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March 31, 2014 at 7:15pm
March 31, 2014 at 7:15pm
April 1, 2014: In your opinion, what is the worst event in history to have ever taken place? Could something like this possibly happen again?

Other than having Obama elected president?

Let me begin by saying I thought this over for five minutes or so. I had an immediate thought, the above, but tossed that aside. While it is devastating to the United States, the rest of the world carries on, pretty much, as usual.

The very next thought is one that for some reason is close to my heart. I'm not Israeli by birth, nor am I Jewish by religion. I am, however, adopted into the family of God and therefore a sister to his chosen people.

That being said, I have to say the Worst Event in History is the annihilation of the Jew's by Hitler. The timing and the severity of what happened can only be deemed as horrific, beyond comparison.

I've heard of mass killings in places like Rowanda and other African countries. I even remember that Christopher Columbus wiped out an entire civilization and yet we still honor him in his misguided endeavor. For some reason our country's propaganda will not let go that while he touched "The America's" he was a vicious killer and all for gold. Just as disgusting as the men under Hitler that stole from the very people they killed.

I'm reading a book by Jodi Picoult called the Storyteller. It's about one of these Holocaust killers who escaped to the United States and lived as a freeman. As he is nearing the end of his life he feels he must receive absolution for all his misdeeds. He finds the only descendent of a Jew and asks not only for her to forgive him but to mercy kill him. It story line is very interesting.

My uncle was one of the first Allies to enter one of the concentration camps. What he saw was so horrific he would never speak of it. Granted he thought women and young girls shouldn't know or see any of these things and I don't know what happened to the pictures he took. During his time in Germany, he worked at a hospital and was able to save a Jewish man by having him do an "important job" at the hospital so he wasn't sent to a camp. They remained in contact for many years. These are good stories that we hear, but the awful atrocities were the real story. They are well documented and no matter what the nay sayers try to impose, there is no doubt this happened.

In the last month I began watching documentaries listed on Netflix about the Holocaust and Hitler's regime. I have read many books on the subject. I find the stories that give me hope are ones like Diary of Anne Frank and the TV movie I love to watch, Freedom Writers. These lights of hope in the dark world that surrounded that time let me know, no matter what, there is hope. I'm sure that those who died did not think so, but there is evil in the hearts of men.

Can something like this happen again?

I see this as one memory that we need to keep in mind as we allow one man to change what we have had for 200 years, into something just as sinister as what Hitler did. I see the writing on the wall. Hitler told the people he would make sure they were taken care of. He appealed to their fear of poverty and promised them equal share in everything. He told them he would lead them to a new world order. One where everyone was equal.

When he had the people behind him, following him blindly with his promises clasped to their hearts, he sent them out to take from those who had more than they did. He gave his men, acting on behalf of the people, authority to take without recompense what they wanted and to give to those who did not. They took but they did not share to all as was promised.

We know Hitler and most of his regime, stole, kept what they wanted, lived a lifestyle of wealth and indulgence. They didn't share and doled out only what kept the people quiet and doing their bidding. That included fear. Now that they were in, they couldn't get out. They would be killed themselves if they defied Hitler's government, that would be treason.

We can see this happening today in our country and others around the world. Economy's are falling. Super powers are taking over or allowing the mess to continue until the time is right. Our president has filled the ears of deluded people with promises of equality. After all HE was voted president and that was a good thing, right? Now he is a pawn in the hand of the same entity that drove Hitler. The entity that whispered into Hitler's ears and those who followed him blindly and willingly for their own reward is still very much alive and in business today.

He has the ear of our President. The actions of this man emulate the same actions of Hitler. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Find their weakness or their plight and feed on it. Tell them they are being persecuted or discriminated against. He will be their champion. He will take from those who are oppressing them and give to the poor and needy their rightful recompense.

If you speak to people in a certain class and color you will find they follow everything our President says. They reiterate his promises and are blind to the realities of economics. They have no clue they are being set up.

Thankfully in our country there are enough people who resist and fight against this as much as they can. They try to inform the ignorant that what they are being told is similar to what Hitler tried to do.

I don't say this as some story line. I know what will happen. I know that others disbelieve in prophecy. However, I'm sure when the people of Germany and Poland looked back and remembered what they heard and how easily they were swayed, they probably wished someone had warned them. The truth is they wouldn't have believed the messenger. Like today we try to warn people of what's on the horizon and coming closer. They discount it much like the poor people who Hitler swayed, until it was too late.

The die is cast, what will happen will not be changed, much like what Hitler did. However, there is a way of escape. One only needs to make the preparation requirements. In order to do that one has to believe and have faith, both are sadly lacking in our world today.

March 31, 2014 at 11:03am
March 31, 2014 at 11:03am
March 31, 2014: What movie always makes you cry? (Or at least makes you emotional.)

What a question. I'm a very emotional person. I tear-up when the flag is flown and we sing the National anthem. When little children sing or do cute things on videos or at church I have tears in my eyes.
Down through the years there are many movies that choked me up. For the shortness of this blog I'll dwell on the most memorable movie moments. let's start with the movie that most women will agree was a tear-jerker. That movie was Beaches. The song Wind Beneath my Wings can bring me to tears at times. Though I've only watched the movie a couple of times it is one I will remember as being so sad.
Following that is Steel Magnolias. Both with laughter and sadness. It made the tears come. I want to go back to another little known movie. I know this because when I mention the movie very few women have seen it. It's another Bette Midler movie called "Stella." Just in case you might want to see this movie I'm posting the synopsis:

Stella (Bette Midler) is a feisty single good time gal working in a bar when she meets and falls for the suave charms of the young Dr Stephen Collins (Steve Dallas). Although from opposite ends of the social spectrum they start an affair resulting in Stella becoming pregnant. After he proposes half halfheartedly she rejects him and embarks upon raising their child Jenny as a single mother but is always helped and encouraged by her stalwart friend, a local good natured barfly, Ed Munn (John Goodman). Stella is fiercely independent and proud and is determined to do well by this child and take on whatever jobs she must to raise her daughter properly. When Jenny is 4 years old her father suddenly re appears on the scene and is determined to get to know his daughter. At first reluctant to allow this Stella is persuaded to allow contact and a happy bond develops between the father and daughter. As Jenny ( Trini Alvarado) grows up she becomes torn between her fathers rich and well connected background and her loyalty and love for her mother who is poor and crass and vulgar but devoted to her daughter. She also despises the perceived relationship she sees developing between Stella and Ed Munn who is now a broken alcoholic. Jenny eventually meets and falls for a boy from her fathers 'world' and Stella realizes that now the disparities in her own and and Jennys father's backgrounds might jeopardize her daughters future happiness. So she makes a heart rending decision played out in the last 10 minutes of the film to ensure that this is not going to happen. There were times during the movie I was sure I was watching a train wreck, but those last ten minutes sealed the deal. The cry of a mother giving up something for her child is heart rending.

On that note I will add this TV movie that has stuck with me over the years. As our economy grows even more desperate this movie could be reissued by a network, and the topic wouldn't be out of date. In Single mother , Mare Winningham play a mother down on her luck. Mother and daughter move from shelter to shelter as a social worker tries to help them have a permanent home. When they finally find one with a slumlord owner, her daughter becomes very ill. From all the places they've lived the girl has lead poisoning. She needs to be in a newer home and a stable situation. At last the mother makes the hardest decision of her life. To give her up. At the last scenes of this movie my heart tore for their situation and the sacrifice the mother made. That is another scene that remains with me in spite of all the movies I've watched.

The last movie I want to share with you is K-9:The Widowmaker This is a cold war movie staring Harrison Ford. It seemed like an okay movie and I went with my husband. We were at our usual spot in the top row. I had soda, popcorn, napkins and I all was set. Here is what is written for its description: When Russia's first nuclear submarine malfunctions on its maiden voyage, the crew must race to save the ship and prevent a nuclear disaster. That is a sterile blurb about this movie. Let me tell you a bit more about it.

First of all it's based on an actual event. With the rush to compete with the United States and have a nuclear sub in the water the Russian government set the date and stuck to it. The sub was launched but it wasn't until there was a problem with the core that all the short cuts were discovered.
This sub was an underwater Titanic. All safety precautions had been signed off but not installed. Some were back ordered, others hadn't arrived by the sailing date. There were no nuclear safety suits. There were no procedures for emergency situations, and no medical backup.
As the situation deteriorated, and the men were called to go into the room with the broken core, I began to cry. Even now as I sit here writing this, never has sacrifice for a country that knowingly put them into danger deep under the sea so prevalent. These men went willingly, for their captain and crew into a radio active containment to be burned alive. I cried, no I sobbed. I sat in the middle of the top row, and couldn't even find a way to get out of the crowded room. So I sobbed into my napkins until the end. The End. It wasn't the end. They showed you the cemetery where these men were buried and the families that came to honor them. There are many that give their life for their country, but only a few follow a leader that asks his men to suffer that kind of sacrifice for a political cause. Like in many cases these were young men fresh out of school with a rudimentary knowledge of what to do.
March 28, 2014 at 6:55pm
March 28, 2014 at 6:55pm
Tell us about a talent you'd love to have but don't.

I will make this brief. I would love to have a voice like Sandy Patty or Susan Boyle. To be able to hold a note and not go flat or sharp. To sing with clarity.
I would love to be asked to sing solos, with the choir. I do sing in the choir, and when I go to branch churches I'm asked to sing sometimes.

The one other ability that I would love to have is to play the piano. I know the notes, I can learn a new song if need be, but that's it. There is practicing that kept me from playing. Also the fact, like typing I can't not look at my hands. That means I get lost.
At one time we bought a piano. A baby grand. I went to pick it out and had the salesmen play the different ones to hear their tone. I didn't know what to call it but I knew I wanted deep tones. I've hear a Steinway, we have one at church.
As the man played and I listened I finally picked one. He smiled, "You have an excellent ear. This one is very close to what a Stienway sounds like. The Japanese, pianos have a brighter sound and lighter. I could hear that.
It came with a digital player. we had disks that we could put in it and it would play all kinds of music. There must have been twenty-five or thirty of them. A year or so later we were told we could add a recording strip to the keyboard. This allowed us to record our own playing on 3.5 disks. arranged to have that installed.
Right away we had our favorite piano player come over to record his spring and winter selections. He played at the hotel where we ate for Mother's Day and Easter.
He came over and began to play and record. At a break he handed me a spiral bound book he had made of his family tree. "My family all came from Sweden and settled in Aitken, MN."
"My brother-in-law's family is from there too."
"Oh who are they?" he asked
"The Yunkers."
His eyes got big, "Mary Yunker the judge?"
"Well, I knew her when she first started as a lawyer, but yes, Scotts, sister is Mary."
"They are my cousins!" He hugged me, "We're family!"
From that time on we were invited to his parents house and to many family functions. Randy Wall is an amazing pianist.
When we moved we had to sell it. It was a sad day for all of us.
March 26, 2014 at 10:21am
March 26, 2014 at 10:21am
Can You Be Alone with Yourself?

This is a question I don't have to think to answer. When my husband was hired by the same company I and my son work for, I thought it would be fun. I worked for him over the years when he owned his own construction company. Not as his office person, I did that too, but as the on-the-job-laborer. When he didn't have help I carried studs and set them on his mark. I lifted the walls with him when he nailed them. I've had to overcome some of my fear of heights to stand on a ladder 8' off the floor. I even had to stand on a lift to hold siding 20 + feet off the ground.

All that leads to the present. We moved from Minnesota to Oregon and have been employed and unemployed over the first five years we lived here.

This job was offered to him to aid in going to auctions to buy bearings. There have been two - three others that go but only one of them talks to people at the auction to see if they have bearings or know of people who might have bearings we could buy. Paul was the perfect fit. He knows how to network and people like him.
He is on the road for weeks at a time. This time he's been gone a month. He comes home for a few days and will be gone again.

I hate to say this but I don't mind it at all. I do or don't do what I please and many times it gets me in trouble when I forget to pay a bill or misplace it. I admit I'm not organized and I'm easily distracted.

That leads to the fact he will be home on Monday. That means Saturday I have to whiz through the house and clean. I also have to finish up the taxes and get them to the accountant. Sad, but my procrastination is terrible. I don't mind being alone. This may be the result of a husband that is very controlling and even from afar has to know what I'm doing and when I'll be back. He tries to throw the "poor dog" at me and insists I take her everywhere with me. Sometimes I do and leave her in the car. She certainly doesn't mind it and sometimes wont get out of the car when we get home. I have to leave the door open so she'll come out when she realizes we aren't going anywhere.

No, right now I love the fact I can stay up and write when I feel like it. Go to bed when I feel like it and if I don't vacuum or mop the kitchen, no one cares but me.
March 24, 2014 at 10:24am
March 24, 2014 at 10:24am
As I continue on this week, I have every night filled with things to do. Meetings, practice, dentist and a final relaxing night on Friday! A great way to end my week at Welcome Home Girlfriend.
If I can fit in a couple of reviews I will do so, but work all the rest has taken up my time this week. Hubby is supposed to come home on Monday (31) so that means Sat is a major clean up from this busy week. Sorry I should have put this in my blog. Ok I will. *BigSmile*

This post was my goals for this week, not an excuse. I just pasted it here because I thought to add to it and no one on weekly goals is going to read it. Life sometimes gets in the way. I have motivation to write but not to clean. I'd rather sit at a computer than mop a floor, read rather than do laundry... I know same old story... I just have to do it Sat and get it all done. There will be some late nights as I also have to finish my taxes and get them mailed before 4/15 I always procrastinate. Just because I'm not a number person and I HATE doing it.

March 21, 2014 at 10:23am
March 21, 2014 at 10:23am

There is no question, SUPER INTELLIGENT. Looks will fade over time. Unless I made very good money with my looks and saved it to pay for operations, I'm stuck when I get old.

Super intelligent people, don't worry about looks over much. They are prized for what they contribute to society. When we look at the people in the news that have great strides in our lives, we don't look at their face. Most times we don't even know what they look like.

People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump and men or women like that do worry about whether they are good looking. If you dress appropriate for your age and job, walk and talk with confidence, people will naturally gravitate toward you. There are names in the news who have done things but I wouldn't recognize them on the street. I may use their invention, procedure or read their books, but not know them.

As a writer, I love to talk to published authors. I don't care what they look like, I want to know what they do when they write. Even though it is entirely a personal experience, there might be something I can adopt to help me become a better writer.
We all know the right answer to this question. There is something in the "wrong" answer that gives us pause. If you aren't pretty by popular standards you wish you were. It's very hard to tell someone, even the "pretty" people that they have achieved that point. I've seen people so over proceedured who still think they need more. We all know Joan Rivers and others who have changed their looks to meet the popular standards.

The other night I watched Once Upon a Time. The girl that gets killed at the end of the show had her lips plumped. I watched her kiss the man and was disgusted. It really turned me off seeing those oversized lips kiss. I shuddered. Really I did. Big lips that look natural to a persons face doesn't bother me. I've seen this fad to plump lips but when its overdone, it looks just the opposite. Bite your lips a little for color or outline them to accentuate them, but don't "plump" them with fat, some people or doctors don't know when to quit.
March 20, 2014 at 11:00am
March 20, 2014 at 11:00am
If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

I grew up in the '50's. We didn't have a TV in our home. I would go to a friend's house after school or in the summer and sit glued to their TV until their mother sent me home. I loved cartoons.

As a teen, my neighbor would let me come to her house after school and watch American Band Stand and Dark Shadows.

After I was married a few years we bought a TV. I think the most memorable TV show I watched and it still sticks with me is Friday the 13th: The Series.

From Wikipedia, here is the premise:
"Lewis Vendredi made a deal with the devil to sell cursed antiques. But he broke the pact, and it cost him his soul. Now, his niece Micki, and her cousin Ryan have inherited the store... and with it, the curse. Now they must get everything back and the real terror begins." -- prologue that opened each episode

It was the stories about cursed objects, sometimes so scary to me that I had to leave the room. These objects required a blood sacrifice to continue giving its owner the desire of their heart. There were the obvious ones. A woman who wanted to remain young must kill young women. A man who wanted to win at the casino must kill in order for the ring he wore to work. A doll, a tea cup and many other items.

I loved Mickey played by Louise Ann Robey with her beautiful red hair. Jack Marshack played by Chris Wiggins was the occultist who helped Louise and Ryan played by John D. Lamay, find and bring in the objects. The cursed things were entombed in a vault in the basement of an "antique shop."

Mickey's uncle, Lewis Venrendi (Friday in French) died and the shop came into Mickey's possession. She and her counterparts read a diary of the cursed items and began a quest to reclaim them. Each story was fascinating. I read that at the time this TV show aired, it pushed the envelope for what was accepted violence on TV at that time. It was pretty creepy.

When I first found Writing.com, I discovered Alice's Curiosity Shoppe. The premise reminded me of this TV series. I wrote a number of stories for the contest, but kept only one "The Silver Brush Often times I keep Alice's shop and Friday the 13:The Series in mind as I wonder what to write casually. I'm sad she is not doing her contest, but once in a while I've looked at her page for inspiration or just to reminisce.

With the onslaught of the movies Friday: The 13th and other such slasher/horror shows, I find well written scary stories have been replaced by blood and gore. Books and movies such as Interview with a Vampire, Drakula, Grimm and Once Upon a Time have a following. There are many who love the storyline without all the gore every five minutes.

Grimm has a great storyline and I learned they have been accepted for another 3 seasons. Time will tell if they can continue to write good stories without bleeding into the weird, far out and too obscure for the follower to accept. Heros lost it after season 2. It was awful and I never watched it after the beginning of 3. Lost was lost after they tried to scramble when they were picked up for a second season. It was all about the back story and by 3 they were way out in La-la land.

Writing for this type of audience is a challenge. When you have an object, area, building that conjures up the scary, create the story that will be scary. Intense, goose bump, hair raising stories are a lost art. Even the remake of The Twilight Zone didn't compare to the original. What was missing? That man's brain and how he perceived what was truly scary. Then there is Alfred Hitchcock, that's another story.
March 14, 2014 at 9:41am
March 14, 2014 at 9:41am
March 14, 2014: Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Ok Cindy you asked the question and I get to expound on my belief.
What is a ghost? Many of us think of Casper and his friends right off the bat when asked if there are ghosts. Growing up I discounted ghosts as they were portrayed in movies.

As a young girl oijia boards became popular. I had a fear of them but one night when staying with a friend we went to a cabin with a board and tried to call up a spirit. I didn't believe in them but my sister had passed away so I used her. I knew in my heart she would not appear but I thought it was fun. When we heard a bunch of banging on the wall I was out of there. It was someone outside scaring us, and it worked on me I wanted nothing to do with it.

As the years have passed and television has become inindated with ghost stories like Haunted and Ghost Investigators I challenged my understanding of what was going on with people who claim to have been visited or attacked by ghosts.

I want to clarify the term. A ghost to me is Casper, which is a man made figment to entertain. I don't believe ghosts are real. However, the spirit world exists all around us.

I beleive the Bible to be true. I believe what it says is true. When it says "A man dies once and after that the judgement," It means to me, once they die they no longer remain in this world. Period. DONE, DEAD, GONE. There are a number of places their souls may go. Christ told the thief on the Cross, "This day thou shalt be with me in paradise." that tells me we have that same promise. So who are these spirits that bang around, scratch and upset people?

If you belive in the spirit world you HAVE to acknowlege there are good and bad spirits. I need to interject something here. The devil as we call Lucifer is not a ugly, horned, forked tailed entity. He is an angel. A very beautiful angel and that's what caused him problems. He'd been given a free will, unlike most of the other heavenly beings. He CHOSE to defy God and with his beauty and persuasive abilites he swayed a group of angels to follow him. So when you think of evil you need to recognize there is EVIL like bad people who hurt, kill, and do bad things. Then there are bad people who are rotten to the core but have a facade of good they put on. They tell you things you want to hear. If it causes you to just for some time to think they represent good, or you justify their actions because it made someone feel better, they must not be evil. In the long scheme of things do the ends justify the means?

So back to spirits. Lucifer and his spirits roam the world trying to sway men and women to believe there is no need to ask God for forgivenss for the adamic nature we are born with. That is his only goal, to keep as many souls from God as he can before he is banished to hell. He knows the time is short and he doesn't have many of years ahead of him before his rule is severely bound.

He is the author of deceit and lies. What better way to deceive men then to cause them to disbelieve what the Bible says. To accept there are "ghosts" of people still here, running around tormenting some and helping others.

Lets take the "good" spirits first. There is a place in Knotts Berry Farm where a member of a family can go to give personal information to an employee about a family member. When the group approaches the "jail" a voice from inside one of the cells calls out the family member's name and begins to ask questions or tells incidents about the member. How does this person know all these things? Its fun to see the shocked look on their faces.

Spirits have roamed the world since they were let loose with Lucifer entice people from the beginning. They know all the things in the past. They are limited to the past and can't really tell the future anymore than we can. That means when they have a MEDIUM or witch, willing to listen to them, they sit right there and tell them about the person who comes with questions.

Let's take someone familiar, The Long Island Medium. She claims to have a spirit guide who allows people who are dead to talk to her. I don't believe the dead have the ability to cross over from where ever they are. The Bible said there is a gulf fixed between and no man can cross. Those who are in Hell can see those in Heaven. One man asked if he could have a drop of water to cool his tongue. It wasn't possible. So if one can't cross between heaven and hell, what reason would there be to allow someone to cross between there and earth? None. In fact that same man asked that God tell one of the prophets to go and tell his sons about this place so they would change their ways and not end up there. God said he sent preachers and apostles to tell them. I guess we might want to listen too.

So if a spirits (not that of a dead family member) who knows all, whispers things to the medium, who then gives that information on to the person greving, what is the result? After watching a few of her episodes, it was all I could take, I found the people were sadly deluded. They accepted that she really contacted their loved one, just because she told them things that were personal. Really? Like the people at Knotts Berry Farm they were amazed she knoew things that she couldn't possible know.

What is the result of this? How does one then tell these people their loved one may or may not be in "heaven" because she always says they are somewhere "nice." Do the living think that their lives are okay? They carry on with the idea that the dead aren't dead but just floating around, being nice and patting them on the head? This is false. Their souls may depend on knowing they must make sure they're ready to meet their maker. There is a day of judegment. You chose where you want to go here. Its your actions here that determine your end. It is final, not floating around praying on the living. For what reason?

Now, let's move on to the Ghostbuster groups. These guys and gals who set up instruments to record voices and such are play things for the spirits. I'll bet the spirits are laughing their "heads" off at making all these groups of people run all over the world chasing "ghosts." I have to laugh when I watch these shows. They are most entertaining when viewed from my prospective. Spirits floating around while men walk around in the dark bumping into things, jumping when a rock is tossed or something is knocked over. These guys are so deluded into thinking the spirits are entities of the dead they run around shouting at them. They are like puppets to the spirits. They pull the string and these groups run, falling over themselves to get to that point first to "record' the phenomenon. Its funny!

I have as much respect for these spirits as I do a tornado. I want nothing to do with them. I wouldn't get within throwing distance of a medium by choice. I wouldn't voluntarily go into a "haunted' house. I believe in the spirit world. I also know I'm protected by God from these spirits to a point. As long as I am in God's care, I trust he will protect me from their foolishness. I don't presume on that care either.

God has his army protecting his people just as much as Lucifer has his army trying to latch on to any who have not made a decision about these things. Somethings a person just needs to stay away from. Your soul is yours and cannot be stolen without your permission. However, Lucifer is cunning and has had thousands of years to perfect his devious tactics. Don't think you can out smart him? That's not possible. Its better to have God's army on your side protecting you. I have a God behind me that is more powerful than Lucifer and he knows it. Lucifer is also the bigges bluffer around and he decieves too many people. I wish I could warn them of his devious tactics and turn people toward a heavenly reward.

March 12, 2014 at 1:19pm
March 12, 2014 at 1:19pm
I guess I miss counted and this is week #11. It doesn't really matter I suppose. I've fallen behind on my Blog City prompts. Some because I can't think of one thing to write to fit the prompt. Some because I've been too busy at work and I don't have a computer at my daughter's apartment. By the time we get home from work at night, make or go out to dinner and relax watching a little TV its time to go to bed.
I over slept this morning. Mostly because I have no clock to look at. I'm too lazy or tired to get up and turn on the light to see my watch. I think I'll see if Target has a cheap lighted clock for her guest room.
Thankfully my wonderful daughter made my lunch so I was able to get out the door (then she called my cell and said, "Mom, you forgot your lunch on the table.") I had to go back inside, up to the 3rd floor and get my lunch. I sure hate getting old. There's just too much flitting through my brain to remember to do everything I'm supposed to do.
The roads were dry of ice and traffic light so I made it to work with minutes to spare.
I must find a way to print out my MS and begin to read it aloud to see if it sounds right. I have a friend, who told me she was an editor at one time, offer to edit my MS. I jumped at that. When she sent it back I began the fixing process. I found easy mistakes she missed and things she highlighted that made no sense to me why. I think toward the end she became so interested in the story she forgot to edit. (That was a good thing) She PM me at 12:48 pm to tell me she finally finished it and she couldn't stop until she got to the end. I was pleased with that response as I mentally added it to my 8 other similar responses. BUT that didn't help my editing process.
I get that sometimes we use a slang in our writing that doesn't equate to good English. I've been told if it is spoken or something that would sound stiff or out of voice if changed, leave it. So I have. I'll have to see what happens.

I'm having trouble with concenents. Most times I don't write them. I use the two words. Why is that? I don't talk like that. When I'm writing I have to make a conscience effort to remember to use them instead writing the two words. I have, have not, do not, seems odd that I'd do it when writing but not when I'm talking. I even think aloud or in my head as I'm typing and I use the non-conenented version then. Odd. I'm not sure what to make of it, but when I'm editing I find I have to make those changes more than others. I guess I'm a stiff writer.

That's it for today!
March 5, 2014 at 8:58am
March 5, 2014 at 8:58am
You get to spend one hour with any person you choose - living or dead. Who is it? What do you talk about? What do you hope to learn from them?

I read this and names began rolling through my mind. There were TV celebrities, Presidents and a few noble people I would have liked to talk to. I began to narrow the list. I left out the Presidents, other than Abe Lincoln none I'd really feel a kin to.

TV celebrities might have some interest, but they are pretty public and I can, if I want Google them and find out most things including some intimate things I'd rather not know.

I thought about other historical people. One that I might have chosen is the founder of my church's organization. There are a number of things I would like to know about the meetings that started when the pentcost fell in 1906 in Azuza, California. At that time they spread the gospel by way of papers they printed. Our founder Florence Crawford was forward thinking and aggressive in her mission to spread the gospel world wide. I decided not to go there. Life and the world has changed since her day. The things that have happened over the last 100 years would shock her and I doubt I would get too much from her but censure.

As an author I have my favorites. I decided to chose the one person I would love to spend an hour with and it wouldn't be enough. Christine Feehan.

This woman has written five series of books. I began reading her Dark series then when she added the Ghostwalker and Drake Sisters I bought and read them all. She has written other series that I have enjoyed.
I want to talk to her about how she keeps her series consistant. I have a series in mind and I want to know how she writes them. Did she plan her Ghostwalkers? All at once and write each story after? Did she have the idea and then add the different characters? How much back story did she write before beginning the series?

The biggest question I want answered is: How do you keep your information? Is it in an outline? Excel sheets? post-it notes? colored note cards? When she writes each one how does she keep the facts of that series straight and true?

Her series is one that is consistant throughout each book. They are true to form and each character acts within the perimeters she has set for the group. Each one has their own abilites that may be different than another but all act as a cohesive group.

I admire her writing and want to be the same type of writer. One that can hold the readers interest to the point they eagerly await the next novel.

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