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Review of First Born  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poet gives startling truths to pacify
Mother and child never extend fights
Either of the parities will surely give up
And relation will continue unhindered

Normally mother only will compromise
And the son will immediately accept it
Vice versa may also take place finely
But, both will not carry it on forever

Mother will love son's child very much
She will adore that baby if is a girl
Her heart will be filled with warmth
As that child will continue the clan

She hugged the baby only recently
But, many years have gone in a flash
A brand new family is now started
How fast the time is moving ahead!

Finally the poet highlights blessings
Of a mother made through a prayer
Her heart prays for the best to happen
Mother is mother for all the living souls.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I did not ask  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (4.5)
A little poem that tells the truth
A very convincing philosophy
The poet has simplified life
To tell that love is eternal

Love will always surely grow
And brighten one's mood
It will burn like the Sun
To be a source of energy.

Review of Tears  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem looks like a perfect Mr. Universe
Strong muscles with top-class manliness
The poet has rhymed this poem amazingly
His English knowledge is here depicted

Beautiful words rich with powerful meaning
His kind heart expresses his sorrow finely
He has not wasted words for just rhyming
I actually envy the poet's poetic dexterity

His noble heart is here excellently revealed
This poem will purify lovers' heart surely
It is a fine one that will correct every mind
The meaning of Divine love is finely shown.

Review of My Mother's House  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Here the word "mother" must be replaced by father
As ninety nine percent of mothers are totally great
Every mother on this Earth is a noble individual
The poem tells the truth of a bad house of a father

The poetry has a fine structure to envy by a poet
But, unfortunately, a mother is just like a Goddess
So, the poem is beautiful, but damaging a mother
The author has carefully rhymed the poem wisely'

Review of Every Breath  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The poem has a negative impact on mind
Still it is written finely showing many facts
We cannot say old age is real Heaven
That is why we want relatives to cheer

If the old lady has a son or grand son
Surely her position is totally different
A kind look of a grand daughter will
Inject into her mind colossal faith

Grand children are God's way of
Compensating GF for growing old
So if we have affectionate souls
Life may be better in many ways

I must pity this old lady enormously
As she has none to give presence
The poem is perfect in every way
Unfortunately heart feels hurt

In this modern fast World
This will surely happen
Nothing is said wrongly
We must accept the truth.


Review of My Quiet House  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
This prose-write is highly impressive
Especially its end taking place soon
Age prevents me reading long writes
In a way I adore brief quotations truly

Here the writer has finely narrated
The way in which he loves his house
I must admire his great liking
As "charity begins at home" all say

He has driven home all the vital points
Reading increases reader's maturity
One may start liking his dear house
After reading all the contents here

Review of Dear Fear  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Thundersbeard,

Your story about fear moves like poetry
I classify it among poetry only dear
Your write is indeed very appealing
I feel sorry also for your childhood

I hope your mother is with you
Your brother must be also safe
We have come to play life-game
Let us learn, befriend and enjoy

Please be happy and peaceful
Just stay calm, quiet and serene
I think you have stepped into
My shoes when I was a kid.

Review of LED BY A STAR  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this song very deeply
Jesus sacrificed His life
To protect all beings kindly
He accepted to be crucified

So many years have passed
Still His name strongly lingers
Billions believe in His power
Deriving solace for ever

A fine poem which I appreciate
Children when they read this
They will get faith and wisdom
I thank the poet for this piece.


Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Here the language is simple and clear
Every word is damn easy to finely grasp
The author's description is very touching
And his experience is to all a lesson

His grand father was educating him kindly
He made his grand son wise and witty
He gave him his time with deepest love
As he enjoyed his company with pleasure

"Grand Children are God's way of compensating
Grand Fathers for growing old" is a famous quote
This expression runs like clean water in a stream
And the emotions are indeed eye-opener for all

The grand child was near that great old man
And during end his hands were lovingly clutched
Those hands which carried that tiny boy
Were held with deep affection by the youth

This type of end denotes God's truest presence
And this will make the reader believe in God
May God bless this youth through his grand dad
The article gives all kinds of positive emotions

Abraham Lincoln only said the following clearly
"I am not worried as to what my Grand Dad did
I am concerned only with what his Grand son does"
I am indeed pleased greatly by this moving write.

Review of Be Strong  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sixteen beautiful lines are given
They provoke reader's emotions
Really very touching I declare
A lovely masterpiece is this write

Very clear in expression of mind
And makes the reader read again
What a superb idea with rhyme
And rhythm having meaning!

The poet has melted my heart
And has revealed a melancholy
I must pat and admire the poet
I must give him hundred marks.

Review of Sparrow  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is well-written I truly confess
At no place comes any kind of confusion
Here one can put oneself in sparrow's spot
And think about his sad life philosophically

The little sparrow teaches a great lesson
It is acting like a mind healing Psychiatrist
A little soul showing an example for optimism
I like this poem and I applaud the writer's skill

Review of The Last Letter  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a lovely last letter written by a great poet!
Tomorrow we cannot read such a lovely one
Who made this poet wallow in self-pity?
Cannot they see the talent behind her words?

Your poem is indeed superior and excellent
I admire the way in which it is written dear
Rhyme and rhythm are brought superbly
I can easily understand your distress fully

Please use your poetic talent to write
Great positive poetry to save the World
Exploit your potential and elevate minds
Struggling souls are awaiting your help

If this poem is simply an expression only
Then I truly appreciate the beauty of it
In case it is your life's saddest reflection
I fall at your feet to coin bliss via poems.

Review of Depression  
Review by rhymer
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
What a classic poem is this fine one!
My mind, rhyme and rhythm truly stun
This cute poem is extraordinarily done
Depression of course cancels fun

The poem contains a simple language
But, explains depression like a sage
Surely depression is a disadvantage
Let it not come to anyone at any stage

By playing with word highly skillfully
The poet conveys the news tactfully
One can understand his problem fully
He drives home very vital points duly

For his last four lines I love to suggest
That the Almighty is always fair and just
Taking tablets without skipping is a must
Prayer is a sure cure and is ever the best

As today is x-mas, to Jesus you go
Your problems let Him come to know
To give you peace, He will say not 'no'
Your depression will melt like snow

Just go the the nearest Church please
Surrender to Lord Jesus for true peace
You must pay only prayers as His fees
He wil make depression bend its knees

Jesus will kick it out of your mind
No staying place in you it can find
Toward yourself try to be damn kind
Toward medicines never be blind

Just a chemical change in the brain
It gives you deep strain and pain
Regard not tablets as a chain
In this way only I can now explain

Exercise, prayer, meditation and tablet
Can help you win depression I bet
Surely solace if you try you can get
Peace and bliss and joy can be met

If you must take medicines life-long
Regard it not in any way as wrong
It will make your mind really strong
Taking of medichines, just prolong.


Review of Love you..  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poet has made me recollect
She has written my past loss
Though she knows me not
Her words are totally true

Many like this falsely love
And later on easily ditch
They have no conscience
They sleep blissfully

A girl like this coolly cheated me
I developed great depression
I have never at all recovered
The loss often comes to mind

Dear poet, you are fully right
Your poem is a real beauty
I thank you for telling the truth
Only a poet will tell correctly.

Review of The Obsession  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
This write made me grow damn curious
As it is written with adequate knowledge
Every word gives thrill and satisfaction
The writer leads us giving the best effect

While reading this, comes to mind Nobel Prize
The World laughs at me when I want it badly
I turn out to be laughing stock in all the minds
Like this woman, I hopefully scatter my words

I hope on one fine day, seeds will fast grow
This poem has given me colossal belief
I deeply thank the Author for giving me faith
This helps all generally and me particularly.

Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
God must be there I am sure
He will offer the best cure

He has sent Jesus to monitor
Jesus has become our mentor

God's son rules the Sun
Like Him there is none

He loves the whole Cosmos
He saved us via blood loss

He will ever act as guard
And always safeguard

He has given a promise
To God to give all bliss

He will chase us like shade
And be a sacred comrade

He will never at all leave us
He will ask God to soon bless

His mercy equals that of mother
He is very much there brother

He will to God recommend
To give Heaven after our end

O- Jesus- You only I deeply trust
Take me after my eternal rest.


Review of LEARN TO LIVE  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Really a lovely poetry to read
Such poems only all now need

Very simple words are used
The poet has finely mused

Breeze is such a simple thing
But, it makes us think of spring

Really this poetry is soothing
It regulates nicely my breathing

The meaning is Himalayan
Giving advice for everyone


Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story seems to be highly appealing
Expressing a Grand dad's feeling

In India, there are schools for old people
School for the aged is a golden principle

Here love for his dearest grand daughter
Has made him into a school enter

Old age is finely described by the poet
Grand dad's blessings, a child will get

I am happy to have read this lovely story
Health gives worry, but heart has merry


Review of Purity  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The child looks like a fairy
Her profile is extraordinary
Her hair decorate her face
I see their Divinely grace
The poem rhymes superbly
Meaning arranged remarkably
What a flow it has like a stream!
Words form a wonderful team
Thank you poet, great thanks
Upon God that tiny soul banks.

Review of More Than Lust  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is simple and straightforward
Rhyme and rhythm are kept wonderfully
The poet has carefully chosen every word
After reading satisfaction is had fully

An affectionate soul expresses its mind
It wants to love and be extremely kind
Great solace in love it does truly find
May the recipient be not foolishly blind

Review of Mary, oh, Mary  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Mary’s Sacred Son will be forever remembered
He will protect the entire Universe with love
Mary is the mother of that God’s holy messenger
He will protect the innocent with immense joy
He will live for the World and its beings
His absence may be a temporary shock
But, His presence is now truly permanent
He permeates the whole Universe kindly
And nothing escapes the eyes of Jesus
A poem written with great skill
To provoke the minds of the reader
O- Jesus- Your mom is anxious
Please console her affectionate soul
Go and embrace that holiest Angel
Fill her cheeks with lovely kisses
O- Jesus-A poem about your dear mom
What a love the poet has developed
For your beloved mother holy Mary!
I truly appreciate the poet’s write
It indeed made me write this review
My heart and mind are greatly moved.


Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The narration is no doubt thrilling
And the suspense is really fine
What happened to mom and dad?
At this juncture where are they?

Why mom asked her not to enter
Into her room is still a mystery?
Why mom took not her daughter
Along with her while leaving?

That is not mom's corpse of course
Then whose body was lying there?
Who are those green-eyed strangers?
What business they have there?

The story is not fully completed
And many questions arise
Is the heroine gone forever?
Does not she have any remedy?

The story moves like Hitch cock's movie
But, the end is left to be indefinite
The theme if is continued further
It would have been indeed splendid

To conclude, I am impressed absolutely
The author's language is very smooth
Using apt words to provoke tension
In a nutshell, a thriller needing completion.


Review by rhymer
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I have copied the article in my word
As the subject matter is important
I am with it connected for decades
And the title made me first copy it

I took strong tablets for depression
Often I used to be affected by it
Due to incessant losses in life
My emotions derailed like a train

As a result of my taking medication
My child at the age of three months
Started getting epileptic attacks
That too five times in an hour

As a baby only a murmuring sound
Was heard from her tiny, fragile body
My sister-in-law studying medicine
Started to diagnose my baby carefully

We started to visit innumerable doctors
Using tablets the fits was arrested
She was given also one syrup
But, the medication sadly continued

One day my growing little daughter
Consumed the entire syrup bottle
To relieve us of this botheration
And she was treated for toxicity

Our pediatrician accepted his inability
As fits attack could not be stopped
To another doctor he kindly referred
New one turned out to be a great genius

The new doctor stopped the entire medicines
And bouts of fits’ attack came into picture
I wanted to revert back to the old doctor
At least those medicines controlled fits

My new doctor allowed me to do this
But, warned of undesirable consequences
These tablets would retard the child’s brain
And great learning disability would follow

He wanted us to wait using patience
He prescribed brand new medicines
For ten days my daughter consumed
Those new controlling-fits medicines

Then he stopped the new syrup
And waited for the result anxiously
When no fits came to attack
He stopped with a singe tablet

Both day and night she must take
Then for four years she had no fits
We visited him every three months
And after four years the fits stopped

My brother taught to my daughter
The habit of smelling petrol
And she did this without us knowing
On one fine day she swooned

She fainted and fell on her back
Her head hit the floor with a thud
And her head was terribly swollen
And she developed again fits attack

For two years with no medication
She came out of epileptic disease
Just a very bad petrol smelling habit
Made her get back that devil fits

In fact when we earlier visited the doctor
To know about our next visit to the clinic
He asked us to come with marriage invitation
The whole medication was totally stopped

But, now we went to the same genius
And he regretted the incident seriously
As the child reached the square one position,
At that time she was just eleven years old

Now she is twenty one years of age
Has finished her commerce graduation
Studying cost accountancy for future
Indeed having no learning disability

But, stopping medication helps not
Twice she got the monstrous attack
But, fortunately tablets are effective
The doctor is a child neurologist
Now, she has become an adult


I am terribly confused about her future
Will a noble gentleman accept her?
Will Lord Jesus send a noble soul
Like the author of this fine article?

Doctors say that I am not responsible
They advice me to stop feeling guilty
My daughter’s future to be very rosy
I pray to Jesus, Allah and Lord Krishna

The article only made me write this
Its worth is known only to me
I pray to God to protect LINDA
Truly God must be very great.


Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story reminds me of my father's condition
At that time I was suffering from suspension
I wanted to be a World-class runner
But, my father made me lose everything
When he was in is death-bed with disease
He was confessing to my mother tearfully
About the wrong done to me by him
But, mom consoled him as fate's act
But, he was going on regretting severely
He was also suffering from A-disease
God is making great calculations strangely
But, he is right in all His concrete steps
He will always do the right thing superbly
This story I truly enjoyed and felt sorry
This type of tragedy has become common
The author has described really finely
My best wishes for the author I express
In her case mother and in my case father
This is the only difference I observe
Due to my psychiatric ailment a decade back
I could not stay with my father closely
I just made trips to see him daily
One day I touched his head giving strokes
And then I came back home locking the door
Immediately was sounded the calling bell
Watchman from my parents' flat
Informed me that my father passed away
My kind touch must have given him solace
That his son had no hard feelings at heart
That touch was an assuaging message.

Review of Eternity's sleep  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
A beloved soul is now gone
It may be mother or lover
Still the words are touching
Ideas are indeed excellent

Nice rhythm is finely kept
The poetry is really superb
The poet has real ideas
I have to give my pats

A poem exposing true love
And the tragedy of separation
I appreciate the poet warmly
May he write more poems.

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