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Review of Truth  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an ambitious work!

I was captivated by your reasoning. You bravely attempt to address a fundamental aspect of human nature that has been changed over the years. Your writing is honest and inquisitive.

If I may, I would like to offer the benefit of my own perspective. I have lived a long time. In that time, realities and "truths" have been diminished and changed. The world is unrecognizable today. Yet, there exists "Truths." If once upon a time, murder was evil, then surely, murder is still evil, isn't it? But you might say that it depends upon the opinion of the majority.

Let me quote two men who I consider to be wise;

"In a minority of one, the truth is still the truth." (Gandhi)- If all the world said that the sky was black when it is blue, their consensus would not make it black!

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (Jesus Christ) - Jesus was not talking about political, social or personal truth, but divine truth. He went on to state many truths that are factual. "Whatever a man is sowing, He will reap." Can any of us deny that eventuality?

Sorry to ramble.

Good article.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was just browsing tonight, reading many interesting articles....

And then I read this!

What a refreshment! I was nodding as I read your words. Your passion is infectious and your determination iresistable. You echo the feelings of many who are trapped by dogma and doctrine. I hope your article takes root and finds an audience here on this site, and beyond.

I applaud your work, and I will look at your other articles.

Thank you.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
You honour the vistims of hatred with your words. I wish there were nmore writers willing to confront the deluded haters on this earth.

I enjoyed your poem and I feel your frustrations contained within it.

If I may offer some advice for you - I feel that you are restricting your expressions by confining yourself to rhyme. I am a recovering rhymist, meaning that I always wrote with verses that had to rhyme. I still do but, I don't have to. I think that you would excel if you experimented a little. It is only an observation and suggestion.

Nonetheless, your work is good.

I wish you peace.

Review of Searchseeker  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is the second article of yours that I have read, and I am impressed by your gentle way with words and your attention to nature and the cosmos. Your humility and patience shine through your work.

I hope that your work is not a reflection of true sadness because you have the potential to convey hope and insight.

My own personal source of hope and comfort is the Bible. Many of my own articles reflect this. I highly recommend the scriptures as an explanation for life and a remedy for sadness.

Good work.

I wish you peace.

Review of My Hand To God  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I can identify with your words. You write well, with much passion. I can almost feel the frustration in your mind, the battle to be what you want to be.

I enjoyed your work very much.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hallo fellow scribbler

You are inquisitive, and bold in your writing. I imagine you must upset a lot of religious leaders with your questions!

I can offer some insight on those Biblical passages, if you want?

"Meek" in the Hebrew context, means "Mild-tempered, or "Teachable." In other words, those that listen to God and do not aggressively and defiantly live life without giving consideration to Him.

If someone told you that you were going to inherit a clothes shop, what would you expect? A clothes shop, of course! When Jesus promised that the meek will inherit the earth, He meant the literal earth, but not in the rubbish condition we find it today. God knows how to remedy all wrongs, including environmental destruction. Did you know that Jesus warned us that His Father will "Bring to ruin those ruining the earth"? It makes you think doesn't it?!

For the record, if someone repents (changes), they are guaranteed a future (either on the earth, or in Heaven). However, if such a person later abandons God, he also abandons his future prospects. Many who claim to be born again claim that they are saved no matter what, even if they were to commit murder after being baptized! That is not what the Bible says. It is quite clear when it tells us that "If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,  but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment (not Hellfire)." (Hebrews 10.26)

Regarding illness and disability, that is what Jesus was trying to show us, with His miracles, what the Kingdom will do for mankind. All disabled and ill people will be made perfect in what Jesus called "The Recreation."

Pastors focus on Heaven, because many of them are egotistical. Focus on the earth, and things might make a bit more sense!

Feel free to slap me in the face (but only if what I say doesn't make sense!).

I wish you God's peace, "That excels all thought."


Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was absolutely charmed by your poem. It is honest and humble.

I identify with your struggles. It is not easy to be a believer in this chaotic, skeptical world.

I hope your prayer was answered.

You gave me much to ponder on, thank you!

I wish you peace.

Review of The Printed WORD  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your article and I identified with your thoughts.

It was fascinating (and a little familiar) to hear of experiences of those who have benefited from things that were written down. I fear that we are living in the age of the demise of writing and literature.

I also wholeheartedly agree with you about the power of the written word being magnified when God is involved. I too had an experience that testifies to this reality. I once believed in evolution (to my embarrassment and shame today) and I was dogmatic and stubborn, as many evolutionists are. My Father, (also an evolutionist), who was very ill at the time, received a visitor who offered him a publication that challenged the theory of evolution. My dad accepted it but was unable (or unwilling) to read it. When I visited my dad, he offered me the book instead. I took it home and dropped it on the shelf. Some months later, I came across it, when I was bored. I decided to read it, out of curiosity. That book changed my life, and paveed the way for me to find God. Today, I have strong faith (and knowledge) and I am confident of the future. Sadly, my dear dad passed away before he had the chance to benefit from the book's contents too.

Most of my articles on WDC reflect my growing knowledge and experience of God's love and strength. Feel free to read any, if you wish.

Your point is well taken and I hope your article inspires others to consider the written word as precious as I do.

I wish you peace.

Review of They have no idea  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem with a lump in my throat, and a tear in my eye! Your soul drips from your words and overpowers the reader. Your poem hurt me. But, don't be sad, I go on.... like you.

I do understand! Death is the loneliest feeling in the world. It is a wrench that we are unprepared for, no matter what the situation! I can identify with you, my friend. Today is the 30th anniversary of my father's death. I miss his wisdom and his influence in my life.

But I have learned something which makes the pain tolerable. I would love to share it with you, if I am not intruding (If I am, just tell me to shove off).

I invite you to read my article about "Death." I would appreciate your thoughts on it.

I understand if you do not want to respond to this review, or to look at my article.

Nevertheless, I wish you peace.

Review of Power in the Word  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed reading your article. You take a challenging subject and turn it into a very interesting drama. (I am curious as to whether there is any personal experience behind the story). It must take courage to stand up to the state-imposed ban on religion in education in your country. I personally admire, and applaud such courage, and I try to do the same in this country (England).

I can identify with your country's dilemma over faith in education but, for different reasons. Where I live, religion is permitted in education but, it is also controlled, belittled, and dismissed. This is the state's way of dismantling it (very crafty!)

I am not sure what your own religious convictions are, although I suspect that you try to be a follower of Christ, but you are obviously well versed in the clashes that are gripping the nations. You write well, on a difficult subject!

I was intrigued though by one aspect of your article, the subject of "Hell." I wonder how comfortable you are with that prospect for those who disobey God? With that in mind, I wondered if you might be interested in reading my article called "Heaven, Hell, or The Earth." I would appreciate your thoughts on it.

I wish you peace.

Review of As I live  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are very brave to be so open in your writing. You bare your soul, and it does you credit. But then I have come to expect such honest writing from those who are trying to imitate Jesus.

I can definitely identify with your struggles, having vowed to God and broken my wows. I just wanted to remind you that the Bible says that God is "The Happy God" and that all the things Jesus spoke of were associated with happiness.

I admire your endurance, your humility and your loyalty.

Well written!

I wish you peace.

Review of Oblique  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
First of all, I wanted to say, great work! This is so heartfelt and real. There are so many people out there that can identify with it. Don't be fooled by the hype, most of the world is insecure, lonely and in need of love.

Your poetry gives a glimpse of a tangible person, of substance, who struggles to fit a world of conditioned misfits.

I must be honest, the reason I first noticed your article was because the photo in it looked just like me when I was young. I recall those anxious times when I stumbled through life, (still do many times). We get better at life. I have found one simple truth among all the pretentious nonsense - people respond to kindness. That's it! No big secret.

I am an oddity in this world yet, because I follow a higher source of wisdom and I treat people the way I want to be treated, I find that life favours me and my family.

Your poem may be retrospective, or it may be present. I just wanted to ahare my experiences with you.

I wish you peace.

Review of Grief's Song!  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Your work is beautiful and powerful. I enjoyed it very much. Your pain drips from your words and embraces the reader. You must have suffered tragedy to compose such words... surely?

Whenever I come across people who are in pain, I like to share the hope that I have learned form my reading and studies of the scriptures.

I invite you to read my articles on "Death" and "Suffering." I hope that they may give you some comfort and peace.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your words convey your humility and yet, your frustration. You write so clearly yet, you are honest about your expectations and experiences. I commend you for your selfless efforts to put Jesus' words into action, despite little reward for your efforts.

I was recently thinking of writing an article about the Golden Rule (Watch this space), and how it could improve the world, if the world gave it a chance.

Like you, I try (and I do mean TRY), to live by the Golden Rile. There are many times that it does not seem to work and that people simply take advantage of me. However, I have noticed that, those people are desperately unhappy and short-tempered, where as, I am content and focused. This is one of the benefits of following Jesus's commands, that "There is more happiness in giving than receiving." Not only that but, I have had many positive experiences, where people have responded to my kindness. Some have even changed and become better people.

So, it is not a waste of time to live by the Golden Rule. Jesus was not a fool. He warned us that our age would be a time where people would be totally selfish. The Bible warned "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,  having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power."

You and I can only do our part, without any guarantees (only that we will be happy).

Feel free to read my articles on the Bible.

I wish you peace.

Review of Being a widow  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (3.5)
You make some strong points about life for those who are widowed. I never appreciated the challenges that such people face. In that case, your words have had an impact. Anyone who reads them will begin to understand the perspective of a widow.

I think lonliness is a contagious thing in society now. Don't be fooled into thinking that the world is having a good time, They are not! Look around you, the world is in chaos, breakdown, just as Jesus said it would be, in our time.

You say that you read the Bible? Then you must have some idea of the things that are about to happen in society. But, just in case you don't, feel free to read my articles about the Bible.

I wish you peace.

Review of Oh Father, Father  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this!

It is superb and indelible. You write with such ease, on a subject that is fraught with complexities.

May I ask, is this an experience that is personal to your or your family?

I will look at your portfolio because this is so good.

Great work


Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your article, it made some interesting points. You must have seen some sad things in your noble profession. I admire you for your positive outlook and your wanting to share that positive view with others.

You quote the Bible (unusual, in these days!). I too look to the Bible for inspiration and comfort but, I would not pretend that I have never questioned God and His permission of suffering and death. It is appropriate to ask such questions, since faithful characters in the Bible also asked them.

I invite you to read my article (which is based on the Holy Bible) called "The Reasons For Suffering." I think you may find it interesting and comforting!

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your writing is sincere and humble. I am quite moved by your personal conversation with our creator. Your article is positive. I particularly like the way that you entreat God to help you view others in a good light. There is so much negativity and pain in the world. I am sure that God, our Father, wants His children to be happy and to be at peace with one another.

I too am grateful for life, and those that I love. I am particularly grateful that I didn't spend my life not knowing Almighty God, the Father of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed.

I was curious (and sad) to see you speak of your mother who passed away. I share your sadness, as I too have lost loved ones in death. It has made me wonder why God allows such things to happen to His children. But I have found the answers in God's scriptures.

With this in mind, I wanted to share with you, and others, God's promises for the future and His comfort for His followers.

If you have the time, I invite you to read my articles called "The reasons for suffering" and " Why Do We Die?" I think that you will find them faith-strengthening. They are all based on the scriptures.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like your idea. You set your thoughts out in a very intriguing way. You defend God's integrity and you rightly admonish Him of blame for our own actions. Your words will help many to understand the issue of free will and suffering, well written.

I was curious though about one of your comments on death. I notice that, all through your article, although it is logical and loyal, you do not actually quote God's word, the Bible. With this in mind, I thought you might find my own article on this subject interesting. It is called "The Reasons For Suffering - The Solution."

If you get the time, I would appreciate your thoughts on it.

I wish you peace.


Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is heartfelt and warming. Your words are so gentle yet, so passionate.

The reader is drawn in to your vision of a world of peace and rest. Like you, I try to take one day in my week to desist from all things. I agree with you that modern society could benefit enormously from an official day of rest (for whatever reason).

I enjoyed your article very much.

Although I do share your frustration at the world's fast pace and it's negligence of rest, I am curious as to your own perspective in this matter. If you are descended from the Israelites, I could understand your wanting to cling to the Sabbath. However, if you are a worshipper of God, and a follower of His Son, Jesus, I would respectfully point out that the Bible does not require Christians to observe the Sabbath. Having said that, Jesus would not prevent or forbid us from having a Sabbath rest day.

From my studies of the scriptures, it is my understanding that God made the Sabbath for our rest but, also, for our worship. It as a day to contemplate God's kindness and generosity, to celebrate being His children. That was the focal point of the Sabbath. Otherwise, it would be no different form the world's so-called days of rest, like Xmas or Bank Holidays, where people just indulge their own desires. That is also why God's law against breaking the Sabbath was so severe, because, it amounted to blasphemy and ingratitude.

Sorry to go on but, I thought you might be interested in my observations.

I wish you God's peace

Review of Single  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
I know.

You have courage!

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
You might appreciate my article "A Gift For Everyone."

It might give you some clarity and and hope.

Take care,

Review of Man's Own Chaos  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your poem is powerful and eloquent. I enjoyed it very much, and was moved by it.

If I may make an observation?;

Your sentences flow too easily, without pause. Although this emphasizes the passion of the work, it detracts from the contents. You might want to try reducing it into lines, with pauses.

Other than that, great work.

Since you are obviously focused on the conditions of our world and concerned about things, I though you might be interested to read something that was written a long time ago, about our age;

“Remember, the final age of this world is to be a time of turmoil! People will love nothing but self and money; they will be boastful, arrogant, and abusive; disobedient to parents; they will be implacable in their hatreds, uncontrolled and violent, swollen with self-importance. They will love their pleasures more than their God.”

“There will be anguish of nations not knowing the way out”

“Peace will be taken away from the earth”

“God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth”

“Because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off”

“There will be great earthquakes in one place after another”

“Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom”

These are all quotes from the Holy Bible.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (3.0)
I felt the need to respond to some of your points in your article “Is God Just Pretend?” - a rhetorical question, if ever I heard one!

You claim that “Many people of faith have never taken the time to really even investigate their beliefs, they just accepted them...after all that's why it's called faith.”

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you on that. There are too many people in this world who do not have a sufficient basis for believing in God. They do so because of upbringing, emotion, tradition, fear, or for social reasons.

However, there are also a significant amount of people, like me, who do have a basis for their beliefs. Theirs is the result of careful investigation, experience and contemplation. I think the definition of “Faith” that you are familiar with is the traditional one, and it is flawed. The Bible says that “Faith follows the thing heard,” meaning that faith is built on experience, knowledge, and evidence, not emotions and wishes!

You proudly proclaim yourself a “Libertarian.” In doing so, you demonstrate a niaivity far worse than the gullible religious masses that you criticize. Do you really believe that you trundle through life with your thoughts uncontaminated by falsehoods or coercions? Do you celebrate birthdays? Christmas? Are you persuaded by the left or right in politics? Do you have prejudices? Stop fooling yourself, thinking that you are in full control of your life. The fact that you are so irked by religious people to the point of spending hours publishing lengthy articles on the subject indicates that you have a fixation which is not just your own. When did you develop such an aversion to religion? Were you wronged or bullied by religious people in the past? The truth is, none of us are absolutely free to choose our own paths. We are all subject to the whims of society, to one degree or another.

You say “I believe people should have the right to believe in anything they want to believe in” and I absolutely agree with you. In fact, it is their God-given right to believe what they want (free will!). However, if there is a creator, and he has set the standard of right and wrong, then there may be consequences for some …. one day.

You describe religious people as obsessive and stubborn. Yet these traits can be equally applied to atheists. In fact the most angry and passionate people I have ever encountered were not religious at all, they were evolutionists or atheists,
Besides, if someone has irrefutable evidence that the cat is black, why should they capitulate and admit it is white, just because another bunch of loud people insist that they do?

You say that “There is no amount of evidence that will persuade a religious person from their beliefs. You also speak of knowledge being the important factor. But whose knowledge? You probably believe in Extra-terrestrials, Black holes, string theory and dark matter, even though these are unscientific, untested, unproven theories or wishes. Knowledge is fact, not theory. I, and millions of others like me are keen to study the evidence, scientific, historical, archaeological (and scriptural). That is one of the ways that we came to the decision that God exists. I have looked into Darwin's teachings, Dawkins claims, Freuds ideas, and I have listened in depth to the claims of the top evolutionists in the world. I have also read the Bible several times, investigated other religions, and dismissed them. Can you say the same? Have you researched both sides, read from all angles?

Human beings are not born atheists. From the moment a child can reason, they are aware that the world around them is complex, special, designed. With no other input, they would come to the conclusion that life was created. Why? Because life teaches them that complex systems do not appear from nowhere, that complexity equals intelligence, that beauty and comfort are compatible with the human needs, that the earth is so intricately designed to accommodate life that the coincidences required to bring it all together and sustain it are of an impossible magnitude. Incidentally, there has never been non-religious society in history. On this point you may be interested to hear two quotes from men I think you would respect. Karl Marx, a staunch atheist and hater of religious organizations stated that - ”Man is stimulus driven and can only relate to that which he has encountered. He cannot imagine beyond that,” Likewise, Albert Einstein wrote, “The only knowledge is experience.” Yet, mankind has always believed in an invisible creator. How do you explain this paradox?

I agree with you that most religious people stick with the beliefs that they are born with. However, the Bible actually encourages people to question everything and to challenge that which is false. The Bible predicted that, in our time, religious people (including Christians) would behave so badly that the Bible itself would get the blame and people would turn away from God. You may be surprised to learn that in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, which deals with the future (our age) the institution that God condemns the most severely and which is targetted for annihilation, is mass religion! What does that tell you about God?

You say “Through using logic and reason, and applying science and math we replaced caveman logic.” Incidentally, the correct term is “Maths.” With respect, there are no such things as “cavemen.” Anthropologists admit that the depictions of them in museums and literature are pure imagination and conjecture, without any evidence. But, as far as science and maths are concerned, our modern era is seeing a revolution in religious thinking among the educated. Why? Because science is uncovering the marvels and complexities of the universe and the earth and life. More and more scientists are changing their minds and accepting the existence for God. Did you know that Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and many other giants of science all believed in God? Not necessarily in the Judaeo-Christian God, but a creator nonetheless. Are you humbled by their faith? Do you question them also? Can you look down on their intellect and tell them that they were fools?

Anthony Flew – Emeritus Professor of Philosophy was once considered by many to be the champion of atheist debate. He published many books and peer-reviewed articles dismissing God, and he gave many lectures which were always packed. Yet, later in his life, he changed his mind and wrote - “I have been persuaded that it is simply out of the question that the first living matter evolved out of dead matter and then developed into an extraordinary creature.”

My wife is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. They number over 8,000,000 people worldwide, in all races tribes and cultures. They come from all backgrounds and professions. Many of them are scientists, teachers, lawyers, and doctors. They are united in thought and action. They do not engage in warfare or politics and they do not break any laws. Furthermore, they are among the most persecuted people in history, being among the first groups of people to be herded into Hitler's concentration camps.

Stalin may not have believed in evolution but, Hitler most certainly did. The book “Milestones of History“ noted that “Darwinian ideas formed an integral part of Hitler’s doctrine of racial superiority.”

I, and others like me are also free to believe in what we want. No-one forced me to believe what I do. I once believed in evolution. Knowledge and experience (not miracles and emotions) convinced me otherwise.

You say that Atheists do not have special days where they have to dress a certain way or go to a certain place. Don't you have to work then? Don't you have to attend someone's birthday party, whether you like them or not? Don't you have to dress in black for a funeral and attend a place of worship? Do you celebrate Christmas and spend inordinate amounts of money on it and decorate your home and send out bundles of greetings cards to people you never see? Please, do not patronise us. My wife goes to her Kingdom Hall because she wants to, because she gets encouragement and support there, because she wants to share her faith with others.

You claim that “Atheists do not disagree on atheism.” I disagree. Ask three atheists how the world began and you will get three different answers. Ask them what the future holds and they will again debate it.

To be agnostic means that someone has yet to be convinced of the existence of God. Is the scientist who is not convinced of the existence of Black Holes an indecisive fool?

As I mentioned before, you have the wrong definition of Faith. Let me give you the original, correct definition, from the Bible;

“Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.” The Greek language used for this carries the thought of a legal assurance, like possessing the deed to a property. You know that the property belongs to you but you have to wait to inhabit it. Neither the writer, nor any seriously religious person today believes in God without genuine cause and evidence. some fluffy religious people have claimed “For those without faith, no explanation is possible, for those with faith, no explanation is necessary.” What utter drivel! That completely goes against everything the Bible says. By the way, God does NOT work in mysterious ways!

Of course people fear death, and pain, and loss but, that does not mean they will invent lies to avoid those things. The idea is ridiculous! The Apostle Paul, talking about the physical resurrection wrote - ““If Christ has not been raised up, our preaching is certainly in vain, and our faith is in vain. If Christ has not been raised up, your faith is useless.” Do those words sound like those of a deluded coward to you?

Incidentally, atheists can't have it both ways, that religious people are weak cowards who are afraid of dying, yet are also obsessive zealots who are willing to die for a fantasy!

For the record, the Bible says that when we die, we are finished and we go back to the ground. The Bible does not teach that humans have an immortal soul or that God burns people in Hell, these are pagan doctrines adopted by the churches to manipulate the masses.

“Pointing to a tree or an insect” is a valid demonstration of complexity and design but, real religion goes far beyond that. It is a shame that atheists refuse to concede the obvious, namely that these things do require design but, never mind, we can put up with their obstinacy!

Your next line is offensive. You dismiss all thinking that does not comply with your own saying “Of course to anyone else that actually is capable of intelligent thought.” As I have already informed you, many world-renowned scientists believe in God, partly due to the complexity and order of nature and the universe. I think they are “capable of intelligent thought” don't you?! You sound like your Master, Mr Dawkins, who incidentally, is not convincing at all and makes serious errors in some of his weak arguments.

Science and reason place the burden of proof on the atheist. The laws of physics testify overwhelmingly to the existence of an intelligent designer. I'm sure you would agree that there can be only one fact in a matter? Regarding life, would you agree that the universe and life were created? The question is - by something or someone? If physics eliminates something as a possible cause, there is only one option left (unless you have a tooth fairy up your sleeve?) Along with the abundant evidence in nature and physics is the Biblical evidence, which I am certain you are not aware of. Since I have read through, and responded to your lengthy article, perhaps you would do me the courtesy of reading some of my articles on the Bible's credibility? Or are you afraid of considering alternative evidence and knowledge?

Although you are correct about the corruption of the churches and Constantine's meddling, you are misinformed about the Bible Canon. The Hebrew Canon was already set, centuries before Christ was born. The books you refer to were never considered part of the Canon of the complete Bible because most of them weren't even in existence when the Hebrew Canon was sealed! The council presided over in the fourth century was simply a formality, simply confirming the existing Canon. The books you refer to were always discredited and never included. They did not bear the hallmarks of divine backing, as the other books did, and they did not originate from Jesus or His Apostles. Regarding future manipulative writings, the Bile itself warned that God would severely judge anyone who “:Makes an addition to these things.”

People do have a problem with the “One true religion” thing, don't they?!

If you think about it though, it is logical.

All religions disagree, some violently. Therefore they cannot all be true.
So the key is to identify which is true or false -How? By comparing their activities and teachings to those set down by God. Jesus said “By their fruits you will know them” and that “Most are on the road leading to destruction.” So what are God's teachings and standards?

The Bible is the oldest religious work in the world. It is also the only book with internal evidence of divine authorship. That being the case, what are the standards of religion defined in the Bible?

Warfare and violence is forbidden for Christians - That rules out most of Christendom's religions straight away, as well as most other religions. Christians are urged to speak God's name and spread his message of peace and hope (“Hallowed be thy name.” “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth”).

God's people are warned against involvement in politics or superstition. Again that rules out most religious organizations in the world!

As you can see, the list gets shorter and shorter … until only one comparatively small group remains. And they have the truth – according to the Holy Bible, just as Jesus foretold “Few will be the ones finding the path to life.”

Regarding “Free Will”, once again you have been spoonfed the world's version of the meaning of the term, not the Biblical one! Free will means just what it implies, the ability to choose your path, along with the benefits or consequences of that choice. The Bible does not teach that God sees all futures or all decisions in advance but, on the contrary, God pleads with humans “If only you would listen to my commandments, then your peace would become like a river.” When Abraham was spared the prospect of sacrificing His son, God said “NOW I do know that you are faithful.” Jesus could have failed in his temptations, otherwise they would not have been genuine temptations. Yes, God can see future events but he does not map out people's lives in advance, giving them the illusion of choice. Fate is a concept of pagans and Islam

I fully understand your scepticism about miracles. In fact, I share it! I find the modern claims of miracles quite nauseating. And you are absolutely right that, it is offensive for someone to claim a personal miracle in their life, when millions of not-so-fortunate people do not get divine intervention. But, once again, religions are to blame for misrepresenting the Bible and God. The Bible says that God did perform miracles at certain times when he had dealings with the Israelites in the past but that, once the Apostles died, those miracles would cease. You might find my article called “Miracles – Real or Fake?” enlightening.

You say that there must have been something before God. But just because the human mind cannot conceive of eternity or nothingness, it does not mean that God does not exist, that is not scientific logic. The fact is that, while science can offer no explanation for the origin of the universe, the Bible can. It describes two distinct lifeforms, “Flesh” and “Spirit.” The latter is of a completely different substance from the former and is not confined by the laws of physics, any more than a computer programmer is confined by his computer. Scientist pride themselves on being able to formulate ideas and stretch their imagination into the unknown, yet they stumble at a concept of eternity and Spirit life. Many critics of the Bible scoff at the idea of spirit lifeforms which transcend the physical universe, yet are quite happy to believe in alternate universes, time travel and alien lifeforms that consist purely of energy, none of which have the slightest shred of evidence. The inconsistency is not on the part of the theist but the atheist.

So, I have responded to your article, maybe not to your satisfaction. However I hope I have convinced you that there is more to these issues than you may have thought and that not all religious people are gullible children without intelligence.

I would be pleased if you would now consider some of my articles, which are considerably shorter than yours, my friend.

I wish you well.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
You make a passionate and logical argument for the rights of Christians in our country. Your writing is as diplomatic as you can be, without compromising your faith. This was a bold article which needed saying, even if simply to balance the debate.

I too find Britain a very inhibiting (and intimidating) environment for Christians. Like you, I do not condemn others or seek their exclusion. But I do insist that I be allowed to believe in the Bible and what it stands for. These days I feel as though I am not allowed to even think a thought that does not comply with new society rules.

I actually read in a teen magazine that anal sex is good because it has been practiced throughout history. This is typical propaganda from modernists who reject the Bible's standards. But it is an illogical argument because people have been committing child abuse and bestiality throughout history too, but no-one seriously recommends those practices!

Still, it could be worse, we could live in the USA, where religion is forbidden to be even discussed in public places like schools and universities. Teachers are actually being prosecuted for expressing their faith! This, in a nation that was formed by Christians fleeing religious persecution in medieval Europe!

We should be re-assured by these events and changing attitudes really, because they demonstrate that the Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. The Bible warned that the world would change beyond recognition and that people would be "calling bitter - sweet, and sweet - bitter." Jesus warned us that his followers would be persecuted. Today people can disagree with God but that does not change God's stand on certain matters. When all is said and done, it is God who will decide who remains on the earth when the kingdom comes.

Stand firm in your faith.

I wish you peace.

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