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Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love this contest. And you're right, Bandit's Mama was certainly an expert. *Smile*

I'm much too verbose myself, and because of health issues not prone to take on new projects, so not apt to attempt to learn to be otherwise. *Bigsmile*

BUT...I love reading them. So, I'm sending a few gp's to help with the contest.

Review of EARTH ANGELS  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a surprise and an honor to be listed among these "Earth Angels." As I read through your list, I found myself nodding my head. Indeed, these folks are special.


You are quite an encourater yourself, you know. *Smile*

I love your poem.

Thanks for recognizing others - and me - this way. It means so much.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thanks, Dr Taher writes again! for entering the fibromyalgia contest. Your entry showed that you DID research and try to understand, and I appreciate that. *Smile* I'm sorry there were not more entries. But even if there had been, I'm certain that yours would have been a winning entry anyway.

Thanks again.

Review of BITTER PILL  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is certainly good advice. I loved the title (although using all capitals isn't really necessary, is it?) and the description. And the article itself was good, although short. I would replace "&" with "and" if I were you.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
What a great story. Everyone needs a little magic, and that's exactly what this has. Lots of magic. I figured once the unicorn put it in her mind that she might have a pure heart, she would start acting differently. Like not embellishing? *Smile*

The only problem I saw was in formatting. Perhaps because you did a cut and paste job?

The wording is quite casual, but it's obviously just like the girl would think or talk.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I noticed this mentioned in the public reviews. I agree - mostly - with that reviewer. The rhymes are good, especially since you've used soft rhymes rather than forcing them. (I do hate forced rhymes. *Bigsmile*)

The rhythm is good, but if you read this aloud you might notice a few places where you could take out a word or put one in to make it flow perfectly.

The story, of course, is sad, though well told.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (3.5)
Another reviewer wondered about the sport. It sounds like it might have been gymnastics.

I understand that there was a word count restriction. Still, there are some changes I would suggest:

It didn't matter to me what people thought about my hair. It didn't matter to me what people thought about my face. It didn't matter to me what people thought about my clothes. It didn't matter to me what people thought about my body.

I would probably change this a bit, so each sentence didn't start exactly the same.

It didn't matter to me what people thought about my hair, my face or my body. I didn't care what anyone thought about my clothes.

I hated her for that, and informed her of that.

Perhaps: I hated her for that and told her so.

The just shook their head at me as I walked off, pouting like a three year old who didn't get the second helping of pudding they had wanted.

Since there was only one person, "they" doesn't work.

Try: She just shook her head at me as I walked off. I pouted like a three-year-old child who didn't get the second helping of pudding she wanted.

Someone did come and talk to though.

Are you missing a word here?

Someone did come and talk to me, though.


Someone did come to talk, though.

I said I don't want to get this time.

Again, are you missing a word?

I said I don't want to get it this time.

I also wondered if the contest had a restriction from using dialogue. There are a few places where it might have worked better to actually use dialogue rather than alluding to it.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of Absued Mind  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Boy can I relate. What I learned - too late - was that kids who have been abused turn into adults who often cannot see (or maybe they're just attracted to) potential future abusers.

My only suggestion would be that you need to use "an abused..." in each place where you've used "a abused...".

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is great! I'm so glad it was featured in the Author's Newsletter this week. I think you should send it to...Toastmasters or something. 'Cause I have noticed folks use "irregardless" when they speak, but rarely when the write.

Thanks for sharing. (But maybe you shouldn't make fun of fixin' to. Your prediction just might come true. *Wink*)

Review of Get On My Level  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (2.5)
There is a bit of a good message here - that parents (and other adults) need to listen as well as speak to their children. You're right about that, and that's a message that should be shared and emphasized.

However, the message is lost in this writing, I'm sorry to say. It needs quite a bit of work in order for it to be a writing that people will take seriously.

1)This might work as it's written if it's meant to be a spoken speech, rather than a written article. One can get away with saying, "I mean" a few times in a speech. *Smile*

2)There is a shift from past tense to present tense that I would would probably fix or change.

3)There are misspelled words and words used improperly.

For example, you wrote:

If you can remember the show “Charlie Brown” their was a character on there that use to talk and all you heard was woomp,woomp, woomp that’s what adults sound like when there talking I mean speaking or what ever they think that there doing.

I would probably change this to:

In the Charlie Brown shows, there was a character whose words all sounded like, "woomp, woomp, woomp." That’s what adults sounded like when they talked, I mean spoke, or whateever they thought they were doing.

And I would change this:

I use to have some good people in my life if I can remember but all they did was voice their opinion, now that I think about it all adults I mean most of adults are so adultie, I know that this is not a word but perhaps you can open you mind.


I used to have some good people in my life, but all they did was voice their opinion. Most of adults are so "adultie". (I know that is not a word, but it fits.)

There are other things I would change, but you get the idea. You need to watch for verb tense problems and spelling problems, as well as sentence structure problems.

I do think you have a point. Kids are certainly people and should be treated with respect by their parents. (We tell kids that about their parents all the time, and it does go both ways. But so does the fact that one earns respect.) However, as a parent, I also understand that I will always be a parent, and that does not always mean being a friend to my child. (He's 23 now, and frankly, he doesn't want me to be his friend. *Smile* He likes having me as an older adult mentor with life experiences he has not yet had.)

Thanks for sharing. And welcome to Writing.com.

Review of The Farm  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
What wonderful memories. And how sad it is that coming generations will not have these to look back upon. *Smile*

A few suggestions:

This sounds a big choppy:

My brother and I frequently made week long summer visits. My grandparents always welcomed our visits. They were ever vigilant in keeping us safe from all the danger that existed on the farm. We were always allowed to “help”. They had great measures of patience.


My brother and I frequently made week long summer visits. Our grandparents always welcomed our visits, and they were ever vigilant in keeping us safe from all the danger that existed. They showed great measures of patience as they allowed us to "help".


My grandparents were successful farmers that raised outstanding products with few resources.

Should be:

My grandparents were successful farmers who raised outstanding products with few resources.

Thanks for sharing.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful story. What wonderful pictures! And the Adopt a Wickets are a great idea for a good cause. I'll run over there in just a minute. *Wink*

Your story about Pippin's almost demise really got to me. We had a Shih-Tzu that adopted us and loved her to death. Haven't gotten another one because they are so expensive as puppies, and finding adults isn't easy. Perhaps I need to visit our local shelters regularly. Hmmm.

Thanks for sharing. The overbite is adorable.

Review of Lavender  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a beautiful story, LaCount .

The only thing I might change is at the end, where you have an incomplete sentence.

With visions of their week etched clearly in memory, they journeyed. Out of those mountains, back toward home; with the realization that God had sent them to do a special job, at a special time, for a special family.


With visions of their week etched clearly in memory, they journeyed back toward home with the realization that God had sent them to do a special job, at a special time, for a special family.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great poll. We need to know what motivates people. Someone told me not long ago that every contest needed wonderful graphics or else no one was interested. This poll seems to disagree with that thinking. *Smile*

It's also interesting that prizes is fourth, behind genre, description and guidelines (although very close to that one).

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
I discovered this because of a public review. It's certainly a topic that is of interest any time there is another tragedy of some kind in some part of the world.

As I read this - both aloud and silently - I did notice that I seemed to stumble over some words, and glide with others.

Even so, the message is strong enough that the stumbling didn't really matter.

Thanks for sharing. And for the good reminder.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good for you for wanting to explain the difference between showing and telling. You're right that many new writers don't understand when someone they are told to show rather than tell.

Some suggestions:

"Show don’t tell" is an oft repeated statement that makes new writers go "huh?" I would say, ask, "huh?" instead of go.

These are the mistakes that most writers make and are easy enough to correct, once you know what to look for.
I would probably change this sentence so it didn't end in a preposition. I know some think that isn't important anymore, but it would sound better if it was changed.

Her face contorted into a scowl and eyes narrowed, she watched him approach. Perhaps you are missing a word here. "...as she watched him approach."

Adjectives like mere, basic, essential, major and fundamental are best done away with. This is another sentence ending with a preposition.

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to read Part II.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (3.5)
Funny ending. *Smile* I wasn't expecting that, although with recent events on that show, I probably should have. *Laugh*

I have a few suggestions:

*Note*Your verb tenses have bounced around from past to present and back to past tense. I would probably make them all past tense verbs.

*Note*Spaces between paragraphs make the fact that you've used multiple paragraphs more evident.

*Note*I noticed one place where you're missing a space between two words. They were "a" and "little" and in your story you've used "alittle."

Thanks for sharing. Once you've changed the verb tenses to match, this will be a great story.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
I would probably read the real Bible story first, then use the modern day example. *Smile*

I did notice this sentence needing some work:

The man goes into the shop and asked the depressed sales assistance if he could use the shops PA system to speak to the crowds of people hanging around.

I would say:

The man went (or better still walked or marched or strode)into the shop and asked the depressed sales assistant if he could use the shop's PA system to speak to the crowd of people hanging around.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of The Masterpiece  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What wonderful word crafting. I loved your title and description and couldn't wait to see how you would explain and fulfill them both. And you did!

I loved the words. I loved the way it was presented on the page.

And I loved that you made me think.

Thanks for sharing.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Belly aches, huh? Don't think I've ever heard called that. *Smile*

Good dialogue. Intersting word choices. Good telling of the tale.

Yep. I can almost see this story, with the dad laughing and all...

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | N/A (Unratable.)
Daizy May , I'm sooooooooo glad you started a blog. I don't know how I missed that you did. Perhaps it was because I was so worn out after the trip to Texas. But I found you now, and am putting you on my blog list. *Smile* I'll also have to mention you in my blog entry today...when I get around to it. (Remember those things? Round tuits?)

Thanks for sharing your faith in such a wonderful way.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is good writing, but like many writers you've used quite a few ellipses. (See: "Invalid Item)

This sentence might have a word missing:

I sit, flipping through channels since there is nothing worth on TV.


I sit, flipping through channels since there is nothing worth watching on TV.

Or maybe better:

I sit, flipping through channels and finding nothing worth watching. (You probably don't need "on TV" since that IS where you'd be watching.)

Thanks for sharing.

Review of A homeless girl  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Stories like this - fiction or non-fiction - need to be told. I have a brother who is homeless, so this is a topic I know needs to be discussed.

Some things I would change:



He helped Elizabeth and me get jobs.

They are expecting their first baby next Spring.

Anyone can make a differen in someone else's life if they gat out of their comfort zone and just do something.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is great. Most moms (and some dads, to be fair) can certainly understand being under-appreciated. Or not appreciated at all. To compare that to how Jesus must have felt at not being appreciated really makes the message personal.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Wow. You did paint quite an ugly picture of what the world has become. I'm certainly not disagreeing with you about that. But it did make me cringe. *Smile*

Your writing it good. My only suggestions would be these:

1) I would show the title as: "It's Your World; Fix It!"

2) I might consider adding more than that one last line to explain more about what one person can do to change this horrible world.

Thanks for sharing.

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