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Review of My Front Porch  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello str8shooter

This piece is absolutely beautiful, and full of imagery, emotions, scene setting and inspiration.

Your descriptions took me full circle, explaining the story speaker's past, his present and the road he would now happily, have to take.

Your focal point - the porch - helped to conjure up all those happy memories, spent on it.

A very well written and entertaining piece, which left me inspired.

Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


season passed. Season should be seasons

Check where punctuation could be enhance, especially commas in longer sentences, to help with flow and easier reading.

Your indentation takes away from the visuality and beauty of the piece. Maybe, you could align it to the left and leave a line spacing instead.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Spidey

I've noticed your handle and made contact already, but this piece, definitely explains the reasons why you need prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes.

I found it very emotional, as you lead me through the background history of your family, and the current problem with your mom.

I'm really happy that a match has been found for a kidney donor, and hope that your mother managed to go into surgery yesterday, and that it went well.
I'm sending all my positive energy and prayers to you and your family.

Thanks for having the courage to share this.

Frankies Girl *Kiss*
Review of Jack Frost  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Mother Deville

What a lovely poem. I'm sure little children will love this one - and parents too!

The blue reflects well, Old Jack Frost's 'icy features' and the message of staying in the warmth, yet enjoying his beauty comes through wonderfully. The imagery and scene setting are good too!

I like the addendum explaining it. I'm sure others will enjoy reading this one, and maybe even comparing or discovering, who wrote the original version? I think you could make that into a competition! *Smile*

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of Our Guest Book  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a lovely idea and place to say thanks for those anonymous SantaGrams, which spread cheer, happiness and love.

If you've received one, then say thanks or just comment on the idea.

If you want to send one, then just have a look here, and you'll find out how.

A beautiful and caring idea.

Thanks anonymous for mine! *Smile*

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of The One  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Angela Marie

This is in response to your request for a review through "Invalid Item

A lovely, sentimental poem, giving good descriptions and emotions.

The title is perfect, as it doesn't give too much away. You have also followed the prompts wonderfully.

Although the flow and rhyming are a little amiss, the message of strength and courage to continue in what you believe, come through very well. Dreams are meant to be followed. *Smile*

A lovely poem. Good luck in the contest.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


You have used punctuation, but you need to check where you can improve it/correct it.

There was a certain sparkle with your kiss, Maybe this would flow better in the present There is a certain ...

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review of Remembering Suzie  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello The Dead

I found this beautiful, yet almost tragic, description of a memory in your past, of love.

The scene setting, descriptions and emotions, were very strong and vivid, and came over well.

Your description of moving on, yet having sweet memories of that love, was written well, and left a sad message at the end of a solitary figure; who seems to regret the loss of his former self and emotions.

An interesting and thought provoking read, which left me thinking about its contents. I'm sure a lot of people, including me, can relate to this one.

Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


A pinch more attention to punctuation, would enhance this piece further - especially commas and semi colons. A random example : old fishing lines lay strewn about testament to those who came before. These lines need punctuating to make better sense.

Have I been here before? No, the geography seems familiar but the scenery is wrong. The place Maybe you could start a new line from here, to separate the two images/scene setting.

No, enormous water Maybe an exclamation mark after No! would have more impact on your statement. Obviously, a new sentence is then needed.

At night it served as a home for those without a home. You've used 'home' too closely in one sentence. Maybe you could substitute the first one with 'shelter' or something similar.

blackness and asks “people really fish here”? Capitalize "People..as it's a direct quote.

memory lest we dwell to long in grief for the life we’d hoped Typos. Should be ..least we dwell too...

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello April Showers

You won this review through the WTGH Auction.

First of all, I'm sorry to say, I don't know who Gabriel Martinez was. Maybe you could explain this after your tribute note at the end.

The poem was unusual, and detailed the emotions of a cowboy, before he rides his bronc, in the hope of winning that much treasured trophy - a buckle.

You kept me on the edge of my seat, as I read your lines, which gave wonderful scene setting, and information about the ride.

I feel its a wonderful tribute to the courage of cowboys in general, and the excitement and thrill of participating and winning, came over strongly in your lines.

A very beautiful tribute.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Suggestion: Maybe you could separate the lines into a few stanzas, to enhance the different descriptions and emotions. It would also make it more visually appealing, and easier to read.

A pinch more attention to punctuation, especially commas, would allow the poem to flow better.

Lord, give me the courage Is this a thought, or did he say it? Either way, it should be in italics, for a thought, or have quotation marks for a quote.
Review of Tears  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello CArn and a big welcome to Writing.com

This poem so vividly described a very sad person.

Your first two stanzas, showed the emotions felt, reflecting the title well.

The last two stanzas, then showed change and the realization, that memories of the past, should be used as a lesson learnt; encouraging hope and strength to carry on.

The last stanza, in particular, was very inspirational, and showed that new found strength and dreams of new beginnings.

A well written and emotional poem.

Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


A sparkle of tears sipped from the eye Should this be.....slipped from the eye?

Together with the lost in time This flows a little awkwardly with ..the lost in time.. Would it flow better as ...with being lost in time.. or something similar?

Maybe you have overused the article 'the' in all stanzas. Have a look and see where they could be omitted or substituted. Unless there was a specific reason for so many?

Review of Ladybug Girl  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello The Dead and welcome to Writing.com I see you're a newbie, and wish you lots of happiness here.

This piece is absolutely delightful, and captures an early childhood memory, of an encounter with nature and discovering a special insect friend. Readers will have to read your piece to find out! *Smile*

Your descriptions are vivid, and the scene setting too. You say that you wrote this as a child, and I think you're descriptive talents and narrative voice, were already developing wonderfully.

Thanks for sharing this lovely inspirational piece, and a part of you.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


The way it's written, from a young child's perspective, is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

Review of Waters  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Charmed

I saw your piece in Read a Newbie. Welcome to Writing.com. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.

I found this poem was written in an old fashioned, yet modern way, at the same time.

Your theme of suicide, was dealt with by use of emotional, yet beautiful and heartfelt descriptions.

Your stanzas use a rhyming scheme, which works well and doesn't take away from the sense of the poem, or its flow.

You say that this was "something stupid you'd written," but I believe, it was written very well and dealt with a serious subject wonderfully.

An interesting and unusual poem. Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Maybe you could utilize your last description genre to attract more views.

But gifts did you not give back Maybe 'me' before ...'back' would flow better in this line.

Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Susannah Deschain

What a sad story.

I found your scene setting, descriptions, emotions and, were used well to unfold and carry the story forward. The dialogue was also believable.

The story dealt with the joys of imminent motherhood, but had a underlying themes of betrayal and injustice.

The ending was tragic, and left me emotional at the thought that 'the innocent' often pay for 'the guilty's' deeds.

An entertaining and emotional read.

Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


No more work! Now she'd have plenty of time to work on the nursery. Maybe you could replace the second 'work' with something else, as you've used that word too close in these two sentences.

Panicked, she managed to push the Would this be better as 'Panicking,..'

A pinch less passive descriptions, would enhance the piece even further.

Check where punctuation could be improved, especially commas in longer sentences.

Review of Babyface's Secret  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Zmani28

I found your delightful children's story in the Short Stories newsletter.

You have given your main character a problem, and followed it through with little clues, that children could follow and interact with.

You say it's based on a true story, and I think you did well to put it into print. It's very easy to read, and flowed well, unfolding with good descriptions and scene setting.

The ending was beautiful and left me satisfied, by tying up all the loose ends.

Well done. Keep up the good work.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello again Writersmind.

This short poem made me sit back and think about its message.

I believe you are right, we shouldn't waste the precious time we have here in this life.

You say we should 'contemplate life's demands.' I believe we should follow our hearts and dreams.

You continue in the assumption that we all fear our own demise. I think that statement is too general, and I for one, do not fear death. In fact, I don't even think about it. Maybe, that's contradicts a little with your previous message.

The ending made me smile - '..whether life is death, or death is life...'

An interesting point of view.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Your title heading should be 'Life's Uncertainties.'

In your fourth line you have a typo. 'Foresake' should be 'Forsake.'

Maybe you could utilize your genre headings for more views of your work.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Writersmind and welcome to Writing.com. I hope you enjoy your stay.

You have definitely captured vivid imagery and emotions in this poem on 'war.'

The poem is in one long stanza, which I feel, could be split into 2-3 shorter ones, to enhance the imagery, emotions and individual scene setting even further.

Having said that, it flowed well and your final message of 'fighting in the hope of giving freedom and peace' came through strongly.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello VerySara

This is in response to a request for a review through "Invalid Item

You don't say which contest this was written for, but I think I have a very good idea which one it is.

The poem is unusual and original. The theme of 'the sketch' was interesting, and the story you built around it too.

You have given good descriptions and developed the character of this younng 'run-away,' throughout the poem. The imagery is vivid and the flow good. You have some punctuation problems, which I've listed below.

The poem, just like a story, had a beginning, middle and end; which gave good continuity, and tied up all the loose ends in the last stanza.

It left me feeling satisfied, and was a good read.

Good luck in the contest.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Observations/Punctuation Help

Each time she went she knew not from what, Put a comma after ..she went, ..

like a mother giving birth, exchange the comma after birth, with a semi colon

Once an artist drew a sketch which Put a comma after ..sketch,

her frantic pace of quest Capitalize Her and put a comma after quest,

"The Inkblot Cameo" he had named it Might stand out more in italics instead of inverted commas, and put a comma after it,

and she still quite resembled the young girl, {/c{ Might flow better if you begin a new sentence with this line and put a semi colon after girl;

her chin and neck as smooth and long as then
(the wrinkles didn't show in the blot of ink).
I would end the sentence with then.

Ths piece of art would be buried with her,
resting in her folded hands,
Correct the typo. It should be 'This piece... then put a semi colon after ..with her; instead of the comma.

a different kind of inkblot but there Put a comma after ...inkblot,

and the hidden copy that he'd kept,
the ink blot still at its newest,
End the line with kept. and capitalize The ink..

did what we all do: she slept. Replace the colon with a semi colon.

Review of Little Secrets  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Sugaree

This is a review in response to your request through "Invalid Item

You have two very emotional chapters, which tell the story of Skyla and her traumatic childhood experiences. The main theme is that of childhood abuse, and the tragic effects it can have throughout an abused person's life.

The story flowed quite well, but could have had a pinch less 'passive descriptions' and more 'showing' to alow the tragedy and vivid imagery, to come alive even more.

Your continuity at times, needed correcting, but the story was still told vividly.

The characters unfolded well and I got to know them inside out.

The end was very emotional, but left me feeling with a tragic sense of release.

I hope the following observations will help you revise this piece.

Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl


experience from escaping crazed men a frustratingly greater Put a comma after 'crazed men,'

she answered in a semi sensual voice just in case it Put a comma after ..sensual voice,

Skyla chuckled to herself because it was obvious he had either heard or sensed that he was not whom she wanted on the phone by the uncertainty in his voice This is rather a mouthful. See if you can break it down a little, by use of punctuation of division into shorter sentences.

The tone in her voice cheered a bit so not to alienate Put a comma after '..bit,' and 'as' between the words 'so' and 'not'

He lived three hours away but still frequented the college town to visit his grandparents and check out Put a comma after ..'hours,' and after 'grandparents,'

She hanged the phone up abruptly so not to hear his smart response. She laughed to herself at how annoyed he gets when someone beats him hanging up. Put a comma after 'abruptly,' and 'as' between 'so' and 'not to' Change 'he gets' to 'he always got' - Change '..beats him hanging' to 'beat him to hanging..'

Check to see where punctuation could be improved throughout the text.

As Skyla opened to heavy 1970 Ford car door,....danced through her minds of when the car belonged Typo. Should be c:red} ...opened the heavy ..and ...her mind..

It was within the last couple of years since Skyla had been banned from her paternal grandparent’s home for speaking up about her father’s indecent activities with her as a child that Darnell and she started hanging out {(c} Consider revising this, as it's a bit long.

“daddy’s little secrets" Put a capital on "Daddy's..'

Skyla found out that she had been banned From here onwards, in the next few paragraphs, you change from her being in the car to the actual things that happened/stories - you need to revise these, as they would enhance continuity.

They parked near an abandoned shed or old dilapidated one room house that looked like what slaves used to occupy Should be one-roomed and a comma after shed,' and 'house,'

apartment. Skyla, again, was hesitant, but answered him yes.
They pulled up to the small row of apartments on
Take out 'him' before 'yes' and close up the line spacing.

but then she thought, “What the hell. He is cool.” Thoughts work better in italics.

Skyla said ignoring the sentimentals her cousin was giving Typo. Should be 'sentiment'

Skyla’s hands were trembling, as was her voice when she interjected, “What did you say?
The look on Darnell’s face answered her question. He had said exactly what she thought.
Put a line spacing between these two sentences.

She asked him what he was thinking about.
“I was just thinking that if me and you did it no one would have to know,” he rambled through letting smoke out of his lungs, not even looking at her.
Insert a line spacing after the first line.

about your own father, that's why you didn't tell about Homie,” Insert 'that' or 'the' before 'Homie,'

She was screaming although she Would be better as 'She screamed, although she

neck in hopes that her hands would land near his jugular vein so that she could rip it out.
Darnell was a college wrestler so that plan failed. He had her now. She continued to
Close up the spacing after 'out.'

The rain storm just yesterday left this wooded low land like marsh Should be 'rainstorm'

She was not sure if he was just resting or if he was sincere in his sorry apology Put a comma after resting,'

She was not hididng anything Typo. Should be 'hiding'

Her constant questions atopped with all the others questioning her had started to irritate her Should be 'stopped'

She had on a one piece body suit with cris-crossed straps Should be 'one-pieced'

Gabriel was known for her gossiping, but, somehow Skyla believed she would be different with her since she was the one that had befriended her upon her arrival to a new school of snooty folk that looked down on her and her family for the service work they did in town versus a respectable intellectual career on campus or at the elementary- high school in some fashion with the exception of cleaning and garbage disposal This sentence is too long. Maybe you could consider dividing it into two or three shorter sentences.

You need to take out the italics in the second paragraph after her thoughts {/c:red}She laughed to herself thinking that was really a nasty thing{/} to show if it is what she believed it was.

Check other parts for tense construction, punctuation and line spacing.
Review of Loneliness  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Shadow

This is in response to your request for a poem review through "Invalid Item

First of all, your title is perfect, and reflects well the emotions and despair, of being lonely.

Your poem is short, and flowed well. You have captured a moment in time, and I believe, also many moments of sadness of this person. The cage imagery, allowed me to feel the emotions of being 'trapped' with no way out.

Your words took me inside the mind of this person, and vividly described, how if feels to be alone and ignored. Attempts to gain a glimpse of feelings from passers by, fail, and leave this person even more in a world of delusion.

The flow was good and the colour choice too. You don't use punctuation, but it works well. I would just maybe add the following in two of your lines:

They keep on walking
Try and appear as if it doesn't bother me

Maybe you could add 'But' before 'they keep on walking'


'I' before 'Try' and replace 'and appear' with 'to appear'

Obviously, the above are only small suggestions to help with the flow and impact.

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Maybe you could utilize your sub genres/main description genres, to attract more readers.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hello Lenny666

I found your Editorial, wonderfully enlightening and inspiring. If only more people thought like you!

The piece began with graffic descriptions of obscene writing scene on car bumpers. You have set the scene well, and have left no stone unturned, in giving your opinion of these outrageous and stupid "political statements." I would add, that ignorance is the main key factor here.

Your continuity flows well, as you continue with your strong narrative voice, to give your point of view on what you had witnessed.

Your messages are strong throughout,and the end left me inspired that maybe, with some effort, we can all educate ourselves, to base our personal opinions on facts - also choosing the correct way of expressing them.

Thanks for sharing such a thought provoking and well written piece. I found no grammatical errors, and you have vivid imagery throughout, which puts your case over very well.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Lenny666

I found your Editorial, wonderfully enlightening and inspiring. If only more people thought like you!

The piece began with graffic descriptions of obscene writing scene on car bumpers. You have set the scene well, and have left no stone unturned, in giving your opinion of these outrageous and stupid "political statements." I would add, that ignorance is the main key factor here.

Your continuity flows well, as you continue with your strong narrative voice, to give your point of view on what you had witnessed.

Your messages are strong throughout,and the end left me inspired that maybe, with some effort, we can all educate ourselves, to base our personal opinions on facts - also choosing the correct way of expressing them.

Thanks for sharing such a thought provoking and well written piece. I found no grammatical errors, and you have vivid imagery throughout, which puts your case over very well.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello TeddyD and welcome.

This piece is in response to a request through "Invalid Item

I loved your title, which gave lots of inspiration for this treasured love of yours.

You have given a great insight into what it makes you feel to be with this person, and I found that your words sung through you message clearly.

Sadly, there's a going to be a temporary separation, but you have given great encouragement and love, in accepting it.

I found your poem flowed very well, and told your story and overall message of being deeply in love.

Well done for sharing such a personal piece.

Keep up the good work.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


There’s a song in my heart for the woman I love Put a comma after heart, and love,

I’ve known from the start you were sent from above Put a comma after start, and above,

My song grows much louder with each passing day, Put a comma after louder,

When my prayers are answered you’ll.. Put a comma after answered,

I see deep inside Put a comma after inside,

..nervous laughter ..I meet the tide Put a comma after laughter, and after tide,

time has now come to give Put a comma after now,

It’s going to be hard to not see ..face Put a comma after hard, and after face,

that you sure know Put a comma after know,

I asked you some things last Put a comma after things,

..my prayers are answered Put a comma after answered,

Baby you know you’re Put a comma after know,

Review of Broken  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello again Lexi

This is such a very emotional and vivdly sad poem.

The images you have created of a broken person, are very strong.

The love that was once so beautiful, has ended, and left all the pieces of this once perfect relationship; scattered and confused, with no way to put them back together again. Questions are left unanwered, as this 'broken girl' tries to figure out what went wrong. Why did it all end?

I think readers will be able to relate to this one - I know I did. But I feel that these experiences, though difficult and painful, are there to learn from. If that special door closes, there must be another, much better one, waiting to be opened. I truly believe in destiny.

Thanks for sharing such a profound piece of work.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


The poem is well set out, but might be enhanced visually, if separated in to various, shorter stanzas. I think it would flow even better, and the messages it holds, would come across stronger.
Review of Since You Asked  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Lexi

I was visiting your port and came across this one.

You have written it in a lighthearted way, yet with a few strong messages.

Your poem takes us through the thoughts you have, about this temporary relationship; which is there to fuel your passion and nothing more.

You are quite adamant, that this person is there 'for now' and things will never be taken any further. No wedding bells will ever be on the cards.

I liked the strength you showed, knowing exactly what you want from these moments of pleasure, and the honesty of explaining that it's only that - pleasure.

Your end gives permission for a mutual exchange of needs, and also the right to be respected for those choices.

An interesting and entertaining piece, which flowed well and had no grammatical errors.

Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


I was surprised to see one of your sub genres used was tragedy!?? Is this in reference to this person's feelings?
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lyrical Just

I saw your piece on Read A Newbie. A big welcome to you!

This poem is a wonderful, and inspirational piece, dedicated to your girl. You have written about your heartfelt emotions, and they come over strongly and clearly.

You are definitely a romantic and caring person. Your girl is very lucky.

The poem flowed well, but needed some more punctuation to enhance it even further. I suggest you also capitalize 'I'd' in your third from last line.

Well done, and thanks for sharing such an honest and admirable insight into your feelings.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of OCTOBER  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Flip for Turkey

First of all, I'd like to congratulate for your very colourful page. It's very attractive.

The poem, wonderfully describes the excitement and the emotions of the crowd, before a game. The scene setting is also very good, and allowed me to feel as though I were there.

You have definitely followed the prompt in this contest and I wish you luck.

How have the Yankees done this year? *Smile*

Well done.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Shootingstar and welcome! I see you're a very recent Newbie. I hope you enjoy your stay!

This poem, was full of colourful wishes, and emotions. You've given the reader, a long list of different types of 'Girls' in the world, and described different situation, which might pertain to them. I must say it's a comprehensive list, and definitely covers all types of girls and their situations.

The end message though, is very inspirational:

For all the girls in the whole world, whether near or far,
Next time you look in a mirror be proud of who you are.

Thanks for sharing, such a caring and thought provoking piece.

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Maybe you could have a look where punctuation could be improved, therefore enhancing your work.

I would take out the heading "Girls" on the actual page, as it's already in the title.

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