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by werden
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1180282
My thoughts about life
This is my first blog entry. I decided to try entering my thoughts on an online journal. I guess my first entry should be on how I reached this decision. I saw in the latest (well a couple of weeks ago) contests letter a piece about blogging. I checked out the blogs portion of the site and I was impressed. So many people sharing the intimate details of their lifes. I want to do my part.

This may not be the best blog entry, I know. But, I want to learn how to express myself better. I also want more people to get to know me on the site.

Today I plan on watching college football and reading during the commercials with the mute button on :). I may check some more of my e-mails and read some more online stories and try and comment on them. I try reviewing everything i read. I admit sometimes I read something and dont review it. Other times I am afraid I write a pretty crappy review. But noone has commented so far.

Well I will go for now.
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March 13, 2023 at 6:13am
March 13, 2023 at 6:13am
i want something that's real. Not imaginary or fake. Real.

I am referring to the so-called 'Revival' that my Church is talking about. Yeah, people are dancing and singing and calling on Jesus, etc,etc. But are they becoming better people? Are they truly changing? Bearing honest fruit that is actually making a difference?

Or it this nothing more then 'feel-good' emotionalism that doesn't impact anyone to any real degree?

Yes, I know I am rambling. But that is what a blog is... rambling... speaking your thoughts at the current moment.

And my heart is this....

Give me something that is REAL!
March 8, 2023 at 7:07am
March 8, 2023 at 7:07am
Yes, it has been forever since I've written anything.

It is hard for me to key into this blog because...it's hard for me honestly to care. I have a lot of thoughts in my head. Maybe I should write them down.

But nobody seems to be interested and frankly I don't know how to get interest and...again it's hard for me to care.

But I guess I am going to try again to write more consistently since I am back on writing.com after several years absence.

I am going through my emails looking for something interesting to read. While I'm doing it I will try to get back on my blog.

I have a work review today. I absolutely hate those because they are soo pointless. Nobody really listens to anything I say. Nothing ever really comes from them. NO change. No real anything. NO connections.

Which is my experience on this website. No connections. NO real change. Which is the main reason I find it so hard to write in this blog because I have to honestly ask what the point of this is.
October 1, 2019 at 7:32am
October 1, 2019 at 7:32am
I received a call from the medical facility yesterday.

My blood was normal. I do NOT have Diabetes!

I am so glad! So Grateful!

However, my plans for my life; more exercise, more nutrition less crap in my diet aren't going to alter.

I still want to lose weight, feel healthier etc,etc,etc.

Yes, to be honest I am also doing this because I realize that next year I could very well receive a negative report if I keep eating, living, etc like I have done in the past.

But, I'm not making these lifestyle changes to avoid any negative report. I am doing them because I want to be better.
October 1, 2019 at 7:32am
October 1, 2019 at 7:32am
I received a call from the medical facility yesterday.

My blood was normal. I do NOT have Diabetes!

I am so glad! So Grateful!

However, my plans for my life; more exercise, more nutrition less crap in my diet aren't going to alter.

I still want to lose weight, feel healthier etc,etc,etc.

Yes, to be honest I am also doing this because I realize that next year I could very well receive a negative report if I keep eating, living, etc like I have done in the past.

But, I'm not making these lifestyle changes to avoid any negative report. I am doing them because I want to be better.
September 30, 2019 at 7:45am
September 30, 2019 at 7:45am
I found that I lost 3 pounds last week. That's a good thing. It's progress. I also had my blood drawn for the Diabetes test last Friday.

I would rather not have Diabetes at all. Granted the lifestyle changes I want to implement will have absolutely nothing to do with the medical community's diagnosis of me. I will continue to strive to eat right, exercise more consistently, etc, etc regardless of their diagnosis. But still I would rather NOT receive a bad diagnosis because I simply don't want to deal with the medical community's interference. Nor do I want additional reasons to worry.

I don't want to get that little rat in my mind started.
September 26, 2019 at 7:34am
September 26, 2019 at 7:34am
Had a bad day yesterday.

I was angry at God.. .at my body... at my family for my health problems.

I had a fight with my girlfriend. Well, it was more of a discussion but still... see... years ago she had pictures of her with another guy on her instagram page. They were looking all cutesy... and they even kissed once. A whole bunch of people swear up and down that this was true love, they were a couple... he was her boyfriend and so on and so forth. She tells me that was all something he and they made up together and she never had those feelngs towards him. This happened all before we met. I believed her then. I do now. But still, there's a lot of negativity and suspicion in me and all that stuff just came out yesterday.

I'm over that now. We're good. She understands the problems I deal with. I understand that those events on Instagram happened years ago and have no bearing with our current situation.

As for my health... i've been looking at some of the nutritional pages for some of the restaurants I go to and was horrified at how sodium-filled everything is. I've been eating mine fields of sodium without even realizing it. So, in effect, I've brought my health problems on myself so I have no call to get mad at God or my body. Getting angry at this world that poisons everything it touches... that's another issue.

So, I'm in a better place now with myself, God and my family.

September 24, 2019 at 12:29pm
September 24, 2019 at 12:29pm
Let's try again. My first attempt wasn't saved correctly.

I just received a phone call about my glucose levels. They want me to come in and get tested for Diabetes. Diabetes. Yech… I;ve always been scared of that word. Sounds very nasty. And icky.

But, I am going to work even harder to lose weight. I'm going to continue to jam out to music at work, dance and sing and all that fun stuff.

Going to spend time with my family, my Heavenly Father and my girlfriend.

Between all of this... I will beat this.

I know I will
April 19, 2017 at 8:21am
April 19, 2017 at 8:21am
Day 2 of my wrestling with crud. Actually it's more like day 5 since I came down with this crap on Saturday. The hardest thing about spending all day coughing and sneezing at work? The unspoken glares of all your co-workers. I get it. I do. I hate it when someone comes in to work and does that crap if I am feeling fine. But what choice do they have? What choice do I have? The work needs to get done and most companies, mine included, have really crappy sick day policies.

Since I am the new guy I get 10 days off with pay...sounds nice on the surface but those 10 are the only ones I get including anytime I would have to take off for sickness. It's what everyone gets though my co-workers get more time than me since they've been here longer. But who wants to take their precious vacation time for sickness? I don't. Even if you are willing to do so you can't stay out all week. You don't have enough days. Junk like this just doesn't go away overnight as much as people might wish it would.

Personally, I am feeling better. I am coughing less, sneezing less but I am still coughing. God I hate this crud. I really hope I can get this out of my system soon
April 18, 2017 at 11:27am
April 18, 2017 at 11:27am
I am, yet again, making an attempt to renew my blog. I see it has been more than a year since I last wrote on here. Why do I not write a blog? Three reasons... 1) lack of time.. 2) nobody will read and 3) closely related to 2... nobody would care.

But I read an article that convinced me to give it the old College Try (so to speak) so here it goes...

I am at work, right now, with a runny nose and a cough that comes out every minute or so. It is truly a horrible way to work. I would stay home if I could but I simply have too much work to do and not enough days off to take one.

It started Saturday afternoon. My head felt light. I suddenly ran out of energy. I felt like I couldn't breath. I realized what was happening immediately, my yearly cold, sinus infection or whatever. I knew I had two choices... break up this junk with Mucinex which would mean days of coughing, sneezing and runny noses or just leave it lodged inside me. Learning from my share of bad experiences with option 2; to whit... developing strep throat... bronchitis... weeks of illness... etc... I chose option 1.

So here I am in the midst of coughing, sneezing and nose running this junk out of me. So much fun. I mean beside the loss of energy, the constant coughing, sneezing and nose running what's really fun about these colds is how either everything you eat tastes like nothing or tastes like snot.

Well that's it for today. I should be better and stronger tomorrow. Thanks for reading
March 7, 2016 at 7:44am
March 7, 2016 at 7:44am
I know I need to Blog. I should. I will. One day. I can't do it today though. It's not that I don't have anything to say. It's more like I don't know how to say it.

I sit at my desk at work listening to 'The Warrior is a Child' by Twila Paris tears coming to my eyes because the song speaks to me. I feel a deep sadness. I sigh as I write these words.

I wish I could say more. But I don't have time and again I don't know how.

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