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Review of Twisted Treasures  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
A thief's thoughts and reactions are described when he finds something non significant in the treasure box that he opened after trying hard.
Contradicting his imaginations of the box holding articles and materials of great value, there are human left overs like nails and eatables.. This is quite funny to read, I mean the reader can actually imagine what goes on in the theif's mind.

Good read for this day !!!
Rated: E | (5.0)
A lady's time engrossed in delicacies of different flavoured chocolates.
The use of sensual words for taste & smell is remarkably wonderful.
The author writes this piece of work with great care. The actions and reactions are chained well as the reader can almost feel the taste of all the six cholcolates on their tongues.
Left me wanting for chocolates *Smile*
A great piece of read for this day!!! Speically because its Valentines*Smile*

Keep Writing !!!
Review of Lonely  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poet dreams of a family, of social security, of emotional well-being, of togetherness; but living alone is not fun for her. However, the poet is not jealous of other's life and their happiness. All she wishes is a rainbow from the palette of God's colours of Life.
There are shades of sadness and hope throughout the poem.
The construction is good.
It flows well.

Write the heart out !!!
Review of Dear Diary  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A decision not taken in time leads to a life to be lived with compromise and colourless dreams once held with vivid zeal.
Here the author talks to her diary and shares some intricate moments of her life where she uses some great words... they are both frank and harsh. They slash right down her neck when she still yearns to be a Ballerina dancer...

The regret of not changing her mind firmly while in her teens, is quite clear towards the end..
Motherhood is welcomed whole heartedly with the baby's first cry but somewhere in the author's heart there is a repenting lady.

Good read for this day !!
Follows the prompt very well.

Keep Writing !!
Keep the Faith !!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! I mean a complete encyclopedia has come into this poem.
The poet displays great grace and maturity through his words, as he rightly says that it is not good to play with a woman's emotion. Everybody needs their own personal space even when they are into a Love relationship. So it is better to live life of your own when you are alone ( meaning when the loved one is not around physically). Only a person who has a balanced mind can write this and I am completely in an awe of you.
This whole poem displays that a man of words is a man of deeds.
Strong from the outside (like the Knight) but soft and gentle by heart is what a woman needs.
I can say that this is one of the most beautiful poems I have come across on WDC!!!

Keep Writing !!
Keep the Faith !!!
Review of Divorce Him  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Domestic violence causes so much pain. One needs to move out of this and get going, lead another worthy life outside this abusive marriage. This is what is brought out beautifully in the poem.
The strong words slash across the masses with dignity.
The repetitive use of "Stay Away" in the second stanza does add some thrust to the conviction to move on.
The rhyme and rhythm are good.
Quick Edit Pick : His He likes beating you black and blue.

Overall it is a good read for this day !!

Keep Writing !
Keep the faith !!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A sight to visualise as the sea storm engulfs amitola into a perfect union marked with a rainbow at the end that appears after the storm clams down.
What an imagery I must say !
The climate is shown as completely chaotic with thunders, lightnings, the sea storm, the lady amitola , rocks, wind, sand... All elements of the nature, vital elements, are worked up here.
Well written.
Keep Writing !
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poet sees a girl at the bus stop and feels good about having met her just eye to eye, on a busy day in a city where no one ever has time to eveng greet with a smile.
The description with details regarding the stranger is good.
The girl becomes a kind of inspiration to the poet, like a soft petal of flower in the garden of thorns.
Overall it was a good read.

Keep Writing
Review of Blossoms Maligned  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A childhood crush turns into real love story in the teens when Sarah and Tom express their feelings (through words and expressions) before christmas time.
The nausia and the butterflies are all merry till the school is hit by gunshots and terror attacks.
The characterisations are good, the story flows well.
The story leaves a strong impact on the reader who is actually left in shock to know what has happened after the classroom door crashed open. The plot is built so strongly that the reader actually feels the way like its central characters.
A good read for this day !!!

Keep Writing !!
Rated: E | (4.5)
Chelsea *Smile* It is good to bump into this essay of yours and getting to know you more through it.
Writing can be stress-freeing most of the times, but it is an art. Not many have it and I am glad you are the one who truly uses this art to create something beautiful and meaningful.
You are blessed with words, I can see that very clearly through your writing. You write whatever that comes to your mind and it is chronolgical and lucid. Easy for readers to understand the exact meaning that you want to convey.
Great to meet you here !

Keep Writing ! And have a wonderful time !
Review of Three Tokens  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Asma, a gin, is challenged by a Shaytan todo things she had never done before.
The two tasks weren't that great for her to prove her might as a gin, but she could not kill the Sultan whom she secretly loved.
I can see a helpless Asma towards the climax and the way she chose to vanish instead of killing the Sultan.
The Shaytan wanted to get rid of this good hearted gin and thats why the plot of this story is developed.
The exposition, narration, the rising action, climax are all set nicely.
The story flows well.
The story leaves behind a moral that how ever bad the bad is, good always wins over it.

Great read for this day !!!
Keep Writing !!
Review of Grey Sins.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
It is a disturbing poem I must say.

An innocence is lost due to the sensual pleasures. It may be unintentional, forced or intentional. Whichever is the way, the victim feels ashamed to death. There is no way left for her but dark days of lonliness and guilt ahead.
There is a heavy tone of guilt here and the punch thumps heavy on the heart when the poet says " I promised I wouldn't"... It tells a lot in just a few words.

Good read for the day !!

Keep Writing !!
Review of Hope  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Life goes on. Everyone moves on. This is the crux of this very poem which deals with the question-answer session that goes on in the mind of a person who has recently split with his/her spouse.
When the poet states that even the friends will not matter and life will go on, there is a confidence in the voice which motivates the reader to keep moving ahead (whether it be a good situation or adverse).

The last stanza brings about a tranquil effect when the imgery of dust settling down is stated.

Good read for this day !

Keep Writing !
Review of Returning  
Rated: E | (4.5)
There is a lot of hope for the warmth to return into the poet's life, just like the spring returns after a shattering cold winter.
There is a conviction in the tone of the poetry that is so positive.
A process of "coming to life" actually appeals here.
The context flows well and fits well.
Even through the darkest of tunnels, the poet is able to see the light on the other side because of his optimism.

Good read for this day !

Keep Writing !
Rated: E | (4.5)
Reflections of studying the scriptures is posted here using this short and impactful poetry.
According to Hindu (Sanskrit) Scripture there are four steps for attaining salvation and they are
Dharma : The path of righteousness
Artha: The duty towards garnering wealth
Kaam: Physical or Emotional Pleasure
Moksh: Liberation

Having said this, The poet has rightly introduced Dharma in this poem where going vegeterian is one of the lessons learnt while following Dharma.

Good Read!!
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
The author displays great nack for details through this chapter. Myra's first encounter with the Team and its team learder Maes is almost a little embarrasing one for her as she finds herself caught up with Maes who only smiles at her awkwardly, while Myra feels more irritated with it. The comic is brought out nicely with the mention of Cartoon's head whistling with steam is visualised.
The first person POV write-up is justified but in the italics exposition and narration there is a bit mix up with the present and past tense. I am not an expert either but just curious to know.

Keep Writing !!
Review of Old Farts  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Lol... I usually read the items aloud to feel the sentiment. But to tell you frankly this was the most funniest read every on this website.
I mean who can imagine a farting affair !!! hahah
However, jokes apart, the plot is awesome and the rhyme and rhythm suits the comic genre well.

A great tear laughter for the day.. I was almost crying out laughing since I could very well imagine him taking her to the beach for a planned romantic dinner by the sea and ending up farting till the sunlight breaks.

This was too good.
Review of A Simple Question  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
A deep pain excruciatingly unbearable executes this poem. The poet sets out on a voyage to find answers to the void in his life which longs for a filling called "love".
A sadistic approach leads the poet to bring out the pain in this delightful form of creative art.
It hurts to be alone and spending the years of a long life - this is brought out nicely.

Good Read !

Keep Writing !!
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poet has brought out a couple of vivid points here to ponder.
People wait for the love to glow upon them, all through the years they yearn for a soul mate and when they come across their better half with the long wait, sometimes to realise that the wait was worth. This happens. It is destined.
But there are a few poeple who just jump in into a relationship only to find that it is painful to survive. The possibilities are shown nicely here.
A good thought provoking poem I must say.
The best is to live in the present and take one day as it comes, the conclusion says it all.
Keep Writing !!
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
A childless woman's pain is very well described through her actions and words. A pain so unimaginable by child bearing mothers is brought out very nicely here. Amelia's body language and characterisation was apt.
Surrogacy is not mentioned anywhere in the story and this leaves the reader wondering what next !
I want to know whether there is another chapter to be written for this to justify the title.
But overall it was a good read, the mystery is kept well throughout the plot.

Good read.
Keep Writing !!
Review of Your hands  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Written for a loved one, this poem is dedicated to a set of hands that serves as the pillar of strength, love, compassion and courage to the poet when it is truely needed.
I feel the repetition of words " The same hands", sounds a little overused when the poem is read aloud. You can use some other metaphors or similies to express. However these are only suggestions from me as a reader and not a critic. You can feel free to discard the ones you dont agree with.

Overall a good read. A romantic touch to it is added when the poet hopes to be a proud owner of the loved one using a synecdoche in the last line.

Keep Writing !!!

Welcome to WDC and A Happy New year !
Rated: E | (4.5)
A mother's love is shown in the form of this lyrical poem.

Her daughter is her world and she can't ask for more.

The description of the little one's physical appearance and her personality traits are all shown confidently when the mother says that she is sure that her daughter wont tell a lie... This is a perfect mother-daughter bonding *Smile*

The construction of the poem is unique..
I like the rhythm it generates.

Good Job *Smile*

Keep Writing !!
Happy New Year!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The author remembers each and every details of this particular Christmas Morning when she was just eight years old.
The excitement of a child during the Christmas time is well displayed here, as the author is found sitting right in front of the Christmas tree at four o'clock in the morning and wait for her gifts.
This rememberance is sweet and one of its kind. The scene plot is described very well with the use of good sensory words.

A good read!!!

Keep Writing !!
"Merry Christmas"...
Rated: E | (4.5)
After losing her grandma, the poet misses her in every walk of her life, she finds traces of her grandmother's love, care, voice and warmth in every corner of her house.
Life has become umimaginable without her grandmother but the poet lives with fond memories of her grandma.
This poem is simple and right from an aching heart; a heart crying for her grandmother.
A very emotional poem.

Good Job !

Keep Writing
Review of Out of the Pit  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The poet shows the darker side of falling into depression where there is nothing but pain and sorrow.
Yet there is a positive note to the poem when the poet motivates the reader to keep climbing up the pit to come out free, no matter how the world is outside. One day we all may succeed, all it needs is just a try.
The rhythm of the poem is dispersed but it suits when it is read aloud.
The abab rhyme is good.

Good Job !

Keep Writing !!!
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