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Review of Live in me  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~This poem actually threw me off a bit, because I thought it would go towards divorce in another way. A nice suprise, nonetheless.

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~ It shows the spirituality within this poet through a very difficult time.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I felt this was beautifully written but was just slightly off in its rhythm. Perhaps reread it a loud and decide whether to change a few words or keep it the way it is.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Beautiful and very well written. As I made mention, I was taken by surprise by the contents for I thought* the poem was going to be about going through a divorce. Thank you so very much for allowing me to read it and give it a review. SummerLyn

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Review of Clothed in Goo  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~ Now, this is something different to write about!

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~ This brings back childhood memories when you would go to a carnival or fair and there would be those Bright colored Candied Apples. Oh how I hated when they stuck to my teeth! Something everyone can relate to I am sure.
Nothing's sweeter than candied reds,
Apples so crisp, they turn all heads,
Row by row, they sit calling you,
For bright red apples, clothed in goo.

Isn't that the truth!

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*None evident. I thought the flow was smooth as well.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Overall, this was done very well...there was rhythm and such a cheer within the lines that it can't help but lift your spirits. Great job as usual! Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to sit and read this. It was delightful. SummerLyn
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Review of Mentor  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great job here!!! Who was the mentor I didn't see their name. SummerLyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Such a nice portfolio you have here! And so many colorful ribbons!!! I will enjoy this port for sure. Wishing you wonderful moments and very few of 'writers block'! SummerLyn
Review of Tears  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~ Deep pain relayed through this poem.

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Brings about thoughts to this reader anyway, that people create illusions believing that happiness is dependent on others. To be in that moment and believe there is no hope without another.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I would suggest watching your capitalization. I felt the rhythm was off a bit but I feel this can be corrected if the author goes back and reads it out loud and then make changes as they feel fit. Perhaps they will not and leave it...it is up to the author, of course.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~it certainly reaches out to the reader the emotion that the poet felt. I feel it is well written. It captured my attention. Thank you for allowing me to read it and give it a proper review. SummerLyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~Touching tribute

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Touching feelings of the poet reflected through this poem of a time in history that shouldn't have been.
*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I felt the rhythm was just a little off. Perhaps if you read it out loud, you will hear what I did, but if you find it works for you...keep it the way it is.
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Very touching poem of a historic time from what seems the heart of someone directly related to someone who had experienced that. Very beautiful tribute and I feel the author holds a 'gift' that can only get better. Thank you for allowing me to read this and give it my review. I enjoyed it. SummerLyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~I said I was going to not review any more this night, and in looking through my favorite authors, there you are with this story that captured my attention!

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Very enlightening. It's amazing what you can learn from this tool we call a "computer" I think I placed that thought on my blog just this day in fact.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I believe this story flowed so smooth and was quite interesting to read. I did find something I would ask the author to reread and perhaps the author may wish to change..perhaps not.
I don’t know any Christian who is still virgin within that age bracket,
Would this read better as "I don't know any Christian who is still a virgin within that age bracket..."
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Excellent read and I think enlightening. We could learn so much if we open our mind to it. The world is at your fingertips...sometimes it is necessary to go outside that little pigeon-hole to which you were born. Thank you for allowing me to sit in and read this. I feel I have given it a proper review. SummerLyn

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Review of What if?  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~Don't we all, from time to time wonder this?! I do!
*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~I loved each line, especially:
What if the chain held through all life dealt,
and the safety of your arms is all I felt,
to learn to receive as well as to give,
cherishing the life we’ve been blessed to live?

I have often wondered this with my first love..."What if"...

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*It could just be me, but I felt it was off just slightly, but not enough to warrant deduction of any points. My suggestion is to read it out loud and you be the judge after reading it, and then either change it as you see fit, or leave it. I received it well regardless.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Very enjoyable and in my opinion, well written. The author holds talent and I always look forward to reading what is in the authors portfolio. Thank you for allowing me to read this and give it a proper review. Summerlyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~The title speaks for itself...We are a "Me" Society

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Thoughts are relayed very well and the reader can most certainly relate, unless they are on Mars. <laughing>

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I think the rhythm could be better. My suggestion as I try to do, is to read it out loud and make the correct changes where you feel necessary. Perhaps you may even feel it is fine, then leave it, but this was my initial thought. Also, watch for typo's, ex:
Leaving the "It's all about "Me" " behind

You have too many quotations. This can easily be corrected.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~I feel the author relays their feelings well. It holds the attention of the reader and therefore a good read. Carry on! Thank you for allowing me to read it and give it a proper review. Summerlyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~Very smooth flow to this story.

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Whimsical and such a sweet story relayed.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*You did your commas well. I would watch capitalization however.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~A great story shared. The author shows great talent and I look forward to reading other stories this author may have written. Thank you for allowing me to read this story and give it my review. I thoroughly enjoyed it. SummerLyn

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Review of I will be okay  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~My initial thought upon looking at it, was that it was a 'short story' because of the way it was laid out.

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Good, in that the poet is at the point of realization that the love shared is no more, and therefore ready to move on. The question brought to my mind in reading this is, "Do we ever get over that first love?" I haven't.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I feel it could have been laid out a bit better and reworded a bit so as to get more of a rhythm to it. It seemed off the rhythm. Perhaps if you read it aloud you will understand and get a better feel for a rhythm. Also, I would watch the comma's or lack of,ex:
"Its ok"
as well as the spelling within. Ex:
Just livit it up

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~I believe the poet has a talent that just needs a bit of polishing and cleaning up. I enjoyed reading and giving it my review. SummerLyn

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Review of My Last Night  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~ Sounds like a soul that feels like they are on their last leg, so to speak.
*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~The author has put something profound in their poem, of which I feel is an important message to parents and other loved ones...
My parents say everything is my fault,
But they don't know me like you know me they don't know me at all.
I’m so sick of when they say,
Its just a faze you’ll be okay. Your fine!
But I know it’s a lie!

The reason why I feel this is important is really self evident, but some people may miss it. People should not turn a blind eye to their children's needs. Great job here!

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*A few spelling errors. Ex: is in subtitle that should read, "She's stopping to take control of her life, so there is no more hurt." My suggestion anyway.
If I may suggest to the author..watch for spelling and grammar errors. Try not to repeat words too much. We all have that problem from time to time.
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Overall, this is a poem with a great message of how someone depressed feels and needs understanding. I have often raised the question of why it is our children today seem so depressed. Is it because parents are too consumed with their own selfish needs? Just my thought from reading this poem shared. Thank you for allowing me to view it and give it a proper review. SummerLyn

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Review of Sometimes  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~My first impression is the the poet is young and feel a lot of injustices in society but has made a choice.
*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~ Poet relays his thoughts with emotion that transcends to the reader
*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I would suggest to the poet to watch spelling and commas.
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~I feel the author/or poet has a lot that runs deep within and this is a good outlet for the author to let it out. I feel the author does a great job in relaying their thoughts and emotions. Thank you so very much for allowing me to view this and give it a proper review. SummerLyn

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Review of Untitled Poem  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~I chose this because of what the contents read of the thought, 'Everyone is created equal'.

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~Good question raised, in my opinion. Good thoughts relayed out to the reader through this poetic.

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*Should this be better read as:
Must I simply be content
To rest somewhere between?

"Must I simply be content
to rest somewhere in between?" is my thought upon reading it, as I feel the rhythm is off in the poem, although the poet did an excellent job on it otherwise.

*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~As mentioned, the poet did an excellent job on it. I feel it could have been worded a bit better to give bring about a better rhythm, but otherwise excellent and enjoyable. Thank you for allowing me to view it and give it a proper review. Summerlyn

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Review of Broken  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~A love that wasn't returned.
*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~ The poet relayed their feelings quite well in this. I loved the wording here, although it breathes such heartache and pain:
I’m bankrupt of a soul

The free spirit to be loved by another

My eyes have become a cloud annoyed with rain.

He destroyed my happiness with a single word

*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*I feel the poet may need to reread this aloud and perhaps find a different rhythm to it, because it seemed just a bit off to me and read more like a story. A story that just may be a good seller if the author decided to turn this into one.
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Excellent relaying of thoughts and feelings. The poet did a good job in relaying her feelings, as it reaches the reader. Thank you for allowing me to read it and give it my review. SummerLyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*FIRST IMPRESSION~ Brings me back to my younger days

*Star*PLOT THOUGHTS*Thumbsup*~ Something older people can relate to. I know I can. Quite good writing here, by the way. I am enjoying it.
*Star*ERRORS/OR SUGGESTIONS~*Right*None evident to me. It seems the commas are where they should be.
*Star*OVERALL SUMMARY~Fantastic job with this, in that you have held the readers(in this case, 'me'*Smile*) I think you have a great writing ability and with even more time and practice. You will be a professional yet. Thank you for allowing me to read and review it. SummerLyn

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Review of I'm Not Perfect  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*First Impression~My first thought~ 'who is perfect?'

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*I like the folowing because it shows determination and strength of the writer.
Know this is one thing, I will not allow,

All the problems, away I will throw,

ON my face, will return a smile,

With my life I will reconcile,

No matter the hardship or what the author faces, they will not let it get them down. This is a good message for any reader/or a reminder to all. This is my thought.

*Star*Error/or Suggestions~I would watch my spacing on this...the rhythm was there...it flowed well

*Star* Overall Summary*Right*Quite good! I believe the author has a talent that only needs perfecting, but as I stated in my initial response...'who is perfect?' Yet, with practice they say, comes perfection. I'm still trying. Great job on this. Thank you for allowing me to review it and liking my reviews enough to ask me to review the rest of your work. This is an honor for me. SummerLyn

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Review of Why I Hate People  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star* First Impression~ Writer seems to use a strong word of 'hate' when in fact, perhaps the author doesn't really mean to be so harsh. Although I know he relays the following:
‘Surely he doesn’t really mean he hates people’. Take it to the bank, dear reader, I mean exactly that. Now that I’ve said it, comprehension by posterity begs me to elaborate my seemingly harsh and unwarranted statement. However, by the time I finish my narrative, I know that you will see my point.

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*Typical(for most people) experience of flying or travel. I actually(as a reader of this)found humor is all of this with the description and experience shared by the author, as it is something I can relate to.

*Star*Errors/or Suggestions~ I would watch my grammar and spelling. The flow wasn't quite as good as it could have been, but it was smooth enough to certainly hold my attention.

*Star*Overall Summary*Right*I felt it was a good story shared of the authors experience on his flight to see his son's graduation. I personally don't see how anyone would hold hate in his heart over such a temporary situation and experience, but obviously the author felt 'hate'. I think the author tells a good story. I thank you for allowing me to view it. Obviously it was good enough that it held my attention and I read it. I therefore, give it my review. Wishing you peace in your heart~ SummerLyn

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Review of TANKA's  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*First Impression~I like the wording in this...
"Live your moments in my arms."

*Star*Plot Thoughts~ Very earthy and somewhat spiritual.

*Star*Errors/or Suggestions~ I would watch my spelling and grammar. I felt the rhythm was off. My suggestion is that the poet go through it again and reread it, perhaps aloud. Make the changes accordingly to how they feel it can bring about a better flow

*Star*Overall Summary~ Very well done, in my opinion. I feel it could have been expanded on some more and the rhythm could have been better, but I also feel that the poet has a gift, if practiced on more. Just as we all need to do. Thank you for allowing me to give it my review. SummerLyn

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Review of Needs help.  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Star*First Impression~ My thinking is that this is a good poem that will help others think.

*Star*Plot Thoughts~ Everything in life holds balance when in line with the Creator. Obviously this person(the poet) is off balance and is finding their way back to a balanced life by recognizing they have made some wrong choices and they need help. As a thought, how often are we in a sinking ship, so to speak, and when thrown a life saver ring, refuse it, until you finally get the notion that we need to be 'saved' and need that help. Choice again! Just my thought to what the poet places before the reader.
*Star*Errors/or Suggestions~My suggestion is to watch your wording as it will throw off the rhythm of any poem. Just my thought. I would personally change this line here:
The time I got to drunk.

Watch your spelling and grammar.
*Star*Overall Summary~In my opinion, this is a survival story. And relays the message to the reader that this person has made it through with the right choice and recognition, and if they can make it so can you. Very well done. Thank you for allowing me to view it and give in my review. SummerLyn

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Review of Old Bill  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star*First Impression~Holds the hint of a western

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*Beautifully relayed and such a tribute to your son, this old soul. It is clear in your words placed why it is you feel he is such an old soul
Time stands still for you,
loving things that don't age.
Preferring to live outside,
youth's oppressive cage.

Old Music, old clothes,
time-worn things you adore.
If the kids nowadays hate it then,
you'll just love it all the more.

I love how you worded all this.

*Star*Errors~I feel the rhythm wasn't as good as it could have been and my suggestion is that the poet read this out loud to hear where it might be off and reword it as needed.
*Star*Overall Summary~*Right*Beautiful and I feel that her son could be an old soul, at least from the readers view. I know I feel that way with my own son. Thank you for allowing me to view it and giving it a proper review. SummerLyn

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Review of A Place To Rest  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*First Impression~As the poet relays, a different look at death.

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*Obviously the poet speaks of a place where she will be laid to rest that brings peace in the thinking of it as the final resting place to be laid. So very descriptive. I love how the poet talks of the roses...
With red roses all around,

So I could smell them from underground,

When each spring as they bloom

I'll be reborn in their plume

such beautiful writing here, in my opinion.

*Star*Errors~none evident to me. I felt the rhythm was there.

*Star*Overall Summary~*Right*The poet has a way with words, even though we do not usually think about our final resting place, it is something, in truth, that should be thought of and it was placed here very nicely. Good job on this piece. Thank you for allowing me to view it and give it my personal review. SummerLyn

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Review of I can't lose you  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Star*First Impression~Heartfelt and sad

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*Did you ever hear the saying...you can't lose what you never had...if it is yours it will come back, if not set it free. Not that the poet wants to hear that, but these are thought that come to mind in reading this. A 'Best' Friend will not abandon you no matter, so it leave the reader wondering if it was but one sided. Perhaps a part 2 to this will come out soon? I will look for that.

*Star*Errors~I found some errors, for ex:
If it had of been anyone else,
Could this be better read as follows:
"If it had been anyone else"
Just my thought and suggestion.
The flow was a bit off, but if some corrections are made after reading it outloud, I am sure this poet could get it right on track.

*Star*Overall Summary~*Right*Quite delicate and beautiful! Thank you for allowing me to view it and give it my review. SummerLyn
Review of Comfort Food  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*First Impression~Sadness rings through this poem

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*From reading it, it seems that the poet had this emptyness(at least that was my feeling from it). Such a loneliness surrounded this person who was sitting there comforting their self with apple pie.

*Star*Errors~I felt the rhythm of this poem could have been better. I would suggest reading it out loud and perhaps making changes in wording or other if the poet feels necessary.

*Star*Overall Summary~*Right*Very deep and filled with sadness. I believe that many people who read this can relate to a time in their life they felt so alone and disconnected from that one they were supposed to be with.

Thank you so very much for allowing me to view it and give it a proper review. I feel it could have been a '5' but I just felt the rhythm was a little off, but after the poet reads it aloud and still feels it is not, then go with what is in your heart. Summerlyn

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In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*First Impression~My first impression is that we should all measure or balance the good and bad of our lives.

*Star*Plot Thoughts~*Thumbsup*Here, the author has taken the pros and cons of being born and came to the conclusion that their life has its purpose and basically the good outweighs the bad. It was done quite well, in my opinion.

*Star*Errors~I didn't see any error that was evident, but in truth, I was more interested in reading what conclusion the author came to.

*Star*Overall Summary~*Right*You have relayed your life quite well, taking personal inventory of the why's and why not's of your being born. Very good lesson for all to do in truth. It wouldn't hurt.
Thank you so very much for allowing me to sit in here and read this conclusion of your thoughts. I hope you don't mind that I gave it my review. Great job! SummerLyn

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