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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Flower

Congratulations on winning this review through "Invalid Item

This story started out with hope and love for a young girl in the process of being adopted. As the story progressed, I had a heavy heart for this poor little girl and all her trials and tribulations with her new mother.

Her character unfolded well, but could have been expanded a little more. I also felt that the other characters could have played a bigger role to support the story even further. Here twin sister for example, was only mentioned briefly through description. Their relationship could have come out through dialogue. This would also be normal for the youngest child, who only appeared much later in the story.

The continuity is good in parts, but once again, could be enhanced by expansion or a smoother changeover of time periods.

The overall story is a good read and had me emotional throughout. The end tied up many loose ends nicely, gave messages of relationships and showed how ones actions always come back to haunt in the future.

I believe with a little editing, this story could be enhanced even further.

I enjoyed the read! Maybe you could explain to me the sub-genre description of 'experience' to me?

Frankies Girl *Smile*


You need to sort out your spacing earlier on in the piece.

Give more time and space to secondary characters and scene setting.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello BrokenSoul

This poem definitely puts across you message about your relationship with the razor.

The flow is good and the reasoning behind your actions come across clearly.

I'd like to think that one day you'll find that peace your looking for and not have to have the 'sweet release' you speak about.

Frankies Girl

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Igserio

These lyrics are wonderful!

You have take the theme of wealth and interpreted it in a very inspirational way.

Your imagery and scene setting took me to those characters in your song. I felt their emotions, their world.

The flow is good, though the lines could be visually shortened to help enhance the flow further.

The structure needs sorting a little to give a clearer chorus, but I enjoyed the whole piece and your spiritual message!

Thanks for sharing!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Mama_Jessie

These lyrics, based on a song by Alexz Johnson, talk about unrequited love and broken dreams.

Lies seem to be the main theme throughout and the imagery strongly supports that imagery!

A nice try at songwriting! Good job!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello PistonPriest

An unusual poll, with abstract choices.

I'm not sure I've ever thought about where non-Christians go after death. We're not even sure where Christians end up - we just have a vision of places they might.

Maybe you could ask voters to explain their voting options or give other ones.

Frankies Girl

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Review of What is love?  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Bird

This item poses a huge question! What is love? I think it's open to interpretation, as each one of us sees it in a different way.

I would start as you have with the question, but leave it on a separate line, so that readers can ponder on it.

Your subsequent reply, needs to be more generic. ie. Is it knowing that the person you care about will call you that night and you two will talk for hours? Might flow better as: Is it knowing that someone you care about will call you? Leave it open to interpretation to get the reader's imagination flowing.

Your next statement Is it the feeling so such extreme helplessness and distress after has a typo. But might read better as Is it the feeling of extreme helplessness and distress.... This line would be better further on. I would concentrate on the positive sides before the negative sides of love.

You have made some interesting points further in the text, but some of the messages are lost due to long lines. Try to break them up more and give each point/explanation its individual merit. Also, try to sort out your ideas in a good flow pattern that would lead on from the previous, rather than be separated into various thoughts strung together.

You also have numerous typos throughout the text. Read it carefully and correct them.

Check your tenses too, as they are mixed throughout the text.

I think you have some valid points and they would work well with just a little editing!

Good luck and get back to me if you need any further clarification.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Starfire

Thanks for your entry in Round 6 of the "Invalid Item

An interesting set of lyrics, which have two singers who describe this memory of an experience in the month of main.

Good scene setting and short but memorable verses and chorus.

I liked the originality of the piece!

Good luck!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of Ode To The Smoker  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ben C Fortenberry

This one reminded me so much of days gone by...and yes, I'm now a non smoker.

Your lines were very descriptive and the imagery brought back too many bad memories...that's probably a good thing, as I'll think carefully about every smoking again.

Although it made me giggle too, its serious message came through loud and clear!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there Mysti Kal

This was passed on to me for review by russusred

I found your lyrics very inspirational and full of deep faith and the title reflects the contents well.

The flow was good, but I believe you could possibily add another verse, instead of repeating the first one, so that you can carry forward the idea of your deep love for your saviour.

The chorus is memorable, but once again, I would maybe use just the first part, then possibly utilize the second part as part of a further verse.

The bridge is also good and expands on the spirituality of the song.

What sort of music were you thinking of. It could work in a gospel type song or even a folk ballad for me. What do you feel?

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of In The Mirror  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there Starfire

This is a very personal insight into you.

I believe you giving great imagery, reflecting the them of your poem.

It is amazing where time flies to, and I believe, as in your poem, most of us have period of not recogning ourselves.

I believe within our hearts though, we know who we are!

A nice, introspective piece. Well done!

Frankies Girl

ps. You need to rate the introduction and the actual piece.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Faceless Writer

I found your power quite profound and an insight your personal experiences.

The overall flow was good and the imagery came over strong and clear.

Have a look at my suggestions below and also your last stanza. It has suddenly begun to rhyme, which is out of contrast with the previous ones.

Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Have a look at your capitalization. Not all new lines need it.

If you add minimal punctuation, some lines will flow better..eg..

Styles connecting my inner thoughts and movements
Not that easy to explain

To the music of it's choice Typo..Should be ...its choice...

By the source of it's power Typo. Should be ...its power...check in the other parts of the text, where the same rule applies.

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could have a comma after movements, which would tidy up the use of ..Not.. on the subsequent line.
Review of Winter's Child  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Once again, lovely descriptions and emotions.

Short, but you've used well chosen words to put over your message.

I particularly liked the ending, which gave a contrast between the previous cold lines (ie.winter) and the fires from within your soul!

Lovely piece!

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of If I could . . .  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Michele

This is a lovely reminder of all the things through life which make us what we are right now.

You've taken me back down memory lane and posed questions regarding changing those experiences.

I agree with you - I wouldn't change a thing.

The stanzas are just right and flow well, giving over strong imagery and a strong message of satisfaction with life in every way.

Thanks for sharing!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of Human and time  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Azeri

For someone whose first language isn't English, I found this translation and content very interesting to read. Well done!

Time...that little word which means so much to many people, all in different ways.

You put your points of view over very well, and gave good quotes and examples.

Well done, and thanks for sharing an insight into YOU and your way of thinking.

Good luck in your writing.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi there amaiyaamir

This poem is raw, open and very honest. You have given me an insight into your life, with all it's problems and experiences.

The stanza lengths are good and staccato in nature, reflecting the experiences you had.

The end then comes full circle and gives a positive message of forgiveness, love and living life to the full.

I wish you continued happiness and thank you for sharing this poem.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Have a look where capitalization could be improved. Not all new lines need it.

Taking away by careless decisions Typo. It should be...Taken away...

drove insane by my children Typo. Should be...driven insane...

Almost to the point of institution Typo...should be ..institutionalization..but it's a bit awkward.. maybe you could say it in another way...eg...point of being institutionalized..??

Regrets does not reside in me Typo. Should be ...Regrets do no...

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Review of The Anaconda  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Lol Leah Arlene

Short but sweet.

I loved the build up of tension, the imagery and scene setting.

The story unfolded slowly and the flow was good; changing in places and relecting the various stages of fear.

The twist ending had me giggling and was very clever!

Well done for keeping my interest til the end!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello Kitt

This piece begins to give some good imagery and descriptions.

You've put your emotions over and told some of the story of your relationship.

Maybe you could read it out loud and see how you feel about the points I made below.

I'm glad love happened at last and wish you luck with your writing too!

If you edit, I'd be happy to read it again.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


You need to capitalize I throughout the text.

You need to edit your title description to something like..

It was like a strike of lightening....

was studying in Second year when i first met him. Maybe you could fill this out to let the reader know the second year of what? Where was it?

You need to check your sentence construction..it's a little mixed up at the moment, as well as your tenses. You've mixed them up on some lines.

As love matured, and it's swing became irregular, we even had some Typo. It should be ..and its swing became...

Check your spelling throughout.

Close up the spaces in the text.

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Kinetochore

I saw your story highlighted in the Short Story Newsletter and I'm glad I read it!

It has some lovely descriptions and imagery. The underlying messages of love, strength and believe in miracles were reflected throughout, whilst at the same time unfolding the character of this young boy!

The end is inspirational yet sad.

A good short read, which deserved the ribbon it won!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

ps. Some edits could enhance the piece further..eg. the tense and sentence structure. But the message came across the same.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Crewchief

This is in response to your request for a review through "Black Case Experience Cafè"

Great opening lines which intrigued and urged me to go on to find out what was happening. I'm so glad I did!

This story is an absolute gem of a read.

You have some great background information, and reveal the characters with a strong, narrative voice.
You have some excellent continuity and the flashbacks work a treat to take the story forward.

I found myself wishing along with Ellie and feeling her emotions throughout. I was on the edge of my chair towards the end! Wow!

The ending was just perfect..

A thoroughly enjoyable read! Well done! You definitely have talent! Go there!

Frankies Girl *Smile*


making mental notes of everything that needed done. Should be ...everything that needed doing... or everything that needed to be done.

Her mother tried in vain to persuade her to come home for Christmas, and then finally relented. This line follows on from the above, but it seems out of place, as I thought you'd already moved on to after the phone call from your descriptions. You need to edit it to make the imagery clearer.

She cranked up the stereo with their favorite Christmas CD. Misleading imagery. CD's don't usually work on old cranked up stereos.

Timid and shy, she’d tried to hide her lanky frame behind her parents. You need an apostrophe after parents...comparing her frame to theirs.

in embarrassment when she caught a teenaged boy staring at her. Should be teenage also further in the text.

They each dated other people and even got serious a time or two. Might flow better as..serious once or twice.

She opened the door to find two men in uniform. Dear God, NO! She barely heard them as they explained that Jason was missing. His helicopter had crashed.. This news is tragic, it needs time and imagery to give a slow motion effect of the news..maybe a slight edit? It seems rushed at the moment.

made it to the bed before she gave up. She spent the remainder of the day drifting in and out of sleep and tears. She heard the phone ring a few times, but didn’t bother to answer. This seems a little off...surely she would rush to answer it in case their was any news of Jason?
Review of Winter's Lament  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Ivy..you certainly know how to put a chill into my bones.

Your descriptions cleverly liken an icy wind to a person who invades your territory and sends shivers down your spine.

In contrast the second stanza brings in the sun, a warming friend to crisp snow.

Some lovely general imagery about winter in all its splendour and the wish for Spring to come along!

A nice, entertaining read!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Matt BACK...

I found your poem inspirational and bouncy as it describes your emotions and experiences regarding friendship and making friends.

You have some good descriptions and the poem sounded like lyrics to me too!

Nice, easy piece to read with a strong message about being ourselves and making friends for who we are..faults and all.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Check where you need to capitalize 'i' in the poem.

I say wassup, Wassap should have quotation marks.
Review of Body and soul!  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very profound and personal piece of writing BrokenSoul.

One which examines the two parts of one soul, one being, one sad person.

The questions and imagery are excellent and your last affirmation brings home the tragic realization that both entities within the one body are constantly battling for power and freedom from many complicated emotions.

Thanks for being so honest in your writing!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

ps. Because of the contest in the last stanza, I believe this should be rated 13+ at least.
Review of Fear Comes Home  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Chillzero

When I first read this I believed that the descriptions of that person you dreaded was just imagery used to put over the emotions of fear itself and likening them to an entity.

When I finished the piece, I realized who this person truly was. The stark truth hit me smack in the face!
The imagery, the emotions, the descriptions and scene setting, all joined to put fear in me..I got into the shoes of the narrator and main character!

The last line ended the piece perfectly, summing up and justifying those terrible feelings!

A very thought provoking piece, which also covers anger as an underlying theme.

Thanks for sharing!

Frankies Girl
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Poetjackson

Well this piece definitely tells of disillusionment, betrayal and loss of trust...all from a POV of unrequited love.

The message of hurt comes through strongly throughout as you unfold the events of this personal love story that went wrong.

Your imagery and play on the words... the thing between us... worked well and showed the different stages of that 'thing' and how it changed throughout the relationship.

An interesting piece written from the heart!

Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl


Check where punctuation and capitalization could be improved.

You need to rate this piece and also its intro.

It seems that you've written in free verse, and though the stanzas are not even in length it works well.

Review of Freedom Arise  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Euclid79

This poem is very inspirational and gives strong imagery of rebirth or the rise of the Phoenix!

The narrative voice is strong and questioning. Love is intertwined in all your lines and this gives it the emotional and spirtual experience.

Good flow and even as one long stanza, it works very well.

Well done!

Frankies Girl

ps. The title reflects your piece very well!

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