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Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your poem. It is honest and direct. Your words demonstrate your sadness and frustration with the world we live in.

Your most powerful line is "You'll see how much the world has failed"

There are many who still try to pretend that everything is okay and that we will solve all of the global problems. However, I suspect that you, like me and millions others, know that we have messed up and that we need our Creator to help us put things right.

If you are looking for answers, I have writtewn an article which explains (from the Bible) why the world is the way it is and who is really to blame. I would be pleased if you would read it and give me your thoughts on it. It is called "Why Does god Allow Suffering - will it ever end?"

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your words are very powerful and intense. I feel for you and your terrible loss. When you speak of an "adoring grasp" I understand exactly what you mean.

I was curious about the last line where you speak of looking at the stars together. I have often wondered where we would wish to be, given the choice, in Heaven, or on earth. A friend of mine lost his mum when he was a little boy. The Priest told him that God wanted his mum to be with him in Heaven. My friend said to the Priest that he needed his mum more than God.

Since then I learned from the Bible that those we have loved and lost will be coming back to life on earth in the "Resurrection."

I would be happy to share more details of this wondeful Biblical hope with you. Please feel free to ask.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your words are beautiful and moving. Only someone who has been through tribulation could write such an honest expression.

Like you, I have received God's mercy and love, and my life is so different today because of Him.

A special article.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your article, particularly the clarity and honesty of it. Your words show a clear determination to stick to the Bible, regardless of what this world's philosophers and others may claim.

I like your strong position that we should accept the Bible in it's entirety, not some bits that we like. I have encountered many who like to select what they find acceptable in God's word and reject what they do not, a bit like a child with a "Pick'n'mix" sweet stall.

One thing I wanted to question about your reasoning is the definition of "Hell." I have read the Bible several times and, I do not see the fires and torture that others see. Furthermore, the teaching that God punishes people by burning them for eternity does not match the God that I have come to know and love, or His beloved son, Jesus. Yes, I know that God will deal with all people who reject His righteous standards but, as far as i can tell, the penalty for disobedience is "Not inheriting the kingdom" according to the Apostle Paul.

I have written an article on WDC called "Heaven, Hell, or the earth?" I would love to have your thoughts on it, if you have time.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was swept up by your dazzling vision of what should be.

You paint a lovely picture of possibilites. I particularly like the way that you draw inspiration fom the cosmos. I also percieve your concern for our beautiful earth, and those tortured souls upon it.

The about your article for me is that you describe the very conditions I, and millions of others who are disturbed by world conditions, are anticipating. However, I see these wondeful conditions coming about, not by prejudiced human efforts but, by our creator.

Please alow me to leave you with a beautiful promise from the Bible;

"God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”

Good writing.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was facinated by your article. It is well written and very logical.

You make some good points and you make it clear that your motive is to encourage people to think and act for themselves. I applaud your noble goals and I hope that it helps some people.

As I was reading your article, I did think of couple of things I did want to comment on.

Your whole conclusion is based on the assumtion that "If God exists" he wants us to be independent and happy. With respect, how do you reach that conclusion? Have you encountered God's words or writings or, are you making assumptions based on religious tradition and past events?

I know from my own studies that the religions of this world have grossly misrepresented God with their ideoligies and actions.

Also, I wanted to ask you for your sincere thoughts on a question about modern life;

The western world is largely secular, paying no attention to the will of their creator. They seek and practice independence at every opportunity. My question is, Do you beleieve that this independence from God has brought about a better world?

Sorry to ramble but, you did get me thinking with your words.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read your words with trepidation and interest. I recognize the agonising snetiments poured out in your work. I too have loved a wonderful person who was stricken by Cancer. She is in hospital today. I also recently lost my beloved mum. Your words echoed around my soul, a haunting reflection of what might be, of separation. Yet, even in your sad words, I glean something good. We have both known great love, which will endure.

I do not know if you are religious but, if you are, you have probably been given all the usual empty shpeel about God "Taking your loved one to be with him in Hevaen" or God "Working in mysterious ways."

I turned away from religion because of such sayings (and the hypocrisy I saw). Yet, in time, I was encouraged to read the Bible and find out what God actually says for himself, not through some egotisitic interpreter. What I learned was truly amazing.

Now, I know that there are causes and reasons. But, more importantly, I know that I will see my mum again, on earth, and that no matter what happens to my wife, God will bring her back, after His will is done "On earth as it is in Heaven" and then she will be whole and well and eternally happy.

Sorry if I have rambled or offended you. I share your pain and I just wanted to share my real and tangible hope.

I wish you peace and joy.

Review of Creation Science  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Powerful article, presenting historical data and reasoned alternative explanations for what we actually observe in history and our physical earth.

It is astonishing that secular reasoning, in the form of "Evolutionary biology", can establish itself as the only credible scientific explanation for the life that we see and enjoy today. It is particularly disturbing because eminent scientists such as Newton, Einstein and even Darwin did not embrace such narrow-minded, dismissive ideas.

Although I enjoyed your srticle very much, and I feel as passionate as you on this subject, I am of a different view to you. I do not accept that evidence demonstrates that the earth is only a few thousand years old. I have studied both the geological and scriptuaral accounts and have satisfied myself as to the facts. I would be happy to share my findings with you, should you be curious.

Good work.

Review of Windows and Doors  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great article, highlighting the repetitions of mantras we hear all through our tough lives. What we have been fed makes no sense.

Similar sayings which irritate and confuse are "God works in mysterious ways" or "There are no answers, it was God's will."

I used to assume that such mumbo-jumbo came from the Bible but, I discovered for myself that this is not true. The Bible does not say anything of the kind but, actually says things contrary to those cliches. There are some very revealing truths about our lives in the Bible, and I would be happy to share them with you, if you like.

Good writing.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your article. You delve deep into the human soul to fathom who and what we are and... more importantly, why is the world the way it is?

I like this notion of "Practical Philosophy." Up until recently, I saw philosophy as an empty gesture, almost elitist posturing while the world disintegrated. Yet, you give it a new face and a purpose. A very thought-provoking article.

A couple of observations, if I may?

You quote René Descartes in saying "I think, therfore I am." Yet you do not acknowledge his position on the deep questions of life. Descartes was making the point that human consciousness was evidence of a higher power at work.

One of my favourite quotes (from a famous physicist) is "What I cannot create, I do not understand." Would you agree that, that there are some things in this life which are beyond human understanding and, if so, are they within the understanding of others?

Very good article.

All the best.

Review of Simple Gifts  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved reading this. It is simply bliss. You conjured so many memories and experiences for me. Your words are well chosen and written as if with the stroke of a brush adding colour. Thank you for cheering my day.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (3.0)
You have compiled a very full account of the sad events at the end of the war. I like the way that you list events in a diary form. We can glean a lot from the information you have presented.

While I understand your logic in presenting your support of using the devastating weapons, and I do appreciate that Japan, under a mass religious compulsion, acted in a very destructive way, it must be noted that the discoverer of the formula that led to atomic fusion (Albert Einstein) recommended to the US President that America invite representatives from Germany and theor allies to witness the power of the bomb, at a remote location, to convince them to halt the war. Not only did the US President fail to listen to Einstein's advice but he ordered the bombs dropped on two cities (only one was necessary) and not on waste ground, to demonstrate the power that America had been given. In short, history is never as simple as we would like it to be.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Lovely sentiments from someone so obviously in love. I sighed as I read this because it reminded me so much of my beloved wife's faithfulness and constant support.

We are lucky people!

I hope you have many, many more years together.

Well written.

Review of Introduction  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Welcome aboard. This is a good place.

I hope you have fun and many creations.

Review of "Thank You RAOK"  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a nice surprise! I really appreciate this. I will, if I may, take it as a pat on the back. Very encouraging, thank you.

There are some kind, thoughtful writers on this site, I have recommended it to many others.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very moving.

Your words echo powerful emotions. Rest assured that you speak for many searching souls out there. You should be glad that you think such thoughts, sad though they are. There are many in life who do not ask such questions. They just wander through life, focusing o the mundane and the trivial.

But you, you are searching, and I hope your search is successful.

Well written.

"Keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be opened." - Jesus
Review of For Debbie  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)

Made me think of my own sweet lady. You capture the unique and special bond of marriage so well with your words.

People like you and I are very lucky. Let's never take that for granted.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very powerful and moving. A unique idea to liken the need for water to the activity of our minds.

I do believe that depression and Bipolar affect those who are very mentally active, in fact, there are many times that people cannot shut their brains off, especially from the soul-destroying thoughts.

Well written.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)

I really enjoyed your article. I think you are absolutely right that an ongoing written account of your experience is the perfect way to review the outcome. You seem like an ideal person to evaluate this experiment. You come across as open-minded, intelligent and fair.

I am also glad that you will be researching the facts from the other perspective of meat consumers, otherwise it would not be fair to the subject or your own personal health.

I can tell you, from personal experience, that there is a right way to approach Vegetarianism and Veganism, and there is a wrong way. When I first started out as a Vegetarian, I was young, inexperienced and impulsive. I knew little about nutrition and how the body functions and there were little or no accessible alternatives to meat and dairy products. The result was that I became quite poorly and lost weight.

In time, I deepened my knowledge of the subject and made adjustments accordingly. Also, society began to change and new products became available. Eventually, I took the plunge and became a Vegan-positive (I will explain this term in an article I am currently working on). That was about 8 years ago.

Today, I work for the largest health product supplier in the world and I am involved in a full high-level health education system. I have been meat and dairy free for decades yet, I still do part-time work as a builder. I have more strength and energy than most people I know and I have never had a serious illness in my life. I do not need, and I avoid, any medications other than antibiotics when necessary. Most people of my age have some serious health problem and are on multiple medications.

Along with my Vegan-positive lifestyle, I have made many discoveries about life and health and happiness. My simple personal philosophy in life is to respect all life, human and other, to be positive toward all, and to only consume those foods which occur naturally, as they were intended for me and all human beings. These principles have served me well and I am very happy and productive. When considering any food source, I ask myself a simple question, would I consume this if it was liquidized in a blender?

One thing I would like to mention, when you encounter the inevitable negative information about Veganism, please bare in mind that most people are simply repeating things that they have read or heard. One example is that "Vegans are deficient in Vitamin B12." Even though this vitamin doesn't occur naturally in plants, the fact that most alternative spreads, cereals and drinks contain B12 nowadays means that this argument against a Vegan lifestyle is no longer valid. What such critics tend to ignore is the fact that there are many essential nutrients (Vitamin C for example) that are not found in any meat or dairy sources yet, no one seems to be concerned about meat-eaters being deficient in them. In actual fact, studies have shown that meat-eaters are also deficient in vitamin B12. When I had a complete health check recently, my doctor informed me that, not only were my nutritional levels glowing and abundant (including B12), but that in his experience, most patients with nutrient deficiencies were actually meat-eaters.

I wish you well in your experiment and I would love to hear your conclusions. You show great loyalty and courage undertaking such a change in lifestyle, I do hope you are richly rewarded for it, and I am confident that you will be.

Please keep me informed.


Review of Pain Philosophy  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very strong and direct. I understand your frustration and despair.

I was curious though about your mention of "The fire." Is this a metaphor or, are you referring to "Hellfire?" If so, you might be relieved to know that there is no such teaching as literal hellfire in the Bible. Also, the Bible promises that all evil will be removed when the kingdom comes - "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth."

Just a thought.

Well written. I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautifully written, laced with pain and frustration.

It is a good thing to share an experience like this. Some sufferers could not put their emotions into words and so, writers like you can speak for them.

I am sorry for your suffering. I hope you find some peace from somewhere. I find my peace from the words of the Bible;

"God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will sorrow or outcry or pain."

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth."

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wacky, breathless and great!

We are funny creatures after all, ain't we?!
Review of Ode to Anxiety  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very strong and honest. Your words echo the feelings of many people struggling with life.

The last line is the best.

Well written.

I wish you peace.


Review of Light of Night  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I was curious about your poem, there are not many writers who would allow the reader freedom to interpret.

Your words are strong and vibrant yet, I cannot escape the feeling that they are dripping with tragedy. I hope this is not a death wish of some kind.

Short, yet evocative work.

I wish you peace.

Review of A Quiet Place  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was drawn to this piece, by the title and the theme. I wasn't disappointed, you write with a clarity and a fierce honesty.

You capture a simple truth with your words... I could not live without the sound of music, birds, wind, and the voices of the ones I love.

Nice work.

I wish you pace.

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