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672 Public Reviews Given
673 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Honest, for the most part. Not hurtful, for the most part. In other words I'll try to be straight up but not step on you face while I'm about it. Oh, by the way, this points business confuses me. I don't want to charge for a review. If I have the points in the bank I'll refund you 900. Why I'm required to ask 1000 is past my understanding.
I'm good at...
Not much. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, most of the mechanical stuff. Good eye for composition. I read a lot and I can give you a reader's opinion. Most good reviews are a fresh eye.
Favorite Genres
western, sci fi , detective, general or literary fiction
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
what, pray tell, is an "item type"?
Least Favorite Item Types
See above
I will not review...
stories about kangaroos
Public Reviews
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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your fears are unfounded. Artificial intelligence is not, nor will ever be a threat to humankind. Artificial intelligence is your friend, friend, friend, fri...
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.5)
Now, If I got a greeting card with that poem written inside, I would be pleased as punch. That sentiment would never feel the cold magnet pressing it to the refrigerator door, no sireee, Bob Marley. That card would go straight into a nice wood frame, under glass and hang in perpetuity alongside my diploma, and business license.
Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good story, I liked it. Generally readers like me enjoy stories that have that "the son of a bitch had it coming " element. Anyway having an outcome that meets or exceeds a readers idea of proper retribution works. Sam Peckinpaw made a fortune doing this with movies.
Thanks for sharing.
Review of Thank a Tree!  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like Arbor day and I love trees. Mind you I don't hug them and some times I love them as I love chicken, for their usefulness. Other times I enjoy the shade. I'm glad I read your poem and I think it would be a nice thing for school children to read in class on Arbor Day.
Review of The Joint Gift  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (3.0)
I see this "story" as a lesson in ingratitude (the employees) and grace (Bella). There may be other lessons inflicted, but if so they sailed past my understanding.

I hoped to see more conflict and to see that conflict resolved by the end of the piece. I wished the dialogue had been properly developed in an accepted grammatical form. I would have felt like more of a participating reader had the information dump that is the first paragraph not landed squarely on my neck. In stories that I like and admire the characters are brought to life by their actions and dialogue, otherwise, characters appear only as writing upon cardboard - as in "these words mean character A".

The piece was difficult to read because of form, grammatical technique, and composition.
Review of Just a Man  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
A very nice tribute to a fallen warrior saint. I was pleased to read it. Most people, even his serious detractors admired his courage. As a boy I saw him in my home town, he happened to be on his way to jail at that moment and I was impressed by his composure. I suppose he expected it and had prepared himself for arrest, but still...
Review of Metamorphous  
Review by Dee C
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Haven't seen this device before it is very interesting and you filled in the blanks marvelous well. I like the measured beat you achieved and the rhymes seemed natural and not forced.
Review of Retrospect  
Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
In my opinion love does not hurt so much as itch. Lost love is similar to the pain am amputee still experiences in that lost limb.
Review of Flies  
Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sufficiently weird, weird enough to qualify for horror anyway. Very reminiscent of Poe's tales: dark, foreboding, obscure narration. Unreliable narrator finally revealed at the end. I certainly enjoyed it. Hope you write some more like this and hope I run across them.
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey this is the way to do flash fiction. It has action, momentum and a bang up finish. You let the dialogue do the work without a lot of tiresome exposition or backstory, your nouns and verbs are doing the heavy lifting and you are chary of modifiers letting the narrative show what going on and leaving the adverbs in the locker (except this one:"Randy said excitedly").

All in all it's the best thing I've read tonight so bravo to you. Keep up the good work.
Review of You  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (3.5)
I have never seen a poem shaped like a giant baluster before. Way cool!
Review of Unknown  
Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
It is not that there is way too much information given here. It is that the information impressed me as being way to tightly packed. I simply did not need all that knowledge to understand plot, which I take to be: "two rock star brothers get on a cruise ship, a big rock fan and her friend get on the same ship."

All the rest of the info will probably be needed for later narrative, but it can wait. Five hundred words does not require a lot of backstory. This backstory can be spread out over more than one chapter so that it doesn't dump on the reader in a full load.
Review of A Hopeful Longing  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (2.5)
Is there indeed life during life? Age old question that is more important than the everlasting business about ever lasting past the final bell. While we live let us live. Thanks for sharing.
Review of The Tiger Cat  
Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Well, that is one very busy femme fatale. Amazing amount of plot packed in that package. Thanks for sharing.
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
You summed up the qualities of doubt, without question. Doubt is a fence straddler, uncommitted to either pasture and enjoying neither, not a comfortable position. But, you expressed it well and you told the reader in advance what the subject would be. Thanks for posting.
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