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My meandering thoughts

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September 28, 2013 at 7:33pm
September 28, 2013 at 7:33pm
Yea! Lani Girl has arrived home. This is the first time she has seen our new home. We laugh as each place we live has a Lani's room" she took one look at the room (not repainted from previous owners) "Fairies MOM REALLY?? What can I say we haven't has time and thats just the way it is. There are still boxes in her room.

We are going to go through my 31 bags that I want to sell and take pictures of them. She'll send them back to her friends in MN and see if there is anything they want to buy and she'll bring them back with her. I need to clear out some of my stock and get ready to get new stuff. I have too many lunch totes and organizing utility bags. They are wonderful but I have too many.

She leaves Oct 1 to go home and I already miss her. Last night we went to Welcome Home Girlfriend and had a night out with a bunch of wormen, some we know and others we hadn't met.

I'm still unsure what plot to write this time. Thursday I posted two plots and still hav no difinitive dierection.

September 26, 2013 at 4:53pm
September 26, 2013 at 4:53pm
Here it is almost time for the Nano Prep Challenge and I still don't know what I'm going to write about. I have had a plot twisting around in my brain for years.
What if a young woman finds/inherits a painting and discovers it has some paranormal properties. Each person who views the painting is effected differently. Some want to distroy the painting, others want to use it for evil or something not good, others want to exploit it.
Our main character is intrigued with the reactions of the viewers. She has had her own experience and wonders if one changed would the painting change. She and her friends work to save the painting from theives, relentless persuers and destroyers.
When she finds the truth in her self she discovers what to do with the painting much to the ire of many.

The other plot is a love story, I don't know the beginning but have an end. "Air + Wind What is my plot? What is the conflicts? and motivation? I wonder. I have a supposition but it doesn't make a story.
Possibly the Warlock(?) is sent somewhere on business and she takes the opportunity to leave. She runs as she knows she pregnant and moves to a small town where no one knows her. She opens a "store" of some sort. Has her child and now a man comes into her life. He seems too good to be true. He's too perfect for her and she is second guessing her own instincts. Why does she suspect him of not being what he says. Insert above story, The two men meet and one knows the other is a fraud. What to do?

Which one is the most interesting to write? Both are good stories, how do I choose? Can anyone help here?

September 10, 2013 at 10:36am
September 10, 2013 at 10:36am
On Sept 1 I lost my phone. It was during a 3 hour window and I didn't go many places. I called the restaurant twice but nothing. I called the phone company and put a block on my phone incase someone picked it up from the restaurant and "stole" it. I looked the in couch cushions and in the office where I was writing (on WDC) and in the bedroom where I changed clothes for night church. Nothing, nada. I Asked for prayer on Facebook for a personal situation and so many posted they would pray. I went over what I did in that 3 hours. My friend came home from the Thai restaurant and I showed her around the house and the back yard. She had never seen a 3D TV so my son was just starting Life of Pi. I handed her the glasses and she was mesmerized! I sat for a while, went to the office and later changed clothes and we left. I discovered my phone was missing when I got home that night.
All week I looked and prayed for divine intervention. Now I have to say, there were hints I should have listened to, but I was sure the phone had to be in the house. Why would I have taken my phone outside so everytime someone asked me about outside I would say I was there for just a few minutes and why would I take my phone outside.
Sat i did some weeding and went to the far side of the patio and there on the cushion of the chair sat my phone. I don't remember taking it outside or why I would even put it down. But I put it in rice and charged the battery and voila' it works and I'm back in business. I thanked everyone for their prayers, They were answered.
I now wear my phone in a beautiful beaded bag around my neck!
September 4, 2013 at 6:47pm
September 4, 2013 at 6:47pm
I've lost my phone. I don't know where its at and I have almost gone through the whole house. I don't know what I did with it. I came home from church and brought a friend. We put our left overs in the frig and looked around the house and I showed her the back yard. I must have text my husband some time in the three hour period. I got her interested in a 3D movie as she had never seen one. I sat for a few minutes then went up stairs to the computer room and after a while changed clothes for choir practice. We got into a discussion on Harry Potter being witchcraft with I got a little heated about. She had never read them and had no idea what they were about. I informed her. Now I have to say, I have never READ 50 shades, I've picked up the book and thumbed the pages and read reviews. I have no interest in reading it. It isn't my style. I am over erotica as I have been there and done that. It was a little to addicting as I think as well as others thought I was quite good at the details. But putting it out there for the masses is a bit much. Somethings should be wrapped in brown paper.

I'm still worried about my phone...but my husband says it was a dumb phone and I need an iphone.

Tina Weaver

** Image ID #1634119 Unavailable **

September 1, 2013 at 5:28pm
September 1, 2013 at 5:28pm
What a time this has been, I thought I would be so good and be posting wonderful word counts, but life got in the way. I had planned to do some today but compnay came and while I got her involved in a movie I headed up to the office to check out Wdc. Alas I have to go donw and be thee. Live of Pi 3D might be interesting but it wasn't my favorite books or movies.
At five oclock I must in a mini choir parctice so I missed laying outside and working on my next chapter. oh well.
Maybe tomorrow!
August 21, 2013 at 3:57pm
August 21, 2013 at 3:57pm
Here I am working on my 90 day novel workshop. I am trying to get all my words in for the day. It's getting me in shape for the NaNoWriMo.

Yesterday I read and reviewed for a Newbie challenge. I came across a rant for lack of better words from an anthiest.
Now everyone has a right to their beliefs. What I dislike is when someone takes what they have read or heard and uses it out of context. I am writing a book about a devout Muslim. I listen and read what I can on the subject of their beliefs and rituals. I would never begin to look up references from the Qu'ran and just quote them to fit what I want them to. I've discovered the original works and mandates set down by Mohammed are not what is used and twisted by some Muslim/Islamic people today.

It seems there are those in "authority" who have taken upon themselves the right to translate or interpret the laws of Mohammed to fit their needs and desires. Like many people today who twist and reshape the Biblical principals to fit what they want to do. It doesn't make it right, but if they can get enough people to follow them, they can literally rewrite the Bible. The sad thing is others who come searching for the truth find these people and think they represent the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As I read the things that he/she felt the need to denigrate at points I had to laugh out loud. They were ludicris. The interpretations of the scriptures were so far out that I couldn't figure out how they were found to fit the situation.

I realize that athiests, if very sure of themselves, have all the aswers. They have to because there are many who when they come in contact with these people feel its their duty to get them to admit they are wrong and fall to their knees in repentence. That is so far from what is possible that in itself is laughable.

The one thing I did agree with this writer was the fact if someone came to me and tried to tell me Santa Claus was real and lived in the North Pole I wouldn't stand and argue with them. I'd walk away and call the men in the white coats. I feel (now) the same way about atheist. If they have to argue their non belief they themselves are unsure of where they stand. It's like the more they argue the better they feel about their own stand. It reaffirms their disbelief in God. If you don't believe in something, no one can change your mind, until something or someone says or does something that causes a doubt to form and then the possiblitiy is there.

I find athiests are just as dogmatic and narrow minded as any fully filled Bible thumping Christian can be. I am open to people's thoughts and ideas if they come with some back up. I, however am fully committed to my doctrine and it will not waiver. I will not try to convince, change or steamroll someone who is just as committed to what they think. I have to admit there have been many times a good discussion about the Bible has been had when ideas, thoughts and experiences have been exchanged. When we can walk away with respect for each other without the animosity of I'm right and you're wrong.

I will end this with my favorite saying: "I can afford to be wrong, can you?"

August 14, 2013 at 6:14pm
August 14, 2013 at 6:14pm
Nope I didn't tell Hubby about fender bender. I got the estimate and it was doiable. The week went by and no news Hubby due home so I called the body shop and he gave me a long story how all of the sudden there was more than the bumper involved. There was this and that and other things that I don't think had anything to do with the bumper. The bill came to over 7K. I said no way and called the insurance co. They were so nice. At least he listened to my concerns about the additional damage charges and thought they were questionable. He is looking into it and told me not to worry he would take care of it.
Whew. My only worry is next time the 6 mo bill comes and it is higher! Then the you-know-what will hit the fan. I guess I will handle it then.
Hubby came home late Friday night and we went to the company picnic on Sat. Went to church Sunday morning and we were invited to Claim Jumper's for lunch with our Boss (whom we are friends with). Monday hubby got a call from a contact that he needed do inventory and get it gone as stuff was disappearing out of the warehouse. So early Tuesday he was on a plane and in South Carolina.

I am going to the county fair with my sister tonight to see a Gospel singing contest. It should be interesting. I love county fairs.

When I got the mail Saturday I opened an invitation to a 50th wedding Anniversary party for my aunt and uncle. They included a wedding photo of the bridal party. I am in it. I was 11 years old (had to get out the calculator for that one, all those numbers confuse this old mind) My younger sister Kathy (she's the one I'm going to the fair with) is also in it. Then I looked at the bridal party.......they's old people now! ha ha ha you can imagine how looking at them and wondering I'm not all that much younger than they are. 12-16 years. In old-age years that's about 5 years difference. I hang out with these people. We went on a cruise with them, go out to eat, sit around and talk at church. The people my age have grandkids they are chasing, they have their same-age friends. Since we moved here coming up to 8 years now, we are still the usurpers and newbies. So the older folks are just as much fun and we all know the same people. Mostly because we all lived in Los Angeles, CA in the 50's and 60's. They moved to Portland or Washington before the 70's.

Just a funny note. As I said my boss and wife are about 10 -15 years our senior. In that 15 years a lot has been invented, computers for instance. Some of us have worked with computers in our jobs ( since the 1980's) and had IBM compatibles (remember those dinosaurs?)
with dos driven programs and giant 5.5 floppy disks. Yes, these were real FLOPPY disks.
My Boss's son who is just about 3-4 years older than my daughter (turning the big 4-0 this year) and I were talking about programs and and what would be faster or what I could do. He turns to me and said, "You really know a lot about computers for someone your age." I almost burst out laughing but waited til I got to my office. It was a backhanded compliment. He sees me as the same age as his parents. They diddle and daddle with the computer to read emails and play of Facebook or ancestry.com. I was talking about running excel sheets and putting stuff in a format I could import..... Not that I am any computer whiz because I'm not. I have just done the same thing over and over a few times until I know how to do it. But like anything else, when you don't use it you lose it. Sadly things I could do because I did them 13 years ago, I no longer remember the codes or functions. With the upgraded windows its all different looking and I wouldn't know where to find the code explanations I used.

Tina Weaver

** Image ID #1634119 Unavailable **

August 2, 2013 at 4:37pm
August 2, 2013 at 4:37pm
Here we are at Friday. This hasn't been a good week and though I got a repreave with Hubby still out of town. (its been almost four weeks) I might get my fender bender taken care of before he gets home and blows his top!

I finished 3 reviews today and this week I wrote 2100+ words on my new novel start. On the 31st I signed up for the 90 day novel workshop. Maybe I can finally get this one done so I can work on the other one I started in 2011.
I am anxious about this one as it is writing out of my comfort zone. I love the story. Telling it sounds good, but writing a novel about it is something else. It may be just a long short story or a novella.
Here's to the 90 day committment that starts on Monday. It about accountablity and having feed back on what I've written.

I am worried about the others in the class. I'm a bit tired of vampires, dragons and middle earth based stories. *Yawn*So over and done with them. You have to hook me real good.
July 30, 2013 at 12:11pm
July 30, 2013 at 12:11pm
Yea!!! I finally found out how to change the old blog for the new one. I just didn't ask the right people. So many were helpful to see that I went to the right places to find the solution. The way it was written was easy to follow and I got it done!

I am happy to once again be in the land of the Bloggers. I don't know if I'm a real blogger yet, but I am trying.

My son has had some issues since he was little. When he was tested for school we knew there was a little glitch in how he learned. He struggled through school. 'He was different but not less' as Temple Grandin would say. I didn't know about autism nor did anyone in his school. By the time I heard of Aspergers he was in his mid twenties and not working and not doing anything. We have finally got him working and producing in a proper manner. He's a good kid, just different.
The other night we watched the movie about Temple Grandin. He saw things that he himself did. How he processes information, how he figures things out. Different but not less. He isn't stupid, but he does things differently. Its all black or white not grey. Right or wrong no inbetween. Concepts? Can't get them.
It is a struggle at time to find the trigger or switch that reaches him. He has become content in his routine and doesn't see the need to change. I hope the movie triggers something inside that with a little effort he can be more than what he is now.
July 29, 2013 at 12:54pm
July 29, 2013 at 12:54pm
A week later. I find that I am doing better at getting things done! ha! I did work for a few hours on Sat morning in the garage, but all I did was move stuff from one box to another. What to do with stuff. Really I had 2 staplers I got as promo's from some show, rulers, scotch tape, floral tape, I found 2 stamp sets and two pkg of index cards. I can use the latter for recipes I am going to transfer. Or not. I may just print them off and paste them to the card so they don't get too wrinkled. But I have a small book I keep the "go to" recipes in.
I have boxes of recipe books. I love looking at them but don't really make too much from them. I get good recipes from Pinterst or something someone posts on Facebook and I try and like it too. I think I should sell them in the garage sale I'm going to have in August. I love them but in reality I don't use them.
At my age who am I kidding. Who is going to want this stuff? I see my mother at 84 holding on to stuff she thinks she might need.
Mom was adamant about moving to the city. Dad finally agreed to live here through the winter but wants to go back to the beach for summer. Ok. They will have a small apartment place to live.
My sister and I went to the house and packed up books and VHS tapes. Some they had I don't think they should even watch, my other sister may have brought it so we packed them and gave 3 recyclable grocery bags of VHS tapes back to her and her kids. I don't have a VHS player so I didn't care.
I found some good books I wanted to keep and they wanted to get rid of. We are all readers and happy to share. (I loaded more books onto mom's kindle for her too)
The shelves were mostly empty and they took religious and "clean" books to their church library or to the pastor there.
I took her tarnished silver plates, bowls and a gravy pitcher home to shine. OH I also did most of the pieces early Sat morning after my son left to drive to Seattle for the Twins/Mariners game (picked up a friend in Tacoma) Twins won YEA!! I have to get some tarnex. The pastes doesn't get all the stuff in the grooves.
She will be happy. I'm also going to ask my friend at Cortec to send me some emitters for my cabinet and hers to keep the tarnishing to a minimum or nil!
Thanks for reading this.

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