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372 Public Reviews Given
380 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I mostly use a template that covers different areas of the writing. I look for punctuation, grammar, and other technical writing skills. I will be honest with you in a very respectful manner. I may offer to assist you with making edits. This option depends on the length of the item and whether I believe you need the assistance or not. Some edits may just need to be pointed out as typos or something you overlooked.
I'm good at...
Catching changes of tenses in writing. Often times writers tend to switch from present tense to past tense. I tend to catch grammatical and punctuation errors quite easily as well.
Favorite Genres
Least Favorite Genres
Extreme horror or gore
Favorite Item Types
I truly enjoy writing that is from the heart; the innermost emotion that oftentimes can be difficult to share with others. I enjoy knowing how the writer feels or is dealing with what they are writing about.
Least Favorite Item Types
I do not enjoy extreme gore and dislike excessive profanity.
I will not review...
Anything that uses The Lord's name in vain or containing excessive profanity.
Public Reviews
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Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Jim,

Your lady is going to be a blushing beauty when she reads this. It is truly beautiful token of your love and admiration for not only her but your love and relationship as a couple. I do not see any edits that need to be done. I applaud you immensely for sharing your heartfelt emotion in this beautiful poem. I am sure she will love more than anyone else who will ever read it.

Exquisite work, keep it up and Write-On!


"Invalid Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Your item was entered in "Invalid Item . This entry comes with a review to show appreciation for participating.

This is a lovely story. I truly could not help but to laugh as I read this, it made me think of how my grandparent were in the latter years of their lives. I loved them so very much but both of them could be so ornery at times. You brought out some genuine giggles in me. Your story is very realistic, very well written, and full of detail and imagery.

I do have a few minor suggestions; however, these suggestions are my personal opinion. Please do not ever change anything you are not comfortable with changing.


One could easily imagine them as the perfect Mr. and Mrs. Claus, had it not been for their dexterous talent to revile one another in their current predicament.

I, being a doctor of sublime conscientiousness to my work, was determined to set their problems right.

“The grandchildren love my baking, ”she explained.”Dr.Fox, it’s pure malice Joe won’t let me use that pumpkin.”

I do not think grandchildren needs to be capitalized in your story. Grandchildren is not a proper noun, if I am not mistaken you would only put it in caps at the beginning of a sentence.

“That pumpkin means a lot to me but winning is not the only reason I won’t let her use it. She ticked me off!”

“He went to get the paper, just walked right outside while I was talking to him,” she replied.” I figured he could stay out there awhile.”

“He’s too ornery to get sick,” she flashed.” Last summer he ran over my roses with his new-fangled riding lawn mower.”

The things I have pointed out here continue throughout the story but I think you get the point. You created a wonderful story AND used all of the word prompts required for the contest you entered. Kudos, my dear, kudos!!

Thank you for sharing this with me and I very much encourage you to WRITE-ON!!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Your item was posted in "Invalid Item, which entitles you to a review to show appreciation for participation.

First, I would like to say I applaud you for so boldly expressing what many have seemingly forgotten. We all are beautiful and the term "ugly" is definitely a man-made insult to boost an ego that is deprived of its own self confidence. I truly like what you have expressed in your poem and I believe it is a message the world needs to be reminded of.

As I read your poem, I notice the meter and rhythm is not balanced. This causes the poem to not flow as naturally is it could. There are also a few places you have left out punctuation. Punctuation also accents poetry and helps the reader to understand how you intend for it to be read.

Below are a few suggestions I have for your poem. Please remember, these suggestions are my personal opinion and you should never change anything you are not comfortable with changing.

The forms are many the understanding is few. 12
Beauty is physical for much of the time. 11
The perception of beauty is what is a crime. 11
Your magazines, your books, role models on tv. 12
They don’t advocate this….6
Physical imperfection is beauty. 10
Battle scars and wrinkles show true grit and character. 13
People who survive through life and come out with a smile. 13
From birth to death and all in between. 9
Beauty shines through in everything we are. 11

Beauty has other forms away from you and I. 12
The winter sun, the lashing rain, the clear blue summer sky. 14
The animals the birds and bees, 8
Rivers, lands and trees ,5
It makes me sad that people don’t see the beauty in you and in me. 17

This world is beautiful if you take the time to notice. 14
You are beautiful if you take the time to care. 12

Beauty is everywhere 7
Ugly is man-made created to put you down. 12
The by-product of ignorance and insecurity of others. 17

You are beautiful.5
Embrace yourself.4

If you look at the number beside each stanza it represents the meter - It is very imbalanced and makes it difficult to get a natural flow while reading.

You have a great item here and I encourage you to work with it more. This is an expression that needs to spread around the world and you just may be the person to do it!!


Keep up the great work and I would like to encourage you to Write-On

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi ruwth ,

I saw your post on your newsfeed asking for reviews of this item so I thought I would take a look. This is a very sweet and short sentiment of how I believe many of us feel from time to time.

I read over the item and I only have a few brief suggestions to make, please remember these are my opinion, do not change anything you are not comfortable with changing.

There are a few unnecessary that's in your story - This is a problem I have had and still struggle with. There are items in my portfolio I need to go back and edit due to this same thing.

You wrote:
I wished that I could just pick up the phone and call God -- I wanted that clear back and forth interaction with Him that would be possible with a phone call.

I wished I could pick up the phone and call God -- I wanted a clear back and forth interaction .....

The only other thing that truly caught my attention was you seem to change persons in your story. You seem to go from speaking in first person as "I" to speaking as "you." I believe you should keep the entire writing as a first person perspective.

You wrote:
I wished we could dial something like 1-800-JESUS. As I mulled the idea over in my mind, I got to wondering what would happen if you did try to place a phone call to Jesus.

I wished I could dial something like 1-800-JESUS. As I mulled the idea over in my mind, I got to wondering what would happen if I did try to place a phone call to Jesus.

I truly like the idea behind what you are saying here and it is truly admirable what you do in the end of your story. I do not want to give it away in your review but it was truly heartfelt and respectable.

You have a great item here that can impact a lot of hearts. I encourage you to keep working with your Christian writing, never know, it could be a key to changing someone else's life forever!

Keep up the great work and Write-On!!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I have read through your book entries for quite a while and I must say, you sound like a very intelligent person who likes to analyze pretty much any category that crosses your path. I like the way you think and write. As I read through your entries, I saw some punctuation errors BUT I read over a different story earlier about martial arts and did not see those same errors. I believe you are intentionally being lenient with yourself here, which is great, it allows for you to type what comes to mind as you think it.

I like what you have going here... I might create something similar for myself.

Thank you for sharing all your great stories and insightful thoughts...

As for trading quality of life for 10 less years.... I would definitely do it - or bring the rapture on :) I would not complain about leaving this corrupt world for eternal rest!

Great job and Write-On!!!

MeMbEr Of WDC Angel ARMY


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your item was sent to my by ruwth . She was very encouraged and uplifted by your entries for "The Christian Writing Contest last year.

I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: You have done a wonderful job here of making me feel connected to your devotional. As I read it I could see how what you were saying directly related to my life and the life of anyone who would read or study it. I truly like the "Circle of Life" aspect you applied here. This was a very powerful and effective technique for your devotional.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, you have encouraged me to continue to strengthen my relationship with God because it is not an earthly reward we are after, it is our heavenly reward of eternal life. Although we can find earthly peace and rest the true joy comes when we pass.

Did the plot interest me? Absolutely. You have done an exceptional job of converting the scripture of Psalms 1 into a daily devotional in which most any reader can understand and be drawn into. You have a true gift with this.

Were the characters believable? Your scene and characters are very real-life and believable. I especially like how the point of your devotional is made in the passing away of Ana.

Did the item flow naturally? Yes. Your sentences are lengthy with great imagery and detail. I did not see any sentences that seemed short or chopped off. In my opinion, your flow and structure are ideal for a devotional item.

What I liked most: The love for Christ that flows from your heart to your pen!

What I liked least: There isn't anything, except a few punctuation errors, that I disliked.

Did anything stand out? Your love for Christ and Christian writing.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? There are a few places where I noticed lack of punctuation in your devotional. I believe these may be mere oversight.

For example:

You wrote:
Anna loved her bible the limited access she had to the outdoors.

Anna loved her bible, the limited access she had to the outdoors.

You wrote:
Despite her handicapped condition she made the most of every opportunity she had to drink in the bliss that came her way.

Despite her handicapped condition, she made the most of every opportunity to drink in the bliss that came her way. (Stating she had is redundant being as you have already told us who you are talking about in this sentence.)

There are a few more places where you may like to review punctuation, I hope these two sentences give you a better idea of what to look for.

Was the writing memorable? Yes. This is a devotional style I would buy had I picked it up at a store and read it. It is intellectually stimulating with The Word without diluting it. You have a phenomenal talent in this genre. I hope you will nurture it and allow God to guide your steps to use this talent to glorify Him!!

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Many people do not realize how difficult these poems can be to write. You have done a great job with your flow and meter - I love that the poem itself is about the spider. I hope to see more of these from you!

I like writing acrostics, some people are better than others - such as you!!

Great work and Write-On!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Abduction  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I found your item as a Random Review.

I think you have done a great job with the criteria of a 100 word limit. You have created very vivid imagery and created the gore and horror scene requested. Personally, I don't understand why the ratings are so low on this item under the circumstances of the criteria you had.

Quite honestly, this is a short review for me because I do not see any technical writing errors to point out and there is not much more I could say about a 100 word writing....

You did a wonderful job with this.

Keep up the great work and Write-On!!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Mock review  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I found your item as a Random Review. To be quite honest, I do not know how to do a review of a mock review. Giggle Giggle.

I will say this though...

I appreciate you sharing this. Although I do reviews pretty regular, I found several ideas that I can implement into my reviewing style. I am sure many people who have not done many reviews will find this to be very beneficial.

Again, thank you for sharing this and for your wisdom and insight in regard to giving a better review!

Keep up the great work and Write-On!!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, I found this is a Random Review....

For this poem to be so short, you have done a fabulous job with it. You completely caught me off-guard with your last stanza. I would have never come up with the idea of carrying a rabbit on Friday the Thirteenth. Not only was that ingenious thinking and adds a comical spin to a cute poem.

Keep up the great work and Write-On!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (3.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army I found your item as a Random Review Item.

How the writing made me feel: Your essay about love made me think about my husband and all the many things that make me love him. I believe we all have different things we look for in a partner and I appreciate you sharing what makes you love the man you picked for yourself.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? Yes, I often think about the characteristics that draw me closer and closer to my husband over the years.

Did the plot interest me? Yes, I believe it is important for us to know what we appreciate about our partners so we can encourage those characteristics in them. I have found with my husband, the more I encourage the characteristics I like the more he tends to not use the ones I dislike. (GRIN)

Were the characters believable? Self expression and innermost thoughts are definitely believable.

Did the item flow naturally? There are some short sentences that do not flow well. I believe if you were to expand on some of your sentences you could fix this and make your essay an easier read. I would suggest reading the essay out loud. I have taken this advice from others over the years and it helps me to correct the way it actually reads verses the way I intended for it to read and flow.

What I liked most: Your courage to post your innermost thoughts about your partner.

What I liked least: There are some things in your essay that appear to be typos, such as: not using caps when you need to, some areas of punctuation, and some spelling errors. If you would like some further assistance with this I would be glad to help you.

Did anything stand out? Your love and devotion to your partner.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? I would take a look at the technical writing skills and make the appropriate edits.

Was the writing memorable? Yes, this is a beautiful essay about your feelings and emotions. I would be so honored if someone were ever to write something like this for me

You have a very touching writing here. I encourage you to edit it and share it with the person you wrote it for, if you haven't already.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army I found your item as a read a newbie option and I must say I am very impressed with what I have read here. I can not tell if this is a true story or a story you have written to share God's miraculous love and healing. Either way it is absolutely heartwarming and very well written.

How the writing made me feel: Emotional - It kept me wanting to know what was going to happen to George.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, unfortunately my love one passed away but they did know and experience God's amazing love and blessings before they did.
Did the plot interest me? - Yes, this is very realistic and how I envision many families functioning in a crisis of this sort

Were the characters believable? - Absolutely, very nicely described.

Did the item flow naturally? - Yes, I found this to be a very smooth read.

What I liked most: Giving the credit to God.

What I liked least: Nothing

Did anything stand out? - The love for your husband and for God.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - No

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, it is so family oriented I found it to be encouraging and worthy of sharing with others who I care about.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found your item as a Random Review item and wanted to share my thoughts with you.

First, I would like to say you have a lot of technical writing talent. I did not notice any errors in your writing, which I find quite impressive due to the structure and subject matter you took on.

I am sorry to hear that you do not believe in God but I like the way you respectfully write your views and accept others for believing in Him. Personally, I will say I have known no greater peace or rest than the peace and rest I have found in Him. As for me, I got close to The Lord because my life seem to have become one crisis after another and I felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I did not find peace and rest from this until I truly and honestly released it all to God.

To give you a better idea, I dealt with 5 deaths in a little over 2 years. One being a fiance, one being my dad and the other 3 being people I was still close to just not to the extent I was with those 2. Then, came severely unexpected incidents with someone i had known for over 12 years. As I have said, crisis after crisis after crisis.... I saw no other way to deal with my life except to give it over to God and pray He would allow me to find peace, rest, happiness, joy - All the things He wants and intends for us to have all along.

Thank you for sharing this item. It takes a big person to say I do not believe what some believe but I respect what they believe. I run across a lot of people who have a science verses faith perception of things; however, they are very argumentative that their way is right and is the only explanation of anything. I believe you have the attitude of learning and growing in what may be different from what you have believed because this song made you see things in a different light.

If you would ever like to discuss this further, I would love to chat with you or exchange emails sometime.

May God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.

Tale care of yourself and Write-On!!

This was excellent writing of self expression and emotion!!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Dear ruwth ,

I absolutely love this contest. It is a great inspiration and driving force to get believers and nonbelievers alike into the word. It is my opinion, you are witnessing God's unwavering love and desire for us to have a closer walk with Him in a way that people on the site can relate to. - Through writing and promoting for others to write Christian works. I commend you for creating this contest and encouraging others to dive into the Bible, write about specific scripture, and encouraging others to develop a relationship with Christ.

The Bible says, "Be ye not lukewarm" - You have shown, in my opinion, that you are not lukewarm by your public display of your love for Jesus. You are attempting to reach others who may otherwise not get to read or study much scripture.

I look forward to participating in this contest and expressing my interpretation of the scripture posted each month. I added you and this item to my favorites so i can quickly and easily read what others post and correspond with people in regard to this.

Thank you for sharing this with me and asking me to take a look at it. This was quite a blessing to start out my Sunday morning before going to church.

All glory and praise to God for giving you the courage to show and tell where your heart is spiritually.

May God give each person who participates in this contest or in any Christian writing the strength, wisdom, and guidance to speak boldly on His behalf - bring glory to His name and His name alone.

May your day be blessed and filled with loving thoughts and ways to create beautiful friendships!

Know God, Know Peace
No God, No Peace

I can only hope my words encourage you to keep this wonderful contest in full swing. If I can assist you with it in any way please let me know.



Proud Member of: The WDC Angel Army
Review of Fear is...  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Fear holds so many people back from achieving dreams that could change the rest of their lives. This is a very insightful writing. Fear grips people and stops them from even trying - You have done a great job here of making people aware of what fear can do.

Thank you for sharing and this - I hope you will never let fear hold you back!!



*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I Met Death  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your very descriptive writing makes me wish I had seen the prompt you got this inspiration from. You are a very talented writer. The image that keeps coming to my mind is the Grim Reaper coming to take people by death. I did not notice any technical writing errors.

What was the prompt image that inspired this?

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found this item to be very beneficial and encouraging. I am in the process of writing a paper that has been heavy on my heart for several weeks. The paper is about the difference in being a convert and being a disciple. There are so many times that I think who am I to do this or that, I am not qualified to do it and The Lord gently reminds me that He does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. You have covered this nicely in your writing. If a person was to explore a variety of writings from before my calling to The Lord became a "relationship", these are writings that I would not write now, but they were the me before my heart changed. You are so RIGHT, we serve a marvelous God with marvelous LOVE.

One thing I like a lot about your article is that you remind people that Jesus loved the sinner. He did not ridicule women for being a witness, He encouraged it. There are so many things in your writing that encourage me and inspire me to continue writing the paper that has been on my heart. I am so glad I came across this.

I am sorry to read of you losing your dad in 2000, I lost mine in 2012 - One thing I remind myself regularly is that I may have had a wonderful earthly father who was a strong man and a wonderful example for me but I have an even better Heavenly Father iwho loves and encourages me more than my earthly father ever did or could have. That is by no means an insult to my dad, it is ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD!!

Thank you for sharing a very well written and informative item.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am quite surprised with something you have done here....

I am rarely captivated by any type of scientific writing, but you were able to draw me in with your story. It is very well written, I did not see any errors with writing skills, and your story is full of detail and imagery.

I could envision the entire process of things the Doctor did. I read with curiosity of what was to come.... Had this been a book, it would have definitely been a page-turner that would have been hard for me to put down.

Thank you for sharing your creative talent and your writing skills with us!!



*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
I found your story as a random review. I normally do my reviews using a template but as a mother I wanted to reply to this more from the heart than as a writer. Well, actually I want to approach your story from both aspects. First of all, as a mother I would like to say you are dead on with the jealousy issue of Megan. I have seen jealousy arise due to age differences arise several times with siblings; however, I feel that you are trivializing the issue and seriousness of a bed-wetting child. If a child is old enough to "admire" their diaper, they are old enough to either be disciplined for intentionally not going to the bathroom or they are old enough for the parent to recognize this as a medically / psychologically related incident that needs professional attention. With family discussion and honesty about what the underlying issue in this situation is both situations could be dealt with appropriately.

In regard to your writing skills, I believe you need to take some time to edit your story. There are numerous technical errors in your story. The errors I noticed range from not capitalizing nouns, to improper punctuation. You have one paragraph and I believe if you were to break this into several paragraphs and expand on your individual thoughts and actions of the characters you could develop quite a story. I would be glad to assist you with some edits, if you are interested. I am a decent writer and can help you; however, there are many much more skilled writers on the site who can help you as well. You could learn a lot by reading and reviewing some other writings that are posted on the site. I would suggest looking over some of the reviews and finding pieces other people have said are done exceptionally well and read over them. Look at their grammar, punctuation, formatting, etc.

Please keep in mind everything I have stated here is my personal opinion. Do not change anything that you are not comfortable with changing.

Thank you for sharing and I encourage you to Write-On!!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army I found your story as a random read and decided to share my thoughts with you. Please, read all of my review before you develop any personal thoughts because the first part is about personal interest - Just because the story is not of personal interest to me does not mean that I will not give you a fair and courteous review.

How did the writing make you feel? Your story made me remember the many years as a child and preteen I spent watching Star Trek movies and the television show. That is a fond memory as the majority of the time I was watching it with my grandfather who passed away almost 22 years ago.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? No. I have seen many shows and met several people who have Trekkie syndrome, but personally I just don't get it. I can understand liking a show or a movie but I cannot comprehend some of the things Trekkie's do. Your story is a prime example of one of the things I simply cannot comprehend; however, there are people out there who would do this.

Did the plot interest me? No. You have the start of what has potential to be a good story, but it is not something I would continue to follow. You have the creative ideas off to a good start, I just simply have outgrown my Star Trek phase.

Were the characters believable? Yes and no. A person sitting at the computer fantasizing about what they could do with this item they found is very realistic. The idea that they would do what they did is where I get a little turned off because of the fact that it is so unrealistic it made me lose interest. I am sure for some this would not be the case because they fully understand and relate to the Trekkie syndrome.

Did the item flow naturally? I saw some errors in your writing skills. This is a relatively short item and I do not want to chop it to pieces if you are simply in the developing ideas, but I did see quite a few sentence fragments, slang mixed with proper grammar, and other technical writing errors.

What I liked most: I like the fact that you started your story using a modern day technology and site to carry us back to something that is so far away from what we do today.

What I liked least: The technical errors.

Did anything stand out? Your creativity. This is a great story-line for someone who is interested in Star Trek adventures.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? I would edit it. If you need help with this I would be glad to help you or I am sure there are many people on the site interested in this genre who would be glad to help you.

I would like to strongly encourage you to expand on what you have started here. If you add to it and edit it, I believe you will have a story A LOT of people will enjoy reading and sharing with others!!!

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I found this is a random read. I enjoyed it quite a bit as word restricted item. You have done a very challenging assignment very well. You have a lot of imagery and detail in your story that I would like to see you expand on. I truly think with your writing skill and details you could turn this into an amazing story. I truly would like to encourage you to work with this more after the word limit challenge ends. If it has already, I hope you add to it and let me know so I can read what you add.

Excellent writing!

Keep up the great work and keep writing!

Review of Family Stitches  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: This brought back a lot of warm loving memories for me. My grandmother made quilts on a regular basis. I remember she made me one and recently I have gotten into a mode where I want to do so many of the things my grandmother taught me. I had told my husband the other day I wanted to make a quilt just as you described. I truly believe I was meant to read this to encourage that idea.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, your poem brought back a ton of memories and is also very inspiring. I would like to leave my daughter the quilts and knowledge my grandmother left me with.

Did the plot interest me? - Yes

Were the characters believable? - Yes, self emotion is very sincere and beautifully expressed.

Did the item flow naturally? - Yes

What I liked most: Self expression.

What I liked least: Nothing

Did anything stand out? - The family heirloom and love in homemade treasures.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - No

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, it made me remember my grandmother fondly and want to pass what I learned from her to my daughter.

Thank you for sharing this. It truly does make me want to teach my daughter so many of the things I learned years and years ago that aren't too commonplace anymore.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Books Of Lives  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

I found this item via the random review option.

How the writing made me feel: Intrigued - It is interesting to think where the mind's thoughts are stored. You put a very interesting spin on this.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, it made me think about the fact that without passing our thoughts, wisdom, knowledge, etc... on to other people in just passes away when we do.

Did the plot interest me? - Yes, this writing made me realize that I need to write much more and share much more openly my thoughts, feelings, knowledge.

Were the characters believable? - Yes

Did the item flow naturally? - No. I had to read it slowly and several times to get a flow that worked well for me. The poetry formatting with periods in the center of stanzas threw me off.

What I liked most: The point that you make about not letting our minds works die with our body.

What I liked least: The formatting and punctuation.

Did anything stand out? - A thought that I know was already in my subconscious; however, I had not consciously thought about it's importance.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - Personally, I would format this either as sentences / paragraphs or edit the punctuation and stanzas as a poem. It is very beautiful wording; however, it can be a difficult read if a person does not take the time to find what works for them with reading it. Please realize, I think what you have written is beautiful.... I simply found difficulty in the flow.

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, you brought a very important point to my mind. I am sure from here on out I will be doing a lot of journaling and other writings to pass on to my children and to other people - hoping my mind's thoughts don't pass away when I do. Thank you for this insightful writing.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Ghost wolf  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (2.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: You use some very powerful imagery in your story; however, I remained confused as to what was going on in the story and never felt that I got any understanding of what had happened.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - I have experienced strange things happen and have also experienced the kindness of strangers.

Did the plot interest me? - I think, if you had given more clarity or added more to the story that I could have been drawn in rather quickly. I felt this was only an opening and I couldn't attach myself to the writing due to my lack of understanding as to what was going on or where the story was going.

Were the characters believable? - Yes.

Did the item flow naturally? - Yes, but it seems like just part of a story to me.

What I liked most: Details.

What I liked least: Grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and the unfinished feeling I got.

Did anything stand out? - Yes, this has potential to be a very strong story if you were to expand on it, and edit it. I will be glad to assist you with the editing if you are interested.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - Add to it and edit it. You have a great skills, in my opinion, you should just add more to your story and do some edits.

Was the writing memorable? - At this point, I would say this is a story I would like to revisit if you were to make revisions.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of My Hope  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to review you as a member of: "The WDC Angel Army

How the writing made me feel: Depressed - made me think about all that could be if only we would work for it and encourage it in ourselves and others.

Can I relate to the writing through a personal experience? - Yes, I believe this is something we all feel at some point, especially as a parent.

Did the plot interest me? - Yes, life lessons.

Were the characters believable? - NA

Did the item flow naturally? - I had issues with the flow of your poem. I had to read it numerous times to find my own rhythm that allowed me to internalize it.

What I liked most: The sentiment, feelings, thoughts behind the words. Your concern about the issue.

What I liked least: Lack of punctuation.

Did anything stand out? - Strongly expressed the desire for a change.

Is there anything I would change within the writing? - I would revisit the idea of punctuating the poem more for an easier flow pattern. Your words are so beautiful, but without the punctuation it is a little difficult to follow.

Was the writing memorable? - Yes, I like writings that are self expressive. Bringing out the spirit of who a person truly is.

Please keep in mind these comments are strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never change anything that you are not comfortable with changing!!

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
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