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Review of Daisy Field Love  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
{image:2040197-50%) "Game of Thrones

Hi Knenzie,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Daisy Field Love

First Impression: I smiled as I read because it reminded me of Vic and my beginnings. He and I became friends in a writing group on Yahoo. I used to race to the computer to see if there were emails, and then the phone calls and then finally the first meeting. This poem was like you watched our lives unfold.

What needs your attention: I am curious as to the title, I expected more than the one line tying them together. Maybe a comment about a shared love of daisies earlier in the poem. Just food for thought. The free verse with out a rhyme theme works well here.

What part I liked best: I asked for forever love, and God gave me you. Amen! Love is the greatest gift of all in our lives and you shared a wonderful moment and how God's plan unfolded.

Overall impression: I connected with the poem because one I love feel good poems with happy endings, guilty as charged. Two because it was like the author wrote my love story with my husband, that was interesting to see and feel again.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my IMMENSE pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? You're writing rocks!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Kenzie

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Poetry Refreshes the World

First Impression: This was an engaging fun read. The author discussed some very good points about the value of poetry in our society. I love reading and writing poetry so this really struck home for me.

What needs your attention: Nothing, the grammar and punctuation are in order. The discussion flows in an organized manner without any meandering. I'm guilty of that!

What part I liked best: Valerie Worth’s idea was this, "Never let the mud puddle get lost in the poetry - because in many ways the mud puddle is the poetry." I chuckled at this gem, so true. Poetry should be raw and messy, encouraging the reader to think outside their normal confined space. A poem is like a picture created in the reader's mind, it should inspire. Poems give authors a way to express their feelings with a reader and the return the reader is taking a journey with them learning and growing from the imparted wisdom. It's a win situation for both.

Overall impression: It saddens me that so many of the young dread poetry. It saddens me that they close themselves to the possibilites.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my IMMENSE pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Thank you for compiling all the great quotes and your thoughts about poetry's value.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of NOT ABOUT YOU  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Sorrez

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Not About You

First Impression: The description covers the poem accurately, The reader felt all of those feelings when reading this sad poem.

What needs your attention: This free flow poem would work better if the author did not begin each line with a capital and allowed the lines to flow freely to the next. Just because it's a new line does not mean it begins with a capital in poetry. It is odd that you have chose one punctuation mark at end of poem and not in any other place.

What part I liked best: This is about all who'd rather dream stanza because it gave a brief glimmer of possibility before it was shot down with the reality of rejection. The author chose a very sad glimpse of wronged loves and the reader fell drawn in to the sadness as well.

Overall impression: The poem has potential and I believe with some tweaks this could become a five star poem.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Writing takes practice especially poetry, it's all about the tweaks until it feels right.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Sorrez

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Days of Our Lives

First Impression: The title made me think of a soap opera that used to be on everyday and I wondered if you were going to do a take on that.

What needs your attention: But has been overused in so many writing pieces, I recommend changing it changing it to Although it will give you the same feeling and flow the same. The poem flows smoothly except for the but, which takes the reader right out of the poem.

What part I liked best: Days to remember, regret and relive are something every reader can connect with the author's thought process in the poem. Memories do have a way of catching us all off guard, sometimes with sadness and tears and other times with laughter and tears too!

Overall impression: The author reminded the reader that life comes with good and bad memories and feelings, how we had handle them is the most important part and to remember that one point they were our present not just the past.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Keep on Writing. I hope you return to writing on a regular basis it is sad to see so many pieces dated 4 years ago.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stop the Parade  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Wren

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Stop the Parade

First Impression: I agree with the author gossip is unnecessary and very hurtful. It does not reflect well on the person gossiped about or the person gossiping, its a no win situation.

What needs your attention: A story unfolded in couplets with out a rhyme or specific meter in this poetic offering. It flowed smoothly when read out loud by the reader.

What part I liked best: The fourth stanza jumped right out at this reader, I'm one of those outspoken people who do stop them. I've prided myself in not participating in gossip since I was a teen. The lesson was very painful and I've never forgotten how it made me feel. "If you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all"

Overall impression: The author gave the reader an gentle reminder how destructive gossip can be and why we should never underestimate another's worth by speech or action. Reminders are always warranted to keep all of us on the same course... treat others as you want to be treated.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Thank you for sharing your work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Wren,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Ten-Finger Exercises

First Impression: It saddens me to see such an engaging blog abandoned, I do hope you return to writing in it. Your entries vary between poems and things happening that day in your world. I enjoyed the personal glimpses/

What needs your attention: A writer, to write. The blog's last entry was November 2014. The writer uses good punctuation and grammar skills, there was nothing that distracted the reader from her enjoyment.

What part I liked best: The tree outside your window poem was vivid and filled with emotions about the foliage disappearing. The world does take on a bleak appearance once the leaves fall. The poem about obscurity was engaging and reminded the reader of the small tasks in life make a difference like canning applesauce for the winter. Those mundane moments are the best memories ever.

Overall impression: The author does very well with poetry and with her blog entries. Both are very engaging and fun to read. I hope this finds the author well.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Please ask the writer to write, her blog is very well written and begs to have more entries.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of War Drum  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Kerri,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: War Drum

First Impression: Your image caught my attention and I decided I would find out the connection. Wow, you conveyed a lot in just one hundred words.

What needs your attention: Injah felt her breathing flow out of her lungs. I think it would sound better if you said: Injah felt her breathe flow out of her lungs. As in take air into the lungs and then expel it.

I recommend a change here to make it sound more intimidating for the scene you are setting with instead of the sound of a foreign language entered her ears. As she listened, the sound of a foreign language struck her ears. Struck continues with the war scene theme.

What part I liked best: Ever since she was conscripted, the sound echoed through every day of her life suggested to me that Injah lived in a violent place and that her role was to protect the others. She made the fateful call.

Overall impression: In one hundred words you accomplished a good hook and brief synopsis of a story that left the reader wanting more.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Write on Kerri, story telling is your forte!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Writing For G.O.T  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Joy,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Writing for G.o.T.

First Impression: I wish I had more time to read every entry but right now I focused on the enigma prompt and the folklore prompt. Ironing out that was thought provoking piece of work about a trivial task that so many of us older generations still do. Skinny sally caught my eye with the muted gardens, I'm predictable.

What needs your attention: Nothing, that I noted. Your writing is always very precise and doesn't meander off topic. I wish mine was as good.

What part I liked best: I chuckled at the nagging hag scolding Sally about her neglected garden. I would too, if you have a garden than you have a responsibility to care for it just like a family member.
Ironing is when I do my best mulling and working through things that upset me. You can tell some times with how deeply I've pushed the iron onto to the cloth. *FacePalm*

Overall impression: I always enjoy my visits to your port. The topics vary immensely and each are well written fun to read. And the ones on more serious topics are always enlightening.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Thank you for all you do, you're an amazing team mate!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of GoT Writings  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Cheri,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Stay Calm,

First Impression: I didn't have time the other day to review when it was check out the entries so I am taking advantage of today's free day to visit my teammates. I enjoyed what you came up with for this entry. Tim's an adorable young man and it came across on the page.

What needs your attention: Nothing, you did the speak slurs of they upset four year old very well. The story flowed smoothly and was engaging to read.

What part I liked best: I chuckled when I got to the principal's office, Mr.Barrett had no idea that Timmie was the principal's son. That was a surprise. Things do happen even if your parents are right there. I bet Wally didn't care either or on the other hand it was the ulterior motive.

Overall impression: Timmie was bullied on the play ground by Wally and we got to find out what happened by his conversation with Mr. Barrett. I enjoyed hearing it from the child's view. The little added bonuses like making water and green underwear are so like a child to spill out.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Excellent take on the prompt!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Types of Cats  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Elizabeth,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Types of Cats

First Impression: The picture of the black and white kitty caught my attention so I wandered in to see what you created with the word search. There are a lot of cat breeds aren't there?

What needs your attention: Nothing, the word search was fun to do, I looked for each one before clicking on the solve puzzle hyper link. I was happy I discovered each one correctly.

What part I liked best: All the names of the different breeds. What I think the author could do to expand this word search into more than a puzzle but an informational piece as well. A summary of each cat would enlighten the reader about the differences. I know I own three cats, one is domestic short haired blue tabby, one is domestic long haired grey tabby and the youngest is a domestic short haired blush tabby. ( He is yellow with all the typical markings of a tabby.) I asked the vet about the different breakdowns and he indicated how they were cross-bred over time. My blue tabby has a bluish tone to his fur and has blue eyes. My gray tabby has a grayish undertone with green eyes. My yellow tabby has yellow hair with orange undertones and very bright yellow eyes. The only similarity in the three is their large feet.

Overall impression: Anyway, it was fun to do do a puzzle and see some different names of breeds that I hadn't seen. I did look them up so I could see what they were.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? How's life in Arizona?
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Neva, How are you?

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: My Adventurous Muse

First Impression: Interesting combination of words, they gave you lots of leeway to create beautiful imagery for the reader. I love where your muse took you especially the rainbow crystal sands.

What needs your attention: Nothing, the free verse works very well here. The poem flows smoothly from beginning to end, there were no word choices that took the reader out as she read.

What part I liked best: Leaves do have a musky smell to them when disturbed, that stanza reminded me of walking in the woods in Maine. There were lots of oaks, maples and elm trees but no willow, they are more suited to the southern part of the state.
I love thunder storms, they are beautiful to watch and the air smells so fresh after.

Overall impression: I enjoyed the imagery created by the author with this prompt inspired poem. Great job, Neva

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? It's supposed to be 100 degrees here tomorrow, humid and hot! Yuck!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

review # 6 wk 7/21-7/27

Hi Sunny,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Writing Tips and Corner Advice

First Impression: Wow, there is a lot of cool information here and I am going to come back to read more. I perused four this time and found it very informative even for someone who has been on WDC for a while.

What needs your attention: There are some links that aren't valid anymore so you might consider updating your references.

What part I liked best: I found it funny that I discovered something really cool of my partner in crime Joy in the games while I was reading. The contribution from storymaster on making the most of this site was enlightening. I had no idea how the bid click system worked. I found the writing a query letter quite useful and will be coming back to this when writing mine in the future. Then to see another take of it from Holly Jahangiri adding more food for thought.

Overall impression: This was an awesome discovery, I'm happy I found. I wish I had known some of the stuff I read, it would have made my own queries a lot easier. And back in my rookie days, I really felt intimidated and the info would have helped a lot. Now, that I'm more confident with myself the tools will be added to my arsenal and I will use them to help others.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Sunny has a lot of cool reading material !

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Wiesblaize

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The case of the pair of binoculars

First Impression: Wow, I did not see that coming at all, the ending was awesome. I loved the explanation about how binoculars differ from field glasses.

What needs your attention: Nothing, the punctuation and grammar look in order. The paragraphs flow smoothly into each other. There was nothing that distracted this reader from the story.

What part I liked best: The attic filled with cobwebs sounds just like mine. I never go up there. It's one of those places where you put things that you never expect to use again.
I loved that a mysterious sound beckoned him to the attic, things have a way of happening that are better left unexplained. I loved how you eased the reader into seeing the dad and not the bird that was wicked cool. My reaction would have been the same as his.

Overall impression: Interesting story about a dad and son and the dad's binoculars. The son really didn't have any interest but they were left to him by his dad when he passed. Twenty years had passed when he thought about using them to look at a bird unfortunately the bird vanished before he remembered where they were. Once he did find them in the attic buried in dust he also enjoyed quite the surprise when he looked thru them. Great ending!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my IMMENSE pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Write on!!!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Day as a Dog  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Epic Dreamer

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: A Day as a Dog

First Impression: Man, I felt so bad for the dog that got spanked and scolded all the time. Dogs are very loyal animals and respond best to love not anger.

What needs your attention: This was written when the author was about 11 or 12 years old. The writing is correct as far as punctuation goes.

What part I liked best: The dog with a full belly was probably disappointed to have his meals cut back at first. It is the owners responsibility to make sure the animal is fed and exercised to maintain a healthy weight. It is not good for them to become obese, it is dangerous for their hearts and backs.

Overall impression: The child discovered there is a lot responsibility caring for a pet because they need food and water, to be bathed and to make sure they are protected from fleas and heart worms. The best thing ever is the friendship between a beloved pet and an owner.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Keep on writing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Saved By Art  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Vivid,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Saved By Art

First Impression: I cried for the little boy who was treated so cruelly by the adults in his world. I rejoice to hear he is a successful artist and has a family of his own.

What needs your attention: A good edit needs to be done, you are missing commas and have a few run on sentences. The story is moving and heart wrenching at times that the reader didn't get taken out of the story by the basic grammar and punctuation flaws. You have hunger when it should be hungry with the old man.

What part I liked best: The old man on the street who gave the little boy his first encouragement when he said, "I love the art!" That was so important to the little boy. I hoped it would be the turning point but unfortunately the little boy faced more obstacles before ending up in a hospital. Thankfully, there he was in a good place and with people that could help him reach his goals.

Overall impression: This was a very emotional story to read about a young boy who rose from an abusive family life, time in foster care and a near death experience before finally finding a place he was able to thrive safely. The reader was moved by the trauma the young faced and relieved he survived and went on to a successful life. She is very happy for him.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? I hope the author is excelling in his art.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Angel Eaters  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Ohiois4lovers,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Angel Eaters

First Impression: Curiosity about what happens on the Nevada desert since that is where my daughter chose to live. Personally, I think she is insane especially after growing up on the east coast. Interesting tale woven around a young man named Bruce who is down on his luck.

What needs your attention: Unfortunately, there are many edits needed to make this story reach its potential. The author has changed tenses throughout the story, pick one and stay with it. After reading I would recommend 3rd tense, and let the narrator carry the story instead of Bruce.
There are typos like dud should be due for instance throughout the story.

What part I liked best: How welcoming Jesse's family was until Bruce inquired about the empty place setting. That's when the plot really kicked in for me. What happened to Gavin and why the family kept his place saved.

Overall impression: The author has spun an interesting tale with an unusual villain, the story held the readers interest.
The punctuation, tense changes and spelling errors were distracting to the reader.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? It's a shame to see how long it's been since you logged on last. Hope this finds you well.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Winged friends  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Mina,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Winged Friends

First Impression: I see the birds in cages at the pet store and I always feel so bad for them living in a cage. I've never owned birds myself but I have heard they can be very engaging company. I have three cats in my home, it would be to stressful for birds to live here.

What needs your attention: Nothing the punctuation and grammar are in order. Your story flows smoothly from beginning to end.

What part I liked best: The author getting a mate for the female so she would not be alone after the other bird was killed by a crow. Crows are really aggressive here, too! I had baby bunnies when I lived in Maine, a crow swooped down and stole one of the babies. I felt horrible that I didn't see that coming.
I didn't know that if a bird is born in a cage it will not fly out.

Overall impression: The birds were very lucky to have a good home with you and your niece. All creatures should have a place where they are loved and can love in return. Right now, I have a kitty lying across my lap as I write, purring quite contentedly. Life is good!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Thanks for sharing a cool story about birds, I enjoyed reading and learning more about birds in captivity.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Butler Did It  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Geoff, I have a knack for finding unfinished stories it seems.

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Butler Did It

First Impression: Did what? Is he going to kill that horrible creature Dennison? Your description of him reminded me of a man I know here in Jersey, and he is just as arrogant.

What needs your attention: This section feels awkward to me. "Art was born poor. Through intellect and hard work he had become wealthy." I suggest that you say- Art was born poor. He had become wealthy through hard work and intellect. Just food for thought. All of the other sentences flow smoothly and the punctuation looks in order.

What part I liked best: Dr. VanGogh suggesting they do something good with their profits and helping others. Yup, I am a sucker for humanitarian causes. I chuckled when the slug dismissed the idea commenting about his grandfather's alleged reaction. VanGogh's response was perfect, "Ye, I'm sure he is turning over in his grave" which completely went over the slug's head.

Overall impression: An interesting story about a repulsive obese man with too much money and not an ounce of compassion for his fellow man discussing his wealth with a colleague. His colleague made a suggestion to help others and it was immediately shot down.
I was hoping the butler would strike then...but I am still wondering what is going to happen because Geoff did it again... to be continued.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? I think you enjoy torturing readers...by leaving us hanging!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Steel Dragon  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Sharon,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Steel Dragon

First Impression: Initially, when I saw the title I thought of the giant roller coaster in Japan but then I saw the explanation and realized there is more than one steel dragon. Then my curiosity was peaked, are you discussing the storm of 1913 on the Great Lakes? On Nov. 6th the steamer Cornell was damaged, on Nov. 7th hurricane winds exceeding 70 mph, and by the time it ended 12 ships were claimed which 3 have not been found.

What needs your attention: The rondeau looks in order and it flows smoothly when read. The author chose this form to emphasis certain details for the reader and succeeded.

What part I liked best: The children building sandcastles reminded the author how quickly the weather and events by the water can change. The storm in that area I've read come on quickly and can be deadly.

Overall impression: The author shared an event in history in a rondeau form which stressed specific details enhancing the sad event in history.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Only 12 more day until sanity returns, phew!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Angela,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Until the Last Rose Dies

First Impression: I was curious what happens when the last rose does. I know curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction can bring him back. At first it struck me odd that her name was Rose as well.

What needs your attention: The grammar and punctuation are in order. The paragraphs flow smoothly from one to next in this restricted flash fiction entry.

What part I liked best: I'm a sucker for romance so of course I was pleased to see the roses waiting for her when she arrived home. That was an unusual touch with the one black silk rose among the live roses. That boyfriend is a keeper.

Overall impression: This story about a young woman named Rose who was looking forward to date night with her boyfriend when her boss called her into work because of an emergency. She reluctantly went after reaching out to the boyfriend only to return home after work to discover a nice surprise waiting for her.
The boyfriend sure knows how to score brownie points.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Keep on Writing! We miss you, Angela!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Starlight Parlor  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (3.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Alala,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Starlight Parlor

First Impression: This reminded me of camping trips I have taken over the years looking up at star filled skies.

What needs your attention: But we talking keep softly
I think you intended it to be But we keep talking softly. Other than the free verse works well and gives the author a lot of leeway in her creative process. There wasn't a noted rhythm pattern. There were no punctuation errors to distract the reader.

What part I liked best: The campfire slowly dying as the couple settle in under the stars. In my opinion, that's the best date night ever! How can you go wrong with a twinkling backdrop and great conversation while you are all snug in bedrolls.

Overall impression: This short poem was created in a free verse form. The author shared an evening under the stars, wrapped in bed rolls around a campfire enjoying good conversation. Sounds good to me.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Keep on writing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Geoff,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Myth of The Blister Babies

First Impression: Part one of a pondering past is what lured me into this writing because it was such a drastic difference from the title. It peaked my curiosity and held my interest from beginning to end.

What needs your attention: The punctuation and grammar were not distracting to this reader. The paragraphs flowed fluently from one to the next and the author did not meander off from his tale.

What part I liked best: Mr. Geoffrey gathering his belongings and up-rooting his life to help the Professor with only minute details. That said a lot to this reader about their relationship although the author did not elaborate on it. It was cool that the author showed and did not tell us. Mr. Geoffrey arrived on the island exhausted so he had to wait until morning to hear the Professor's crazy tale. I'm really glad I wasn't snacking when I read either about the poor princess being gutted.

Overall impression: Interesting tale with a sampling of gore for those who enjoy that. I was relieved it did not continue long and the story moved forward into the evolution of the tiny people. The reader was left hanging with the professor going to work and Mr. Geoffrey left in the care of the cook Pheakkly and her daughter Ligaya for the day.
Just went it was getting really interesting I reach a to be continued.... really Geoff?

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? I'm looking forward to the next part!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Angela,

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Little Beggars

First Impression: This is a delightful tribute to Halloween, my favorite holiday. The thought of seeing the dentist did make sure I brushed my teeth after each indulgence.

What needs your attention: There is an aabb rhyme pattern throughout the poem and four lines per stanza. Frills and girls do not meet the rhyme criteria ending. Every other line end works.

What part I liked best: Super highs, I remember those very well from when I was a child, I would be awake for hours. I got to enjoy the experience again with my children except I wasn't a happy camper being kept awake when I had work in the morning.

Overall impression: This reader enjoyed her stroll done memory lane with this tribute about Halloween. These days the beggars that come to my door are strangers and I smile knowing what lies ahead for those Mommy and Daddy's.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Let the tradition continue.
We miss you blogging with us, Angela!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Lavender Blue  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Shelly

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Lavender Blue

First Impression: This was a feel good poem for the reader as well although I wasn't sure what exactly were lavender blues. I thought of the sweet aroma of the plant initially. But then the author talked of blue jeans and a t-shirt. Ah,then the poem took on a different meaning to the reader, those are her favorite hanging out clothes, too!

What needs your attention: The rhyme pattern works here with the uneven stanza length, it gives the poem movement.

What part I liked best: There is nothing better than a good fitting pair of jeans. Anything is possible when you are wearing them. The narrator wants a vacation where she can be comfy in her favorite pair of lavender blue jeans kicking back. I can relate to that feeling too!

Overall impression: Life is complicated enough but when you are stuck in clothes that don't give you a feel good feeling than it makes for a very long day.

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? Jeans were the greatest clothing invention ever, don't you agree?

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Spoken With Love  
Review by Lyn's a Wit...
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "Game of Thrones

Hi Jenny

My name is Lyn, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Spoken with Love

First Impression: Valentines day really has become too commercial for me, too! What happened to making cards or writing silly little verses on construction paper hearts.

What needs your attention: The author has chosen an aabb rhyme pattern which works very well in this incidence to tell about a special moment with some one dear in her life. The poem does not feel forced and flows smoothly from beginning to end.

What part I liked best: I laughed when the narrator called the kitchenaid mixer the largest paper weight. They are quite heavy. I had to re-arrange my kitchen so mine could have a location where I did not have to move it at all. It was just to dang heavy. The author lucked out a mixer and fryer both. Was it a hint that he wanted fried doughnuts by some chance.

Overall impression: The narrator discussed a specific Valentines day with someone special who normally ignores the day because of all the consumerism and yet he gave her gifts that he knew she would appreciate. YAY!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

What does the Fox say????? I hope you spoiled the man like crazy!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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