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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1188536
Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the strangest love..
I am a writer... A teen writer... Teen as in highschooler... Highschooler as in insanely-busy-geek-with-no-social-life-outside-of-school-and-abnormal-circle-of-friends-who-are-all-at-school-anyway-and-don't-really-count... *smacks forehead* I don't know whatever possessed me to start doing this, but you know the old quote:

"Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the longest love..."

Okay, so that isn't an old quote. I made it up. But hey, I'm a writer!

Rated "T" because I get a little heated when I rant angrily... Not scorching, but more than lukewarm...
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October 10, 2007 at 10:13pm
October 10, 2007 at 10:13pm
Holy cow, if only I had known what I was getting myself into. I haven't looked back at my old chapters for months. O.O

Anyway, dead tired right now... Have no energy to write. My little bro dropped a rock on his right knee (O.O)? and he had to go to a doctor, and then the ER... Gah! And I had to go with him to the doctor's because my mom seemed to think that I would have to get him out of the car (her back is not so good). I was pretty sure that was what those wonderful nurses are for, but whatever... So I was there for an hour and a half (looking at my wonderfully shitty first draft) only to have my brother come back out and say that they hadn't been able to find out anything and that he should go to the emergency room... GAH! But my mom had mercy on me and let me go to my aunt's house for her to take me home (it would take too long for my mom to go all the way home and then all the way to the ER). Well, I was there for about two hours, and I only got home about half an hour ago (9:30-ish)... *sighs*

Anyway, going to bed now... School tomorrow... =_=

October 9, 2007 at 1:44pm
October 9, 2007 at 1:44pm
Alas, my writing competition and I have both unanimously decided that the project is off... School has suddenly gotten much more demanding, not to mention that I really need to start work on "Ocean of Tears," which has been neglected for the past few weeks. So... Don't expect the novel-in-a-month: I am not mentally up to it right now... (nor physically, because you can only pack so much into a certain amount of time) Highschool sucks...

October 9, 2007 at 12:53pm
October 9, 2007 at 12:53pm
When I talk about major changes in my storyline, I mean BIG changes. Prologue is *puh* out of there, completely deleted. Goodbye cliche fantasy warscene - your demise will be swift and painful as you are dissected, torn apart, examined and inserted in condensed form among other chapters. *mwhahahaha* Watch out chapters - you are about to get overhauled. *rubs hands gleefully*

I plant to do this on hard copies, with printouts of my chapters, as well as my beta's corrected chapters, along with all of her emails with comments. I have a fabulous beta, I swear. She is really, really great. She is so supportive, sticking by me in my temporary insanity as I overhaul this strange story, with its billion, so far unrelated, characters. But have no fear: they will eventually meet up and will all have a common thread. It might take a while, but it will happen. I promise.

I actually wrote this on paper before I sat here to type it up. I wrote it in history class, while we were discussing a lot of political issues. It didn't really have anything to do with our history textbook - we are doing American History, but we just got to the Revolution - but it was a great discussion. I'm not much of a political person, I don't follow it much, but I do have opinions on some things. I really like my history teacher, because she is willing to let us go off on a tangent discussion as long as we are able to prove our points. She doesn't want us to just give opinions; she wants us to back them up. It's really great, since it is teaching us to argue and actually think.

And then we had religion class (this was after history class, so I am running off script). We were debating the soul, my teacher trying to prove it to us. But I was not satisfied with her arguement (I do believe in a soul, but the arguement was based on the assumption that someone did believe in an afterlife. It was a really weak arguement...) and kept trying to prove my point. Don't get me wrong, I love my religion teacher - she is da bomb! - but I tore her arguement apart and am fairly satisfied that I won. Granted, she didn't concede because just as she was about to make another arguement, the stupid bell rang. I could have kept that up for another hour, I swear. It was awesome. I love debating things I am passionate about. But I would never join a debate club. Like I have said before, I hate having to do things that I am forced into , and in debate club, I would likely be forced to argue for or against things that I don't care about.

Oh, by the way, I am going out of town for three days this week: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So don't expect anything from me then; I won't have a computer.

Anyway, I have to go. I have English and Chemistry homework to do, not to mention I have my novel-in-a-month, and at least a little second-draft planning for "Ocean of Tears."


October 8, 2007 at 1:17pm
October 8, 2007 at 1:17pm
Yeah, I have a three-day weekend. *whoot* Having said that, I have a boat-load of stuff to do... *sigh*

A good read (writing how-to) is "Sol on Writing" by Sol Stein. It is fabulous. Another good one is "Revision" by Kit Reed. Both are great resources: really clear and actually helpful.

Sort of stuck in a rut with my novel-in-a-month. Talk about Writer's Block. I have to force myself to write at least a page everyday. I've only been doing this for 8 days. What is wrong with me? Maybe it is because I HAVE to do it. I very rarely like doing things I HAVE to do. If I choose to do it and set my own hours and limits, then I am fine. Granted, I made the choice to do this, but now it has become a guilt-driven obligation, rather than a fun project like my wonderful "Ocean of Tears" (which I now have to rewrite *whoot*)

Ooh, one more reading recommendation: "The Bartimaeus Trilogy" by Jonathan Stroud. Hysterical. The footnotes are the best thing... A highly recommended book on my list...

Anyway, ta... I have a bunch of stuff to do...

http://www.fictionpress.com/u/477768/ (the faster link... the other one is ridiculously long...)
October 7, 2007 at 3:07pm
October 7, 2007 at 3:07pm
Hello there...

I got *pinged* with inspiration last night based off of one of my beta's comments on a chapter and now I am going to have to go back and entirely rewrite OoT to accommodate the new plot that I have come up with. Not to mention that I will have to stop writing OoS so that I can get the new storyline in shape. There is no point in carrying on with an old storyline that I am going to have to change anyway... *sigh*

Ah the life of a writer.

October 5, 2007 at 1:56pm
October 5, 2007 at 1:56pm
Dane Cook... Got to love that guy. Watch "Brain Ninjas" if you ever get the chance. Don't if you have a problem with the f-bomb, but it is doggone funny...

Anyway, just dropping by to make myself feel better, and to waste time instead of writing my novel in a month. Five days in already! O.O

October 3, 2007 at 2:00pm
October 3, 2007 at 2:00pm
And I'm going to be gone a bit longer...

I have my computer back now, but I have taken on that insane challenge "NaNoWriMo."

Granted, the official challenge doesn't take place until November, but I wanted to try it on my own to see if I am phyiscally and mentally capable before attempting it officially. I've already got some competition at school, so I'm not likely to give up any time soon. I intend to whup his butt...

So, yeah, no spare time... Ta!

September 27, 2007 at 1:57pm
September 27, 2007 at 1:57pm
My computer has been sent to Geek Squad to be debugged because some evil jerkwad infected it with a virus and installed spyware. *grumbles angrily* If I ever get my hands on them, they are so dead meat.

So right now I am at school with their wonderful keyboards *coos in love* and their great rolling chairs. They are so awesome. I am so planning to hall-race with them...

Anyway, I am really pissed off about my algebra II grade. Long story, which I won't relate in detail because I don't want to reveal anything too much (kind of personal) but it involves a teacher driving me buggy and my total lack of mathematical skill in general. Ugh. I am a creative arts sort of person peoplesteds! Not so much the math/science! GAH!

Yeah, nothing much to say, other than that I keep forgetting my characters' names in a few chapters. They are all minor characters, but now I fully understand why in the writing how-to books, they tell you to keep a list of your characters' names next to your computer.

Anyhoo, ta for now!

September 22, 2007 at 10:15am
September 22, 2007 at 10:15am
No refunds...

“This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.”

So says the disclaimer in every book of fiction. This little piece of text resides just about the publisher information, so that by the time the reader can verify the identity of the publisher who printed this blatant rip-off retelling of the Holocaust, they know that the publisher is totally clueless to the fact that they are publishing something that is so totally obviously resembling an actual event. This of course, makes the reader become disgusted with the publisher’s lack of insight, so they boycott the company, start protests and marches, and the publishing company dissolves in the stream of media coverage, law suits and general bad publicity.

Okay, so maybe that entire scenario was a product of my strange mind. But really, look at that disclaimer. Look really hard… Harder than that… But not THAT hard… Sheesh! You trying to fry your brains or something?

Ahem… Read any book on characterization. They will tell you to observe other people’s traits and habits: how they wear their tie, what they do when they are eating. Then you take those traits and make a character out of them, combining things characteristic of many people and smushing them into this one little person made of paper and ink.

Soooo… Any resemblance to an actual person is entirely intentional. You wanted your character to have a voice like Bill Clinton. You wanted her to be a completely obnoxious brat like your little cousin, who smears lipstick on all of your posters on the wall. You take that instance and stick it in a book to vent your frustration at her, just changing names so that her mother can’t sue the pants off you for printing her daughter’s identity without permission.

That disclaimer is completely false. While yes, the book itself is a product of the author’s mind, and there may be things that could never happen in real life, but the people and the events have to be grounded in some sort of Earth reality, otherwise the audience would never get it. Unless they were from planet 347.B in the Nubular System. And even then, they might wonder why the heck you were writing, to the exact detail, the character of public enemy number 1, who was currently all over the news, and making him your hero. What kind of sick person are you, anyway?

See what I am saying? Probably not. After all, you guys are from Earth. Those 347.Bians are all over what I am saying right now. They are all nodding their brain pans in agreement. Except they don’t have brains. So… Yeah, never mind…

Anyhoo, that is my little rant for today… Ciao and I hope you all are having a great weekend!

September 19, 2007 at 5:08pm
September 19, 2007 at 5:08pm
Yup, a little brain dead am I. Sorry for the meager pickings today.

Guck...Being a flightly writer [(c) me] is quite the interesting challenge. I tried writing with outlines before, and while I do still have a general idea of where the story is going, I basically threw all those outlines out the window and just started writing. I still had all my character development, still had all that work I had done for forever and ever. So that is all safe. But then I just sat down and went "WHEEE!" and started writing. It can be a relief sometimes, because I don't have to stress about staying exactly on my outline (which I know you don't always have to do, but I tend to), but it can also be a pain, because the weirdest things happen and until I start editing, I have to go "Well... I started it. I might as well finish it through."

Sometimes that mentality is good: it opens up some really cool stuff. But at the same time, you can drag the line only so far and then you look back and say "what the h***?" At least I do.

So right now, my life is balanced between "ooh! that's brilliant!" and "holy cow, what was I on?" Actually at this point, it's probably leaning more towards the latter. I guess that's my own fault, but that gives me total whining rights. I can't blame anybody but myself, but I can blame myself quite loudly.

Anyway, on a side note: I got my permit last Wednesday! *whoot* Don't know why it took me so long to remember that here. I drove the entire way home from school today, went through my first traffic light, my first four-way stop, and my first time on a road with two lanes going the same way. And with traffic !Yay me! Up til now it's been backroads with no one on them really early in the morning. At least I get lots of practice with the curves. Anyhoo, very proud of myself. *praise me!* *praise me!*

Oh, and I just uploaded 26 of "Ocean of Tears" on FP! Yay me!

Alrighty "ta" now... I guess I said a little more than nothing really, but I told you I was a flighty writer.


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