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Review of Freedom's Price  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Too true. Freedom is never free. The cost is so great, it could never be measured.
I, for one, do think, and remember and pray.
A commendable piece of writing, well done.
Welcome to WDC. I hope to see lots more of your work, as I feel you are a person with quite a bit to say, and on this site you will be heard,by those who agree with you and those who don't, which can only be a good thing. Enjoy your WDC life and the friendships you will make.
Cheers MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
How refreshing to read a traditional poem. This really is easy to read and so easy to appreciate.
With your descriptive abilities, I doubt very much if the Isle of your youth is ever lost, once it has been woven into its floral tapestry.
Such a lovely turn of a phrase.
Well done.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing

In Australia, our PM is Howard
Not wanting to look like a coward,
Joined with Bush and Blair
To show he did care
By whom the whole world had been powered.

Do some more limericks, they're fun,
We may even go one for one
Or start a contest,
And see who's the best,
At five liners, you son of a gun!
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
No way was I bored to tears. I couldn't understand most of past lesson 1, but that will come as I go through it step by detailed step.
This has been a very informative read, and put into such terms as even a dummy like me can comprehend.
Full marks to the teacher for an excellent lecture, and keep your eyes on the class because my hand will be going up a lot. I'm sure whatever question I ask though, will be answered somewhere in the lesson.
A teacher at school(about 50 years ago) told us once, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
Since then, I have been asking questions, and if you live long enough, they will all be answered.
Alright, I'll stop talking in class and get on with my study.
Thanks again. This will help a lot of people, I guarantee.
Cheers MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Definitely got you in my favourites now!
The problem I have is absorbing instructions flung at me by 10 year old grandchildren who were born and handed a laptop in the delivery room.
They seem to think that the basics are just that -- basic. Not to me they're not!
A bit like when I first joined WDC. What's a bitem? What's a port? With time and practice, all things become clear and second nature.
On to the final lesson.I'm getting scared. I have only read the lessons, not studied or done my prac. Please don't let there be an exam yet!
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Excuse me miss, It wasn't gum, it was a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich. But I put it down anyway.
Thanks for continuing the lesson, When I master lesson one, I will move on at my own pace. You are not asking questions at the end of the term, are you?
Student of the day, MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #188667 Unavailable **
As a completely illiterate computer user who is too scared to press a button in case I break something, your explanations are invaluable.Each day I learn something new, but as with most things if I don't use what I have learned frequently enough I tend to forget it after a couple of sleeps.
I'll shall take note of your advice and move onwards and upwards in my skills, now that I have a reference to come back to. Thanks for sharing this.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Hi,MEG here,
I have been at WDC for just on three months now, and I can't say I have ever had a bad review.A little constructive criticism maybe, but I have learned to take from that what I believe would be an improvement to my work and store the rest for future use.
With regards to reviewing, I was very hesiitant at first to offer much more than a comment on how I liked the piece. I steered away from reviewing subjects that did not not appeal to me, either in content or a work containing a complete lack of knowledge of the use of a dictionary or basic grammar.
I mean if an author cannot even spell correctly the title of a story,I feel there is no point in reading the piece.Otherwise I would be very tempted to be a little harsh.
I regard myself as a proficient speller and like to think I have a grip on grammar,but the gremlins still creep in when the brain is moving at a faster speed than I can type. For this, I always suggest to proof read work before you press the final button. This suggestion has on occasion,drawn the response "It looked okay to me". Is it the introduction of text language that has prompted the lack of use of capitals and poor spelling? The personal pronoun "I" is the greatest offender here.Pointing this mistake out once I was informed that the writer did not intend for "i" to be capitalised. Duh? How can you argue with that logic?
Sorry, I do tend to ramble also, but I do agree with all you have said, and hope that the guilty parties will recognise themselves in your item and correct their bad habits.
Cheers MEG.
Review of Pops Bright Star  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A  heart from Pyper
You sure know how to bring a person who is supposed to be strong, to tears. This is so beautiful.
Pop would be proud of you, and so would Grandma Dot.
For Liam and Rhianna:- Pop is throwing a ball to Angel, and to Buddy and Jessie and O.D. He has all of his dogs that he loved to keep him company.
Love you all. Love to Daddy too.
Grandma Meg.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
As a young girl I adored the tales of the Brothers Grimm.
It is a pity that the children of today are subjected to violent video games while the storytellers of old are criticised for being sexist and politically incorrect.
Someone should stand back and take a good long look at
the comparison between the old generation stories and the new.I would much rather children read of a "happy ever after" than an "I will rule the world,even if I have to blow it all up" scenario.
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Cute little geckos are my friends.They may leave calling cards everywhere and cause all the photos on the walls to hang crookedly, but, until they get sick of eating spiders, they can have the run of my place.
Poor grandpa must have thought the worst when he heard that shriek.
Review of The Seventh Seal  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
I can't really comment on the content of this poem, as I am not exactly familiar with the wording of Revelations. However, you seem to have interpreted the events to come in a very comprehensive way. If I read Chapters 6 - 11, your words could make it easier to understand.
Thank you for sharing this.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
"Things don't always go as planned"
I overheard once,a small boy speaking to a Nun. He said God never answered his prayers. She said "God always answers your prayers, but sometimes He says no".
Faith to accept God's decision is Faith itself.
Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
A very well documented report. I have worked in a similar facility and have heard of incidents such as you describe.You really feel as if your hands are tied when you have no absolute proof but just second hand verbal testimony. I did witness once, a blind lady in a wheelchair just parked in a hallway,by a window.As a domestic worker I had no authority to administer to residents,so I reported to a nurse who promptly told me that "Annie" thought she was in the garden,and it was closer to the bathroom for them if she needed to go. I thought this was apalling but was reminded it was none of my business.How can they call this "care"?
No wonder facilities have a less than favourable reputation, and the elderly are apprehensive about being placed in such "care"?
Sorry to prattle on like this.
Well written, MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
A well written poem. The rhyming and rhythm makes it so much easier to read and absorb the message within the words. And the message is a strong one.
If more people asked "Care to talk", there may be fewer sad souls in the world.
Well done.
Review of Masked Soul  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Hi Trinity,
Your words truly describe the unfortunate position in which many teens find themselves. Peer pressure dictates how people see you on the outside, but not who you really are.
It is a difficult decision to make: Conform with the popular group and stay with the "in" crowd, or be yourself and be alone.
Who knows, if more teenagers opted to be themselves, the "in" crowd could very well be the ones on the outer.
Boys may hang out with the popular girls, but it is the honest and open ones they take home to meet Mum.
Be yourself.You never know you may get to like you.
Cheers MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Very clever to make a poem out of a very common expression.Who would actually think that cats and dogs would fall from the sky instead of rain water.
Couple of tips to smooth the meter,mate.
3rd verse, 1st line: delete "The"
Last verse you could try:-
I think I'll open a shop for pets
Sell food and kennels and logs.
Have to make a lot more money
To feed all these cats and dogs.
Very entertaining poem. I like it.
Cheers MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Hi BOOM, Just got my signal back. I've been out most of the day.
This is a lovely tribute to WDC and those who have helped you get started.Thanks especially for the kind words for me.Then again,what is a Mum for?
Glad you admitted the meter was a bit off, 'cause it is, ay. I can offer a couple of suggestions if you like.
1st verse, 2nd line: delete the words "me and"
2nd verse, 1st line: delete the words "for that"
3rd verse, : delete "always" and "about"
4th verse, 2nd line: delete "and"
4th verse last line ,try "Thought I'd never see the day poetry made me cry."
Keep writing BOOM. I'm proud of you. MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Mum ---- Go you good thing!
Love Mum's attitude and determination. The feeling of independance is about the greatest medicine there is.
Keep an eye on her by all means but you know, and she knows "She can do it!"
A lovely story of courage and caring. Thanks for sharing this.
Happy Australia Day
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Interior decorating is my nightmare. My daughter says I have no idea of how to balance a room,or however she expresses the way it is supposed to be done. I don't follow fashion styles so why should my house. I like the things I treasure to be around me so I can enjoy them, even if they are not symmetrically placed or colour coordinated.These houses in Magazines look neat and clean, but are they warm and inviting?
I think I'll stick to comfortable and friendly, even if it is a little messy at times.
Happy Australia Day. MEG
Review of The Butterfly  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Did you know, that butterflies were originally named flutterbys? True. There are so many butterfly poems on this site, and another one here of yours only makes it more evident how popular they are.A delicate mysterious creature. Where do they go when they have fluttered by you?
Welcome to WDC. You will, I'm sure meet lots of other butterfly lovers and poets and story tellers,as you wander through the site. Enjoy your wriitng and reading, and may I give you one butterfly poem to begin. Cheers MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Oh, the perils of baby sitting! A very descriptive account of the events.The sense of your panic is felt as is your sense of relief at discovering the rug was not valuable. The stain is still there. A gentle reminder, for the time being anyway, of how littlies are very quick to grab an opportunity when they can.
Welcome to WDC.Hope you have a fun time here, and enjoy your writing.
Well done, MEG
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Quite a ghoulish tale here.
Punctuation eg. commas and full stops at the ends of lines does help to pause the reader otherwise each line is running into the next.
In the 2nd stanza I don't feel "lied" is the word you require in this line. Replacing it with a simle "was" would sound smoother.
Great imagination (I hope it is fictional).Well done with rhyme and rhythm.
Welcome to WDC. Take a look around and meet lots of people with whom you can share your poems and your ideas. MEG
Review of The Jungle  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
Bit scary this one. I'll never venture out into a fog again.Good description of events right through the poem and the rhyme and rhythm keeps pretty well on track. At times I faltered with the rhythm, but a second read and I placed the stresses in the right places, it was fine.
2nd line typo ...spirits
4th stanza may I suggest:-
The men stopped walking and began to jog.
Commas and full stops at the ends of lines where you need the reader to pause would help the presentation. All in all a great piece of work. MEG
Review of Stalking Oz  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I'm back,Just had to pop out for a while. One of my grandson's 15th birthday. Just put in an appearance to make him happy, then sneak away and let the teenagers do whatever it is they do. Mum and Dad can chaperone and clean up the mess.
This is a great Suessical. Is that a real genre or did you coin that phrase? Whichever,I like it and I very much like the the poem. Thanks MEG
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