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372 Public Reviews Given
380 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I mostly use a template that covers different areas of the writing. I look for punctuation, grammar, and other technical writing skills. I will be honest with you in a very respectful manner. I may offer to assist you with making edits. This option depends on the length of the item and whether I believe you need the assistance or not. Some edits may just need to be pointed out as typos or something you overlooked.
I'm good at...
Catching changes of tenses in writing. Often times writers tend to switch from present tense to past tense. I tend to catch grammatical and punctuation errors quite easily as well.
Favorite Genres
Least Favorite Genres
Extreme horror or gore
Favorite Item Types
I truly enjoy writing that is from the heart; the innermost emotion that oftentimes can be difficult to share with others. I enjoy knowing how the writer feels or is dealing with what they are writing about.
Least Favorite Item Types
I do not enjoy extreme gore and dislike excessive profanity.
I will not review...
Anything that uses The Lord's name in vain or containing excessive profanity.
Public Reviews
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Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Tim,

I found your poem as a Random Read and I absolutely love it! Your expressions are so clear and well versed throughout the entire poem. Being as it is early on Thanksgiving morning, this made me take a second and reflect on all that I truly have to be thankful for. One thing is for sure, I have generosity bestowed upon me beyond relief in the last few days here on the site. And, in my everyday life there are so many blessings given to me by God. I truly enjoyed this and it made my Thanksgiving start off in exactly the mindset that it should be in.

Thank you for sharing and Write-On!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Although, I know my way around the site relatively well and know how to create items, I found some very useful information in your article. I found this is a Random Read and thought it was a catchy title so I read on. I hope that this will help many newcomers learn how to do the things that I had to learn on my own or by asking others. Great idea to post this.

Thanks for sharing!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, I am impressed! One-hundred words with no repeats! I found this as a Random Read and your title caught my attention. This is so very well written and under the circumstances that is amazing!

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful piece!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Morning Brew  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! You did an absolutely phenomenal job with this!! I love the way that you added the picture to accent the poem.

Very well written and a true pleasure to read. Left me with a sincere feeling of tranquility for a moment!


Keep up the good work and Write-On!!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Chèvre  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is too cute! I found it as a random read and truly enjoyed it! Congratulations on your placement in that particular contest, that is quite an achievement!

I did not notice any errors.

This gave me a good chuckle and I really needed that. I have been reading some really serious stuff on here tonight and the change of pace was refreshing!


Keep up the good work and Write-On!!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
As a person who suffers from bipolar manic depression, I found a lot of truth about myself in this poem. I found this to be very emotional to read because it is so bold, clear and brutally honest.

First Impression: Holds interest but every line starting in caps makes it hard to read. You may want to consider using some commas and periods and not having every line in caps.

Grammar: I thought you did an excellent job expressing yourself using proper grammar.

Spelling: No noted errors

Punctuation: I think adding punctuation will assist with the flow of the poem and allow the reader to understand how you intend for it to be read.

Overall Impression: Fabulous job of expressing an issue that is not easily expressed. Very vivid, very serious. I am thoroughly impressed at the way your words made me take a step back and consider how I sometimes treat others. Inflicted pain at those who are not to blame.

Thank you so much for sharing such a personal piece. Excellent job!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really like the way that you wrote this and expressed your political views. In my opinion, too many people are scared to openly express how they feel about what is going on in our nation. You are very right that we are in for some serious economic distress under our current administration. I can only imagine what our deficit will be after another four years of Obama.

Very well written!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of Love of the Gods  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I absolutely love poetry that flows smoothly as you read it and you did an exceptional job with this.

I do not have any suggestions for you, just my humble opinion.

This is a very well written poem that states love as clearly as love can possibly be stated.

Marvelous job!!

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

Review of Kidnap  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This, my friend, is a very descriptive and well written story. You may consider checking your rating of 13+ due to the content. I believe it should be at least 18+ if not higher, due to the mild erotica and the violence.

First Impression: Very captivating start to your story - you really drew me in rather quickly.

Grammar: Excellent use of grammatical phrases. No noted grammatical errors.

Spelling: Once again, excellent. - I think you spelled recognize incorrectly twice but that is all I noticed.

Punctuation: No noted errors.

Overall Impression: Very detailed and kept me eager to know what would happen next. I love the fear that Ru expressed and the end result with Myra. Exceptional writing, in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing; I truly enjoyed this!



*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful - I found it on your web link listing. I like the way you have that presented and cute dog, by the way. One thing I feel that I must say is that you practice what you preach in this poem. So, if by chance you have forgotten what it says take a moment to reread it and reflect on what you wrote, for you definitely will be looking into a mirror when you do!

With sincere gratitude and friendship,


Keep up the great work and write on!!

Please remember that anything I have said is simply my opinion and should be taken as such! Please never change anything that you are not perfectly comfortable in changing.

Excellent work! Write-On!
This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army" !
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
OH MY GOODNESS! This is too hilarious!! If this is a true story you need to submit it to the Reader's Digest - where they print the funny little stories section.

I did not see any technical problems of any kind but I do have one MAJOR complaint... My side hurts from laughing at you so hard!! All in good fun my dear!!

Keep up the great work and write on!!

Please remember that anything I have said is simply my opinion and should be taken as such! Please never change anything that you are not perfectly comfortable in changing.

Excellent work! Write-On!
This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army"
Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: E | (5.0)
OH MY GOODNESS! This is too hilarious!! If this is a true story you need to submit it to the Reader's Digest - where they print the funny little stories section.

I did not see any technical problems of any kind but I do have one MAJOR complaint... My side hurts from laughing at you so hard!! All in good fun my dear!!

Keep up the great work and write on!!

Please remember that anything I have said is simply my opinion and should be taken as such! Please never change anything that you are not perfectly comfortable in changing.

Excellent work! Write-On!
*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of For Mike  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Dear Friend,

You have been so kind to me that I had to drop by and visit. I will be doing so from time to time so please do not ever think that I take your kindness as weakness.

This is a beautiful poem and the fact that it was sent as anonymous makes it even more special, in my opinion!

I did not see any grammatical errors and I really don't think what I did not is really an error rather than just opinion of the individual writer.

1. When I write poetry such as this... I alternate commas and periods the way you did in the second verse. To me, it is more eye appealing as well as helps with the flow of the poem more, I do not understand why you did it in the middle verse and not the other two - Is there a point that I am missing??

As I said, this is very beautiful and truly heartfelt! I am eager to read and review more!

Please remember that anything I have said is simply my opinion and should be taken as such! Please never change anything that you are not perfectly comfortable in changing.

Excellent work! Write-On!
*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!

Review of publishing path  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Love this poll - I just bought my new Writer's Market for 2013 - Eagerly wanting to finish my book that I have put off for a long time. I was hoping that buying this book would light a fire under my tail and get me motivated. NaNo is just as much of a motivator though!!

I do hope that once I start putting my book in here, I can call on you for suggestions and advice. I know this will be a busy writing month for you as well so definitely no hurry!!

Do you ever feel like you should not post some genres just because you post others? I am kind of torn... I write spiritual stuff and children's stuff but I get the impression that with my erotica postings that many will not read or if they do they will not rate fairly due to being judgmental. What is your opinion on that?

*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of End of the world  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this a lot. As I read this I thought about 2 different events..

September 11, 2001 - The pure devestation of that day and what is going on on the east coast right now. It is amazing how someone else's writing can make you think so vividly about what has gone on in your life or what is going on in civilization around you.

I did not see any grammar or punctuation errors and thought that this was a very well written piece.

Keep up the good work!!

Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: E | (5.0)
You know, this group is a really good idea. I looked over this site for quite some time before I signed up and I even checked on the rates for upgrades, it is a wonderful site if you have already got connections. I have been on the site for nearly 24 hours straight, I have sent 24 in depth reviews, joined a group and plugged items in various places. I have not gotten one single review and the only person who has spoke to me is #3 on your list here. She has been very sweet and inviting and is a true asset to your site.

I truly feel at this point that this site may be a tremendous waste of my time! That opinion may change but for now that is where I stand.

I have seen a lot of wonderful things that you have posted on here and for that I would like to THANK YOU!

There are many talented writers on this site and I am truly glad that they have a place to showcase that talent.
Review of Iridescent Wing  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! It is a beautiful poem and very well written. Not only do I like the poem but I also like your explanation that goes along with it. Very inspiring and uplifting. I enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more in your port soon!

I really do not know what else to say. I did not see any grammatical or spelling errors and thought you did an excellent job of saying what you were trying to say. Your use of visual imagary is phenominal and I hope to see much more of that.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem. Keep up the good work and Write-on!!

Please remember that anything I have said here is strictly my opinion and never change anything unless you are perfectly comfortable with the changes that you are making. Thank you again for sharing a lovely piece of writing. I hope to see more real soon!!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angeal Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review of And what if?  
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
What you have written here is very well written. Not really my genre, but I am not rating or reviewing you on that aspect! My personal opinion is that you could write more and make this a much better story. The extra dialogue and more visual imagary would make this piece more impressive than it already is. On a positive note, I did not notice any spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors. You did a great jog on this and I would strongly encourage you to keep up the good work!

Please remember that anything I have said here is strictly my opinion and never change anything unless you are perfectly comfortable with the changes that you are making. Thank you again for sharing a lovely piece of writing. I hope to see more real soon!!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angeal Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The words of this poem are absolutely beautiful! I do have a couple of suggestions that I personally like:

1. You might consider using commas and periods to more strongly accent how the poem is meant to flow.

2. You also may want to consider not capitalizing every stanza,

For Example:

Thy name is fear and deceit thy game,
We drift in a void bewildered by shame .
Forever searching for the way out,
Enduring the pain of every bout .
We think us lost for none can see,
That fear’s true name is deceit.

Another thing that I noticed about this poem is that you are a little off rhythem in some of your stanzas. You may want to check your meter count to see if it balances out.

Please remember that any comments I have made are strictly my opinion and please never change anything that you have written unless you are comfortble with doing so.

This is a good write and in my opinion with a few minor touch ups it can be truly exceptional!

Thank you for sharing and I hope to see much more of your work really soon! Write-on!!


*Angel**Angel*This has been an Angela Purser Review!
Proud Member of "The WDC Angel Army!
Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a good poem but I do have a couple of suggestions:

1. Maybe consider using some punctuation so the reader understands how the poem is to flow.

2. In stanza 3 you have mans, it should be man's

3. If you do decide to use punctution please keep in mind that it is not nec. to capitalize every stanza.

This is strictly my opinion and should be taken as such. Please never make a change that you are not comfortable with.
Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a lovely idea. I have been exploring the site last night and this morning and came across this,It's so nice to see people doing kindness even on a website. You must have a truly generous and loving heart! Thanks for creating something so helpful! Good Luck with your continued success with this and all of your endevors.
Review of Breaking Point  
Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a VERY powerful story! You have made such a loud and vivd statement in a short story but not only that ... your vocabulary, spelling, grammar,punctation and use of symbolism is just phenominal. This is an excellent piece of writing. It is very heart wrenching but VERY very well written!!
Review of The Angel Army  
Review by Angel_Eyes
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a wonderful idea! Although I am new to the site myself, I would love to get involved in this group! It seems like a great and positive way to get to know other authors and to promote those who we believe should be recognized for their writing. If you are interested in allowing me to join the group, please let me know what else I need to do! I truly do love this idea and am eager to get involved!
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