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Review of A Mother's Wisdom  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Overall Impression:This is a great short story and I know it's for the Daily Flash, so I understand the word count. I liked how Matt you at first was angry with him comes to realize she may be right.

Characters:Matt is a boy becoming a man and having some issues with his mom. Bobby is his friend and he comes across as a dangerous. He has a twisted sense of humor, but their may be more to him. Both characters were done well and with so few words.

Dialog:"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" This right here is a great sentence for a teenager to state. In fact I heard this when I was a teenager.

Setting/Scene:The conversation between the two friends, realistic and helped develop both characters.


I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:I red in the post you haven't one a contest, so I decided to read your poem. You have some wonderful ideas and it is written well. It has depth and great points on life.

Structure/Form:Works for the poem.

Emotion:A mix of emotions, a way of dealing with the difficulties of life and how one view's them.

Favorite Line(s):I believe in tomorrow not yesterday, not last week or last night.

This is a great line!

Suggestions:My only suggestion is to break up your lines. They get a little long and it can be hard to read. I will demonstrate below:

Life is a journey we all partake,
a journey of pain and joy

Like a coin with two heads,
it randomly selects your fate

Many have failed, many have fallen, and many left for dead
Yet a few make it out at the end shattered,
wounded but with a smile on their face

I’ve gone through pain,
yes I know the agony but am I to giveup on this journey?

Sometimes I don’t know my own strength,
I take a leap of faith yet I fall deep into the abyss

They say “when you look into the abyss, it looks back at you”
so I ask what if i am blind?

This is only a suggestion and it up to you if want to use it or not.

I enjoyed reading your poem and thank your for writing. Remember don't edit a thing until after the contest, I don't want you to be disqualified.

Good luck on your contest!

I enjoyed reading your poem and thank your for sharing it.

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Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a short entry for a contest only allowing 55 words. It is difficult to write a story under a limited word count. I liked this little story, a person who seems not to like crowds. I would gather that by how he is pushing his way through. Until he bumps into one person who welcomes.

Nicely done and you used all fifty-five words well.
Review by C.Evil
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thank you for the thorough explanation of run on sentences. I will keep this in mind when I write.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Overall Impression:The way this is written is interesting. The main character Lisa, telling a story of a string of events. It is mysterious, but at some points it loses focus. I like the mystery of Lisa being afraid of the water. The ending fell flat for me, how did she die? I know she drowned, but how? That seems like it is a key point missing. It may have been kept a secret to add mystery, but I feel it takes away from the story.

Characters:The main character works and so does being written in first person. I like Lisa, a girl with a fear. And Jason is a great character too. I wish there was more on what happened to Jason after Lisa drowned. More information on how it affected him, it's hinted at the start of the story and that's all.

Dialog:Works, no problems here.

Setting/Scene:The scene with the swimming lessons in the beginning. It shows how the two characters are connected. The other is when Lisa finally swims, it adds a sense of danger to the story.

Grammar/Suggestions:I really would like this story more if it had more information. To be expanded and go over how Lisa died and how it has changed the lives for everyone else.

I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Just $29.95  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:I am going to keep this short. First I enjoy reading your work and you have reviewed a lot my work. I have bouts on insomnia so I was drawn into this story. I loved it and the end was great.

Characters:Rick is done well and anyone can sympathize with his problem.

Dialog:The dialog between Rick and the man on tv was done well.

Setting/Scene:The gory part when he starts cutting himself to pieces. The line when it states that he easily fell asleep tells the reader he was awake before. Or at least that I interpret it.


Great work Angus. I enjoyed reading your story thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of PINK?!?  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:I am not going to do a long review, this was a great read. The pace of the story went very fast. The title drew me in and your writing kept me reading. I liked the title and it fits since the aliens were pink. The tension was held throughout the story and the ending worked well.

Characters:The characters weren't gone in too deeply, but they didn't survive for long either. I do like how they are playing poker, but not the greatest friends. This added to the story.

Dialog:Worked well into the story.

Setting/Scene:The scene where it was snowing in Texas when it's eighty degrees outside, that would be a strange sight. I also like how you described the scene when the aliens crashed through the window.


I enjoyed reading your story and thank your for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Heroes  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall Impression:You reviewed an item of mine a while back and I am finally returning the favor. I chose this one because of the title and description. I enjoyed how you explored what hero's are and if we need them. The quote you mentions is wonderful and goes perfect with the essay. You make some valid points and it's funny you mention Angelina Jolie who will be more famous for her movies than her charity work.

I enjoyed reading your personal opinions and thoughts. Thanks for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have been reading my blog and I decided to check out your portfolio. I found your blog and read your entry. You made a lot excellent points and like the comment about keeping private, but letting out an inner part of yourself can add to your writing. I noticed that this was added in August and I suggest you keep it up, it's a great way to practice writing and it can be as long or short as you want it.

I enjoyed reading your blog and thanks for sharing it!
Review of Barren  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall Impression:This a wonderful short poem that is emotionally moving. I am doing a review for rising stars and decided to check out your port. I noticed that you have not been active lately, but after reading this poem I decided to review it. I enjoyed this poem and it's dark nature.

Structure/form:Free style and it works.

Emotion:Pain, but also a feeling of triumph the last line shows that they will live on.


My favorite line(s):
And alone I will make the desert my home
for here at least I can feel alive

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Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Overall Impression:This is a good start for your novel. I do suggest reading it again and making sure your sentences are tight. I have had the same suggestion and I found a few sentences that could be cleaned up, unnecessary words can slow the pace of a story. You have a wonderful knowledge of vocab, but I caution not to overly use words that could be stated in a simpler manner. From what I learned so far is that Villahr is a widow who lost his wife in childbirth. He is taking care of his son, but is having difficulties because of the resemblance to his dead wife. Is he a vampire, it's hinted but never states if he is. You do get an understanding of the emotional conflict the main character is enduring.

Characters:The main character is a new father, widow and in a depressed state of mind. He is a father, might be a vampire, but this is only the first chapter. There is a dramatic event the character hints at, but does not go into. I suspect that the character might face consequences for it later?

Dialog:None, but it is not needed.

Setting/Scene:The setting is slightly described. I am guessing a castle, plantation or something of that regard. It would be nice to add a little more in about where he lives in better detail. I do like the opening scene, Villahr rocking his newborn to sleep. This would a great time to add a flash back with him and his wife. It would demonstrate the bond between them and to understand his grief.

Grammar/Suggestions:I would edit this and then edit it again. This is not an insult and I have writings that are on their fourth edit and still need work. I am going to give some suggestions for editing and hopefully this will give an idea on what needs to be worked on. I am not trying to offend and hopefully you find my suggestions useful.

What could I have done?
Had I gotten there sooner, might I have saved him?
Had I gotten there sooner, he would still be alive.
I would change the last two sentences so that they do start out the same. This may have been done to emphasize the sentiment, but I feel it weakens it.
If I had arrived sooner, might I have saved him?
Would he still be alive?

The memory of that night would never leave him, but what’s past is past and all reliving the moment would do is bring suffering, it never brings anyone back.
The memory of that night would never leave him, but that was in the past. Reliving the moment would only bring suffering, it never brings anyone back.

He gazed out the open window and across the empty field at a tree standing tall and proud in the distance.
He gazed out the open window, across an empty field to tree standing tall and proud in the distance.

As he watched, an owl landed on one of its arms, and so he then listened to its cries, in hopes it would drown out the ones in his head.
He watched as an owl landed on one of it's branches, so often he listened to it's cries, hoping it would drown out the ones in his head.

Villahr had been rocking in his rickety old chair for a good quart of an hour, trying to lull Revea, frightened by the whistling winds and branches tickling the window pane, back to sleep, but to no avail.
For an a quarter of an hour Villahr had been trying to lull Revea to no avail. He rocked him in the rickety; old chair, but the whistling winds and branches scratching the window frightened him.
This may not be the soundest sentence either, but at least look at these sentences and try to restructure them. I would definitely recommend changing tickling to scratching, because the latter conveys more of a menacing sound.

The babe was still wide awake, but quiet now; the creak of the chair swaying forward and back seeming to be calming him.
The babe (baby, newborn, infant- for some reason I don't care for using babe, but that is a weird word issue with me) was still wide awake; but quiet. The creak of the chair and the back and forth movement had calmed him.

He let his eyes drift a moment to his bare chest, skimming right over where the young one lay nestled against his pectoral, and falling on a long, faded defacement that ran parallel to his shoulders over his tight abdomen. Villahr lifted the hand not supporting Revea’s bitty backside and stretched his digits, his index finger coming very close, but pulled back within narrow margin of the flesh as if he were frightened the slightest touch would not only reopen and bring back that agony but all the torment of that night with it.
He looked down at his bare chest, looking over where the young one lay nestled against his chest. He used his free arm reaching towards the faded scar, it ran parallel to his shoulder and over his tight abdomen. He quickly pulled back, frightened the slightest touch would not only reopen it, but bring back the agony and torment of that night.
This is my suggestion, but I am still learning as a writer. So I might be adding my own grammatical errors, but this sentences feels jumbled. I think it could be written with far less words and get the same point across.

As Villahr sat in the darkness, those reflections from not so long ago began to suffocate him further.
Villahrn sat in the darkness, reflections from not so long ago began to suffocate him.

He would not leave his son as his own Doseono, father, care-giver, left him.
He would not leave his own son as his father, Doseono had left him.

I found many other sentences that had a similar problem, go through and cut out words. Here is a tip someone gave me, write and then cut 30% of it. You may not want to cut that much, but having sentences drag makes the story slow down.

This is an interesting idea and a good start on it. I gave a 4.0, but will gladly change my rating after some editing has been done. Most of it works, but it needs to be polished.

I really hope this helps. I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great quiz and I like even better since I got a perfect score. The picture for it is perfect. Great quiz! I had to try to remember the songs in my head for some of the answers.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Overall Impression:This is an interesting take on Greek Mythology. I looked Galatea to get a better understanding of her. The story needs work, but I do like the idea of her being unhappy with be seen as "perfect". He loves her not for who she is, but with idea of her. The sad part is that she is bound to him so her only option is to once again be a statue.

Characters:Galatea is done fairly well. She does come across as a strong woman and I wonder if she changed over time. How was she when she first became human? The sculptor is gone over less and I feel that you don't get to know him that much. I know that he is obsessed and does anything to "please" her or at least what he thinks will work. I am confused on how he can be immortal too? Did Aphrodite include that with the gift? This needs to clarified a little. It would be interesting if he had known that her stepping back on the pedestal would turn her back into a statue. And that he thought Galatea didn't know about it making the ending more of surprise for him.

Dialog:The dialog works, but I would add some dialog between the sculptor and Aphrodite. This could give some more details and develop the sculptors character more.

Setting/Scene:There is some descriptions with the rose petal, but for the most part the settings is not described. I am either way on this, but it wouldn't take away from the story.
The scene where it describes the sculptor falling in love with his statue I feel is a little short. I suggested with dialog to add the conversation with Aphrodite. The scene when she is walking towards their bedroom helps you understand her pain. This scene works well and goes with the story.
The scene when she is talking about living in Greece seems out of place. I sure that they have lived for a long time, but not concrete on details. This either needs to cut out or some more information about lives before.

Once, she had stood in his garden, a testament to his skill as a sculptor, a carved image of perfection, flawless.
My suggestion is to cut the word flawless the word perfection is before and it feels repetitive. I know this may to emphasizes the word, but that is just an idea.

She stepped through the many scattered rose petals and made her to their bedroom.
She stepped through the many scattered petals and made her way to their bedroom.

She pushed open the door and there he was: her maker, her lover, her husband.
The word is used a lot in this sentence, but that is only my opinion.
She pushed open the door and there he was: her maker, lover and husband.

I will try to join the Chat review later. I am hoping to be on for part of it and I hope you have a great outcome.

I enjoyed reading your story and thank your for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Oh the Cost  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:This is a emotionally moving piece that highlights what our soldiers sacrifice in the line of duty, their lives. We hear so many negative stories about soldiers behaving poorly that some people forget what that have at stake. This is not about politics of war, but the basic element of any military the men who risk their lives.

Structure/Form:One line is repeated over and over throughout the poem. This helps keep the poem feel connected and enforces the statement.

Emotion:This is a heart wrenching poem and that makes one feel sad about what we lose in war. How our young men die for our freedoms.

I enjoyed reading your poem and thank you for sharing it.

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Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Overall Impression:This story is very original I like the twist to it. If I saw a pirate skeleton I would think I was dreaming too. The story kept my interest and is well written.

Characters:The main character is simple and understandable. He is on the beach and has a strange encounter. The pirate is done very well, but it would be nice have more of a physical description of him. I am curious if he was just a skeleton or if he had tattered remains of clothes?

Dialog:The dialog works and the pirate speaks like I would expect him to. The exchange between adds to the story since the main character does not take as serious as he should.

Setting/Scene:The beach is a perfect setting and one could guess that the pirate may have died in the waters near by. I would like the scenery to be described more. I would include more of the five senses to add detail. If he is barefoot how the sand feels against his feet. How the air smells, salty or possibly fishy. This would help the reader to see the beach and feel like they are right there.

Suggestions:There were no major grammar problems that I found. This is an area that you do very well. My one suggestion is that it would be nice to add what the pirate did with his body. For the reader to know, not his character. This could be a lot of fun to write, because he could crazy with no fear of the consequences. Imagine the possibilities and if he had a some cash on him then there could be even more anarchy. Booze, whores and a maybe a murder are some possibilities. The plus is that the reader knows he is unaware of his actions adding to the story.

I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall Impression:This poem starts out stating what a child is not thinking about. The images you give are work for a child's imagination and are very poignant. I kept reading and the last few lines reflect how deep this poem truly is. This is a sad reminder of how many children do not have a home, food or security. How basic needs are a luxury to some.

Structure/Form:This is done in free style works for it. Each fantasy of the child is detailed well.

Emotion:At first the emotion is whimsical and the reader can imagine the different scenarios in their mind. The ending switches the emotion to a reminder of the sadness of a child.

Favorite Line(s):
He imagined
And home
The last few lines are my favorite, because they make the poem better. Without the these lines the poem would have whole different direction and meaning.

Suggestions:My one suggestion would be to break up the poem. It's a looks like one very long verse. I would break the different fantasies into separate parts.

I enjoyed reading your poem and thank your for sharing it.

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Review of For Honor's Sake  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:I read your story before the chat review and you have made some great changes. This story held my interest better and there was more of an emotional depth to it. The name change also works and I like this one better. It conveys more of what the story is about and the main character. I know for myself that some of my stories have gone through countless edits before they are finished. Any suggestions I make our just my opinion and you may use or not. Its up to you and it is your story after all.

Characters:Everette has been developed more and you understand his motivation for his decision. He is not a bad man, but trying to do the right thing. Adding his history helps understand where he is from and how his past influenced the choices he makes. Sierra is developed to a small degree and you can see how she is a supportive wife. Together they make a great couple and you show this more with the re-write.

Dialog:The dialog is done well for the most part. There are some parts that could be polished and I put some of this below in the suggestions. One comment, instead of stating that she asked why, I would add it in as dialog. Look below for example.

Setting/Scene:The setting is not described as much as before. That is a personal opinion, but adding a little to try to see their home couldn't hurt either. I know this can be a fine line and I find some stories have so much about the setting I get bored. The story feels like one scene, a pivotal moment in the characters marriage and life.

Didn’t she make some inappropriate advances on you at party we hosted once your company was awarded the bid?”
This sentence seems awkward and I don't think it's wrong, but could be stronger.The sentence before refers to Elise being the one who helped him get a job, so having this be a question too seems repetitive. I do like how you added that their is some history between Everette and Elise. This does add to the plot.
She's the one who made inappropriate advances on you, at the party we hosted. The one after your company one that bid."

Looking down and away, he sighed.
I would pick one down or away. In my writing I tend to the same thing and like to have two descriptive words in a row.
Looking away, he sighed.

Sierra asked in a voice demanding an honest answer. Her voice carried an air that suggested that his answer had to be very compelling, if their relationship was to be saved.
This two sentences seem to go over the same idea so I would cut it down to one or the other. Or combining the two instead.

Looking down and away from Sierra,
This was repeated earlier, but since it could be the way he looks when he is avoiding something it can work. But I suggested before to pick one of the descriptive words.
Looking away from Sierra,

Sierra, who responded by simply saying that there’s always a choice, he shook his head sadly.
I stated in the dialog that this part needs to be like the rest of the dialog. It almost feels more like a narrative point of view.
"There's always a choice," Sierra responded bitterly.

Everett frowned an ugly, mean frown and spat out in an odd mixture of a scream and a rasp as he stood up in rage,
The word frown is repeated and I understand it may to emphasize the face expression. But it might sound better to say the statement in fewer words. The suggestion below is that and it's just to give you an idea.
Everette frowned, his face distorting into a look of rage and exploded,"

“THE CONTRACT! She changed the contract right after the… Affair.”
I would suggest not capitalizing affair. For his character it may sound better if he whispers affair. As if the word has to be forced out of his mouth.

And I will admit, that this one mistake that could cost me the company was not one that I made.
This is another sentence that could be edited a little and work better. From the explanation made about the workers being confused you would think that there would be more than one mistake. But that is what I picked up while I was reading.
And I will admit, that these mistakes that could cost me the company were not mine.

Everett hesitated then, looking away again, prompting Sierra to ask him why
This is another area that instead of just typing she asked why, I would add in the dialog.

The work you have done on your story has improved it a lot.

I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:When I saw that you entered in the daily slice I opened it up to read your entry. Your stories are creative, scary and a great read. This story was no exception and the story was set up very well.

Characters:The main character works and the horrible memory he carries with him is terrifying. This helped develop the character, to understand the pain he tried to hide from so long ago. I wonder about the man in the top hat, he is mysterious and tells Ben that he is from his imagination. That is spooky and a little mysterious. Either he is lying or Ben has a powerful and disturbed mind.

Dialog:The dialog worked well and creating the back story and fear that Ben faces in the story. In the end of the story the conversation between Ben and the man in the top hat added a chilling factor to the story.

Setting/Scene:The scene where he describes finding his friend is described in brutal detail, but adds a sense scare to it. After all a scary story needs something a reader would be scared off. Being ripped to shreds counts and the fact that Ben has the same fate is terrifying as well.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Red Ball  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Overall Impression:This story caught my interest and I was curious what Jill found in her background. I read on the bottom that it was written for a contest and that always limits the word count. I found this story interesting and the fact that the object was an alien was a surprise to me. The story built up tension and kept my curiosity.

Characters:Jill is not developed much, but there is enough there to understand her on a character on a small level.

Dialog:Not needed.

Setting/Scene:The scene when she first notices the object is perfect. This grabbed my interest and I wanted to understand as well what was back there. Next the part when it drew her blood, but she was in ecstasy also worked. The ending pulled the whole story together as the alien will suggest that the planet should be invaded.

I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:This poem was short, but did well in highlighting a dis-functional relationship. Or at least a very passionate ones, but those flames tend to burn out quickly.

Style/Look: The poem had some words in a different color, but it works. I wonder if it was done for the contest that required certain words to be in the poem. The set up for the poem is interesting and works. It is easy to read and visually done well.

Emotion:The emotion behind the poem is about love, but there is a sense of chaos and destructive energy with it.

Structure/Form:I believe it is done in free style and is done well. The poem is feels connected and stays on the same topic. The reader can understand the sentiment and does feel lost by any of the lines.

Favorite line(s):
the landscape of our desire
into a facsimile
of Armageddon.
This is my favorite, because it reinforces the poem and is a perfect way to end it.

Thank your for sharing you poem and I enjoyed reading it.

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Review of Stop  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Warning: Any suggestions that I make in my review are only to help. You may agree or disagree, but that is your decision and this is your work. I will only give advice if I feel that it could make it stronger.

Overall Impression: The first part that I noticed is the way it is written out. I can tell that you were going for a unique style, but it makes it a little confusing to read. There are other ways to format poems and it can take a few attempts to learn how to edit items. The poem goes in detail about a bad boyfriend and the word stop is repeated. That works and helps the poem have a united feel.

I went through and found some minor spelling and grammar mistakes.

You say your sorry, but even your perfect eyes know you made you're greatest mistake
You're lies(eyes?) there movin' but, all I hear is lies like,
"Baby I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, your my girl and I love you"


Stop with lies stop, the cries, we both know you don't care and that you think of me as a game, well to bad
Because I still have one thing you don't and never will..... ME!

The line that starts with Stop is awkwardly phased and I would think about rewriting it.

All because I stopped listening to you're cries, I stopped caring about your lies that you told about me
I stopped you from taking any more of me
before I next to start singing Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry.

So STOP TRYING to get me back, you don't get to get me back!
This is a little oddly stated, but the sentiment is good and a positive message.

There were some minor errors and I would think about using a different word than lie. That is repeated quite often and most poets edit there poem up to forty times before they are happy with it. This is a great first start for a poem and I can that you have talent and with a little editing this poem could shine.

Welcome to WDC! I enjoyed reading your poem and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fun short quiz and the options have a variety.The one I picked was the most popular.
Review of Charming  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall Impression: This was definitely an interesting story and it was very original. I interested to find out what was going on and the beginning is a little mysterious and slowly the story was revealed. There is some parts that could be defined better and I will go over in more detail. These are only my suggestions and you may disregard them or use them if you find that they work.

Characters: Tall man/Mr. Sands is a well done character, but I am little confused by his behavior in the first part. He seems a little angry and impatient. Short man/Mr. Lane I am not quite sure who he is. Is he a doctor for something else? At first this man is more happy about the experience until later on. Does his attitude change because Mr. Sands decides to stay in the dream? How is he able to get into dreams? Is this real or only Mr. Lane dreaming? The other suggestion is to change it so you use there names the whole time. The story became confusing for a minute when the names were introduced. Also when that change happened the characters changed too.

Setting/Scene: I could tell quickly that they were in some type of dream and you describe this part well. The words you use detail some very beautiful places. The last scene when Dr. Lane is talking to the nurse could be extended. This could be great part to help clear up everything that happened. Why his wife is in a coma. How they were able to do this and general information like that.

Grammar: I am no expert, but I did not any obvious errors.

This story was great read and my suggestion is to add more to the story. This could help make it more clear and help add emotional depth to the story. I am not sure if this was written for a contest or not. That can matter, because then a person is limited to word count. If not or the contest is over I would suggest going over this story again. This is a unique and interesting idea.

I enjoyed reading you story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Change  
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall Impression: I was drawn in by the name and the description. The poem seemed to go over a violent moment in an abusive relationship with a sad, but likely outcome. The style of the poem works and how it is structured. This is done in free style and works since the lines work together to form a small story and you never stray from the main point. The suggestion I make you may disregard or use them if you like,

His foot introduced to my stomach

I like this line but it seems off and think about the word boot. That would seem to be able to inflict more pain.
His foot was introduced to my stomach
My stomach was introduced to his foot

I begged for him to stop to understand that I love him

I begged for him to stop, to understand that I love him

Once the kicking stop he walked away but I knew in my heart it wasn’t over

Once the kicking stopped, he walked away but I knew in my heart it wasn’t over

I pushed myself up only to hit the floor from the pain in my stomach he caused a minute ago

The first part works, but the last part could be cut out. Since in the prior lines you mentioned being kicked in the stomach it's not really needed.
I pushed myself up, only to hit the floor from the pain in my stomach.

I though he came back to his normal self

I thought he had come back to his normal self

Or when he asked me to never leave him cause he love me so much and that he don’t know what he would do without me

Or when he asked me to never leave him, cause he loves me so much and that he doesn’t know what he would do without me

This is my favorite line:
I left him that day but, not the way I wanted to

This gives the poem a sad ending and how staying in an abusive relationship is deadly. The poem goes over a dark subject and done through the victims eyes and one can only have sympathy for them.

I enjoyed reading your poem and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by C.Evil
In affiliation with The Storytellers  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression: This was a great story with a dynamic ending. The story drew me in and I did not expect the twist in the end. The part of a psychotic soap fan makes this story funny.

Characters: Annie at first came across as a little possessive, but as the story unfolded you got the idea that she was nuts. The twist in the end highlighted the fact that she was completely bonkers. Her character was done well and it does remind of soap fans who act like the these characters are real people.

Setting/Scene: The wedding was described in great detail and I was convinced this was an actual wedding. That made the twist so much more dramatic.

Dialog: The one conversation in the story that made an impact and supported your story was the detective and his mother. The way she spoke about this violent crime like it was part of the show. This made me think of how thin reality and fantasy can be.

I enjoyed reading you story and thank you for sharing it.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
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