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372 Public Reviews Given
380 Total Reviews Given
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I mostly use a template that covers different areas of the writing. I look for punctuation, grammar, and other technical writing skills. I will be honest with you in a very respectful manner. I may offer to assist you with making edits. This option depends on the length of the item and whether I believe you need the assistance or not. Some edits may just need to be pointed out as typos or something you overlooked.
I'm good at...
Catching changes of tenses in writing. Often times writers tend to switch from present tense to past tense. I tend to catch grammatical and punctuation errors quite easily as well.
Favorite Genres
Least Favorite Genres
Extreme horror or gore
Favorite Item Types
I truly enjoy writing that is from the heart; the innermost emotion that oftentimes can be difficult to share with others. I enjoy knowing how the writer feels or is dealing with what they are writing about.
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I do not enjoy extreme gore and dislike excessive profanity.
I will not review...
Anything that uses The Lord's name in vain or containing excessive profanity.
Public Reviews
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Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Reading your letter made me relive the pain I felt losing my father to prostate cancer that later turned into full bone cancer, causing him pain every where in his body. I feel the pain that you feel, the hurt - sometimes even the anger but I have come to accept that regardless of where research goes or what doctors can do, God will take our loved ones when He is ready for them. Not when we are ready to let go or when the doctors say they have done all they can do. My heart breaks for the pain you feel because it is all too familiar to me.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Absolutely. I have not lost anyone to breast cancer, but I do know how it feels to hear that the research has not gone far enough to help what your loved one needs help with.

Did the plot interest me? Yes.

Were the characters believable? Self emotion is definitely believable.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes

What I liked most: The love that comes through in your letter in your anger and frustration. A true love of a sibling that never goes away.

What I liked least: I would only encourage you to find peace about this with God. Your anger, your hurt, a lot of the negative emotions will subside. Realize, as you said in your letter, that your sister is no longer hurting. This was hard for me to accept a year ago when I lost my dad, but the fact of the matter is to have wanted him to stay here any longer would only have been selfish. He is in a better place, in heaven, neither of them feel any pain. They sing and rejoice for The Lord - A true love also that will never go away!

Did anything stand out? Your love, your pain... I very much hope you have or do find peace about this. It is a pain that hurts too much to hold on to.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? No, this letter is an expression of self emotion. I have written more letters than I could tell you to my dad and regardless of what anyone said I would never change a word of it because it came from my heart. 10 years from now when I want to reflect, I want to reflect the true way I felt at the time. I commend you for writing this from true heartfelt emotion.

The loss of anyone is very hard to deal with. I send you hopes of love and peace.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: A lot of emotion. I could feel your heartbreak, your depression, your eagerness for the phone to ring, and then your happiness.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, but it was not an online love. It was a several year relationship that ended for a few years and then we got back together and now we are married.

Did the plot interest me? Yes.

Were the characters believable? Yes, very realistic.

Did the item flow naturally? It did. Exceptional writing and punctuation.

What I liked most: The details in the emotions going on.

What I liked least: Would like to know where it goes from here.... :)

Did anything stand out? Yes, one of those once in a lifetime kinda love type feelings.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? Not if this is just a a chapter. If this is your completed piece I want to know more....

Was the writing memorable? Yes, I guess that lingering love is more normal that I thought it was.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Like a nightmare was unfolding before my eyes. You are very descriptive showing rather than telling.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Only in the fact that I found things wrong with our first home after the closing. It was by no means like this but at the same time it helps me to understand better.

Did the plot interest me? Yes

Were the characters believable? Yes

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, you have written a great descriptive statement in 99 words. That is not easy to do.

What I liked most: Very descriptive.

What I liked least: You seem to change tenses throughout the writing. Past / Present

Did anything stand out? Vivid detailing. Can see myself standing there looking at this with you.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? Possibly check to see if I am correct about the tense changes throughout. ( I may be wrong, it would be a first... yea right....lol )

Was the writing memorable? Yes, makes me paranoid about any future property purchases! :)

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Very proud of my team colors!!! :)

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I wear my team colors loud and proud and boast and toast. This was a very fun poem!

Did the plot interest me? Yes, I have never seen a poem even remotely close to this topic. Very unique and fun to read.

Were the characters believable? N /A

Did the item flow naturally? Yes

What I liked most: The fun of visualizing the fans in their team colors boasting about being the best of the best!

What I liked least: N / A

Did anything stand out? Unique - topic is outside of the box.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? This is a personal opinion - I would suggest using commas throughout the entire poem and only capitalizing the stanzas after a period.

Was the writing memorable? Super - super cute - I am going to share this with some people who will enjoy it. Yes, it will be memorable.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: I am not sure if it is what you meant to portray but this made me feel deep pain coming through in your words. A disabling eating away at what the heart feels or is meant to feel.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, I am bipolar. I went through a very long period of time feeling like all the emotion in me was being eaten away.

Did the plot interest me? - Yes

Were the characters believable? - Self emotion - Yes

Did the item flow naturally? - Yes, very smooth. The words flow easily in your mind.

What I liked most: The powerful expression you have made in such few words. Never underestimate the power of the written word!

What I liked least: N / A

Did anything stand out? - A draining emotional pain.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? No

Was the writing memorable? Yes, reminds me that everyone goes through phases of feeling this way and you never know when that will be so I should always be sensitive to the fact that I do not know what an individual is feeling on the inside when I begin my encounter with them.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Armchair Athlete  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this a lot. Your flow, rhythm and rhyme are dead on! Very creative and visual. I can see this being how many men think while they are "watching the game." You have a lot of talent and I look forward to reading much more of your work. As I said, I am a bit under the weather but I will be back soon!

Thanks for sharing such a fun, well written poem! Write-On!!

Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: On the edge of my seat eager to read more and then peaceful at the end.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I think we all have moments of having to remind ourselves "we believe."

Did the plot interest me? Very much so. This is a fabulous re-write of Twas the Night Before Christmas. STUNNING!

Were the characters believable? Yes, we all struggle or fade away so to say.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes. There were a few simple off rhythm spots but they were not overly distracting. For this quality of writing I would not know how to suggest any changes there. You are so talented!!

What I liked most: A beautiful twist to an all time favorite.

What I liked least: Nothing, I absolutely loved it.

Did anything stand out? How the "vision" (children) changed your state of mind.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? Not really, just peek at the FEW off rhythm spots. Not overly distracting, so I would not be very concerned about it being as this is so well written and beautiful.

Was the writing memorable? Very much so! I think I may like this better than the original Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Zmitri  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, this is exquisite. You are so expressive in a rather short poem. This is very well written and expressive. Truly expresses the emotion of love lost and missing it. You exhibit true talent in this poem and I look forward to reading more of your work.

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!

Review of William Writer  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is jovial and very cute. Definitely a great way to show appreciation to a friend you have made here on the site. I truly enjoyed reading this and I am sure your friend was very honored that you would take the time to let them know how you feel. Thanks for sharing, it is a great inspiration to realize that friendships here on the site are heartfelt and treasured.

Review of The Jesters' Lie  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

You did an amazing job with this poem. As I was reading it I was thinking this is so powerful and just sinks straight into the mind the way any good writing should. I am very impressed. I do not have any suggestions for improvements, just wanted to let you know how very much I like it.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Chill Out!  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I noticed this was from 2009 and I was wondering if you were successful with your resolutions for that year. I know I am a bit late but I am truly soul searching and processing my resolutions for this year to ensure success.

This was very well written and you set yourself a good guideline to follow, I was impressed.

Thanks for sharing this publicly.

Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Comforted. Like a leader, proud to lead and guide the way this poem so strongly expresses. You have created a very visual creation. The imagery is loud and bold; I like that.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I relate this mostly to me being a mother and also with working with other children through counseling and tutoring.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, you make a very clear and loud statement about molding and creating.

Were the characters believable? Yes.

Did the item flow naturally? No. You told me it was suggested to you that you create a poem out of a previous prose item and I do agree that the wording is VERY poetic. I do not believe that you have the stanzas and punctuation formatted properly to make this item flow well as a poetry piece. It is absolutely beautiful as a poem; however, I think you need to format it to flow more smoothly off the tongue and brain.

What I liked most: The powerful statement you have made with very poetic / lyrical words.

What I liked least: The long / short stanza flow that is off rhythm. The repetition of the word and in the last verse. You used it 3 times in approximately 9 words.

Did anything stand out? - The imagery you have created.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? I will offer my opinions in private if you would like them.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, the wording stands out as bold and powerful.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Tony  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Like you are a kind and gentle soul.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, short acrostic with very descriptive information.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very beautiful.

What I liked most: Flowed very well.

What I liked least: Nothing.

Did anything stand out? Powerful and BOLD!

Is there anything I would change within the writing? NO!

Was the writing memorable? Yes, I enjoy acrostics and would love to see you write more!!

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Well, you know what they say about to "assume," this reminded me of that.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, not in the illegal sense; however, most of us jump to the wrong conclusion quite often.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, interesting twist.

Were the characters believable? Yes, jovial co-workers planning a surprise and the criminal in fear.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very well written.

What I liked most: The surprise twist as to why they were there.

What I liked least: hmn... If they get killed.

Did anything stand out? Powerful statement in 300 words.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? No

Was the writing memorable? Yes, reminds me not to jump to the worst conclusion.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Compassion, sympathy and peace.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, through losses and faith in God that they are no longer suffering. No, I have never experienced the loss of a child. Mine or otherwise.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, very sentimental.

Were the characters believable? Yes, personal emotion, child, and God's comfort and loving arms.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes

What I liked most: Absolutely beautiful and sentimental song.

What I liked least: Nothing.

Did anything stand out? -

Is there anything I would change within the writing? The child being God's angel.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, a very lovely song to comfort those in pain.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel:Disturbed. Drawn in to what was to come next. Very intriguing and held my attention.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Only by very intense nightmares of similar content.

Did the plot interest me? Very much so.

Were the characters believable? Yes, I have heard of black outs and this is an exceptional description of such events.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very easy to read. Stayed focused on what you were saying and the story.

What I liked most: Very descriptive. I could feel the confusion and intense emotion.

What I liked least: I would only express that in private because it is a personal opinion that does not need to be expressed publicly.

Did anything stand out? The intensity of the distress.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? I think where you use the word "lays" it should be "lies" - You may want to check on that.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, keeps me mindful that I may struggle with bipolar but others suffer from issues that are just as traumatizing.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Angie and Jesus  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel:Inspired and glad that I work with children under 12 to learn about Jesus and His unconditional love.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I see the confusion and deep interest in cildren,including my own, to learn about Jesus and what He did for us.

Did the plot interest me? Very much. Very heartfelt and inspirational.

Were the characters believable? Yes, the intrigue of the 3 year old (Angie) and the distress over doing the right thing when the family was not supportive of religious discussion.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very easy to read and draws you in.

What I liked most: Your devotion and time spent with Angie to be a positive influence on her life.

What I liked least: Nothing.

Did anything stand out? Your desire to teach Angie but your concern about what was the right thing to do.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? No.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, it so much reminds me of teaching my children songs, rhymes and passages of the Bible. Brought back very precious memories.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of FIRST LOVE  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Emotional, made me think of childhood memories and the fact that we were more fortunate than others. Makes me realize I was a selfish and greedy child. It also makes me think of a very special love I lost, not my first but a very dear one, nonetheless.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Hit very close to home. Brought out a lot of memories and emotions.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, the story draws you in and you are eager to know where the story will go.

Were the characters believable? Yes.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very well written.

What I liked most: I liked the story very much. I really liked the fact that you express so much emotion and are so descriptive in your writing.

What I liked least: Punctuation and paragraph format. Please see below.

Did anything stand out? Emotion and self reflection.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? I would suggest looking at your punctuation and your paragraph format. Some paragraphs are very short; however, the next paragraph seems to fit in, so, in my opinion the paragraphs could be put together. I think a normal paragraph is 4-5 sentences. I will be glad to work with you on this in private if you would like because I see tremendous potential with this.

Was the writing memorable? Yes,self reflection is always a good thing. I need to do it more often. Although, there are a lot of painful memories, they did make me who I am today.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Although, this poem is not about death - I believe it is about parting ways in a relationship but this put a little peace in my heart because I have lost 2 very dear loved ones since May.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, in regard to relationships and death.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, saying goodbye is never easy.

Were the characters believable? Yes, expression of self emotion.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes,beautiful writing. Very expressive.

What I liked most: The emotion behind what you are saying.

What I liked least: Lack of punctuation throughout poem.

Did anything stand out? Strong emotion, disappointment and hurt.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? Personally, I would put a comma after the first stanza, lower case the first letter of the next and end that line with a period. I would continue this process throughout the entire poem. I would correct the spelling of "saying" in the description of the poem. Simple typo I believe you overlooked.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, I have said goodbye a lot lately. This reminds me I am not the only one who feels this hurt over their losses.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of The Brave  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Happy that others are expressing gratitude for our soldiers. Please take a look at my contest, I would love your permission to send this to the troops I am sending care packages to. Please let me know.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I was engaged to a SFC in the Army. He served 23.5 years and passed away.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, it shows appreciation for the sacrifices our troops make.

Were the characters believable? Yes. Our troops put their lives on the line everyday to protect our freedom and liberties.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes. It is a little different and stiff from poetry that I typically like but it did read very well.

What I liked most: Supporting our troops.

What I liked least: Nothing stood out that I did not like.

Did anything stand out? Yes, true heartfelt appreciation.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? No

Was the writing memorable? Very. It shows love, honor, respect and gratitude for those who serve for US!

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Emotional - I know many who served in Vietnam and this made me visualize what they endured.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, self sacrifice and fear. It may not be the same for me but I can relate to the desperation.

Did the plot interest me? Very much so. The details truly drew me in.

Were the characters believable? Yes, self and friend looking out for one another in time of need and desperation.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes, very well written. No noticeable grammar or punctuation errors.

What I liked most: The vivid description.You "show" not "tell"

What I liked least: Short - I realize it was for a prompt but I would have loved to have read more.

Did anything stand out? Yes, the feelings of what to do in a crisis. The fear and desperation that we all feel from time to time.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? Make longer because the reader is completely drawn into this story.

Was the writing memorable? Yes. Very powerful.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Brings the reality of what television encircles more realistic written this way. This is a cute and whimsical poem with the harsh truth boldly stated within.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes because I am guilty of being addicted to such shows.

Did the plot interest me? - Very much so. I am in awe of how you stated an issue so serious so playfully and maintaining interest throughout.

Were the characters believable? - Does not really apply unless you are seeing the television as the character but yes it is believable.

Did the item flow naturally? - Most definitely! Very well written; I am genuinely impressed.

What I liked most: That this states a seriousness in a fashion that most all can enjoy and understand.

What I liked least: Did not notice anything I did not like.

Did anything stand out? - Your high energy personality seems to radiate throughout the entire poem.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - No.

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, the way it made me step back and realize how right you are in what you are saying in this poem.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of To My Angel  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Warm and invited. This is a beautiful portrait of your love.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Absolutely! My husband also calls me his angel and much of what you say are things that are special between he and I as well.

Did the plot interest me? - Very much. A warm loving tale is always nice! Especially, poems written to your lover.

Were the characters believable? - Yes. You, your wife and God.

Did the item flow naturally? - In my opinion, there are places that the poem seems forced. Sometimes, it feels like words are left out just to keep the stanzas all the same length.

What I liked most: Your true expression of love.

What I liked least: That almost every line ends in a period and the following line starts in caps. Maybe, you could consider using commas and lower case where appropriate.

Did anything stand out? - Heartfelt love and devotion. Gratefulness for what she has been to you and gratitude to God for blessing you with her.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - Just the things I have already mentioned.

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, this a beautiful love poem. I found it as a Random Read and I found it very intimate that you share your innermost thoughts in this fashion for your wife.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of My Granddad  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a very precious token of affection for your grandfather. I found this under Read a Newbie and I like it. I lost my grandfather the day after I turned 17. He had taught me to drive, been the one who stood up for me, he was my best friend and we were inseparable That was 21 & 1/2 years ago. I lost my dad the end of August this year... he had taken the place as best friend over the years... amazing how we grow!!

This is a beautiful and priceless tribute to man who sounds very worthy of honor and respect.

I did see some corrections that I would like to suggest but would like to do that in private as to not disrespect such a sentimental piece! If you would like, just e mail me.

How did the writing make you feel? - Compassionate

Can you relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, I stated why in my opening paragraph.

Did the plot interest you? - Very much so. It hit close to home so I was very interested.

Were the characters believable? - Very believable and descriptive telling of him.

What did you like most? - The love behind the poem

Did anything stand out? - Great respect and admiration

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, very expressive and honoring to your grandfather.

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Madame's Debut  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
How did the writing make you feel? - This is not intended as an insult but the emotion I felt from this poem was depression. Everything about the opera woman is negative as if you are feeling for her misery in the costume.

Can you relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, I have been at shows that I have wondered more about what was going through their minds than what was actually going on but that was at a very young age before I developed a great passion for the arts.

Did the plot interest you? - It was interesting to see how you perceived her while you were thinking of her suffering.

Were the characters believable? - Very believable and descriptive telling of her.

Did the dialog flow naturally? - I believe the flow could be adjusted to seem more natural.

What did you like most? - The detailed description.

What did you like least? - You spelled "and" and "the" incorrectly

Did anything stand out? - A negative vibe about how you feel about the arts, especially Opera.

Is there anything you would change within the writing? - Correct the spelling and possibly toy with the rhythm and meter some.

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, very expressive.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
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