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Review of Just One More  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
about the last line, I see what you intend now, and I am puzzled why I didn't understand. I obviously did not read it too fast. So how to fix that so people get it right away. Here is a suggestion: "One day when I leave, I'll return to a fire." What do you think?
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (2.5)
I am sorry, Tim, I don't get it either. It starts out well. Then, when something goes wrong in the story, the writing goes awry and the conflict or problem of the poem becomes unclear. I can't tell who the characters are; the parents over time, or the child grown and a woman with a partner. I cannot tell how this second set of relationships came into being.

I hope you find this useful. I really hate it when something is crystal clear in my mind when I write it, but no one gets it but me. I sounds as if you find this frustrating, too.
Keep writing!
Review of Just One More  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Good imagery, and efficient use of language. Good rhythm.

In line three - I think rhythm would be improved by adding "a small splash."

Line 4 - I think a comma is needed after "lip."

Line 5 - I am not sure your need the comma in the middle of the line.

Line 6 - It is hard for me to imagine "smoke" "strewn." Could it be "smokes?"

Line 7 - I think the "and" after the middle comma could go and this would improve rhythm.

Line 8 - "She lays on the couch, more tar on tarred lungs." I really like your use of this image.

Line 9 - "caught in the mire" is OK, but I think there may be a better way to say that.

Line 10 - "return to the fire" does not communicate well to me. What fire?

Since I went line by line and identified small problems in most, please don't take this as a wash. I really like this, and these are all minor issues.
Thank you for sharing it.
Review of Melanion's Song  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
And well you should be proud of this.
There are still a few rhythm problems. You are clearly capable of fixing them, if you wish.
Thanks for sharing.
Review of I, Object  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is well done. I like the directness of it. I read this to my friend and she said "that's really, really good, and laughed."

I stumbled on the first line for two reasons;
first is rhythm -- that could be fixed by dropping While - this would also hit the reader with the directness from the first word.
second -- I am a bit puzzled by the image of the thoughts of another lingering on the lips of the speaker. I am thinking she is engaging in reflective listening. If I got this wrong, then I missed the point.

In the third line, the rhythm is thrown off by the word over - I would consider across as the accent is on the second syllable.
Consider "perhaps the part you liked the best" for the third line, again for rhythm. I know it isn't great because "the" is repeated. Perhaps there is another way to fix that.

In the last line, I would use the contraction "I'm"

This delighted me.
Thanks for sharing it.
Review of Caress  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Lovely use of language, nice flow. It seems to me the English Sonnet is perfect for this prompt. I never though of using "twilight" to describe morning - only evening. Consequently, I tripped over that word. This is the sum total of my "complaints."

My compliments to the writer!
Review of Hooka Express  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I love that this is fresh language and the images are interesting and entertaining. You pack a lot in a few lines.

The last line seems to be crucial to your whole meaning, but I can't tell what they are doing with their tongues in their cheeks. Usually, we use that image in relation to something the person is saying, but I can't figure out what it is.

Perhaps I am a bit thick headed for understanding a poem about this situation having read this stone cold sober. I enjoyed it, nevertheless.

Thank you for sharing this.
Review of Corn Cob Pipe  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is beautiful writing honoring skill, tradition, and connection with past generations

What is linoleum oil? Do you mean Linseed oil?

What are stove pipe coals? I see a stove pipe as a chimney and the coals wouyld be in the stove.

Tortoise shell or shelled?

Drew in a deep breath - I think I would drop the a for the sake of sound and rhythm.

I think it fits the rest of the poem better if you say "chosen again", or "chosen" and put the wording for the new owner in the second line.

I think I would put the last stanza in present tense.

I hope you find these ideas useful. I really enjoyed reading this.

Keep writing.

Review of Drowning  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very imaginative, well written.

I have a small problem with the first "heart beat still." I think I would consider an s on beat so it would read "heart beats still" the first time, but leave the second time as it is. I think that would give more of a sense of progression. However, that may not be your intent. You may be so focused on the last heart beat you would not want a sense of progression.

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing it.

Review of Bubbles  
Rated: E | (4.5)

In my father's last years, he said "life is a bubble." If you sat and listened, he would explain. Five minutes later, the interaction would start again, as he forgot due to his Alzheimer he had just had that conversation. In this, obviously child voice, the same thing happens, out of pure joy in life. Were it not a child voice, I might offer a suggestion or two. However, I think changes would ruin the tone of the poem. It is beautiful just as it is, to my ear.

Thank you for calling my attention to this poem.

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Way cool! I love ballads, and this is very good. There are a couple of places where the rhythm is not perfect. This is my worst criticism. As for content, I lack the knowledge base to evaluate that. I really like the story, the description and how the rhythm drives the tale.

Thank you for sharing this!
Elizabeth Hykes
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I enjoyed this. Your writing style is unusual, formal, and yet interesting and a bit light hearted.

"Aspenwall had shipped any number of ex-marines to man the tops, and there were cutlasses, grenados, battle-axes galore, but he was a cautious man, and tried to choose his prey rather more carefully than your bona fide pirate might."
I think this would be much easier to understand if split in two sentences.

"...little of the pleasures." few of the pleasures or little of the pleasure?

"Those that did not worked in taverns..." Comma after not

"There were also shops selling beer, wine, and gin, with names like Binnacle, Barnacle, and Mostly George, but usually the dogs had just rolled in something and Angelique would have to hasten back up the hill without a visit to the watering-places of Marblehead, which were already taking on a reputation one might term legendary." Another sentence better split. Also, I don't get the connection between the dogs rolling in something and her need to hasten back up the hill.

"But privately though, those impulses and desires were not entirely thwarted, being to an extent mutually acknowledged and indulged in, the real and present desire and impulse being stronger than the guilt, remorse, and probable retribution —at least for long enough for the impulse and desire to be assuaged, however temporarily. " I find this confusing.

There are a couple of minor typos around the middle.

I especially like the last two paragraphs. Thank you for pointing this out for me to read. Where ar the other chapters?


Review of Song for Francis  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The inclusion of the imagery of traditional people "mother sun and sister moon" enriches this poem. The identification with a saint who focused on the natural environment invites this inclusion. This is a hopeful piece that pulls the self into the spiritual. I like the rhyme, rhythm and repetitions. It has a chant like quality. I can imagine it said/sung with a drum.

The rhythm is inconsistent in the first two lines, and in the next to the last line. I can understand wanting to say alleluia, but it doesn't fit the rhythm. Would you consider "Praise to you my Living Lord" for that line? Or "Praise and Alleluia, Lord?" I think this is not hard to fix.

Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed reading and reviewing it.
Review of If We Slowed Down  
Rated: E | (3.5)
It interests me that you "jump" from "what if" to "we must."

That said, I would encourage you to extend your metaphor of contemplation as a divine activity. Perhaps you could focus on how the rest of life would take place - the eating, the bathing, the rearing of children, the care of the elderly under such an expectation. There are many directions you could go with metaphor. I can imagine a poem just about lemmings from the perspective of the lemming using many of the ideas you present.

I like the meditative quality of this piece. It inspires me to think about those things for myself. I like the idea of taking time to find meaning and purpose.

Keep writing!
Review of Tsunami  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well done!

When people are in situations like this, they don't see the big picture, the wave, the world. Their focus narrows to the immediate. I think this could be strengthened considerably if you focus more in this way. I wonder if you would just imagine yourself trying to get control of your mind, trying to comprehend the water at your feet and talk more about that.

Keep writing!
Review of Come Unto Me  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very strong.
It sounds like a response to specific scripture. It would help to put the reference at the top, under the title. It reads very well up to the last line. This just does not fit the rhythm or the mood. Without the reference, I cannot evaluate what has not worked.

Thank you for sharing this.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is quite different. I wasn't sure, the first time I read it, quite how I felt about it, but, I was compelled to read it again. This is a very good sign about the quality of writing. This is painful to read, and it is hard to like something that is painful. Nevertheless, I really like it. It speaks on multiple levels - cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, and has an intensely metaphorical quality. It is difficult to communicate the relationship between the non offending parent who fails to protect with the child who has been abused. I think you did an excellent job in this. The child is thinking aloud about her relationship with the perpetrator, but the mother does not hear. It has an authentic child voice, and meanders much as one would expect.

The last line is as it should be, but lacks the music of the rest of the poem. That is the only thing I would change.

Thank you for sharing this. i think it is excellent.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
The analogy is quite fitting. The exchange is pleasant. It takes place in ordinary ways, but the times it happens are extraordinary, as is a carnival.

The writing could use quite a bit of tweaking. There are typos, and some of the wording is rough compared to other wording that is excellent. The last three lines of the first paragraph are my favorite. I don't understand the last part of the sentence about the man waiting for the bus. The last sentence in that paragraph also confuses me a bit.

This reads as if it just fell onto the page and has yet to be revised. It deserves the effort of revision.

Thank you for sharing it. Keep writing.
Review of To Know  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is excellent, and it rings true. The first stanza is powerful and really drew me in, but the second stanza gives it that power: "the pain, the peace, the shell"

I had to re read the third stanza to understand it. The problem is the word "having." I wonder how "keeping" would work.

Stanza 4 is fine.

Stanza 5 bothers me: "take in the life" could be construed as taking something from the baby. I wonder if a more sensory word would work better.

I wonder if you couldn't strengthen the last line with a more active word than "then" such as "learn" "discover" or "sense."

This is one of those brief pieces for which careful consideration of each word makes a huge impact on the quality of the whole poem. You clearly communicate wisdom and in that way, nothing needs improvement. My suggestions are about refinement to a higher level that is possible, though this is wonderful, just as it is.

Thank you for sharing it.
Review of Canyons of Light  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This certainly deserves the award! It is lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is well written and entertaining to read. The title is totally appropriate and an excellent clue to the content of the poem.

Stanza 1, line 1, and Stanza 6: line 3: and stanza 7, line 3 break rhythm. This is all I observe that could be improved.

I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing it.

Review of Life's Dream  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Excellent use of imagery! This grabbed and kept my interest.

I think you could make the word "Dream" in the title plural, as you use it in the plural form throughout the poem.

The first stanza is excellent. I wonder if the "d" on azure is needed.

Second Stanza: I stumbled on the last two lines -
Lost in their own fragility,
Are mere attempts at coming true.
I think the comma after fragility is unnecessary. There is a problem with rhythm in line 3 of this stanza. In the first two lines, the rhythm begins is iambic, (,' ,' ,' ,') but in line three it is not. ( ',, ', ', ' ) and then you return to the original iambic pattern in line 4.

Stanza 3: there is a spacing typo in line 3. Otherwise this reads smoothly.

This is rich in emotion, and well thought out. I enjoyed reading it very much.
Review of Time's Value  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is clever. I like that it is a question rather than an answer. It reads well, follows the form and contains a complete thought. My only, very, very mild complaint is that in such a short piece, you repeat words where the repetition itself does not seem to enhance the poem. I did not look to see if there are synonyms you could have used, and I realize you are limited by syllable count and this may be the only way you could have done this. So, I am just challenging you, ever so weakly to think about repetition. I really like this piece.
Review of Last Night  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love that it surprised me with the mosquito twist!
Well done!
Review of Writing I  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am charmed by this. I read it over and over, out loud, to myself, to someone else. It has a very rich mixture of visual, kinesthetic and auditory images. The brevity of the piece with the intensity of the languages create depth, a sort of mystery that brings me back to read again, and true beauty. I especially like "hearing songs yet unwritten, unseen." I ponder how a song could be unseen, but as I read on, I realize I am looking at a page, breathing deliberately, listening, observing my inner process. I have only one problem, and that is the word "why." I just don't understand the place or purpose of that word. It may be just my thick head. If others also have trouble with that word, you might consider change there.

Thanks for sharing this fine "word play."

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