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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1188536
Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the strangest love..
I am a writer... A teen writer... Teen as in highschooler... Highschooler as in insanely-busy-geek-with-no-social-life-outside-of-school-and-abnormal-circle-of-friends-who-are-all-at-school-anyway-and-don't-really-count... *smacks forehead* I don't know whatever possessed me to start doing this, but you know the old quote:

"Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the longest love..."

Okay, so that isn't an old quote. I made it up. But hey, I'm a writer!

Rated "T" because I get a little heated when I rant angrily... Not scorching, but more than lukewarm...
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November 4, 2007 at 6:54pm
November 4, 2007 at 6:54pm
(written Friday, but I have nothing better to say… I am still in this mood, however, so this still applies)

Our history teacher all of a sudden decides that our work is not up to snuff. So Wednesday she dressed us all down with a long lecture about not giving the time, etc. as well as criticizing our writing left and right. She says that she doesn’t want the flowery language; she wants the “buzz words.” She was constantly berating us for our essays being too long and not short and direct. Then, on the flip side of the coin, our English teacher is constantly telling us to sit and write longer.

Our history teacher wants us to be able to be sharp and pick out the main issue. Actually, she expects it from us. But hold on. She’s a lawyer. She’s been trained for years to figure this stuff out. We’re just a bunch of stupid high schoolers, most out of public school (I was homeschooled until last year…) *idiot face* Duuuhhhhh… We don’t know nothing. Honestly, she can’t expect college-level stuff out of us after only 10 weeks of school. I’d love to learn this way of thinking, but I don’t want to be criticized for not doing it if I don’t even know how. I want to be taught first.

I hate to say it, but it seems that my first impression is the correct one for this class. The first day, I sat through the lecture thinking “oh shit.” I honestly thought that I would end up being disrespectful just out of spite. But I through that maybe it would get better… And it looked like it would. But now I am growing pretty POed again…

Just now she said that she was very visual, liking charts and so on and so forth. But in the lecture at the very beginning, she said that she didn’t believe in coddling us by giving us notes on the board. Visual, visual, visual she says, but then all she does is talk at us for an hour and a half.

Now we are examining the chapter and she is generalizing so much. She is “getting to the bottom line.” But then in the tests, she asks us all of these specific questions. When did we ever go over this? Yeah, it is in the book and we are reading the book, but there is a lot in the book that we don’t have in the test and that we don’t go over. How are we supposed to know what it is that we are supposed to know? There is so frickin’ much information in the chapters!

I’m not very good at speaking directly. I always have to give some kooky example, often with dialogue between little parties in my head, instead of just telling it like it is… I have to “show not tell.” It’s why I can write examination essays. I could never go into tech school where you have to be direct and exact. I suck at math. Law school is another no-no. I like to have a little elbow room. Writing can go anywhere. You don’t even have to follow rules of grammar if you don’t want to for crying out loud.

*sigh* I feel the same way about History class as I did about that freaky lady at the corn maze.

I read “Dancing with an Alien” last night. A pretty short book, but it was good. It was simple, but it was haunting, especially near the end. A really good read. I finished it in about 45 minutes. It kind of inspired me to try and write a short story, using very short, choppy sentences to express inner thoughts and feelings. People very rarely think in long sentences or even in sentences at all. It’s just thoughts, fractured words, images, consciousness… So yeah, the style of “Alien” was inspiring. Very short and sweet.

Ha. I probably sound very inconsistent. My last short story I wrote was bare bones, with no elaborations. Very to the point. But I hate writing to the point otherwise. Because when I write to the point on my own, I choose the point. In real (non-fiction) life, there is really only one point to look at. There can be several viewpoints, but it all boils down to the same core…

*sigh* Still pretty pissed…

October 31, 2007 at 3:02pm
October 31, 2007 at 3:02pm
omg. Talk about being pissed off.

Yesterday our school went on a field trip to a corn maze. Apparently the idea of the field trip was to teach teamwork. A lady running the farm came and made us do some exercises that were supposed to enforce teamwork. She was the leader for some of them, but she had no sense of humor. One of the other kids cracked a joke during the exercise (she made an allusion to "too many chiefs and not enough indians" and he asked if he could be a cowboy) and she practically bit his head off, claiming that already he was setting himself apart and tearing the group down. I'm sorry, but she was doing more to bring down the morale than that little wisecrack. We all were quiet the entire time after that, but it wasn't because we wanted to. I was pretty ticked off.

Then stuff happened at the maze and stuff (one group split up - some people abandoning the others - and some kids went back into the maze by themselves without the flag you're supposed to have, and so they got lost. So our teacher got really mad and we left hours earlier than we were supposed to and so missed out on the other activities we were supposed to do. So everybody was really mad. I was also stressed out because one of the kids in my group was a freakishly angry, competitive control freak. Gah!

So then my aunt picks me up from school and I ask where my mom is. She tells me that my mom had gone and bought two couches from a thrift stor. Oh boy but was I pissed. I literally grabbed a cell phone and called her right there. We have no frickin' room for two couches: downstairs (where they are going to go) is still full of boxes that need to be unpacked from our move.

So my mom wanted to put there down there and I was pretty bitchy as I told her no. Then I yelled at everyone the whole day, ordering them around. I turn into a major control freak when I get angry and I start to clean. I once overhauled my entire room/filed my papers (writing junk)/and cleaned and vacuumed everything in about 4 hours after a fight with my mom. So I cleaned the entire porch so we could put the couches there for now. Then we had to take apart the trailor to take them off, and my mom kept telling my brother to help me. Sorry, but no. He's a wuss and there was no way I was going to deal with him. When I get in that mood, you do not help me unless I tell you to do something. And for an example of how wussy my brother is in comparison to my moody powerhouse, I had taken off the sides of the trailer before he had even gotten off his lazy bum after arguing the point with my mom. Not to mention that he could hardly lift the thing.

We carried the couches up onto the porch them. It was not easy. It seems that no one in my family except for my dad and I are capable fo carrying anything over ten pounds. My little sister isn't really strong enough, but she is also whiny about it, my youngest brother is so stinking overdramatic, and my other brother wusses out. He drops his end every five seconds. Geez! And my mom is just helpless sometimes. She bought two couches with nowhere to put them for crying out loud.

All I can say is, my brother had better learn to move his arse or I'm going to kick it...



Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and do taste well with ketchup.
October 29, 2007 at 1:42pm
October 29, 2007 at 1:42pm
Yes, cutting and slaughtering of innocent chapters and characters continues. Make that 14 chapters cut. Most are to be rewritten and not all of the material is gone, it's just that I have to rework the context that it is set in...

*scampers away to go write a 3 page history paper, 2 English reaction papers and to continue her mindless bloodfest on paper*

October 28, 2007 at 1:28pm
October 28, 2007 at 1:28pm
Mhwhahahaha! *wields mighty sythe of suffering and doom and uses it to mow down innocent characters and chapters from Ocean of Tears*

No, I'm not crazy. *giggles maniaclly with glazed eyes*

Yeah, I think that Risa, Arvin and Chagrin are all going buh-bye! *waves*

Hmmm... Maybe I AM crazy... *ponders*

Hm... *looks in mirror at glazed eyes* Maybe...

Anyhoo, going to the library today, so I might get something good to read that will take my mind off of my craziness...

*evil chuckle and rubbing of hands*

October 27, 2007 at 6:04pm
October 27, 2007 at 6:04pm
GAH! My life sucks!

Still exhausted. I swear, something is wrong with me. I slept in until 12:45 and would have been asleep longer had my dad not come in and woken me up. I can sleep through a hurricane, but when my alarm clock goes off or my dad calls me, I am up like a shot. I am not kidding: he doesn't even have to raise his voice. He can just talk from across the hallway and I wake up instantly. Only his voice and my alarm can do that...

My mom went to the ER yesterday after school. WTH? She apparently had a raised blood pressure and low potassium and so she called a nurse, who told her to go to the emergency room. So she went and then my dad went to go see her in the hospital when he got home. So then I was stuck with my little siblings babysitting and so missed the costume party my school was having. I was pretty POed.

Anyway, in the editing process of "Ocean of Tears", I have so far deleted 2 viewpoint characters and 9 chapters. Talk about cropping...

Ooh! You should look up the animation "Popstar" by James Lee, about how popstars REALLY happen. The song is sung by Hania. I swear, she is great. You can also look up her live music video on YouTube. Search "popstar live". She has an awesome voice and she is good looking to boot, but without being a poster girl. She has a normal beauty. Great song because it is so true.

Gotta run... I feel bad about a whole 6 days of blog neglect, as well as a crappy last post.

October 21, 2007 at 4:09pm
October 21, 2007 at 4:09pm
Yeah, I know it is getting kind of redundant, but I am so fricken' TIRED!!! I stayed up until about 3:30 last night and I only just WOKE UP about thirty minutes ago... 12 stinkin' hours straight of sleep and I want more... gah...


October 18, 2007 at 3:33pm
October 18, 2007 at 3:33pm

I have an independent study for Latin II at my school and I take it in the senior lounge, which is empty. Well, class ends at 9:05, but I finished my stuff at 8:30, so I turned off the light and lay down on the beanbags to sleep...

I ended up sleeping through the entire second period and woke up right after it ended. When I came out, everybody kept saying that they had been worried about me, but nobody had thought to look in the senior lounge... hehe...

So yeah, I was asleep for something like two hours and I am still tired, now that school is over...Blah...

Anyhoo, buh bye,
October 17, 2007 at 12:59pm
October 17, 2007 at 12:59pm
Yeah, took it today... *sigh*

I have to get back on the ball with my writing. I've been typing the second draft, but I am thinking that perhaps I should start to write it longhand, considering I seem to never have time to type anymore at home, and at school, the stinking word processing program won't take my format and they haven't gotten us new programs yet... Grr...

HEY! I just heard that "Queen of Glass" has been completed. If you haven't read it, you totally should... It has got to be one of the best books on FP, and she's planning on getting it published. It's a pretty long read, but damn, it is good.

October 15, 2007 at 1:26pm
October 15, 2007 at 1:26pm
Yeah, completely exhausted. I feel like I haven't slept in a month. Not to mention that I am still really stressed out from this weekend, piled on top of my usual stress of school, etc. Bleck... And I got a stinkin' 70 on my math test...

October 14, 2007 at 12:00pm
October 14, 2007 at 12:00pm
Okie day... So I was supposed to go out of town this weekend... another of those business conference deals, like there was a few months ago. But last time (remember my rant?) my mom passed out in the grocery store and she had to go to the hospital... Soooo... this time was supposed to be THE time, this time... Wellllllllllllll...

My mom decided that she was going to get utterly exhausted the last few days of the week before the weekend, and so... Thursday night... she goes to the emergency room. I swear, she waited until about 10:30, during which time I was having to pack both to leave for the weekend, and to potentially go to school the next day depending on where she went... She went to the emergency room...

But I had already sent a note in that I wasn't going to school Friday, so I took advantage of that and so I stayed home. Good thing that too, because my dad had to go to work and if my brothers had been left alone at home the whole day, we wouldn't have been able to find the house afterwards and all we would find of them would be my little sister sobbing over the bloody remains of where they had ripped eachother to shreds with spoons (one bro) and crutches (the other one that crushed his knee)...

Anyway, so they have kept me busy and now I have to go and do the homework that I was planning on doing leisurely over the weekend in a quiet hotel room with cable, but am now having to frantically do with one eye on my little siblings as my dad goes to finally pick my mom up from the hospital (Friday to Sunday! Geez...)

Alrighty, well, must go... Just had to take a break and rant...


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