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Rated: E | (4.5)
This one really painted an excellent picture of winter and its typical scenery and the emotions it gives.

I loved the ending giving warmth as you waited for summer to return.

The flow and rhyming are very good.

Well done! Thanks for sharing!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of Unrelenting Rain  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Grammar Hawk

This is an excellent piece. I was intrigued by the way the rain changed in importance and reflected your character's emotions during various stages of their life.

It flowed well and painted the whole story in such few words, coming full circle at the end.

Thanks for sharing! An interesting read.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Excellent descriptions, imagery, emotions.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello fLexi Bility

What a great idea for a contest.

I had fun working through the survey of films to choose, which brought back some great memories.

The survey is easy to fill in and the end box allows for your own 3 nominations.

There's also a nice gp award for completing the survey.

I look forward to finding out more about how it works, and the results of Showdown #1 in the Romance Newsletter.

Thanks for an entertaining contest.

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Fyn-lost in morrowind

Thank you for your second entry in the "Invalid Item

Good choice again as a country/folk piece and congrats on recording it. Hope you manage to sell it in the future.

The verses are inspirational and play a part of a biographical piece, but I would class it more as a love song full of hope and inspiration.

The chorus is good, but I maybe you could have differed it slightly, as the imagery is too close to the verses. Something that would keep the imagery but change the repitition a little.

Well done and good luck!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of Email Song  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Fyn-lost in morrowind

Thank you for entering the "Invalid Item

This definitely works well with your choice of music -country/folk. I can envisage it as a slow ballad piece more than an upbeat one.

The lyrics are profound and almost prayerlike.

The love for a beloved father comes through strongly, as does the modern way of communicating.

You give great biographical background info. and the chorus is catchy and memorable. The flow and feel of the song was good too.

Well done and good luck!

Frankies Girl *Smile*


*red* Mayhap four or five I've never heard of mayhap before..is it a cross between maybe and perhaps?

Glad to hear it's been recorded. Good luck with selling it in the future.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
I think you've described me well here... *Smile* I can relate well to your thoughts and passion for writing, as I'm sure others will when they read this piece.

The imagery is very good. The emotions you feel about writing came over strongly.

The piece flowed well and gave good examples and descriptions.

A very good read!

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Review of Placesettings  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Fyndorian

This is a great introduction to your book.

You cleverly reflected the title and the theme of the book in one long stanza.

The imagery is good and everyone can find something to relate to and recognize in your descriptions.

Well done! Now I have to read the rest!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of Breaking Away  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Starr

Thank you for entering the "Invalid Item

First of all, I disagree with you. Ok, you say you're only 13, but I think this is very good.

You have told a whole story in these lyrics, and the title is reflected well throughout, as well as in a good memorable chorus.

I liked the fact that you gave this person a problem and by the end of the song it was sorted...very inspirational.

Well done and good luck.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Review of Tears in The Rain  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello again

This piece definitely would be great as lyrics. I could here it as a up tempo country song for some reason.

The main character is shown to be a tad lost, but also a little cynical about love, after this experience.

The third stanza, line two, shows that he would still like to get back with his estranged love.

The rhyming worked well here, though in some lines, it interupted the flow slightly.

The overall impression of unrequited love came through strongly!

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

For you're the one, I always adored. I think it would flow better as ..I've always adored...

If you wanted to change this to lyrics, you could add a chorus; maybe you could play with the imagery of the rain, and allow the theme to flow throughout the poem a little more.
Review of The Angel  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You definitely have some clear imagery here.

You've managed to put across feelings of loss and confusion; someone trying to find their way in life with all its experiences.

The angel theme comes across well, and this guardian angel seems to know all the answers.

You've included a glimpse at faith and help from above.

I liked the descriptions and the message of love and help from a guiding hand; which was present throughout and also inpirational.

Well done!

Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

ps. Most of your poem rhymed, sometimes it's unnecessary.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there

These are definitely thoughts and descriptions with a love theme.

I like the way you've kept it staccato, giving a little incertainty but also separating out different moments shared by people in love.

The stanzas are of good length and the 'spirit of love' definitely comes across strongly.

I think lots of people will be able to relate to this one and find some imagery to trigger their own memories.

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of God Is On My Side  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jessica_Miller

This is certainly a very thought provoking piece.

You have clearly given good background information as to why God is on your side, and in the second half of the poem, confirmed it with strong affirmations of your belief.

It flowed well and point your point across clearly and inspirationally.

My only suggestion would be to separate the poem into variou stanzas, which would hightlight each your meaning more.

Thanks for sharing.

Well done!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

He has given me the breatplate I think you have a typo here...breatplate?

Whitch strengthens me! Typo. Should be ...which...

You need to rate your intro and poem. At the moment they are both blank.

Review of Singing Tower  
Rated: E | (4.5)
An interesting bit of feedback on this tower and the how you got the shot. Its name grabbed my interest.

By the way you have a typo in line one, para 3. It should read....about twenty photos.

You've now got my curiosity up enough to check out the link!

Thanks for sharing. Loved the photo by the way!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Review of Hoosh-hoosh??  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there Agnie

I loved this one! Being a very big cat lover, I recognized all the cats I've had in this poem. You've definitely gotten inside the head of cats in general and described their typical character (just the way it should be) perfectly! I sometimes wonder who is more human or even more intelligent! lol

Unfortunately, I can no longer own any,... did I say that?..I meant share an abode with them, *Smile* so I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece, which brought back fond memories.

Well done and thanks for sharing!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jessica

I see you're a newbie. Welcome! *Balloon*

This poem dedicated to your best friend,is absolutely beautiful.

You have allowed me to see all the special things this friend means to you and the way she has helped you discover yourself. She has brought the best in you and is there through 'thick and thin.'

It sounds like a marriage..*Smile*..but best friends have that impact sometimes.

Good luck with your writing and thanks for sharing this inspirational piece.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

ps. In stanza 3, line 3 You proves that I’m not second best{(/c} you have a typo. Proves should be proved.

Check where punctuation and capitalization could be improved to enhance the piece further.

Maybe you could utilize your last sub genre description to attract more views.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Tenabeth

I think you've done an excellent job describing menopausal symptoms, and I'm sure lots of women and men at that, will be able to relate to it and smile too.

The flow was good and the descriptions vivid.

A well deserved second place in the contest, and you followed the riddge to the T...or is that M?

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of The Briar Rose  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Fyndorian

I loved your opening line, which opened up the way for line two and the lover's connection. Reading on though, I found the end of lines 2 and 4, to be a slightly forced, making the rhyming uneven; which spoils it a little.

In line 5 I would take out the second 'they' as it throws the flow and is unnecessary.

Reading the rest of the poem, I liked the imagery, but found it a little 'staccato' at times. You might also consider the capitalization in each new line, which is not always correct.

An overall interesting interpretation, which with a little editing, can be turned around into something really special. I would be willing to review again, if any changes are made.

I wish you luck in the contest.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of Plenty of Purple  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello True Blue

I loved this one. I see you like to use alliteration and very well too.

I've never really thought of purple as such an important colour, but you have pointed out all its appearances in everyday life.

Loved the humorous ending!

Thanks for sharing such an interesting researched piece on the colour purple!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

The juicy grapes and luxourious wine You have a typo here. It shoudl be luxurious...
Review of The Bridegroom  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello EaglesIs40

A huge welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your stay at Writing.com.

This piece is very inspirational and full of lovely imagery.

The flow is good and the word choice perfect. I like the way you play with the reader then reveal at the end your deep faith.

A lovely piece of writing. Keep up the good work!

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Maybe you could utilize your last sub genre description to gain more views.

You need to sort out your capitalization. Not all lines should contain capitals, as they are run on sentences.
Review of A Mirror  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Agnie

Thank you for entering "Invalid Item

Well, this certainly is an usual interpretation of the prompt, but a valid one the same.

You have given some characteristics of a friend and how she sees you. In doing so, you cleverly give short descriptions of yourself and your tastes.

The stanzas were short but gave the imagery you intended - which is all summed up in your final stanza.

An entertaining piece! Good luck in the contest.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
Review of OIL THE HINGES!  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Countrymom

Thank you for entering "Invalid Item

First of all, I like your title, which expanded a little on the prompt you chose.

The poem itself depicts the ups and downs of friendship in general, but also does tribute to the old Irish Saying you have chosen.

You have definitely studied friendship well, and I like the positivity throughout the poem. The end lines are inspirational too.

Well done! Good luck in the contest!

Frankies Girl *Smile*


Be true to your self Yourself is one word.

Maybe you could have another look at your sub genre descriptions. You have another option available, and I'm not sure why you've used holiday as one? Is it because St. Patrick's Day is a holiday?

Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Star thx Anonymous

Thank you for entering Round 2 of the "Invalid Item

Well for your first attempt, this is absolutely brilliant. You've classed it as a teen piece too, and I can see the beauty in that.

Your lyrics definitely reflect the prompt you've chosen, very well.

The chorus is very catchy, if emotional at the same time. The imagery if beautiful as are the sentiments.

The music you have chosen - country/soft rock - works very well too. I can also hear Kelly Clarkson singing this one..

The page is also set out well and is very attractive.

An all round great first effort. Well done! Good luck!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Eliot_a

Thank you for entering the "Invalid Item

Unfortunately, your piece does not qualify, as it hasn't used any of the prompts in the title or in the lyrics. It is also classed as a poem, with no chorus etc. I will review the same and hope to see you again in Round 3.

The poem conjures up powerful imagery, and gives good descriptions of past times and memories.

The flow is good, and the stanzas even. The final message leaves the reader hanging a little, as the question is aimed at Mark, and left unanswered. What did all those experiences do for both of you?

An interesting piece. Thanks for sharing.

Frankies Girl *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.5)
A really cute little story.

It had a lovely surprize ending, just as all short fiction should.

Good imagery and scene setting. Also just the right pace and 'keeping back' until the last minute, when you reveal the true salesman..*Smile*

Maybe just the last line could be edited with a semi colon after corner; and continue with the revelation of the seller.

Thanks for sharing! Good job!

Frankies Girl *Smile*

Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Star

This is a wonderful, inspirational poem full of strong lines of faith.

The imagery is great, and the points you put over come across loud and clear.

The flow was just perfect and the whole piece was easy to read, with no errors.

Thanks for sharing such a spiritual piece.

Frankies Girl *Smile*
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