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181 Public Reviews Given
181 Total Reviews Given
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Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
A sweet poem sent out for those that are often overlooked. These guys put in many risks to save lives, but most don't recognize the dangers and job these guys do. They are also first responders and are often the first on the scene. Well written and thanks for giving them the credit.
Review of Friday  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
My muse visits all days, and reviews don't get done often on Friday, but I agree that it is the best! I love how your words seemed to just come right out, with points that easily connect and associate. Now, on this Monday review, I am ready for Friday!
Review of Science Friction  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Lol, this is great!! And so very true. Unfortunately, your "technology" doesn't tell you with each app that it loses memory until it too, takes a nap. Lol. My favorite part "I can tighten my grip". There is a great hidden agenda there. Not only tighten grip on phone, but more importantly, on the money they ask for. I would suggest a hyphen in-between wise-ass. That is really the only suggestion I have. This was cute, and makes me realize I have fallen pretty. Lol.
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I look forward to when childhood once again visits me daily! This brings forth memories of lost times when life just seemed so much easier. But the one word in this "patchouli" stands out amongst the rest. That scent, is one that is very dear to me. Although I do not keep it around as often as I would like, it too, brings heartfelt memories.
Review of He Said, She Said  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I confess, I went raiding your port. I needed something, as my feelings have been all out of sort. Of course, I knew that I would find something here, and I am not let down. I adored the fact that he was giving a story, that was so much more than a movie at the mall. Memory serves it right to be so much more. I am sure, the ladies were all ogling by the time he was finished. What a delightful touch of sunlight that was needed today. Thank you!
Review of Meeting Bonnie  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Whew! This went in a different direction fast! I thought it was going to be a fabulous sweet love story, instead, we have an action packed love story! Poor Sanjay, he really got the worst part of the deal. Excellent in grabbing and holding the readers attention. Even better at giving a blast of surprise and action in the end!
Review of Emily's Room  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dragons! Unicorns! Fairies! (Truth be told, I currently have one on my right shoulder.) Where is the rest of this story???? It is not fair that you would tease someone with something that they could easily become engrossed it! Dare I ask, you do intend to finish this???

I told you, your stories seem to gravitate to me!
Review of Pants on Fire  
for entry "Rocket Man
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Food for thought... I shall follow you to follow the world! It's better through your eyes anyways!!!!
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love the humor in this... Almost as much as the wisdom. A glimpse through your eyes a day is better than an apple a day!! Since laughter is the best medicine, I am set! Hitting your port (or letting them come to me) every day! So, since you already know what I am going to say..... You did it AGAIN!!!! (Now I'm going to pick myself up off the floor.)
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yet again, lovely!
Review of SHE  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Brakes!! Someone put the brakes on my heart and soul! No, I have not ever had the experience of "SHE", but heaven knows, I have had the experience of "HE". I am not sure who is to blame for the loss, myself, or him....but you said it right when you said Fate. It has been something that truly haunts me nearly every day. But I find answers and something to try with this.
It is well written, and throughout every word just reaches in and pulls you further and further to heaven. Then plummets you to your knees, before finding some salvation. Thank you for sharing!
Review of Unmasked  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was a challenge! I was waiting for class to start when I decided to give this a view. Hard to hold the humor in as I can nearly picture the scene. And of course, some minds drift toward certain things like a moth to a flame. Although not what I expected, I was not let down at all!! Can I double the stars please???
Review of Do I Know You?  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Chills.... simply chills. Wow! That one person really has you by the soul. Oh, but how easily I can relate. Even though the writing style is not what I would do, I love that I can follow you. I can feel the emotions, the heat of thoughts, the warmth of a touch that reaches futher than can be seen. I am able to put myself into these thoughts and I just absolutely enjoy that. Thank you!
Review of Irises  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ok, you win. I can't even begin to review this one. *wiping away tears*
Review of The Other Team  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
LOL, what a fun little story here! I loved it! I, of course, thought that the wife was "taking" more than she should have in the beginning. But, oh, that cheesehead was just the icing on the cake! I love how it deviates and makes the reader think it is going in another direction, all the while being completely truthful!
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Yet again, you have captured my attention. I did not even realize you had written it until the end. All I caught was the title and since I am drawn to things like this, I chose to take a chance to read. I find it amazing to read this story, but more so to find the truth hidden within.
I hope you don't mind, but I found one small little error in this. It is merely a spelling mistake, and did not detract from the story. And, as it was in the beginning, it nearly faded away. First sentence: "as it cut it way through the rising mist." I believe it should have read "as it cut its way"

Still, I loved this!
Review of The Gravity Bean  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very interesting. I am not big on lima beans, but this would be an interesting one to see. The ability to slice the time fabric and move into another world maybe? Or is it just a race through time that you get to observe? Either way, it would be knowledge gained, if you could trust a lima bean to do it. There was only one area that I stumbled on. "It is shaped like a bean and if fact lima-like;" should the "if" in face be "in"? I had to go back and read this sentence again.
Review of Cafe scene  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
I sit, enjoying the ever pressing need to wrap my hands around a warm cup, just soaking in the sun's heat and breath a sigh. I can nearly hear the hustling and people rushing to get more items they don't really need. All, while I sit this fine morning and sip my own coffee. Cafe Scene is the title, and I nearly passed it by. But I saw that favored word "coffee" in the first sentence. Then I completely enjoyed the picture you painted. The words drifting in and brushing strokes across a canvas. I believe you achieved the descriptive portion of this!
Review of My Blood Red Rose  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Although I enjoyed very much reading this, I had a much harder time grasping the meaning behind it. It seems to hint at something, but this morning, my mind is having a hard time holding onto what it is. Call it lack of coffee, I am not sure. It is well-written, so I know it is not that. I actually like it, I just am not sure what it is.
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I almost skipped right past this. Only because, you know, we all think we can review things just fine, thank you very much. Ok, so I probably over-rate things, but if it touches my heart, that is a big thing. If I can visualize it (althought sometimes this may not be such a good thing), that makes it even better to me. I do admit, I am a grammer/spelling Nazi (I know, much hated! Trust me. My husband and daughter both have reminded me). But in the reality of it, most items I read are ones that catch my attention from the beginning. Then, I force myself to read it, whether I lose interest or not. If I lose focus, I always try to give suggestions. Otherwise, they are getting the stars and props I feel they deserve. I love what you say here though! It is great advise for starting the review process, and especially for catching an item that you have a hard time with. Now here, I see you are averaged at 4.5 stars. Really? Ok, for me, it is great advice, and even had the added humor!
Review of Lingering Dreams  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yikes! It is as if you have reached down deep inside of me, and found a place hidden from all! The only difference, I have found something that I miss. And it was only a taste, never to be fully known. In this, you ask the questions I dare not. You delve into the quiet pools of curiosity and leave gentle ripples.
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I thoroughly enjoyed how well you mixed some romance in with humor! I enjoyed watching this come to life! You brought out the beginning with a hint of what was to come, but ended it in a grand fashion. I wonder....what will Californication bring? I look forward to reading more from your portfolio, especially if they are as good as this!
Review of Defiance  
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (4.0)
This seems to be lacking an ending. Left open for more to come possibly? It is well written and leads the reader open to view more. I hope that the gunshot is not just the ending as you have allowed the duties of the animal to lead the danger away from their home. Your POV is very detailed and gives the reader an inside view of the animal's actions and senses. For myself, I picture a wolf. However, there are many other animals that growl. The approach you have given allows a person to view from their own perspective.
If you update this, I would love to be informed so I can read futher!
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (4.5)
This one tugs at my heart strings. My daughter has lost 3 people she went to school with recently. All were under the age of 23, and senselessly lost their lives. I have witnessed those that were close to these young men go through heartache, with the last one being the worst. This poem just brings to light the sadness that is created by a loss of life, even those that are not known.
Review by ~Celeb~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Delightful treat! Oh, and the questions that one could ponder on. I just had to read this after your review and see all facts that I never knew! It was well worth it. Took me straight back to my childhood and the stories that it seems so many enjoy. Thank you for sharing!
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