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Review of Rummage Sale  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
I just love rummage sales, But I am trying to stay away from them until after I have my own rummage sale to get rid of my "Good Junk" to make room for someone else's Junk.
Here in Australia, we call them "garage sales"
as it is the norm to display your treasures in the carport for prospective customers.
I have no particular line of the poem I can say is a favourite one. It is all so true and characteristic of bargain hunters and rummage sale hosts.
Well written.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
A very apt description of the beach.
Don't you just hate it when you get sand - um - THERE!
May I suggest you move the word "fighting" to the beginning of the following line. I sort of had to go back and read that line to connect it with "the battery operated radio".
Well done.
Review of Room for Rent  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
This has begun my day with a giggle, thank you.
After reading the blurb on the title to the poem, I really didn't know what to expect. Some dreary want ad, or so I thought. This is really very clever.
I did have a brain scan once to check on the cause for constant headaches. The doctor said "Meg, you have a brain, but there is nothing in it!"
I sure hope he was referring to tumours or clots. But who knows?
Cheers MEG
Review of Yet Another Poem  
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
I have just read through your port, Amanda. Now I'm not a stuck up old lady who is about to lecture you, so don't press that delete button yet!
I have grandchildren your age and I know where you are coming from.
I also noticed that apart from what you are writing about(('m too old to get my head around the F word that often),you show signs of being a poet with something to say.
Please put this talent to good use and show me just how talented a poet you really are.
All the best MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Thank you so much for this wonderful explanation of why I am so amply endowed. It's not my fault at all!
The fault lies with Mildred and Lily.
They spend so much time arguing about what I should and shouldn't eat, that I just take the cake and leave them to fight it out. Yes it is all quite clear to me now.
A thoroughly enjoyable read.
Well written.
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
It is extremely difficult to put into words exactly what a widow feels when she has to go on alone without her mate.
You have expressed my feelings very well here.
My memories are too strong to fray at the seams.
Thankyou so much for this. I tried to put my feelings down in poem."JUST GIVE ME SOME TIME.
Thanks MEG.
Review of A Little Angel  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1188667 Unavailable **
I can not even begin to imagine the trauma a parent goes through after the loss of a child.
My heart truly goes out to you.
Maybe you can only see that little star on a clear night, but I'm sure that little star sees you and watches over you always.
A lovely piece. One way to look at it, your daughter has been the catalyst that has started you on a wonderful journey where you can let all of your emotions out through the power of verse.
Welcome to this world of WDC. I hope it gives to you all the warmth and love it gives to me.
I shut myself away when my husband passed away, and the sincere love of the people on this site has done wonders for me. May it do the same for you.
Keep writing. Love MEG
Review of THE LIBRARY  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This setion of your port is set out very well, Anna. It shows exactly where everything is.
Just a couple of errors in spelling. In the right wing
"ectrars" should be spelled "extras".
And in the back, it should read "novels and novellas".
I will have a look inside your "LIBRARY" (this is the correct way to spell "Library").
I hope to find some of your work in here.
If you have good spelling in your titles, it makes people want to look inside.
Cheers MEG.
A  heart from Pyper
Review of Old Man Sonnet...  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Oh what fun it is to be able to write friendly insults to people and get away with it under the pretext of calling it a poem written especially for them.
You are right. A poem like this is definitely worth recycling for many people when their "special" birthday comes around.
Can't waste a really good poem.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
I don't want this visit to your port to ever end!
I actually send Christmas cards to the pets of family and friends(small cards inside their owners' regular ones).
I never thought of writing a verse for them. Won't they get a surprise next Christmas. Promise to make up my own, I won't steal your terrific words.
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
I have been enjoying your poems so far,with their wonderful rhyme and rythm that I cannot fault. (The spelling and grammar are spot on too).
Then you throw this poem in to top the whole lot! What a great piece. Your story line comes through loud and clear and with this fantastic form it is made even more enjoyable. Terrific.
Review of Ode to Coffee ...  
Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Ah yes I can feel the caffiene surging through now.
One way I used to get sleepy heads out of bed in the morning was to put a pot of coffee on to brew. They would appear from everywhere drawn by the inviting aroma that wafted through the house.
Of course there was always the one lazy bones who would not budge, but call out "I'll have a cup too, if you can bring it in here".
I'm coming back as a husband in my next life, just to get coffee in bed!
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Tribute poems to mothers will be around as long as there are mothers to write them for. Each one says much the same thing but yours is special because it is written for your Mother. Mine is special because it is written for mine.
Great people these mothers. I am so grateful that I am one. It is the most rewarding profession there is.
Review of The Forgotten Cat  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
I am really a dog person. Cats just don't seem to have that appeal for me. Ok when they are kittens and cute, though.
Still I couldn't leave any animal out to face the elements. Some people unfortunately do.
They are still all God's creatures and deserve a life. Well written, MEG.
Review of Noisy Words  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Oh yes Little Bella Bunny you are definitely insane! Insanely brilliant!!
This is just a marvellous description of how poems come to you, and lines pop into your head. You must write them down immediately or they will be all jumbled in the morning. Oh yes the words will still be there in the morning, but they won't have the same impact as they did when they first came to mind.
Keep that pad and pencil handy --- it can happen at any time when you are least expecting it.
Review of Grammar Police  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Believe me, that actually hurt to read that.
If I had not known it was an example to be learned from, (sorry, an example from which to be learned), I would have clicked off after the second line.
Some mistakes are obviously typos in writer's work, but quite a few are definitely the result of neglecting to proofread what has been written.
It is a shame, really. A lot of people have some good material and the reader's enjoyment is completely deflated at the sight of unnecessary mistakes.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Yes definitely in the car, but only when I am alone, and the windows are up!
In my younger, more daring and "thought I was the greatest" days,I audition for a band my husband was getting together, just for a laugh(and in the privacy of our home with only the 4 band members present)
Did say it was Just for a laugh. Well, that's exactly what they did, all night!
And 40 years later they are still laughing when they reminisce.Luckily they are good friends and I have a good sense of humour.
I thought I was pretty good. Want to hear me?
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Well I didn't know I snored. At least, I'd never heard myself snore.
I stayed with my niece a few years ago and she told me I snored, but very softly and ladylike, most becoming of her favourite Aunt. I hope she was being truthful and not just being polite.
That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. If you hear any different please don't tell me.
Love MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Welcome to WDC Fushia. What a great list of sayings you have collected here. If you are adding to your list, feel free to add some I have collected over the years.
1.Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.
2.How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
3.Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
4.If K-Mart are lowering their prices every day, how come nothing is free yet?
5.Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
6.We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and they are all different colours ... but they all exist very nicely in the same box.
7. Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
8.A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
9. It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.
10. Have an awesome day, and know that someone who thinks you are great has thought about you today!.....
And that person was me.
Review of Combat Verse  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
On reading the description, I thought immediately of the "pen being mightier than the sword".
Your comparison between writing and combat is extremely well done.
Your poem flows with a rhyme and rhythm that makes for very easy reading and the content is quite imaginative and thought provoking. Well done, and may you fire off many more well aimed verses.
Welcome to the WDC family. With work such as this to your credit, I'm sure you will have readers flocking to see what else you have across your arm and down your hand.
Keep up the good work.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Judity, I wanted to read this to see what was in the head of someone who writes novels.I stick to poetry because it is short and sweet. I am barely able to get through reading a novel let alone write one. I tend to get sidetracked and a novel that started out as a story about a fish would end up as a trek through Alaska or something like that. See, I haven't even started reviewing and I've written heaps already about nothing.
To be brief (ha ha!)I love CSI, Monk, Law and Order, Midsomer Murders,Have the complete collection of Agatha Christie's books(and I've read them all). Shakespeare,British comedy. I don't go for romance novels at all, or any Sci-fi stuff.
I am a widow with 6 married kids.The number of grandkids fluctuates depending on how many foster kids my daughter has at the time. At present there are 15 of mine, 4 step grandkids, 4 foster g/kids, 1 great,g/daughter and 3 g/g/kids due this year. And no we are not related to the rabbit family, though it feels like it.
My mammogram is due next month and I have made the appointment. Had a best friend who succumbed to breast cancer 20 years ago, aged 42, and I take b/screens seriously.
I have an older sister(65 going on 12)and a younger brother. Al and I are close in spirit but 1000 miles apart geographically. We see each other twice a year and ring often. Sister? I track her down every month to see where she has trekked to across Australia with her "in" crowd.
Didn't have much time for writing while the kids were growing up, then my husband had a stroke and I became a full time carer for 12 years.We had the best time sitting at home just talking and laughing,well I talked, his speech was gone but we were very good at charades.Got to the stage where I knew what he wanted before he did. Lot of love there. I miss him a lot. It's been nearly 3years now and I was in a bit of a hole until I found WDC, and I haven't stopped typing for 3 months. It's a great place to be.
I will click onto your links you have here and see what gives with them.
ps. Sorry but I am not really a cat person, and cats seem to sense it. My daughter's cats won't come near me, and I've never hurt them, they just know I'm not interested. Give me a dog any day.
I could go on forever, but I guess I'd better call it quits and get on to reading your other work.
Bye for now MEG.
Review of Boo Bird  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
So sad when a pet dies. Even sadder when it is in tragic circumstances. I think your poem is a fitting "goodbye" to Boo.
I shall be back to read some more.It has been great spending this time with you. Keep writing.
Remember what I said about writing a happy poem?
Review of A Kiss  
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Normally I would say too many repeats of the same word. But that is what the poem is about, so I can't say that.
What I can say is that this is a lot cheerier, Thank you for this little gem.
2nd last line, do you think it would sound smoother:-
"If only I had one more wish". Read it aloud.
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Sure is time for people to get real and tell it how it is. Then we would all know where we stood.
Correction time again(sorry.. really, but I have to. It will make the poem so much more appealing to other readers)
Line 1.The world we live in is a twisted place
5. themselves
8. are they not ashamed
9 they're
On to the next. Hope you aren't sick of me correcting you, Jeanette, but I just want to see these poems look as good as they deserve.
Review of If You Could See  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Another very good poem, with a message, Jeanette.
Indeed, it could have been you or me.Through no fault of their own,sometimes, these people have fallen on hard times, and have no support to keep them from falling even further.
They should not be despised or scorned, nor is it right to pity them, as they are for the most part proud people who just need a fair chance and a little support to get back on their feet again.
Well done in content and quality writing.
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