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Review of The battlefields  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Beautiful indeed, beautiful indeed
Battle is of all the very worst deed
Do you think that devil we really need
Please stop it, to all I beg and plead

A poem written with a fine mind
Battles prove hearts are blind
Cannot we be mercifully kind?
Why not in love solutions we find?

Review of Night  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nicely written poetry with perfection
Really is wonderful night's depiction
A pat is a must to show satisfaction
I truly appreciate the writing action

Beautifully rhyme pattern is followed
And is totally removed mind's load
The poet has followed fine poetic mode
Taking us to joyfully walk on life-road.
Review of MY HUSBAND  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Really a top class poem to read
Lovely words are used amazingly
The poet has coined a beauty
The way it proceeds is fine

Every word is superbly written
The poet very smoothly thinks
He takes us on a smooth path
Reading it once again happens

Simple words are wisely employed
A true joy permeates our mind
Hats off to the poet for her skill
Hope, many more will soon follow.

A nice write,

Review of Phoenix  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
A mother and her baby escaping
Who gave her that precious baby?
Where did he go? to the Almighty?
A baby is not just like that living
It is keenly watching everything
Mother's expression it considers
Its mind is surely functioning
Her tears make it get confused
Mother's smile makes it jolly
In this poetry the poet remembers
Her mother alive or gone I know not
But, she made the child live safely
And write a poetry about the past
A very touching poetry I feel
My heart bleeds with sadness
My soul feels for her very much
Just like how all felt when Jesus
Was ruthlessly in the cross crucified.

Nice poetry,

Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poet regards disability as a companion
This is true in the lives of every individual
In some or other way people are disabled
There cannot be any exception in this World

The poet has kindly titled disability as a friend
He has accepted it as an inevitable associate
This type of making up mind is beneficial
There will be no question of any disappointment.

Nice encouraging practical write.


Review of Never Alone  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
A really beautiful poem giving hope
That He is present everywhere
We take the next step hopefully
When we are by many cheated
We put full trust upon Him
And then only we can move ahead
Due to his invisible presence
We cross tears using hope-oars
This poem is simple, but truthful
No tough words are used anywhere
A fluent language with a superb theme
Its flow is like that of a perennial river
That adjusts and runs with full vigor
To benefit the entire World with love
Excellently written with a holy motive
A boon to all suffering from sorrow
A crisp prescription for the Universe
Really an extraordinary write for patting.

Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poems humbles my ego
All my pride I now flatly forgo

Child is the father of man
About this now I scan

All my rhymes I now surrender
I look at this poem with wonder

If a child is like this simply taught
Ignorance can be by it fought

Poetry and mathematics clubbed
Little minds are not cob-webbed

Glory to the poem is now by me sung
Let get benefits those that are young.

My applause I now contribute
And pay to the poet tribute.


Review of Scars  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The write produces sadness
A person is now ditched
He is unable to forget,so
Choose in favor of noose

Is that one the only female?
If this question is asked
Then mind will be clear
But, no lover thinks this way

Emotions of the poet are genuine
There is no doubt about this
Those who ditch must think a lot
As they do an immoral act surely.

In a gist a nice write with agony
I sympathize with the hero
May God provide him a new path
This is my most sincere prayer.

Review of Scars  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The poet is highly straightforward
In expressing her kind feelings
She depends upon another person
So that she can manage her life

She is hundred percent true I feel
We need someone to give solace
Or at least we have that perception
Hoping that someone will cure

The poet must win in her imagination
But, we can be peaceful in solitude
Loneliness can be easily kicked away
And true joy can be easily won in life

If that someone really brings joy
It is well and good, but if he fails
We must pick up courage and live
After all we enter cemetery only alone.

A heart-touching write provoking mind
Almost all wait for a stranger to help
But, self-assistance is permanent
As it contains minimum loopholes.

Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent description of the spring
Using technical words with skill
A beautiful poem with fine expression
Really I enjoyed reading its meaning

The structure itself has a charm
The contents are really amazing
The poet has supplied a crisp poem
May (s)he bless us with such niceties!

Review of A Race Well Run  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
A great poem about a noble mother
Penned skillfully bestowing encomiums
This is to all mothers applicable
The poet has written only the truth

If the poet has carefully pondered over
Certain extensions can be restricted
This may give the poem a fine structure
But for that the poem is a sure hit.

Review by rhymer
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The poem looks like that of a poetic genius
I mean its structure and appearance

The poet is saving a life struggling
Hope and trust this act is giving

The poet is a responsible person
She is teaching the World a lesson

She possesses not the heart to ignore
Here only a great name she does score

After making a valuable description
She ultimately resorts to praying action

She consistently rhymes not the poetry
Still her poem caries remarkable glory.

A nice write.


Review of Push  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem push I greatly relish
Very true is the poet's wish

The advice is classic
As mind feels not sick

The poem finely flows
Like the air into nose

A simple language
Advising like a sage

Meaning is superb
To mind a herb or grub

A thought provoking one
As now hope by me is won.


Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem gives a noble advice
Following it is really wise

It gives joy while reading
This type of pep I am needing

I truly thank from my heart
For making me extra-smart

The poet teaches valuable lessons
To make all of us glorious persons

To the poet I remove my hat
As on life-pitch, I can better-bat.

Review of Ghostwriter  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a lovely story to read!
Really soothing the heart
One day in a writer's life
Happened a great experience

Though written in prose form
Very fluently taking us to joy
It makes a writer muse soundly
A carefully prepared plot of course

Simple language and lucid style
Depicting the happening reality
Proving writing is a risky game
All writers are not famous

I have put myself in the hero's place
And I have enjoyed every word
May God make me vanish with my wife
As losing her makes me shudder

How many times she has encouraged!
How many wounds she has bandaged!
What a solace she has consistently offered!
On the whole, this story is a wonder.


Review of Follow Your Heart  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear respected poet,

A poem deserving billions of hits
Respecting the code of poetry
To read this if a soul sits
It will no longer remain carefree

This poem is a masterpiece
Which must be by all read
This will make available peace
To heart and brain in the head.

With best wishes, Thanking you, Yours truly,


Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is simply remarkable
The poet must be highly capable
He has proved rhyming is possible
His rhyme-scheme is sensible

A wonderfully written poetry
Lots of fruits in his brain-tree
They are also supplied free
What is given is sheer glee

A nice poetry is read
Let not rhyme be dead
Matter can be well-said
Like this to reader's head

All the best,
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is absolutely a creative work
My heart jumps with joy due to this write

Excellent expression greasing my soul
What a great poem acting as a tonic!

I am a Hindu, but Jesus also I love
I greatly admire a cross if seen

The poet has written a prayer for all
Really it heals my soul completely

I am jealous of her great writing
May the Cross help me also to write.

Review of Best Friends?  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
One is one's best friend
If one trusts another
There starts real trouble
It is better to be cautious

Mind will change drastically
Mind is really a monkey
Today a friend will help
Tomorrow our blood to gulp

when I go through newspapers
A friend alone does all evil acts
A friend who enters into a family
At last even does the act of killing

Just by misusing his vantage point
He may separate husband and wife
Or he may do the most criminal trick
So this poem is in a way educative

The poet grieves with a sad emotion
A friend is lost in her life giving sorrow
But, in practical life, a friend is a menace
Distance is the promoter of admiration.

Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear respected Joshua Pilger,

A poetic feast you have arranged
Expressing your mind in fear
This type of poem is very rare
As all love only no rhyme scheme

Robert Frost aptly made a quote
"Free verse is like playing tennis
With nets down" how true it is!
Your poem is a perfect piece I feel.

With best wishes, Thanking you, Yours truly,

Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear respected J A Buxton,

The author did not want to marry
About John she did really worry
Telling rejection in a great hurry
Would fully cancel John's merry

She to say no made an invitation
She gave him an implied intimation
As per her desire happened rejection
Both the parties got the protection

The description is really extraordinary
But, at last ended the great story
No marriage is to the author victory
A married life John decided to carry

Like a beggar a married man is living
And at last dying like a great King
Like a King a bachelor is surviving
And at last like a beggar he is dying.


Review of Moments of Gold  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Respected Jerry Powell,

This is a happened-really information
Leading to happy thoughts' formation
This article depicts finely souls' relation
In a way giving mind elevation cum elation

Even a baby does deep musing
It is hurt when it feels like losing
This intricate life may be confusing
Its own techniques, it will be using

The older child is very co-operative
She adjusts with that small relative
She is to a very great extent sportive
She is positive and really superlative

Such a child will guide the World
With a heart full of pure gold
As a genius she will grow old
Hatred will be by her clean-bowled

The child's heart is by love ruled
By her affection, heart is cooled
Mercy and kindness are pooled
Fate is by her love totally fooled

When is smelled a baby's head
Milky fragrance will flood
Tender body has innocent blood
"Baby is God" is well-said

This article I too much relish
Long live children is my wish
A child is innocently selfish
That is why we call it childish

It is gazing at its mother's direction
And then do a mischievous action
And hugs the girl with love and affection
And at last try for self-protection

The older one expresses her approval
She feels not the young one as a rival
She silently welcomes its lovely arrival
Now relations will have sound revival

By this article I feel immensely delighted
Let that young one be in future knighted
Let by the older one World be lighted
Heaven is by me via pictures now sighted.

With best wishes,


Review by rhymer
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Respected Feather Duster,

The author is really grateful
In gratitude he is full
Writing.com helped him pull
His efforts have proved useful

Despite his holding skill
Success came not to thrill
Time tested severely his will
He even became mentally ill

His life turned totally dull
His happiness was nil
Loss only produced his mill
His pockets, failures did fill

His story is surely awful
He was serious not playful
His efforts were lawful
But he was to writing faithful

About his talent he was not doubtful
He proceeded by being highly hopeful
In his mission he was very careful
His goal via writing.com he could fulfill

His poetic mind he could till
To fill up for livelihood his till
When his life came to a standstill
Using patience he gave a self-drill

He was forced to consume pill
The task before him was uphill
His story gives my spine chill
But he hopefully went for the kill

Will-power is checked by the devil
Fear itself is a type of deadly evil
Our soul is the strongest anvil
Which we all use only very little

The author tried like a great bull
He is continuing his efforts still
All must try like him truly until
Success comes making us joyful

O- Writing.com- To you I tell
You are making us feel well
A poet you saved from hell
Via you we all hear Temple bell.

With best wishes,


Review of Unfortunately  
Review by rhymer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Respected lIttle Kibbla,

Nobody is without any talent
Everyone is in a field a student
We have to make ourselves prudent
We must live by being confident

Sometimes we are fortunate
At other times blocks us our fate
God will adequately compensate
If efforts that we take are great

The poet makes a long list
At first by being a pessimist
Suddenly she acquires zest
And she finds in her the best

She is in her sweet teen-age
And so confusions disparage
If we affectionately encourage
We can prevent every damage

Confusing thoughts attack
Making in hope a big crack
She knows not the right track
Our duty is to kindly back

First her drawbacks are counted
Then her plus points are accounted
This shows pessimism is surmounted
She is not at all by sadness haunted

Gradually she takes the upper hand
It means life she could understand
Pressures she knows to withstand
Her emotions are turning very grand

Rich experience makes her think
In dejection she does not sink
Her plus and minus she could link
And shrewdly for future use the ink

In a teen-age mind happens storm
We must somehow instill calm
Or else it may do immense harm
We must teach that bliss is in palm

This poem gives valuable guidance
To the teen-aged for perfect defense
If mind like this analyzes the reasons
Surely will be empty all the prisons.

With best wishes,


Review of Dreamers  
Review by rhymer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Respected Angie Harris,

Like Wordsworth's daffodils
The poem uniquely thrills
The poet exhibits his skills
My heart every word fills

Rhyming is so compact
It gives a superb impact
This poem is a divine act
It is written with fine tact

The poem is optimistic
And in a way artistic
Words' play is systematic
On the whole very dynamic.

With Best wishes,

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