIN we are at the whim of a nman with napolian syndrome.
At our age we cannot have this uncertainty. I feel like I'm at the edge of a precipace and there is a fog over the edge.
The only hope I have has the face that I cannot control the situation. I have to continue each day with faith that God knows the situation. He provided the house for us to rent. He will have to provide the job that pays for the rent if this one ceases to continue after 6 months or the first of the year. I sing "I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day, -Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand but I know who holds the future and I know who holds my hand"

I'm taking a clas here on WDC and it seem to have opened the door to helping me write with better clarity. I wish I had a one on one coah that could say, You need a side story here. You need conflict here, you need resolution now and then another build up, another conflict in the side story that ties into the main story.. blah balh and I would have a format to follow to help me get through. Just seeing a line that waves up and down isn't enough. Oh well, if wishes were horses beggers would ride. See you later

May 9, 2013 at 12:42pm
May 9, 2013 at 12:42pm
What an interesting day. I waited all morning for the Jodi Arias verdict. In January when I was laid up I watched the trial on TV when I went back to work I continued to monitor it on line. I even joined Twitter to follow and comment because no one I knew cared. When I went to Memphis for a show, I spoke at length to a man about the Morman religion. Interesting how it played out.
So we got the charge of Murder 1 as guilty and today they start the aggrevation phase. Here the jury decides if she caused Travis undue trama before he died. As in was he dead before she adminstered all the subsequent wounds. I wonder if he was so shocked at her physical aggression that he couldn't fight back, or may be the fact that he wouldn't hit a woman was ingrained and he couldn't hurt her even to defend himself. Anyway on with the trial.
I wrote a story for Short Shots called "The Rest of the Story" The prompt was a picture of a man in black and white, profile view leaning over an old 'Underwood' style typwriter. I pondered the picture and wondered what his story might be. Then wrote it. I think it is an amazing story. We'll see how it plays out.

May 8, 2013 at 6:33pm
May 8, 2013 at 6:33pm
We are moved. Well, all except a few little things I have to get out of the house. I have a garage full of junk and stuff!
We have moved many times. I am now at the st(age) where I wonder if I need any of it. I look at the boxes and know I have no room to put some of this STUFF on the nonexistant counter. There ar boxes of spices, rubs and cooking whatnot that I have no room for. There are boxes of scrapbooking paper/albums, a bag of Creative Memories gagets and stickers that I just don't have time or interest to use. My kids aren't really interested in having a scrapbook. Or don't mind as long as they don't have to do it. I have boxes of photos to organize and put into scapbooks but no place to do it.
Boxes on top ob boxes beside bins and more STUFF piled on the floor of the garage.
5/18 I am having a garage sale. Everything will be priced to sell not to "make Money" off it. I don't want to bring it home or drop it off at the Salvation Army. It goes. At 2:00 everything is 1/2 price or free if under a $1. I may even go to the grocery store and get paper bags they can fill for $5.00.

I am taking the Exploratory Writing Workshop. I wrote a story for Nano 2011 and it was good but it had some elements and stuff that just didn't work. I am changing the story line, keeping the characters and doing a rewrite. I have the idea, but how to make it work is something I have to really work on.

OH, NO my RLS is acting up and I am all out of pills. Guess I will take a walk and see if that helps.
All for now

April 29, 2013 at 11:11am
April 29, 2013 at 11:11am
Has it been that long??? Oh my!
I guess I better catch up. The Easter Cantata went fantastic. My narrators were great. The ones who memorized did the best. There are those who seem to grasp the drama and acting and it shows. D. was the centurion and he got emotional each time he had to speak this one section. He felt the emotion of the character and we all did. There were tears in the crowd as he spoke."It wasn't these nails that held him to the cross," (he had some large nails he clinked him his hand) "It wasn't my soldiers that held him to the cross" Then his voice cracked a little and he paused to gather himself and the congregration was right there with him. "It was love, love that held him on that cross." Even as I type the words I feel his emotion as he said them. I went back to the video on line and watched it again. I see all the mistakes, but the songs and the story was there.

Now on to the reason I have been lax on writing. As I said earlier, we had to move. We were living in my boss's house when he moved to Los Angeles. He told us at the beginning of March the $ he had to pay out to make up the difference between when we pay and the mortgage payment was too much. He put the house on the maket at the beginning of March.

The first of April, he thought he had an offer to rent the house at full mortgage pmt for 5 years. He jumped on it and told us we had to be out of the house at the end of April. So I madly tried to find a house to rent. I prayed and I found a great house, about the same distance from work. It had the big garage Paul needed to build shelves for all our stuff (until we can sell it) and the master bedroom was big enough for our furniture. The backyard has two large raised garden boxes. Something I've always wanted but never got. It already has stawberries, parsley, oregano, rosemary. I will plant some mint. There is a place for beans, tomatoes and anything else I find to grow. I never had a garden so this will be a new experience for me. Luckil, I have friends that have great gardens. So I might try some broccoli and a cabbage or two! Now I don't have to rely on FARMVILLE, I will have my own garden. ha ha
We are moving in tomorrow so I will be working there and no computer contact. I have to get my office organized and all the xfinity stuff set up.

May is also going to be a busy month. I have to get settled in the new house AND get ready for Memorial Day Clean-up at our campgrounds. For the last five years or more I have been in charge of cleaning the restaurant and coordinating the big picnic lunch that feeds all the people who volunteer. For the last two years we did a breakfast that was a success. We got more people out and it was less work. Previously we took donuts and coffee to stations where they took a break. It has rained for every year I have been doing it. To me it was a waste of time.

We talked about it and thought it was easier to just make a quick breakfast, everyone would come and just work through to lunch. They would be full at the start and ready to eat at 1:00. We will serve, pancakes, bacon and sasuage, scrambled eggs and toast and oatmeal. There will be milk, OJ and coffee. Just enough to fill their tummies and get them out the door to clean.

It was a real winner. Most of the crews were done with their work by noon and didn't have to drag it out longer in the afternoon. They were hungry by lunch time. We have 11 acres that include, a few hundred cabins, a huge tabernacle and the grounds and walks that need the needles raked.
We provide the hot dogs and hamburgers, everyone else brings, salads, veggies, and desserts. We feed about 260 people at lunch. There are many older folks who come to the picknic as a tradion as well as young families who come and work for the same thing. We have tried to serve pulled pork and sloopy joes as an alternative. Nope they all just want the boiled weiners and grilled (prepacked frozen) hamburgers. Oh well, you can't break a tradition no matter what!

A couple of years ago one couple told about their daughter who want to come an clean the cabins. They told her it was dusty, and there were spiders that had to be swept out of the cabins and from the ceilings of the cabins. She didn't care she wanted to be a part of the clean-up on the campgrounds. She was only seven at the time. Now she is about ten or more and still loves coming.

March 22, 2013 at 6:45pm
March 22, 2013 at 6:45pm
Getting ready to get out of work and get home. I have to decorate my part of the Sanctuary for Easter as I won't be here until Wed. I think it will look fine for Palm Sunday. Then I have to pack and get ready to leave Sunday at 4:Am to fly to Memphis. My parents will come in on Sunday afternoon to watch my little girl dog for a few days. I think I will have fun in TN even though I will by busy most of the time and have no car to run around in. Maybe the weather will be fine-HAHAHA it is supposed to storm there. Snow or rain or tornados What to do? I have to be home Wed night for the final practice for the Easter Canata.
Got to go for now!

Tina Weaver

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March 21, 2013 at 11:31am
March 21, 2013 at 11:31am
Here I am again so caught up in the Jodi Arias trial and all my work that I haven't written anything. I am fascinated by this trial. Mostly the legal aspects of how the lawyers handle the cases in real life not the hour long TV versions. Their different styles of questioning. This one is so different as we know she did it and all we are doing is trying to get a death penalty. What a long time 3 months to prove it. However, that being said, one assumes that 3 months Monday through Friday is a long time. That ain't so. Some weeks they only met for one or two days. I understand now why our tax money is being paid to these people. They can't take a case to court, block off 5-6 hours every day and get 'er done! I get it that people get sick. The judge did and I maybe one of the jurors did in Feb.
I was home all Jan recovering from foot surgery. In between writing I was glued to the tube watching this trial. Then I found Wild about Trial. They have a camera on scene and we can see it all. I run it in the background at work so I can hear what is going on. Someone puked in the gallery so they recessed until 10:35 this morning.

I am working with the narrators of the cantata THE SACRIFICE I have 6 people, not actors or readers that I have to some how make them into dramatic story tellers.

I will be on an airplane this weekend so maybe a lot more writing to be done. (adding because it didn't post to my notebook)

Tina Weaver

** Image ID #1634119 Unavailable **

March 11, 2013 at 6:01pm
March 11, 2013 at 6:01pm

Here I am again, falling behind the 8-ball. Last week Hubby and I flew to MPLS/St. Paul MN to stay the week with my daughter at her new "big Girl's" apartment. since about 2003 when she moved out of our house. (we moved into a transitional Apt while hubby built our new house) She moved to a one bedroom to try her wings. A few years later she upgraded to a 2-bedroom two stories with no elevator. She cleaned the building for a discount on her rent and she liked the freedom. The building turned into a Half-way house. Druggies, alkies and Nut cases. After this last year she decided she'd had enough and went apartment hunting. She found a great apartment that is much bigger than the old one. Two bedrooms and two baths, small kitchen but has a wood burning F/P.
We encouraged her to go for it. She did and we arrived to help her unpack. Sat night, Sunday night and Monday night we hung out at her place. I worked at the branch office during the day, drove through a BIG SNOW STORM! They shut the Airport on Tues, but really, the main roads were plowed and we left early to drive from S. St. Paul to Mpls. No problems. We left at 4:30 and went home, clear roads. It was no big deal.
Then Wednesday and Thursday after work we went to the Excel Center to watch High School Hockey. Friday and Saturday we went all day. We left Sunday at 5:45 AM for Chicago then on to Portland, OR. I didn't get to bed until after 10pm PST. I was tired.

Still following the Jodi Arias Trial on the net. Wed is next trial day.
February 25, 2013 at 10:43am
February 25, 2013 at 10:43am
What a weekend. Ariel our most-of-the-time sweet loveable dog has gone protective with an attitude. Every so often she gets a bone that she has to protect. She will growl and bite if you come close. We usually leave her alone then when she isn't looking we take the offender away and give her something else and she is fine. This time it didn't work. We took the offender away and she just picked up the Old chew and that became her "baby" and she is protecting it. I moved my hand on the bed and she bit at me.
I told hubby that for the rest of the week she is sleeping on the floor or I sleep somewhere else. She has started to chew on my comforter. It isn't new but good grief I have tried to sew it and and there is no hope. This has to stop. I am putting my foot down this week. I don't care if she whines the whole night she isn't getting on the bed. She can sleep in her own bed on the floor.
We are going out of town for a week (next week) soI want this over before my parents come to watch her. No chewing on my quilt, and she can sleep on the floor instead of on the bed with my Dad.
The last time they came into town he must have left a pair of his underwear out and she chewed a big hole in them.

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