Hi, my names Matt. I noticed your story on WDC and thought I'd give you my view on it! Remember, these are just my opinions on your story and in no way reflect on your writing itself
Hey Jack, thanks for entering. Glad to have you here.
The Good
You have some great vivd descriptions in the piece, along with sorrowful characters. It reads like one long nightmare, which made for an interesting piece.
exploring it thoroughly, and seeing clothing on the floor, a mirror on the wall, a computer on my desk, a television in the corner, and a body hanging from the door post.
I especially liked this line, because the dead body comes as such a shock. You strategically placed it in the middle of the paragraph so that the reader has to say, "whoa, wasn't expecting that". Nice Job.
The Not So Good
Though I understand why you did it, because the characters represented each of the demons through their sins, I felt that there was way too much description of each of these characters pasts, and it really slows down the story.
In a novel, this is acceptable, because you have a limitless amount of words at your disposable. But in a short story, this isn't the case. You want as little extra detail as possible to keep your readers moving through the story, frantically turning page after page to get to the end. When there's too much description of things which aren't necessary to the plot, the pacing slows down, which causes the reader to slow down. Here's an example:
My mother’s intense desire for sexual gratification was her contribution to the dysfunctionality of our family. Her mother died giving birth, and growing up without a mother obviously warped her mind.
This is an uneeded paragraph. Though it's an important character detail, we don't need to know WHY jack's mother is warped. All that's important in the short story is that she is who she is, not the why, because we're not meant to feel sorry for her at the end, therefore, we don't need to know why she's like this.
None I noticed. Nice job!
Overall Impression
An interesting story with unexpected moments, but which could use a bit of cutting down.
Thanks for entering Jack, and good luck. Hope to see you in future rounds.
Remember, you are the best judge of your own work! These are just my opinions, and as I always say, I could very well be wrong!
From the Abyss,
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