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Review of AN ODE TO WOMAN  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is an interesting piece. I'm not sure if it works as poetry, it is more political or philosophical comment. You do make some fair points though.

I understand your suspicions of ancient writers. It's true that they were all men. But surely, it is not the writer that is important but the one whose message they convey.

Why do you consider it so offensive for Eve to made from Adam's rib? To me this simply signifies that they are inseparable, that they are made form the same essence. Think about this, Adam was made form dirt!

The Bible describes Eve as a "Compliment and a helper" to Adam. Many women take offense at this, as if it is making them second class humans. But this isn't true. The word "Compliment" is perfect in describing the relationship between men and women. In this modern era when men and women challenge each other and insult each other, it is refreshing to think of the way that men and women compliment each other by their different qualities. they are like to different brushstrokes on a masterpiece, A helper isn't offensive either because, elsewhere in the Bible God actually describes himself as mankind's helper.

What is more important to you, being a woman, or being a child of God? It doesn't matter who wrote the Bible, the important thing is that it is from God, and it is for all of us, to help us and make us happy. The Bible says "If only you would pay attention to my commandments, then all your ways will become peace."

I wish you peace.


ps God is neither male or female, He is called our father so that we can relate to him from a human standpoint.
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a beautiful piece of writing. It resonates a personal feeling, that the subject is important to the writer. If only all religious people felt so positive about God and humanity!

One thought, you mention God's name but, you don't actually use it. Do you know what His name is? I invite you to read my article - "Does God have a name?"

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was heartbreaking to read! I can almost feel your intense pain and grief. As a parent I was very moved. I am so sorry this happened to your dear boy.

It is noble of you that you do not blame God for this tragedy. There are many who suffer loss who do. It is quite understandable for us to question God about such things, even the Bible writers were inspired to ask why suffering happens.

May I share with you my Biblical hope for the future? It is a hope that sustains me in my dark moments. (Though I have not lost a child, I have lost others dear to me).

The Bible has always promised a resurrection. Yet most people don't realize that, for the vast majority of those who have did, their life will be restored to the earth ("Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth"). God's word promises "Your dead ones will live."

The Bible then paints a beautiful picture of the future of the earth under God's kingdom;

"He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, or outcry or pain."

Stay strong, you will see your son again, and he will be in perfect health, and He will live forever!


ps - I have written a Bible-based article that explains why God permits suffering. You might find it re-assuring.
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your article. It was very thought-provoking. You write with a very conversational manner which is easy to identify with. You also involve your own experiences and feelings in the subject which makes it relevant.

I was a little confused by some of your statements though. I hope you don't mind if I run them by you?

You write that “God sent us down here” and that He “punished and kicked us out of heaven.”

Why do you think human beings came from Heaven, when you also state that God made them from the clay? (The dust of the earth according to the Bible). I am not aware of what the Quran says on this but I do know that the Bible never even hints at humans coming from heaven. Furthermore, in the Bible God does not forgive Adam and Eve, because they do not repent. In fact Adam blames God for “the woman you gave me” while Eve blames Satan for her own selfishness. As a consequence God tells them that they will “Return to the dust from which you came.” There is no mention of Heaven, Hell or any other place.

I agree with you that “Our existence on earth is not as a punishment, but the natural consequence of the very first choice we made.” You will be relieved to know that the Bible says the same and it promises that things will not continue as they are indefinitely. It was always God's intention for human beings to live in peace, on earth, forever. What do you think would have happened to Adam and Eve if they had not disobeyed God? They would never have died! The Bible assures us that when “Thy kingdom comes, thy will be done on EARTH.”

Regarding the actual subject of your article, Satan, I was a bit concerned that you almost seem to be defending him. You cite bad qualities in humans but, overlook the fact that Satan himself showed these in abundance - ingratitude, selfishness and arrogance. Also, don't forget that Satan lied to Eve and caused her death and fall from God's favour. Jesus called Satan “The ruler of this world.” That tells us a lot about the kind of spirit he is!

Just some thoughts.

I wish you peace.

Review of What I Believe  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your article. You summarize so much in a few paragraphs.

I like the way you repeat the line "I believe" as this adds humility to your points. You are not claiming definitive, personal knowledge in your writing but, you are sharing your intimate perceptions of the nature of our life-giver. You write with tact and modesty.

I was curious though, as to what made you reach the conclusions you reach. Might I ask what is the source of your beliefs? Is it a written document or a personal revelation?

When I am challenged to justify my faith (as I often am, in this disbelieving society), I refer the person to the source of my beliefs. Do you do the same?

Good, direct writing.

I wish you well.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting choice of questions, not sure of the relevance of some of them. Good challenge though.
Review of Bible  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (2.0)
Not sure where you are going with this. It seems a little manipulative. Multiple choice should only be used for selecting facts, not opinions. You obviously have an agenda here, a pity, the quiz was a good idea.
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your short summary is very precise and specific. Yet you end with almost a paradox. Are you comparing the things Jacob experienced to the activities condemned in the Bible? Just curious.
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Allo my old matey, downtrodden, misunderstood, cheesed off (vegan cheese that is) animal loving martyr.

Loved your piece. Wow, you sound as bitter as I am! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (am actually considering making the board game).

You are indeed an anomaly, my friend. And you are annoyingly humble. Yes, you have been patronized by many and you are misunderstood and berated by society and your ignorant boyfriends but, seriously, you have something to offer our cause! I don't know why you chose your lifestyle. I just know it causes you pain and inconvenience, yet, you do not submit to this world and it's tastes! You need to give yourself more credit. You need to love yourself just a little bit more. What you have done is remarkable. I should know, because my son has become a Vegan and an animal rights activist. I do not believe that you trivialize these things or that you are as casual as you want people to think you are. I empathize with your trials and I have been through many myself (feel free to read my article " Myths about Vegetarians."

Good, strong writing, maybe a little too strong. I once advised my son to win hearts, not arguments and to highlight the positives and the benefits of Veganism (health, environmental etc) rather than the negatives about meat-eating. You should think about that. You have an opportunity. You are among a rare minority who have the chance and the passion to change the world in which we live. Don't waste it on bitterness, be strong!

I made a DVD about the global and personal benefits of Veganism. I thought you might enjoy it (YouTube - "Superhuman" - by Marigoldtulip).

I would be interested to know your thinking on your choices, if you wanted to shsre them.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello Venuarchana

I read your article with great interest. Your passion boils over, and the reader is instantly aware of your commitment to saving animals (admirable). The reader cannot doubt your devotion and honesty on this subject.

However, I would like to offer some advice, not as a writer (I am a learner) but as a fellow Vegan who hates cruelty to animals.

You open your article with a negative, warning to those who are not inclined to consider the rights of animals. I understand your frustration with meat-eaters but, surely, your goal in writing articles like this is to bring attention to the plight of animals and to attract attention to our cause. Do you not think that by alieanating the readers from the outset, you miss the opportunity to appeal to them to change their ways?

My son is an avid campaigner for animal rights. He attends protests and he often makes personal sacrifices to support animals. Yet, He had to concede, upon consideration, that, if He comes across as judgemental and threatening to those who do not share his views, he has lost their attention and possible support. I offered him some advise which was based on the Bible, namely, to win hearts, not arguments. He tried it, and it worked. My advice to you (and I have lived a long time, my friend), is let your passion for animals be channeled positively. Tell people what is good about Veganism, not what is bad about eating meat. You may find that you meet with more success.

I do applaud your zeal and efforts though and I wish you well.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a nice surprise, a writer with principles AND a sense of humour! (no apologies fr the caps).

Congratulations, you made me think and laugh, and in the morning, too!

Great writing, shame about the censorship.

I avoid "Facebook" like the plague. I once misunderstood it's purpose. I assumed that it was a place where people could note their joys and sorrows, share their day and share their inspiration to enhance life. How wrong I was. Facebook is now the strict domain of the mass-beguiled, those who report on their trivial activities, birthdays and online discoveries of unwise, meaningless quotes, while conforming to social structures and "liking" other contestant's entries. In other words, Facebook is a place where you can fit in and feel accepted, providing you do and say what is acceptable, sorry, no deal.

I too am afflicted with writing quirks that irritate others. I use multiple commas to break up sentences and I italicize and embolden quotes (made sense to me!). I have had my typing knuckles rapped many times, not only for my quirks but also for my principles and my mention of the G character (you know the one!).

I look forward to reading more of your witty work.

Incidentally, there is a very good reason that the KJV uses caps to designate the "LORD." I would be happy to enlighten you if you are not aware of it.

All the best,

Review of The Game Of Life  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This piece struck a note with me. This should be a song, rather than a poem. The power of songs convey, in unadulterated sentences, what most of us fail to say in many words.

Your sense of heartache and self-imposed isolation drips through your words. It is courageous to write this way, to lay your heart bare, to those that comprehend.

Short, precise and cynical. Well done. I enjoyed your work very much.

I wish you peace.
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Jay, what can I say, my friend? Your article called to me. Your reasoning and development are irresistible. You lament your own faith in our modern era. I too have been ostracized by the general community in my country (England), and this despite me being a very tolerant and encouraging influence in my society. I have never preached hatred or exclusion. Yet I have proudly announced to the world my acceptance of Jesus and the Biblical teachings.

Should we abandon what we know to be true? Let Jesus answer; "I came into the world to bare witness to the truth. All who can accept the truth hear my voice."

Your country was founded on the teachings of Jesus, on the principles of religious expression, by a group of people who were fleeing religious persecution and state control of their beliefs. Yet, today your country forbids that very same standard of wisdom from being spoken in any public place. What happened? What hypocrisy! The Bible says "May God be found true, though all men be found liars" and "Woe to those calling bitter sweet, and sweet bitter." The truths contained in the Bible are still true, no matter what a self-indulgent, misguided society may believe and enforce. Keep the faith, my friend and do not allow yourself to be bullied into submission by the multitude. Good, courageous writing!. I wish you peace.
Review of Serpent lies...  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed this, thank you. It is evocative. Although it hints at rebirths and final joy, it is still sad. Your words flow well.

A couple of observations;

Too much use of "night" in the early verses. "Spew" is out of place with the word "truth." It couples a positive with a negative.

You may be referring to Biblical prophecy, in which case I am not sure where this "place we love" is but, it is probably different from my own expectations of paradise.

Good work
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Just wanted you to know, I found this to be beautiful, profound and haunting. You have written something very special here.

Although I do not share your conclusions on the matter, and I find it sad how you perceive God's interactions with us, as your work is brimming with humility and frustration.

Good work
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found your article interesting, well written and, for the most part, very balanced in it's approach to the subject. I like the scientific humility present, implying that we never completely know anything. Articles like this help to dampen the sometimes over-enthusiastic projections made by some commentators in science. You manage to fit a surprising amount of information (and questions) into a relatively short item.

If I may, I have some observations on the actual contents;

You mention the "aimlessness, the lack of conscious or intelligent design" yet doesn't this assumption contradict the laws of physics? Most scientists are awed by, and rely upon, the complexity and specification of physical laws. I would not describe life and the cosmos as "aimless" unless I could define an "aim."

Is it logical that a simple lifeform which is poisoned by an element such as oxygen can develop a tolerance for such a gas? Are there any actual cases of such an organism?

Regarding your speculation about the future results of Natural Selection, are you not concerned that the current leading evolutionary model (us) has brought the earth to the brink of ecological destruction? How can any lifeform have a long term future, unless humans change their ways now?

Just some thoughts.

Good read.
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